Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1960: Thunder Elder Doom!

A piece of boiling in the fairy hall ...

The chaotic fairy elders stood up in unison, breathing heavily, and they were all unbelievable.

Especially the king of the phoenix is ​​full of waves, it is him, he actually got out of the customs, what happened? I didn't even know it.

If this one goes out, it will sensational the entire Xianlaoyuan, but Daxianlao appears in front of them like this ...

This made them extremely shocked. Is it because Su Yan let Daxian Lao show up.


Lei Xianlao's face was a little stubborn. Where did Virtue go? This is pointing to his nose and saying that he has lost his virtue, and is not worthy to be called a fairy.

Lei Xianlao is a lot of age, and he is ranked third in Xianlaoyuan. When was he so humiliated.

"Why? The wings are hard and I don't want to follow the old man's teachings."

The old monk walked slowly, and it really looked very weak. A gust of wind seemed to blow down.

The atmosphere of the entire Xianlao Palace was extremely suppressed.

All the people stood up, their bodies were a little stiff, and their expressions were all horrified. They were really immortal!

The head of the fairy elders in Xianlaoyuan has the same status as the dean. Not to mention Lei Xianlao, even if the young emperor came, they must respect the respected master. This cultivated Tianjiao character is too much.

No one knows how old he is. The time when the legend rises is quite far away now, and even he has once emperor!

What does this exist? Emperor Feng!

Legend has it that he was seriously injured and lost his identity as an emperor.

There are a lot of legends about this, but his prestige has existed for a long time, and it has been remembered so far.

But this emperor is a fact, and this student, there are many fairy kings, both identity and origin are too shocking, affecting the long years.

"Great fairy, I ..."

Lei Xianlao was breathing heavily, clenching his fists, but still gritted his teeth: "In the old days, I underestimated Su Yan, but the King of Thunder had a strong enough talent, and I would convince the rest of Tianjiao to give the quota to Su. inflammation."

Phoenix King's expression was very cold. At this time, he was still preparing to protect his son!

Being the same father, the Phoenix King could pay his life for his children, and he could pay all the costs.

For the sake of self-interest, Lei Xianlao has been targeting a great sage of Su Yan, and has lost the qualities that Xianlao deserves.

"Hahaha ..."

The old monk smiled, making Chaos fairy elders feel a little tight in their hearts. Do you really think your parents are invincible? I dare not listen to the words of Daxian Lao.

You know, this matter is the fault of Lei Xianlao, Su Yan is the **** of war in the first mountain, and Yu Yan should be Su Yan in the war.

No matter how strong he is, and how much he is against the sky, Xian Lao Yuan has already given up three places to give to the first mountain.

But the impact of the emperor's exit from the customs, indeed, Su Yan, they can do without quota.

But why did the Thunder King get it?

The laughter of Daxian Lao is not too big, and they can't talk too much about Chao Xian Lao Lao, but the moment of falling in Lei Xian Lao's ears, it is simply the thunder of the thunder, making him tremble and swing around!

"how is this possible,......"

Lei Xianlao couldn't help but knelt down. His heart was horrified, didn't he say that Daxian Laotian was going to sit down? Already without the heyday fighting power, why can it still emit such a strong force?

Especially today's Daxian Lao, the old really does not have the prestige of the heyday, but for Lei Xian Lao Da Xian Lao like the ancient dragon that shook the ancients, the terrible makes him uncontrollable trembling!

"Ahem ..."

Lei Xianlao blew out a blood, flew out sturdily, hit the gate of Xianlaoyuan with his body, and growled in pain.

No matter how powerful he is, the face of the great emperor who was once emperor can only be suffocated from the soul. Like a little chicken, he will be swallowed up by death.

Phoenix King, they were amazed, they deserved to be the elders of Immortal Cave!

How can this name be called in vain? It is the head of the fairy elders in the Xianlaoyuan. They have trained the emperor and daughter. They are suddenly old and decayed.

"Xianlaoyuan is the core institution of the fairyland, and the documents that tell the world can be arbitrarily recognized. What is the significance of the existence of the Xianlaoyuan?"

Old Lei Xian coughed up blood and wanted to refute, but couldn't say a word.

The Xianlaoyuan is enough to represent the honor and disgrace of the fairyland. Once the Thunder King replaced Su Yan's battle, it would be unfair and let the world question the authority of the institution!

"Lei Xianlao, doing things unfairly, won the third Xianlao identity!"

At the next moment, the whole Xianlaoyuan roared and shivered, and the guards outside the door were frightened, but he was the third Xianlao, so he was dismissed. If it spreads, he might not have much impact!

"Da Xian Lao, you don't have this qualification!"

Lei Xianlao was almost mad. He spent a long time before he reached the position of the third Xianlao. His identity and status could be discussed with the emperor's giant, but Da Xianlao was stripped of his identity with a word!

This is equivalent to killing him, even worse than death!

Although he is also a fairy king, can this be the same? I was stripped of my identity and reduced to a big laughing stock!

"Bold, Lei Xian, I think you are crazy!"

Angrily, the old monkey raised his big hand and threw it on Lei Xian's old body.


The old Lei Xian screamed, and was instantly hit hard. The skin was fleshy. The body of the fairy king was roaring and trembling, coughing up blood in his mouth, and he was unwilling to live.

He is going to die. Know that the old monkey was listening to the sound of the avenue under the door of the Daxian old man, which is equal to half a master in his young age.

Similarly, if Daxian Lao is in the heyday, he dare to say nothing? Don't you think Daxian Lao is already old!

"Not in compliance."

Daxian Lao sighed ...

There was a sensation in the Xianlaoyuan, and a group of Chaos Xianlao stood up instantly, and they could unite and strip off the identity of the third Xianlao, which was in line with the process.

"The old man can't do it alone, I think the old Lei Xian was imprisoned on the 33rd floor of the Hell Sea."

"I have no objections!"

Chao Xian Lao, their hairs stood upright, secretly wiped cold sweat for Lei Xian Lao, imprisoned on the 33rd floor of Hell Sea, this is endless torture!

Moreover, Daxian Lao didn't even say how many years he would be punished ...

Lei Xian was so angry that he was about to explode, his eyes were splitting, and he wanted to roar out. He had always fancyed the authority that could not be challenged. Now he was directly dispatched to the Hell Sea to suffer, and it might be better to avoid the identity of the third Xian Lao!

The old monk's figure gradually blurred, leaving a sentence: "Su Yan is very good, the hero does not ask for a way out, does Xianlaoyuan not even have a little tolerant ability?"

"I will follow the teachings of Daxian ..."

All beings shouted in unison, some people were guilty, at first they were prejudiced against Su Yan, beware everywhere.

Such as

The Guohuang Kings are all the same as Lei Xianlao. It is estimated that Su Yan has already died, and may have already gone. And with Su Yan ’s current achievements, he has to admit that he is strong enough to rank among the most extreme levels of Xianren Cave .

The flesh can be shoulder to shoulder with the phoenix girl, does this still need to be questioned? It can be seen how great Su Yan is!

Lei Xianlao was still trembling, unable to get up, and suffocating in his heart, but he didn't dare to radiate any killing thoughts.

King Huang sneered. This old thing is blamed on himself. Su Yan's power is obvious to all. They directly customized the list and won the King of Thunder. Su Yan got the right to participate in the battle.

The old monkey was relieved, and the old fairy took Su Yan very seriously. With this kind of care, they didn't dare to act rashly.

"This matter is confidential and cannot be passed on."

Chao Xian Lao said with a smile: "I didn't expect that Da Xian Lao was out of the border, and since he is not willing to show up, we don't have to say anything."

One by one, the elders left the elders' courtyard, and no one dared to say more.

Lei Xianlao was still shaking, and finally a group of guards came in, took out the chain and locked Lei Xianlao, and imprisoned him to the Sea of ​​Hell!


Su Yan and Wu Hong talked for a night, and they were very happy to make these friends.

Back to Xianrendong to say goodbye to everyone, but to his surprise, batch after batch of deacons came, and it seemed that he had been waiting for himself for a long time.

This is completely different from the situation when I first came to Xianren Cave, like avoiding the **** of plague. Now a group of deacon elders, all smiles on their faces, come up and talk to Su Yan.

Baocai was stunned. At first glance, it looked like an old friend who hadn't seen for many years. These old things are too enthusiastic. What medicine is sold in the gourd?

Even their appellations have changed, biting one heavenly king!

"Qingtian Shengwang, Emperor Xing has several top-notch cave buildings near the uppermost cave, which are all first-class cave heavens. Are you satisfied?" A strong man took out a topographic map of Emperor Star for Su Yan to choose Cave house.

There is a weirdness in the mind of King Tiangang. These caves are much stronger than his own. Let Su Yan choose at will. This is the treatment of the strongest disciple!

"Haha, King Qi Tiansheng, you have crossed the Tianlong Realm, this is a million points token ..."

"Holy King, you are a disciple who is vigorously cultivated in Xianren Cave. You can go to all major lands. Heaven and Earth Dragon Pond, Immortal King Enlightenment, Emperor Star Origin, Immortal Warrior Pond ....." Out of a dozen treasures, King Tiangang was jealous.

Even in the end, he gave the emperor city a mansion, which shocked Tiebao's wealth, which was a terrible treatment. The mansion of the emperor city could not be bought with money, and the mansions held by Xianrendong were all of the same size. !

"Elders, you are too kind."

Su Yan is a little confused, these ten deacons are bitter in heart, and would like to say that if Lei Xianlao was not pressed into the sea of ​​hell, and you got ten more places, the ghost would help you like this.

Some fairy kings have already spoken, give Su Yan some special care, and take the opportunity to dispel his vigilance against the fairy hole!

Daxianlao has spoken, saying that Su Yan is very good!

What weight is this?

How can the immortal elders of all walks of life fail to weigh them out, and the immortal elders value Su Yan, and will naturally give the strongest treatment!

There are even deacons who are simple and direct, saying that Su Yan can take friends to Dixing to go as a follower.

This is not surprising. King Tianwu has many followers around them and can live in Dixing for a long time.

"Where is Lei Xianlao?" Su Yan wondered, where did he go? Why don't you jump out and embarrass yourself?

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