Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1983: Lei Xianlao!

This is not the great fairy in Su Yan's memory, this is the time and space emperor in the heyday!

The magical powers, the years in the left palm, and the time and space in the right hand, this is the invincible power of the world, the Megatron universe, suppress the heavenly king, sacrifice the most powerful and invincible power, penetrate this road, and kill to the end!

"Feidi, this is the battle of Fengdi!"

Su Yan's eyes widened, exuding a strong spiritual will, surging, and a roar: "If one day, I want to emperor emperor in emperor city, emperor emperor!"

He turned into the strongest **** and demon shining the universe starry sky. This is the belief of the invincible in the world. It is violently burning and fierce to the extreme. Although he looks very small under the road of the blood-stained emperor, he has the most terrible strong heart.

Su Yan is also a little surprised. Does the Emperor Feng have to go this way?

The Emperor City Emperor is aimed at the younger generation and is given a title, but what does it mean to emperor this way?

Su Yan was a little puzzled, **** road, inexplicable horror, he vaguely saw the figure of the old fairy, rushed to the peak, the pressure of the heavenly king, as if standing at the peak of the fairy world, turning into an invincible emperor By!

In the old days, the old immortal said that the emperor needed to break the supreme rule of law. On the extreme of this road, a new high was reached, and this is the emperor.

How can Dilu understand? What is the meaning of his existence?

Emperor Feng and Emperor seem to be slightly different!

"You surprised me!"

Suddenly, a figure appeared in Su Yan's eyes. The elder and deceased old immortal came and walked towards Su Yan step by step. He sighed. He didn't expect Su Yan to see, Feng Di Road!

This was beyond his surprise. The former emperor also came, but the picture they saw was completely different from Su Yan's.

The thirty-three heavens of Hell and Haiti were created by the elders. The long years of waiting have not seen any young man breaking the thirty-third heaven because of this test, it is the heart of the people!

"Da Xian Lao." Su Yan was a little embarrassed, and hesitantly asked: "I am cleared?"

"Are there any questions?"

Daxian Lao Yang Tian laughed: "I really didn't expect that you would use this situation to break through, Su Yan, you surprised me, you are born a **** of war!"


It is of great significance to be recognized as the God of War by Daxian Lao.

"The juniors are puzzled." Su Yan scratched her head. The experience just now was very complicated, and it was unclear if you really spent hundreds of millions of years.

"I used the time and space as the power to create the magic mirror sea of ​​the thirty-three heavens of the sea of ​​hell."

Daxian Lao said: "This magic mirror sea, the test is the human heart, is seven emotions and six desires, your faith is very strong, but after all, what surprised me is that you just want to survive."

"I only believe in my own eyes, and what I see with my own eyes is real." Su Yan was silent for a while, his tone was low, and said: "Some scenes touched my soul, but I don't believe it!"

Daxian Lao sighed, which also showed that Su Yan's experience was too complicated. It sounded easy to survive. In fact, it was very difficult for Su Yan. He experienced too many life-and-death dangers and death.

In the past, some passers-by experienced more complicated experiences. After all, Daxian Lao created the phantom mirror sea created by his emperor's law of Taoism. How is this different from what actually happened?

Su Yan's breaking through this level surprised him deeply. The most dangerous greeds and lusts are almost absent. Of course, this is related to Su Yan's life experience. He supported the past with his strong tenacity, but the ultimate hatred will evolve. Strong desire.

There is hatred buried in Su Yan's heart, which can make the fall of the imperial family ridiculous. Without strong power, how can it be done?

Otherwise, Su Yan could not even see the emperor's road stained with blood, and only with the heart of a terrible strong man could he see the final test.

"Dare to ask Daxian Lao, really no one has broken the thirty-three days before?" Su

Yan asked.

"There is a past, but I don't agree, so I failed."

Da Xian Lao's response surprised Su Yan. Da Xian Lao is really personal, but this is the difficulty he created. The attitude of the passers-by to break the level depends on the measurement of Da Xian Lao.

Because what is tested here is the human heart, not the Tao heart, the strength, nor the talent.

"What the fairy world needs is a strong man, a truly strong man!"

Daxian Lao Shen said: "Su Yan, there are many corpses on the road to the strong. Looking at the whole fairyland, there are really too few emperors born. This road is very risky for death."

"Young people don't understand, does the emperor really need the world to seal?" Su Yan asked.

"What do you think?" Daxian Lao asked.

"I believe that people will win the sky!"

Su Yan sighed, revealing boundless spirits and spirits. There is no doubt that his will has transformed into the highest. No one can oppress him. He has his way and will not be affected by any factors.

"It's a pity." Daxian Lao sighed.

"Why did Da Xian Lao say this?" Su Yan swallowed the mountains and rivers with long black hair and said, "I don't think my road will be wrong!"

"What I said just now does not mean this."

Daxian Lao waved his hand and sighed: "You can say this sentence, it has something to do with your growth history, and if I guess well, it also has something to do with the ancient books you cultivated."

Su Yan couldn't help but nod his head. When everything started, he rose from the weak and the small. His path became wider and wider, and the grander and bigger. The strong man's heart was stable as a rock, and he would not be affected or rewritten by any factors.

"What did Daxian Lao just mean?" Su Yan curiously asked.

"It's nothing, Su Yan, you have cleared the customs. Go back to my cave house."

Daxian Lao looked a little over, Su Yan was a good seedling, he all moved to the idea of ​​accepting students, but Su Yan firmly believed in his own way, which made him cut off his thoughts, but felt very sorry, he did not know whether he could wait in his lifetime , Can really satisfy his disciples.

"Younger people understand."

Su Yan's eyes flashed with surprise, already cleared, and the points were about to soar to 30 million.

Maybe Daxian Lao will give him some care, and Su Yan's points should be used well.

Time and Space Emperor's figure has disappeared. Su Yan took a deep breath and walked towards the front road. He saw a road leading to the outside world.


Suddenly, an exclaimed sound exploded, waking up Su Yan in contemplation.

At the end of the abyss, there is an old man wearing a lightning gown.

He was locked one by one thick chains, the four chains were forged from masterbatch, locking his legs and palms.

Regardless of how Lei Xianlao is struggling, he is shocked by these chains, torture, endless torture, Lei Xianlao feels that he is going to die, but this torture is endless, there is no time limit.

Also in this, Lei Xianlao did not know how long the time had passed. Did the fairy demon war begin? Was Su Yan killed?

someone is coming!

This made Lei Xianlao seeing hope. Has his punishment ended? Has anyone tempted themselves to leave?

In the dark abyss, a figure gradually came out.

As the figure approached, and his face was clear, Lei Xian was stupid, and even he was shaking, his lips were trembling, and his eyes were bloodshot, almost bursting.

Su Yan, Su Yan!

How could it be him? How could he come here?

"Old Lei Xian, long time no see."

Su Yan approached and looked at him and said: "When I saw you, I was really awesome, and the authority is monstrous, like an emperor!"

"Su Yan, you little man."

Old Lei Xian smiled angrily: "I'm here to humiliate me

sentence? Although the old man was trapped here, it does not mean that he was trapped inside for a lifetime. You killed my little Lei and took away Da Lei ’s name from the battle. Although I do n’t know what means you used to let Daxian Lao speak for you, but You must not be proud for too long! "

"Lei Xianlao, you are really confident." Su Yan sneered, squinting at him and said: "You are an Xianlao who lost virtue, why should I ask Daxianlao to intercede for me, everything is your own fault, but also Do you think I am idle? I came here to humiliate you, you really want to do too much. "

"you you!"

Lei Xianlao pointed at Su Yan, his expression was very abnormal, and suddenly there was a trace of panic in his eyes. Was Su Yan clearing the Hell Sea, but how could this be possible!

Su Yan smiled and shook his head, too lazy to say a word to him.


Lei Xianlao's eyes were full of anger, and his eyes were full of resentment. He said: "Su Yan, don't think that you get the quota for the fairy demon battle, you will be in one step. What do you think the fairy demon battlefield is? Why did you die! "

"It won't bother you to worry about it." Su Yan sneered. "You still care more about yourself. It's really pitiful to be chained here."

"Su Yan, you miscellaneous fish, miscellaneous fish!"

The old face of Lei Xian shrieked and shouted: "How long can you live for the miscellaneous fish from the lower realm? Can the fairy and reincarnation emperors spare you? But it is only a short time and you dare to step into the imperial city for half a step, it is yours end!"


Su Yan slapped in the past, and the old face of Lei Xian shivered violently. This slap was very heavy, and Su Yan used the power of Xianwang Zhenyu furnace.

"Su Yan ..."

Lei Xianlao is going to be mad, shining all over his body, his divine light is soaring, his body is like thunder and lightning, and he wants to break the chain.

But the more violent he struggled, the stronger the power of the four major chains became, and all the supreme laws extended in order, locking Lei Xianlao's body, and imprisoning the source of energy in his body!

"Old things, all locked up, dare to threaten me."

Su Yan slapped again, making his other half of his face bloody.

He also felt uneasy and kicked hard.

Lei Xianlao was really going crazy. Su Yan punched and kicked, treating him like a sandbag.

Who is he?

Xianlaoyuan The third Xianlao, the authoritative monstrous, but Su Yan is a great sage, dare to beat himself here ...

"Dare to stare at me!"

Su Yan hit the uppercut and shouted at the same time: "I have to say, I am very happy. I was really happy to see Lei Xianlao imprisoned here, but I am more happy to see you after punching you!"

Su Yantong knocked down the water dog and vented his indignation.

"The rough skin is thick and it's too hard to beat."

Su Yan finished playing a set of achievements, and then said: "Yes, Lei Xianlao, by the way, I ’m telling you, Huanghuang has become a Xianlao Xianlao Xianlao. I really want to thank you for your success. The old position has moved forward, and even if you really go out, it is not the top ten immortal elders in the Immortal Home! "

"Su Yan ..."

Old Lei Xian roared sternly, his arms trembling, like a fierce beast, suddenly pulled up from the ground and swooped toward Su Yan.

Unfortunately, he can't rush through ...

Su Yan's back is far away from Lei Xianlao. He is mad here, and the roar is loosing, and he is almost losing his mind. With his mouth open, he can't wait to swallow Su Yan alive, and the bones and **** they eat are not left.

Su Yan shivered, the old things hated him too much, and once released, he would madly avenge himself!

"Find a chance to die him ..."

Su Yanpiao came out with a word that made the screaming Lei Xianlao panic for a moment, not daring to say anything.

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