Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1984: Giveaway!

"Come out, three days and three nights, Su Yan finally came out."

A large number of monks watched the overseas world of Hell, and they closely followed Su Yan's movement.

"Three days and three nights, don't know what level Su Yan broke through?"

Someone whispered: "It's a little faster in time, but with Su Yan's spiritual will, it's not difficult to break into the 30th floor, maybe there is hope to break into the 31st floor!"

Deacon of Hell Sea drove Su Yan's record to the stele!


A tremendous loud explosion exploded, and the earth was shaken, accompanied by bizarre energy ripples, sweeping the distant earth, and quickly spread to the entire emperor star.

"That is......."

In the Xianlaoyuan, a large number of Xianlao walked out, their faces changed drastically, and they pointed at the stele of the Hell Sea, and their pupils were filled with shock.

"Are you about to break the record?"

Some elders were horrified, some could n’t believe their eyes. Su Yan ’s name climbed all the way, and soon drove to the top ten, and it continued to erupt, and has flocked to the top three, but his rankings are still skyrocketing. .

"Is it necessary?"

The King Huang was overjoyed. It was a terrifying event. Su Yan's name raged all the way to the top. The emperor and the women were all suppressed.

With a name, the crown is ancient and modern, and it rushed to the top, just like the invincible fairy king, overlooking the heavenly arrogant overlords of all roads, and occupying the top position!

"Oh my **** ..."

The All Saints shivered and screamed wildly. Su Yan's time in the Hell Sea directly overwhelmed all the titles, and he was the first to dominate.

This was a vast storm. Liting swept the caves, sensational fairy caves, and held thousands of wizards. An emperor city, Qitian Saint King, who beat the king of heaven and martial arts, beat the emperor in flesh, and now has the spiritual will and the crown of ancient and modern!

This day is destined to be not calm, the news is full of sky.

The King of Thunder was silent when they got the news. Su Yan's ranking is really scary. Does his spiritual will approach the emperor infinitely?

Su Yan's ranking, the Hell Sea is the 32nd heavy sky, and the speed of breaking the barrier is the first!

This was amazing. The empresses were amazed by the news. With such a strong spiritual will, the road of the strong will inevitably shine in the future. Su Yan's fame has once again climbed, and has been among the most outstanding in Xianren Cave.

If Su Yan wins the fairy demon war, it will be the day of Su Yan's famous fairy world.

"Su Yan Chong, the higher you climb, the louder the cries, and the greater the mortality rate." King Tian Dao is really jealous. Su Yan has been in Xianren Cave for less than a year, and his popularity has surpassed himself. , Among the peak series of Xianren Cave.

"Phoenix, retreat with peace of mind, cherish this rare opportunity, and look forward to your return to the top and make new heights."

The old monkey laughed, the king of the phoenix was already the elder of the old fairy yard. The big celestial old also took care of the king of the phoenix and let it enter the supreme cave mansion for meditation, which is free.

The Phoenix King has not yet refined the universe treasure liquid, and his injuries have improved a lot. Now the Phoenix King is about to step into the fairy king cave. Once he returns to the peak, maybe the Phoenix King has great hope to go further!

"I'm not delaying time anymore. It's already very limited." Huang Wang laughed. After all, it was a fairy cave. In his realm, he practiced in it for a month. It was not a simple 100,000 points. .

"Tianhou King, don't forget to inform me at that time, I will go to the Three Realms battlefield."

Before leaving, the king of the phoenix got rid of the king of the monkey. This made the king of the monkey smile bitterly. The king of phoenix still failed to let go.

"Tianhou Wang needless to say, I went to the Battlefield of the Three Realms, the biggest purpose is to help Su Yan as much as possible. Once this battle starts, I must wait to support Su Yan in the past and cheer."

The Phoenix King laughed magnificently, looking forward to Su Yan's performance in the fairy demon war. If he could really win three wars and three wins, that kind of influence would be unparalleled.

Wu Hong and they came to congratulate them. Su Yan's breakthrough this time completely respected his status. Even if he does not stay in Xianren Cave in the future, Xian Laoyuan will definitely absorb it, and most of them will go to the core layer of Xianjie.

"Da Xian Lao let me go over, I will not talk to you more." Su Yan smiled.

"Dai Xian called you?"

There was a strange color in the eyes of Tianli Wang, secretly heard: "Su Yan, this is a great thing, wait and see, Xianren Cave will soon be full of sensation."

"Great thing?"

Su Yan was surprised. What did Tianli Wang mean? He didn't make it clear.

This time, Su Yan didn't need Chaos Xianlao to lead, unimpeded along the way, once again came to Daxianlao's cave.

Revisiting Emperor Cave Mansion, Su Yan had a different experience.

Especially when I saw Tianhe in the Three Realms again, I also had a brand-new understanding.

He looks farther and deeper!

Su Yan is more determined on his own way, and reveals a strong conviction, as if he was baptized, the body of flesh and blood is brilliant and splendid!

"Da Xian Lao, the juniors are here." Su Yan screamed across the Tianhe from the Three Realms.

However, Su Yan's body is somewhat uncontrolled and falls towards the Three Realms Tianhe. The silver lake ripples. Even if Su Yan is a grain of sand, the moment when he falls into the Three Realms Tianhe, it will set off a huge wave!

The silver lake is rippling and rippling, and it is full of energy of time and space and time.

Every drop of water is as vast and magnificent as the universe, and it is heavily suppressed, covering Su Yan's flesh!

His flesh and blood fluttered, and his blood and blood decayed to the extreme, falling into the death jedi.

And his feet, which fell into the lake in full, broke apart silently, the flesh and blood dried up without any energy, and turned into a waste body.

"Old fairy."

Su Yan groaned. How could he withstand the repression of the Three Realms Tianhe? Although the Three Realms Tianhe had never given up killing thoughts, how could Su Yan withstand this drop of water alone.

What does Daxian Lao mean? Is it a new trial?

When his half body fell into the Tianhe of the Three Realms, Su Yan felt that his lower body was ruined, with no vitality and continuous destruction.

The terrifying time force, the grand air flow, submerged Su Yan, from the chest, to the neck, to the face, ...

The process is really scary ...

Su Yan has no room to contend with. When he fell into the lake completely, it seemed that he had really died. The flesh was reduced to an empty shell, and no essence of blood could be found!


Suddenly, a big hand came in, a golden elixir in the palm of the hand rotated, layered, and scattered the golden energy of the sky. This is the regenerated pill of the fairy king tempered by the blood of the fairy king. In the waste body of Su Yan!

In a short period of time, Su Yan awakened in decay, broke out in silence, and stood at the peak in a short period of time.

After all, the Three Realms Tianhe did not destroy Su Yan's flesh, but swallowed the essence of blood and blood in Su Yan's body. Now he is remodeled with the fairy king regeneration pill, and the body of Su Yan is strengthened, and the pores are all thinning the tide of life!

Powerful and heyday.

Su Yan's flesh is flaming and complete. Su Yan in the state of the eighth heaven peak field is full of amazing power, and he can explode endlessly.

Daxian veteran Su Yan grabbed from the Three Realms Tianhe, and a large crack broke out in the silver lake, and a three-color river burst out of it!

"this is?"

Su Yan was shocked, three-color river, black, gold, white, three colors.

Three ten-foot-long rivers flowed in the void, and the Tianwei of Horror Avenue was covered, and the vast time and space trembling.

Gradually, the breath of the three-color river violently blasted out the three-color divine light. Each divine light was like a condensed large universe. The three divine lights were in full bloom. It was like the birth of a small three-world pattern, full of power to suppress the fairy king!

Su Yan is horrified that this is not the Three Realms Tianhe, but contains the power that the Three Realms Tianhe should have.

The three-color rivers are transcending the order of the supreme law, which contains years, time and space, and is in front of Su Yan. The flowing breath can be said to be terrifying!

It's just that Su Yan found himself connected to the three-color river, and had a sense of blood connection. This was the essence of the blood that he sprinkled in the lake just now, and he merged with the three-color river, so Su Yan developed this feeling.

"Da Xian Lao, this gift is too expensive, and the juniors are ashamed."

Su Yan understood Daxian Lao's intentions, stood up and said in a deep voice, Daxian Lao has helped him a lot, and now gives him such supreme treasure, which makes Su Yan's heart mixed.

"Su Yan, this treasure is not for you, just for you."

Daxian Lao said with a smile: "This treasure is the forging of the Three Realms Tianhe. The leftovers are the small Three Realms Tianhe I forged. You have this body protector, and you can only stand on the battlefield of the Three Realms!"

"Lend me?"

Su Yan smiled bitterly. This is no different from sending. His essence blood has been integrated into the three-color Tianhe, which is equal to one of Su Yan's mortal treasures!

"You will do great things in the future, I don't want to see you die in advance."

Daxian Lao lamented: "I used to kill many young talents in the fairy realm who were assassinated by the dark realm. It was a heavy loss for the fairy realm. If they had this treasure protection body, they would not die."

"Of course, with your strength, you cannot urge the small Three Realms Tianhe."

Daxian Lao whispered: "I'm already in the stele treasure trove and put a war armor, which can be exchanged for your points."

Su Yan is silent, is this the benefit Tianli Wang said?

This should be Daxian Lao's personal belongings. Perhaps the **** demon chess board of Tianli King was given by Tianxian Lao to Tianli Wang. Of course, he needed to use points for redemption.

But Daxianlao gives away for free!

As a fairy in the fairy cave, does he need points? The value of the demon chess board is far more than 20 million points, and even the emperors will spend their blood to bid.

During the long years, the Daxian Lao sent out a lot of rare rare treasures that had been harvested, and gave the superb potential protection body!

But this time is different. Daxian Lao donated the small three-world Tianhe to Su Yan, which is priceless and cannot be measured by wealth.

"Da Xian Lao, you can't bear to care for your juniors like this."

Su Yan got up and performed a big gift. Su Yan really needed the final treasure. The tower's spiritual will was asleep. Su Yan didn't want to move too much. Moreover, it killed the Emperor Ba Tian. That was a big event.

"Su Yan, you have a long way to go in the future. You stand here, but I can't understand it."

Daxian Lao waved: "No matter what happens in the future, if there is a catastrophe in the fairyland one day, I hope I can help."

"How did Daxian Lao say this, punishing the juniors!" Su Yan was shocked.

"Go ..."

Daxian Lao waved and sent Su Yan away.

In his turbid pupils, light and dark, standing vaguely indistinctly, a ray of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"I'm really old and not much life ..."

He tried to deduce Su Yan, but there was a great fear in the future, the Three Realms wept blood, the God cried ghostly, and vaguely peeped into the outrageous pictures outside the Three Realms.

Who is he? Time and Space Emperor!

The mastery of the mastery of time and space and time is only a glimpse of Su Yan ’s future picture, and nothing else can be seen clearly, and the future outrageous space and time pictures must be suppressed and bombarded!

Even, Daxianlao insight, Su Yan and Immortal Realm have deep involvement and influence.

Even this unclear influence made Daxian Lao feel the heart palpitations, Su Yan has a big problem, his origin may be unimaginable!

After all, Su Yan comes from the human world. Why does it have a profound influence on the fairy world?

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