Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1986: Battlefield of the Three Realms!

The ancient altar glows, flowing out of the law of the supreme order of heaven, and rushes to the top of the sky, interweaving into a space-time wormhole.

The Xianlaoyuan walked out of a large number of strong men and guarded the space-time wormhole to prevent the accidents along the way.

Su Yan They came inside, the space-time wormhole was enough to cover the sky and the sea, so large, that there was a breath of air.

The wars of immortals and demons have begun, and a large number of heroes in Xianrendong will go to the battlefield of the Three Realms. This time is no exception, and it is more than in previous years.


The Emperor Star has a trumpet and sounds for nine days, foreshadowing the journey, making everyone warm and bloody.

The once-in-a-million-year war of immortals started, and the imperial cities were boiling into pieces.

Some powerful people have already discovered that the huge and magnificent space-time wormhole is full of heaven and earth, and is beginning to cross toward the heaven and earth outside the territory!

"It's too big. What level of cross-border teleportation is this?" Some people exclaimed. This is a visual shock. Even the corner of the space-time wormhole is magnificent.

"This is one of the strongest cross-border giant arrays in the fairy realm. It is rumored to be forged by the emperor. Once this cross-border giant array is activated, the necessary details are unimaginable, and it can cross millions of ancient worlds in a short time and is fast. Ridiculous! "

As early as a year ago, there have been successive groups of people starting warships, crossing the outer universe, and rushing to the battlefield of the Three Realms.

After all, the road is far away, there is no super cross-border giant array, a short time to cross the past is equivalent to a fool's dream, once the giant array is expensive to open, even the imperial family rarely activate this type of transmission array.

"The fairy demon war has started!"

The emperor city became a sensation, and there were veterans in the battlefield who roared: "Triumph, triumph!"


The entire emperor city resonated, the cries were endless, shattered the clouds, and the terrible sound of the call broke out, all forming the sound of the pulsating sky and earth, sweeping the vast universe, it was almost spreading across the fairy world!


The rear of the Imperial City is the magnificent ten battlefields. The endless battlefield world is sloshing. The hundreds of millions of troops in the fairyland are roaring. The youngest generation's strongest hegemony is about to start. They are also enthusiastic and want to go to war.

Suddenly it was King Tianli who had participated in the fairy demon war many times. At this moment, he was also vigorously bloody, and there was a strong fighting intention rising in his body.


Some people couldn't help but roared, and the influence was too great. They seemed to gather the attention of the whole fairyland. Only if they won, they would not lose their high hopes.


In an instant, the space-time wormhole tore the heaven and earth, and in the moment of crossing the outer universe, the entire wormhole burned, guarding the rune **** and light, carrying the power of the outer universe to repel, and opened a long river of time and space!

Suddenly, Su Yan felt that she had crossed the thousands of ancient worlds and traversed an intractable distance.

"How far is it?"

Some disciples whispered, their spirits were a little trance, the speed was really too fast, the time and space rivers were vaguely distorted, and under the rush, if they were not guarded by the time and space wormholes, these people would be torn to pieces by the terrible crossing power!

"It takes one day and one night to leap so fast?"

They were terrified. There was a fairy elder who puzzled them. The battlefield of the Three Realms was very far away from the fairy realm. Otherwise, once the battlefield of the Three Realms battled, it would spread to the fairy realm, so the distance is difficult to measure.

Su Yan's eyes looked around, through the wormhole in time and space, to see the gray outer universe.

Big to boundless, few stars, and lifeless, Su Yan saw a huge warship followed by a large warship along the way. This is a warship belonging to various groups of immortals, and rushed out of the outer universe.

Some have participated in the war in the past, and some have participated in the army in the past!

The mortality rate in the Three Realms battlefield is very high, but there are also large army guards, almost all veterans drawn from the top ten battlefields, rushed to the battlefield.

Although it is the main battlefield of the Immortal King, a large number of powerful Sacred Realms can gather, and they can also exert a strong deterrent, but the mortality rate is too high.

Quiet in the huge space-time wormhole, the fairy king inside also looked serious.

The king of phoenix did not come, and it was the most critical moment. The monkey king did not disturb him. He estimated that if he was slow, it would be a few years, and if he was fast, he would be able to reach the fairy king.

The cosmic treasure liquid helped him a lot, and similarly the Monkey King also took the opportunity to recover the decayed blood.

Gradually, the speed of space-time wormholes traversed a little weaker. Su Yan saw that there was a big storm ahead. Suddenly, the space-time wormholes were isolated, and the powers were still cold all over the body.

"what is that?"

The wormholes in time and space are a bit unstable, and they break into the turbulence. The huge wormholes tremble in time and space, but the order symbols covering the wormholes are shining brightly, and they resist the suppression of the dark storms in the sky.

"The chaos in time and space is rare."

A fairy king's tone was low, saying: "It is very close to the battlefield of the Three Realms, where is very fierce, often sweeping through time and space, the fairy king falls into it, and it is difficult to kill it!"

Su Yan was shocked and had limited knowledge of the battlefields of the Three Realms.

Legend has it that in the distant past, it was not called the Three Realms Battlefield, but it was Sanjie Mountain!

Legend has it that Sanjie Mountain is a special land formed by the interweaving of the universe order of the Three Realms. It hides the immortals of the heavens, a treasure that is hard to find in the world, and an unimaginable creation.

Containing the opportunity of shocking the world, since the outbreak of war in the Three Realms, the legend of the Three Realms Mountain was broken, and gradually changed the world of the battlefield. After a long period of fighting, the blood flow one after another era of the universe without extinguishing.

Naturally, the fierce air has formed, but it is also accompanied by heaven, great fortune, and legend is that in the battlefield of the Three Realms, it is like hitting big luck, and you can get imperial medicine!

"Su Yan, Sanjie Mountain is said to be still there."

Su Yan They listened to a group of fairy elders talking, and Tianli Wang came over and whispered: "It is said that the Three Realms Mountain is broken, but it has turned into the biggest fierce battlefield in the Three Realms, and also contains great opportunities."

"Have you been to Sanjie Mountain?" Su Yan whispered.

Tianli Wang stared and said: "The chance of the fairy king's death is terrifying. It is difficult for the emperor to fully explore. Even the Three Realms Mountain is extremely vast. In general, this is the universe's forbidden zone, and the burial world of the fairy world. It ’s the same, but Sanjie Mountain is more shocking than the burial world! "

"The place where the laws of the Three Realms' Universe Order intersect is terrible and scary." Tianli Wang said stupidly, "Several generations have also hit the Universiade alive, harvesting great opportunities, and even rumored that there are powerful people harvesting and forging in the Three Realms Mountain. , With the qualification of emperor! "

Su Yan dumbfounded, such a terrible fortune, all contain the opportunity to achieve the emperor.

"But ..." Tianli King shook his head; "It's too hard to come out alive. Once the fairy king took the emperor's weapon to take risks, and they all turned into a robbery."

Su Yan was amazed that the forging material of the Three Realms Tianhe, the old fairy, came from the Three Realms Mountain?

Even the history of the existence of Sanjie Mountain is beyond measure. After a long period of time, the imperial emperor giants have not been able to explore the broken Sanjie Mountain, so now they dare to venture to Sanjie Mountain, which is tantamount to finding their own way.

"In short!" Tianli Wang smiled a little frivolously: "The battlefield of the Three Realms can be quite a lot, I really want to take risks."

"If you want to die, don't hold Su Yan's back!" Tianlong Nuo also came, glaring at Tianli Wang, and said: "You can't be too greedy as a man. The Three Realms battlefield has existed for so long.

Opportunities have also been dug away! "

"I'm not saying that." Tianli Wang shouted: "Dragon girl, you have Wanlongjia, we don't have anything, you say is it Su Yan? When we go to Sanjie Mountain, maybe we can dig out the peak treasure. ! "

Tianlong female black face, such a treasure, even if Tianli King really hit a big opportunity in the battlefield of the Three Realms, it is not necessarily comparable to Wanlongjia and Tiandijia!

"Tianli Wang, your ambition is so great."

The King of Heavenly Dao came suddenly and leaned in and interjected: "Now the war of immortals should be considered."

"Use you to talk?" Tianli Wang said badly.

Tian Dao Wang's expression was cold, and did not want to provoke Tian Li Wang, said to Su Yan; "Su Yan, are you right? You are the main force of the competition, you should focus on how to win a game."

"You have enough heart to worry about." Su Yan's eyes looked at the King of Heavenly Path and sneered.

"Su Yan, I kindly remind you, why don't you recognize the exaltation?" The King of Heavenly Path was not happy. His generation of congenital body is extremely powerful and coldly said: "Don't think that if you win the King of Heavenly King, you can push the dark world young overlord."

"Don't even say that, I think so." Su Yan sneered.

"Your breath is really not small." Heavenly King's expression was cold.

"If you don't even have the conviction to win, just go home and drink milk." Su Yan waved her hands, like chasing flies.

"You!" The King of Heavenly Dao was furious, and the vast avenue of Tianwei was faintly rippling in the human body.

"I advise you not to provoke me." Su Yan pointed at him and said: "Stay away from me."


Tiandao Wang smiled in a low voice and angrily: "What a Su Yan, I kindly kindly point you, you don't know how to lift, I think how long you can laugh.

Seeing this leave, the dragon girl shook her head and said: "It's not a good bird. These days, it has been proclaiming you are the main force in the war. Why did you provoke him?

"Not sure, what do he do?"

Su Yan shook his head, too lazy to ignore.

He was also very worried, and did not know what the killer mace left by the ancient emperor was guiding?

Even Su Yan was not thinking about it. Is it guiding the Three Realms Mountain?

"Are we here?"

Someone whispered that the speed of the space-time wormhole was slow again, and some scenes were seen.

The gray world gradually has land!

But it was too quiet to hear anything.

The endless gray ground, even Wang Yang and the river are dead.

"The fringe."

Some elders responded that the battlefields of the Three Realms are very large, the vastness is somewhat outrageous, and the ancient land is also boundless. Through the gray world, the picture in front is somewhat red, like blood flowers blooming, covering the infinite starry sky.


Some people exclaimed that the world is too big, and the space-time wormholes seem small.

Because of this world, the sky is deep and unimaginable. The stars in the sky are infested with blood, like a vast chaotic sea lying on the top of the sky.

The earth is broad and magnificent.

Looking forward, the depressed person couldn't breathe.

Because the crowds of soldiers, densely packed, looked endlessly.

Too many, countless soldiers, giant birds lying in the sky, powerful fairy, standing at the end of the world, guarding the frontier, they exude unparalleled oppressive power, so that many people can not see through.

Especially the young monks who rarely go to the battlefield are pale, and they must fall to the ground!

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