Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1987: Fairy wall

Chao Xian Lao's brows were locked, and his big hand waved to hold these untenable monks.

"Direct eviction."

His eyes flashed cold, where is this place? What are they doing here? What area is Xianren Cave? If the veterans of the **** battle field see a group of young men and women in Xianrendong, their legs and feet are not stable, they will inevitably be disappointed!

More than a dozen young men and women faced like white paper, sweating like rain, so expelled like that, it was too shameful.


Su Yan murmured to herself, too big and boundless, and the fairy king seemed a little weak.

Bloody pungent ...

The breath between the world and the earth is cold and cold, and the killing gas is tumbling and invading the soul!

Living here all year round, people will be madly tortured, the ground is full of blood, and the bones are made into pieces, many of them have not come to clean up in a hurry.

The vast and unrooted battlefield, the light of the sun, countless soldiers standing at the front, killing countless!

"Woo ..."

Weeping, some soldiers excavated the corpses from the dead, all of them are meritorious people.

There is no doubt that just now a big war broke out here, and many elders fell in the fairyland.

This is the place where the heroes bury their bones, the place where the strong lay blood, and the place where the emperor's giants will die.

In the vast battlefield world, some tribes, stone houses, and military camps are mostly dilapidated.

Immortal world once wanted to try to build a giant city here, but unfortunately it never happened, there was only a wall made of blood and bones, traversing hundreds of millions of miles, lingering with endless blood!

A wall, hundreds of millions of miles away!

The walls soared into the sky beyond the domain, with some cracks and some gaps. Some people found a large number of soldiers melting the bones of the dead and repairing the broken walls.

This scene touched people's hearts. Many disciples in Xianren Cave were horrified. They used corpse bones as walls and the sun and moon stars as the cornerstone. The town is here and staying at the forefront!

When Su Yan and them approached, this wall resembled a resurrection, turned into a huge fierce for hundreds of millions of miles, steaming like a sea of ​​blood, exuding the roar of the ancient heroes, all torn apart the human spiritual will!

It's terrifying and terrifying, like billions of gods and demons rushing out of the wall, crammed into the starry sky, endlessly fierce.

"How many years will it take for such a terrible wall to be completed?" Some disciples shuddered: "Forged from the blood and bones of our ancestors, it's cruel ..."

"Cruel? Your experience is too little!" Chaos Xian Lao frowned and said in a deep voice: "Once the strongest battlefield fights, it will easily break down countless lines of defense. If there is no fairy demon wall at the forefront, the death and injury will be even worse.

"You are all lucky, grow up in the fairy cave, live in the strongest cave heaven in the fairy world, take a look at this battlefield, look at this world, every battle against the dead soldiers in the fairy world, millions of units To calculate, how deadly are the casualties! "

A strong man shouted, his heart twisted like a knife, and his mind was out of control. At that time, he was one of them, and he survived the endless torture.

The battle of race is the cruelest. You can only survive if you are dead!

Someone understands why Daxian Lao punished the young emperor.

In the battlefield of the Three Realms, the Immortal King is required to guard, especially Dacheng Immortal King!


Suddenly, at the top of the wall of the gods and demons, a horrible figure leaped down, making this magnificent world a bit gloomy, the stars shiver in the sky, this is an unmatched divine power, and suddenly fell down.

An old man in black robe, carrying a blood-stained bronze sword tire, with eyes as cold as electricity, patrolling the disciples of this huge fairy cave.

"Have seen the second fairy!"

The chaotic fairy elders walked forward in unison, showing respect in their words.

Ye Lingtian, the second immortal elder of Immortal Cave, is extremely powerful, and ranks among the peak areas of Dacheng Immortal King. He has been fighting in the Three Realms battlefield for thousands of years.

Fluctuations in people's hearts.

This is one of the pillars of Immortal Realm in the battlefield of the Three Realms. The divine power is like a giant **** in the world, and he stays in the Battlefield of the Three Realms for a longer period, not less than hundreds of thousands of years!

Ye Lingtian was wearing a blood-stained blue robe, and looked at the emperor and the women with indifferent eyes. When she finally fixed on Su Yan, she was a little stunned.

Although in the Battlefield of the Three Realms, you can also know what happened in Xianren Cave these days. Old Lei Xian was suppressed, and the young emperor went to the Battlefield of the Three Realms to commit crimes. These have a deep relationship with Su Yan.

Ye Lingtian's eyes retreated and he said with a deep voice: "There is still three days left, you rest in place, don't run around!"

Some disciples frowned, why not arrange some corrections and accommodation in the palace?

This is different from what they expected, there was no welcome ceremony.

I thought it was being watched by everyone. Who knows how to recuperate on the spot, I feel extremely uncomfortable and feel that I have been treated unfairly.

I boldly asked the soldiers next to me and asked for a clean house.

These soldiers frowned and were extremely uncomfortable, but this is the battlefield, a place to fight, but not a place for them to enjoy the blessings!


Tianli Wang slapped up, pumped up a group of people who united to interrogate, and whispered to the soldier in front.

"Tianli King ..."

The men and women who were beaten were so angry that their faces were pale, but they dared not speak out.

No one sympathizes with them, the emperor and the girl do n’t all rest on the spot, do you still want to sleep in the palace?

"You can go."

A group of soldiers patrolled nearby, exhaling powerful forces one by one, telling them not to run around.

Su Yan also followed the past, and Tianli Wang said in a low voice: "It is getting worse and worse, the situation is not optimistic, many fighters are not at their peak, and the loss will be great in the end!"

The soldiers in the sky were a little tired and slept in the same place. Many soldiers were mentally tired and had not received excellent cultivation for a long time.

Su Yan is close to the wall of immortal demon. It is too majestic and vast. The soldiers in the sky stand on the wall and guard the frontier. Everyone is a brave veteran.

Su Yan and King Tianli rose from the ground and rushed towards the city wall.

Came here, the sky is terrible killing gas, cold biting, but Su Yan and Tianli Wang are accustomed to, not affected and disturbed.

"Are there new recruits?"

A veteran opened his eyes and noticed them.

Tianli Wang showed his identity, the soldiers in this area are all in a spirit, and the fairy war is about to start.

Tianli Wang took the initiative to report his name, which immediately caused shock to these soldiers, and he naturally admired Tianli Wang for a long time.

"Veteran, how long has it not been to add new soldiers?" Tianli Wang asked.

A group of veterans sighed and really forgot for years.

Su Yan's face was light, and tens of millions of years of cultivation, did the imperial clan feel that the heyday was ushered in?

"Fortunately in the past few years, the dark world has gone crazy like a crazy one, and the offensive is getting stronger and stronger." A veteran sighed and said, "If we go on like this, most of us can't stand it, but this is not ours. You can worry about it. "

"It will always be good." King Tianli solemnly said: "The big immortal elders have already gone through the customs. I believe that these problems will be solved as soon as possible, so that the great emperors will send troops to the battlefield of the Three Realms!"

These veterans naturally know the name of the Emperor of Time and Space and look forward to it.

It's just that I never expected anything ...

They came, the evil spirit breathed into their bodies, and they would live in pain in their later years.

In fact, these tens of millions of years have been slow in the offensive in the dark realm, and the great emperors and important members of the Xianlaoyuan have retired in large numbers.

A large number of veterans standing on the top of the city wall eager to see the powerful and powerful legions of the imperial tribe take over the border, they are already old, and will die soon after they fight.

"Seniors, how long have you been here?" Su Yan asked.

"Seniors don't dare to be." These veterans smiled and were more talkative. Some people have been guarding for thousands of years, some for tens of thousands of years, and some for centuries.

Su Yan sighed in her heart and said, "Are you homesick?"


A group of veterans laughed, and some people were very direct: "Go back if you die."

Su Yan's fists clenched tightly. They didn't want to be buried here after falling down. They could sleep peacefully.

Su Yan looked at many veterans who lacked arms and legs and felt sad.

My heart is even more disdainful to the young emperor. It is clearly the Dacheng immortal king. He must perform battlefield tasks and deliberately hide his strength. I believe that such problems also exist in other imperial tribes.

Su Yanyi stood against the city wall and looked forward ...

The world in front is dark and fuzzy, gray, and there are not many pictures.

The misty ground, this is the devil's mist drifting, eating bone marrow, inviting soul, very scary!

Once these dark matter spreads to the wall of the fairy demon, it instantly dissipates. This wall, which traverses hundreds of millions of miles, not only blocks the army of the dark world, but also prevents the dark matter from spreading to the camp of the fairy world.

Looking deep into the distance, I couldn't see how many substantive pictures at all.

"what is that?"

A cold ray of light flashed from Su Yan's eyes. He looked through the sky and saw that in the east area where the dark matter was surging, there were some broken walls, looming in the darkness, and some traces of the creatures of the dark world!

The area is very close to the fairy wall.

The offensive can break out at any time in the dark world, and every veteran is tense to prevent the disaster from coming!

"The human world!"

A veteran sighed: "Legend, the world of mankind also cast the wall of immortal demon at that time, to fight against the dark world with us, but ..."

Su Yan's fists clenched firmly, where belongs to the camp of the human world.

But it was long gone, and the camp was occupied by the dark world.

"Bring the bow!"

Tianli Wang reached out and several veterans walked together carrying the bow tire.

The bow tire is too heavy, forged from the material of the sun and the moon, this is a fairy bow, but a big killer for guarding the frontier. There is a fairy bow for every one mile!

The bow tire requires several veterans to work together to activate it. The king of Tianli directly lifts up with one arm, making these veterans laugh, the king of Tianli is the king of Tianli, and it is really powerful!

"This time the fairy demon war, I heard that they all came, it must be very exciting."

A veteran who has stood the battlefield laughed, looking forward to it.

The veterans nearby nodded frequently, and they also noticed that a large number of young heroes in the distance were all the seeds of the powerful in the future.

Ye Lingtian looked indifferent and did not give them any attention.

They should be allowed to understand what a battlefield is, and here, only war, no one will take care of them!

"let me do it."

Su Yan reached out and disappointed many veterans. Who is this young man?

Su Yan carrying the bow of the fairy realm, can feel its power, killing thoughts, fierceness, extreme horror, can easily erupt terror power!

"Young man, be careful." A veteran reminded: "The fairy bow is extremely strong. Although you can handle it, you can pull it up and you need to run twelve points of strength. Every time you will hurt yourself."

Some veterans were sentimental. Once there were many good brothers who desperately pulled the fairy bow to bombard the enemy who attacked the wall of the demon. As a result, they were exhausted, exhausted, and died!

It is cruel to live and die, but there is no way to do it. The town is here, and it is responsible.

After all, there is a big gap between the fairy king of the fairy world and the dark world, which must be filled with human life.

Ye Lingtian appeared here silently, carrying a bronze sword tire, looking at Su Yan with his eyes, and then looked at the wasteland of the frontier of the human boundary in the distance, and he sighed.

Can't come back!

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