Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1984: Son of Ancestral God!

Thunder rolls and ears are deaf!

"Stop shouting ..."

The younger generation in the Imperial City shouted: "I can't stand it anymore, my ears are about to blow up. What are you crazy about? Can you let us young people look up to the Qitian Saint King!"

The turbulence of the imperial city, like a thunder and thunder, caused a sensation in heaven and earth, sweeping across the vast ancient world, and the influence is still spreading and climbing!

The extremely horrible picture shocked the big universe. Within the imperial city, the powerful people of all roads exploded emotionally, roaring in the sky, and their faces were full of fanaticism, which can be said to be crazy!

"Happy, happy, too **** happy!"

The fairy kings are roaring, unable to control their emotions. It is really like running away, their chests are violently ups and downs, and the blood of the battle is burning, it seems to be glorious with Su Yan!

Heaven and earth, the universe is wild, shouting.

On the grand suspended platform of the imperial city, in the battlefield of immortal demon, Su Yan originated from the camp of the immortal world, standing on the ground, the strongest to the hegemon, and the strong are surging. This is terrifying. It is simply the reincarnation of a young heavenly emperor. Young God of War!

"Who is he? Who can tell me who he is!"

Shen Mian, the long-time old antique, walked out of the Dong Mansion, approached the Emperor City, watched the Battle of the Immortals, and watched Su Yan, all burst into tears.

"Qi Tian Sheng Wang, Su Yan!"

Someone responded enthusiastically, what a feat it was, how shocking it was to cry ghosts and gods.

The young **** of war from the dark feather **** tribe, kneeled down in front of Su Yan and worshipped!

When did such an outrageous thing happen? Never before, the wars of gods and demons in the past years have opened, and the fairy world has lost less and lost more, but this time is different. Although two games have been lost in the front, the Dragon Girl has also lost.

This battle Su Yanli turned the tide and saved everything!


The soldiers standing on the wall of the whole fairy demon were all dull and couldn't say a word. The picture in front of them was too dreamy?

Only the sentence of the young emperor, echoed in the silent world, he was also in a daze. The young God of War of the Shenyu clan, would n’t it be the personnel of the fairy clan arranged in the dark world?

After the world was quiet for a short time, there was an outcry of Chongxiao.


Suddenly, the soldiers all over the sky roared and shouted uniformly. The low momentum before the fairy world suddenly exploded into the heyday, and continued to burn and boil, triggering an unparalleled flourishing storm.

Suddenly, some disciples in Xianrendong were all screaming with excitement. They were too sturdy. He pressed him directly to the ground and bowed down to worship!

"Hahahaha ..."

Tianli King laughed, this battle won too beautiful, enough to load into the history of fairyland, glorious!

These people, Xianjun, are silent, and their faces are unsightly or happy. In short, there is a bitter cold in their hearts. This enemy is really terrible. He is hiding too deep!

"Fuck ..."

In the dark, a fairy feather clan fairy king with huge wings was splitting his eyes, almost mad, and was really spurting blood. The young warlord of the clan kneeled on the ring and created a record. What a shame!

A group of invincible God of War are going crazy, what is this?

They were all shivering with anger, hoping to kill him by entering the battlefield.

"Shut me up ..."

The Black Heavenly King's face was gloomy and their spirits exuded, suppressing their violent emotions.

Ye Lingyun, they are breathing heavily, and they can see that Su Yan's spiritual will is comparable to that of the emperor, and shattered the spiritual will of the Shenyu clan God of War!

Supreme spiritual shock, did Su Yan clear the sea of ​​hell?

Hei Tianwang clearly saw that their faces are all changing. A young man in the field of the Great Saint has the spiritual will to surpass Dacheng Immortal King. So what did he experience? How much hardship and hardship has gone through!

Could it be that an immortal of the same generation would be born in Immortal Realm. Their purpose in this campaign was to kill the emperor, but they never thought of a super dark horse!

"Father and mother, your revenge has been reported, reported ..."

Mu Xin's big eyes rolled down with tears, and suddenly saw the young **** of war of the Shenyu tribe kneeling in front of Su Yan, but her parents died after all.

"Fuck ...."

At this time, the man of the Shenyu tribe kneeling in front of Su Yan growled, and his mental will tended to reshape.

He tried to get up, but despair again and again.

"Do not....."

He groaned in pain, like crazy, crying sometimes, laughing sometimes.

This is completely dementia, let the strong man of the dark world give out a scream of exhaustion, shame, it is really a shame!

"kill me....."

The young gods of the Shenyu tribe can sometimes stay awake, howling desperately, wishing to die immediately, and unwilling to bear this humiliation!


Su Yan suddenly raised his hand, cleaved a sharp sword, and cut it on his body!


The young God of War of the Shenyu tribe screamed. He never died, but his life was cut with a sword.

It was a sword-cutting years, and every sword he cut was a great loss of vitality, life was declining, and the realm was falling.

The young God of War of the Shenyu tribe cried out in fear and anxiety. He was getting older and his life was drying up. He quickly turned into a tiny ant, kneeling in front of Su Yan and trembling, completely surrendered!

This scene makes the powerful in the dark world even more furious!

"You are going to die, you are going to die!"

"No one has ever dared to humiliate my strong in the dark world, never!"

"Even if you are stronger, there has never been an immortal powerhouse. Dare to humiliate my dark realm in this way, you will die in the battlefield of the three realms, and fall in the fairy demon war!"

A group of invincible kings roared, and their emotions were crazy. There was no way Su Yan's posture was too high. He was domineering in the fairy world camp, but for the dark world, it was a shame.

"Why am I Su Yan?"

His eyes gleamed with cold luster, kicking the Shenyu tribe man with one foot and smashing it in front of Mu Xin!

In an instant, his mental will recovered, and he made a roar to break away and kill himself.

But it was too late. Mu Xin's fist was punched up, and one fist exploded it alive, even the Yuanshen was held by Mu Xin in the palm of his hand.

"Do not!"

The young God of War of the Shenyu clan shouted sternly. He would rather kill himself than die in the hands of Mu Xin, but in the hands of the descendants of the creatures that he had eaten.

It's a pity that he was unable to stop, Yuan Yuan was pinched by Mu Xin inch by inch!

Mu Xin's silver hair with her hair scattered and fluttering, can't wait to yell into the sky and tell his tragic parents that your revenge has come.

Baocai was a little silent, and if the King Huang saw it with his own eyes, he could definitely relieve a little bit of hatred.

"Su Yan, you are too arrogant. I will throw your repression into the dark world and endure the torture of the long years!" A strong man with a human face and a snake body roared with shame, and the third war ended like this!

"Next, who will come!"

Su Yan's black shawl said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, I let you have one hand, enough to beat you!"

"Kill kill ..."


The wall of immortal demon broke out loudly, and the endless warriors roared. Their figures were all glorious and bright with Su Yan, so that they stood upright and really straightened their waist plates!

The God of War in the dark world of the human face snake body roared and strongly demanded to join the war.

Black Heavenly King's complexion is so dark that the existence of such an extraordinary spiritual will is more threatening than their emperor, and they will have great hope in the future!

Must be removed and strangled in the cradle!

"Xianjie, you have to change people!" Hei Tianwang forced his anger and asked with a cold face.

"Naturally does not change." The young emperor preemptively spoke. He knew that the power of Su Yan would definitely lead to the ultimate killer of the dark realm. Otherwise, once Su Yan survives, even if the dark realm wins, then this matter will become the dark realm. What a shame!

Baocai sneered, the young emperor on this dog day, wishing that Su Yan would die immediately in the fairy demon war. There really was no racial honor or disgrace. Living in the emperor mythology, he thought that the immortal world could not be separated from the emperor.


In an instant, a violent breath that was enough to destroy the world burst out, and a huge black crack broke out on the fairy demon battlefield, directly impacting on Su Yan, containing a terrifying time and space killing!

Su Yan stepped on the sky and had the ambition to devour the cosmic floods, letting the world and the world change, and letting the killing fall into shock, he remained motionless.

The roar exploded and the atmosphere of terror filled the world.

The scene of the fairy demon war has changed greatly. A golden king beast leaps across the battlefield world, staring at the universe starry sky, and the breath exhaled makes people tremble.

The Golden King Beast, who has completely returned to his ancestors, appeared, and the words rumbling, shaking the fairy demon battlefield.

"Su Yan, how do you want to die?"

The eyes of the Golden King Beast stood upright and shouted: "I thought to fight you fair and let you die a little decently, but you should not be too arrogant, too arrogant and overbearing, you really should not! "

The final roar, the Golden King Beast completely changed, the overall gold, even the bones in the body, blood, flesh, and eyes, also turned into gold color, full of monstrous power!

The galaxy is vast, the stars tremble, and Tianyu seems to explode!

The horrible ridiculous power is so extreme that it is the endless blazing sun burning, the blood is vast, and all the saints are burned to disintegrate, which shocks the universe!

"How can it be...."

The face of the Dacheng Immortal King of the wilderness family suddenly changed: "Is he a son of the ancestor of the dark beast ancestor!"

The emperor's breath was heavy, and her eyes shone with horror. Everything was returned to the ancestor. Is it really the son of the ancestor? If this is the case, then this golden king beast will be the most terrible God of War in the dark world!

Powerful as the emperor felt shocked by the pressure of the world. Once Su Yan defeated, she had to join the war!

Otherwise, Xianjie will choose to admit defeat directly, but most of this time it won't. After all, the lineup of Xianren Cave is too large. Once lost, the blow to Xianjie will be extremely heavy!

"The son of the ancestor of the Dark Orcs!"

All the gods of war in the dark world were trembling: "How could this happen, once the son of the ancestor **** came out of the gate and overwhelmed the world, I will wait for the day when there is no beginning, the day when there is no beginning!"

They were shocked, and the dragons were all frightened. The Dark King Beast was powerful enough now. Su Yan now faces the absolute strongest overlord in the dark world.

Baocai was all sweaty, what should I do? It wants to pull Su Yan to withdraw.

But once the fairy demon war started, no one could interfere.

"Su Yan, come to lead the death!"

The golden king beast roared, Cangyu shuddered, the sun and the moon wailed, and the whole battlefield was trembling.

Su Yan stands in the world of battlefields, standing on top of the earth, letting the great changes between the world and the world shock, he is not affected, not disturbed, contains an invincible atmosphere, and coldly said: "You can be cut off once in that year, now also exception!"

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