Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1995: God of War!

The golden king beast is full of light, like a cast of immortal gold, full of powerful power!


It was covered with golden hair and fluttered, sending a roar to shake the rivers and mountains, all of them were broken apart, the rocks were rolling, and the universe was roaring!

The God of War players of all races in the dark world are silent. Once the son of the ancestor comes out, it will definitely dominate the world. No one can check and balance, and the arrogance of the dark world will lose all its glory.

A pair of golden pupils is like the sun is burning, radiating golden divine light, the emperor is trembling, not daring to look at it, just feel that the body must be smelted!

The vast emperor city is not quiet, and there are heated discussions everywhere, and the fairy king has an ominous hunch.

Zhuyue's flourishing jade clenched her hands and forcibly suppressed the panic in her heart. She believed that his man would not be weaker than anyone, and never would!

"Hahaha ..."

The golden king beast laughed, his huge body glowed, and it was filled with heaven and earth. The star sea in his golden pupil was disillusioned, and the affected time and space shuddered, collapsed, and even twisted.

Who dares to admit it is powerful?

Ye Lingyun was worried about Su Yan. The enemy he encountered was too powerful. This is the killer of the dark world, a golden king beast called the son of the ancestor.

"Su Yan, come to lead the death!"

In an instant, Tianyu cracked. This was just the blood of the body of the Golden King Beast whistling. Who dares to believe that this is a great saint?

That kind of combat power, that kind of breath, is extremely intense!

The emperor was tremble with goose bumps.

Who is the match?

The fairy soldiers roared, Su Yan fought out a monstrous force in the first battle. If the second battle was defeated and crushed, this would be extremely heavy for the fairy world!


It's coming, roaring into the sky, bleeding from the pores, tearing the universe, and the world is full of big cracks, especially its body is like a huge star coming from the region, and it strikes Su Yan like lightning!

"Destroyed with one blow!"

In the camp of the dark world, there was a roar of cheers. These people hated Su Yan to the extreme, shame the dark world, and let the Shenyu tribe fall majesty!

"One hit kill!"

The fairy kings of the Shenyu tribe are roaring, and I must say that the breath released by the golden king beast is too shocking.

"Once the son of the ancestor is born, he will dominate the world and order the three realms!"

The gods of war in the dark world roared: "Will kill all the rebels, what is the strongest in the small human world? One blow will kill, one blow will kill!"

"Is it over before it starts?"

The young emperor sneered secretly, the fairy demon battlefield was completely covered by the golden king beast's intense golden blood, wrapped in the terrible power that shattered everything, and was approaching Su Yan, whose figure gradually blurred.

Similarly, the young emperor whispered in his heart that he was going to find a way to stop the emperor from participating in the war. Once the emperor's accidental defeat occurred, he regarded the forbidden woman as well. regret!

"Qingtian Saint King ..."

I do n’t know who roared, and caused the silent soldiers all over the world to roar, cheering for Su Yan, and inspiring his fighting spirit. Suddenly it was a real defeat. They also hope that Su Yantang will fight for a fight!

"Look at it ..."

Suddenly, the scene between heaven and earth was magnificent. In the destruction area where the king beast exudes strong blood, a figure rose up like a **** of war awakened in chaos, terribly scary, and swallowed the universe!


Su Yan waved his fist, stubbornly dominated, and the fist print tore the sky's golden blood ...

And in the process, Su Yan continued to surge, and his body was like the prosperous world of the universe.


The golden king beast roared and killed, and the blood and blood were violent in the blink of an eye, killing unlimited thoughts, sweeping the universe!

The two strong men, in their peak state, collided together.

The world is rumbling, trembling violently, spattering fiercely, all over the whole battlefield world!


Su Yan shouted, swallowed the mountains and rivers, waved his fist, and looked towards him.

One punch after another, each punch is almost to the extreme, but also to the extreme, so that people's eyes can't be opened ...

The golden king beast roared, waving big claws, time and time again, tearing the sky apart, enough to catch the universe stars, and hit Su Yan's fist print together!

"God ..."

The gods are horrified, the picture is more shocking, the stars are trembling, the moon is disintegrating, and the galaxy is diverting!

The strongest power of the saint rises, explodes and sweeps!

In the final moment, the two powerful men roared at the same time, as if the two pillars of Optimus broke the Xiaohan, the mana was monstrous, they hit hundreds of times in a short time, and they exploded in the fairy demon battlefield, surging energy of the world. ripple!

The tremors of the Saints are too arrogant and extremely powerful. The Uranus of the starry sky tribe is amazed. This is the strongest Su Yan, the most invincible **** of war. Su Yan hides too deep, until today's talents find this peak Fighting power!

Su Yan's seven major barriers were definitely deliberately concealed, otherwise he could not be so strong, even if he had battled with King Tianwu in that year, he had not activated the most powerful combat power!


The golden king beast roared, murderous overwhelming, the flesh and blood body looked like burning, covered with hair dancing, like hundreds of millions of sword tires out of the hook, contains the supreme killing order, crushing the world burst!

It was fierce, and the fighting power was mad again, rushing towards Su Yan!

A roar exploded, Su Yan's black hair fluttered, and the horror seemed to be breaking the ground, reshaping the stars and seas, evolving the sun, moon, rivers and mountains, and the hair roots were all like the heavens and everything, containing endless power!


Climbing in the war, it was fierce, and it progressed to fierce heat.

The fairy demon battlefield roared with a devastating storm, and the roaring sounds that made the gods and dares dare to disintegrate, and the world was disintegrated. There were countless big cracks, which almost destroyed the corner of the fairy demon battlefield!

"Clang ..."

In the sky, Mars sputtered and burst the void.

The emperor's eyes flashed with a shock, Su Yan definitely broke the strongest obstacle in the Tianlong Realm, his hair changed, and he collided with the golden king beast covered with golden hair, which looked like a big killer between each other. Bump.

"God of War, this is the God of War, the God of War in my fairy world, the flesh can compete with the son of the ancestral god, and can fight against the flesh of the dark king beast that returns to the ancestor intact!"

Within the imperial city, an older generation of fairy kings roared, and their emotions were completely out of control. This is the most terrifying **** of war. The fighting posture is powerful and overbearing, and the gods of heaven and earth are trembling.

To what level are they strong?

Although the order of the fairy demon battlefield is suppressed and isolated, the order of the world and the world is trembling and it seems to be disintegrating. I can imagine how fierce it is!


In the roar of the golden king beast, all the hairs were burning, and all the bones and bones in the body glowed with it, which contained vast divine power, and it was terrifying to penetrate the universe!


The body of the Golden King Beast has a huge and fuzzy golden figure, roaring the universe, breaking the sky, breaking the sea, and peaking the supernatural power, it has broken through the holy realm and rushed into the realm of the royal road!

This roar will shock three thousand worlds!

The supernatural power that belongs to the vein of the Dark King Beast, specializes in breaking the flesh, and the laws and orders of the whole world are exploded, resulting in a blow of destruction!

Visible to the naked eye, like a huge golden king beast, suddenly hit Su Yan in front of him, trying to swallow it in one breath.


Su Yan stepped on the sky and stood majestic. His body is like the sea of ​​the universe. It contains all the heavens and earth, and the endless order of law flows in a moment. It contains the atmosphere of suppressing the world, and the courage is peerless!


Su Yan lifted his big feet and stepped forward, at this moment the path of supreme majesty was released, the Zhentianshu was released, the golden big feet seemed to come across the river over the years, and suddenly a huge and fuzzy golden beast shadow, **** stepped on Under your feet!

At this moment, Su Yan is like stepping on the head of the ancestral god, standing on top of the earth and dominating the world!


The golden king beast roared, the body was thundering and thundering, and the unparalleled pressure almost shattered it, but his flesh and blood was more vigorous in the oppression, and a more violent blow was sent out, which shocked the Zhentianshu Suppress, kill Su Yan.


Su Yan shouted again, his combat power was violent, his long black hair was dancing like a waterfall, he was majestic, the move was wide open, and he began to suppress!


The world roared, Su Yan swallowed a hundred thousand miles, like a golden giant mountain here, Weizhen Huanyuu, invincible.

The body of the Golden King Beast was trembling, the body's blood was tumbling, and it almost stood unsteady.

Su Yan's fist is too overbearing, like falling into the vast sea of ​​stars, collapsing in the trembling of the void, and the world is shocking.

Su Yan's one-step tricks all contain the power of Weizhen Huanyuu. He has integrated Zhentianshu into the field of battle, and has made Su Yanba dominate the world!

"it is good....."

The King of Heavenly Force shouted, Su Yan's flesh was too overbearing, as if the immortal fairy furnace was burning, the pressure of the sky was falling down, as if covering the nine days and ten places, suppressing the entire fairy demon battlefield!


The mouth and nose of the Golden King Beast are bleeding, and the flesh and blood have a feeling of being crushed by Su Yan!

The world is horrified, the golden king beast is sedated, and is injured, can not stop Su Yan!

Su Yan tyrants came to kill, tall figure Wei shore, his palms fell down at the same time, the vast sea of ​​stars resonated with it, the amount of suppressive force soared a lot, the Cangyu visible in the flesh shell began to be infinitely dark!


The golden king beast roared with earth-shattering ground, and his body was burning blazing, covered with runes of the bright avenue.

Undoubtedly, the supreme potential exclusive to this vein, the combat power burst in a crazy state, and Su Yan's suppression suddenly broke out.

"It's so close to being in full!"

The cold power flashed in the eyes of Hei Tianwang. He really underestimated Su Yan. Similarly, once the complete body of the king beast bloomed, the terror was overflowing, enough to tear the strongest man of his generation, invincible.

"It's over!"

The golden king beast roared, his body was mad, his blood was more violent than the ocean, he collapsed the mountains and rivers, and immediately burst into Su Yan, forming an endless storm and surging, covering a million lively Starry sky!

Ye Lingyun is roaring, how can it be so strong?

Is this really a great saint? Like an invincible emperor roaring.

The stars are drowning in the sky, the world is shaking, the huge beast shadow kills Su Yan!

"Ah kill!"

Su Yan roared and waved a grand fist print, reflecting the mountains and rivers of the sun and the moon, suddenly hit it, and the fist print was instantly enlarged. The invincible fist print collapsed the sky and the big claws of the golden king beast. Smashed together!


A huge earthquake shattered the world, and the boundless earth shook.

There was blood blooming, billowing like waves, drowning the ruined area, and a figure flew out of it.

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