Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1996: Raw tear!

A large piece of blood bloomed, accompanied by a figure, flew out sturdily and seemed to be defeated!

The whole Imperial City fell silent. All the people were holding their breath. Su Yan's power shocked them. King Beast's power made them hairy. They would rather have Su Yan defeated and never want to see him die!

Zhu Yue's heart and liver are trembling, although the picture is a little fuzzy, but she can see at a glance that Su Yan flew out!

Su Yan was injured and was shocked, her fist spattered blood, bloody, shocking.

Big Gold's stiff body is very clear that Su Yan's physical body is terrible, but the strongest king beast of the Dark Clan, in its full body state, is invincible and quite incredible. It is too difficult to win this battle!

"Su Yan ..."

"Qingtian Saint King!"

"Brother Su ..."

Tianli Wang was shocked, and all the disciples of Xianrendong shouted in despair. Was Su Yan about to die? His fists were cracked, and his bones were visible. He obviously suffered terrible damage, and his entire arm was spitting blood.

Xianjun could not help but sigh, Su Yan's powerful he admitted, unfortunately encountered the Golden King Beast, destined to be a tragedy.

"Being on the road in glory is a good destination." The young emperor sneered in his heart. Su Yan's power really shocked him, but this time the dark world was preparing to use it against the emperor's killer. Out!

Baocai shouted, his body was cold, and he was really worried about Su Yan's defeat. Once the defeat was unbearable, this was a fairy demon war and no one could intervene.

Ye Lingyun's breathing was heavy and depressing. They tried to keep calm as much as possible.

"Hahahaha, the king beast is the king beast. The king beast of the whole body, if it really dominates the world, the strong man in the human world will not work at all."

"His power is undoubtedly, but unfortunately the wrong era is born, which also indicates that the gas of the human world has come to an end. Such a terrible God of War has encountered a king of the whole body, which is really sad."

Some people sneered and some whispered that there was a lot of noise in the dark camp. As long as the king beast crushed Su Yan, it was enough to shame. It also scored three wins, and even the gold king beast three battles and three wins.

Su Yan's face was ruthless, she didn't say a word, and she didn't feel discouraged. This hurt her.

"Su Yan, you should be like this!"

The golden king beasts roared low, full of deterrence, the flaming golden body, the terrifying gas, and once again drowned the universe.

It's forced, the breath is too fierce, like the invincible war beast that crushed the shackles, the golden flesh emits scarlet beams, just like the most terrible killing thoughts erupted in purgatory, smashing this fragmented world!

It is coming, the breath is more and more fierce, more and more violent!

"The King Beast is also injured ..."

At this time, the Dacheng Immortal King of the barren family drank coldly and found that the claws of the king beast had some breakage, but the injury was naturally much lighter than that of Su Yan.

The atmosphere of the fairy demon battlefield has been suppressed to the limit. Many people have difficulty breathing. Suddenly the battlefield is isolated. There is still an unmatched breath. The saints in the fairy world are terrified. It is simply the end of the universe!


In an instant, the king beast protruded out his big paws and suppressed towards Su Yan.

Su Yan uttered a long roar, the blood-stained fist print glowed, and a twelve-point combat power erupted, killing again towards the Golden King Beast.

This is a difficult battle. Su Yan fist sees blood, and each punch is on the body of the Golden King Beast, as if bombarding on the indestructible mountain. Its physical body is too perverted, full of mysterious power, and weeping ghosts and gods!

"I can't move ..."

The cruel reality has caused chaos in the fairyland camp. Is Su Yan really going to die?

"You are very pitiful, do not have the strongest power to compete with me, neither can the emperor, this time I am the most invincible strong in the dark world."

The king beast roared, and the sky was full of gold, and the mouth covered with gold ripples swept across, suddenly pressed against Su Yan, wanting to shatter his body!

The world is destroyed, and the murderousness is infinite.

Many people couldn't bear to pay attention, closed their eyes and couldn't bear to see Su Yan's God of War wither!

"is it?"

Su Yan waved his fist, seemingly calm, but the power contained in it actually promoted the golden ripples in the sky, and the whole world exploded!

"That is?"

There was a trace of shock in Ye Lingyun's eyes, Su Yan changed, and stepped forward step by step. Every step out, his physical strength was strong ...

The Golden King Beast had a bad hunch and rushed up in an instant. The most violent force was released and he wanted to kill Su Yan!


It all roared, its claws wield the power of the strongest to supremacy, cracked Tianyu, like a terrible magic star falling down.


Su Yan roared to the sky, the ultimate sublimation of combat power, as if transformed into a condensed God of War, released in an instant, the burial weather came out, the light of all bodies bloomed!

Su Yan roared through the stars and ruled the world.

The body of the burial sky is burning, the most terrifying potential is agitated, one of the bodies merges together, and the golden claws of the king beast are blocked in an instant.


Burial Heavenly Fist is unparalleled in the world, smashing the earth of Qiankun, and full of the power of burying the world forever, covering the golden king beast indefinitely, making its body a little dark, making the whole fairy demon battlefield a little fuzzy!

"Fun Tianquan!"

Su Yan shouted, and his fist was unparalleled. This is also his complete body. The golden beast of this punch is dim, and the big claws are cracking, just as if they are going to burst!

"Buried by the sky!"

Hei Tianwang's face changed, the strongest war body in the human world, how could he not know, but to observe Su Yan's appearance, he absolutely finished his speech, condensed the essence of the body of the celestial body, and also evolved all invincible wars force.

"Boom boom ..."

The gloomy world, the vague battlefield, the power of the burial sky sweeps over the sky.

Su Yan punched one punch after another, and a terror energy frenzy erupted, and the body of the golden beast trembling, suddenly he had an indestructible body, and he used the power of the celestial body to check and balance, and bombarded with the strongest human power. Hammer!

"Kill ... invincible!"

The repressed soldiers all over the world roared: "The God of War is invincible, Su Yan is invincible!"

"Kill ..."

The group of heroes is boiling blood, counterattack, Su Yan opened the strongest card, want to bury the whole piece of prosperity, kill all invincible God of War!


The golden king beast bleeds in its flesh, and there are fist prints on its body. In this world of endless burial of the heavenly field, it suddenly roared, and its pores burst out of endless swallowing power, sweeping this suppressed world!

This engulfing power is very scary, as the gods and demons are destroying the world, the world is full of golden maelstrom, and it is necessary to break Su Yan's physique power!

"Swallow heaven and earth!"

The king beast roared for days, and his blood spattered, and the golden vortex of the sky covered Su Yan's flesh, cruelly suppressing him!

Some people think that Su Yan is aging and drying up ...

Su Yan's heart was awe-inspiring, and his domineering secrets and his physique were all declining. However, Su Yan feared that he would release the unparalleled heritage, suppress the heaven and earth, and once again wave his fist to kill the Golden King Beast.

"Talent, devour!"

The king beast roared and shook the sky, and the flesh-and-blood body suddenly exhaled endless engulfing power, causing this piece of time and space to be blurred and twisted, so that the endless force of time and space penetrated into its flesh.


The king beast screamed and was shot into a real fire. His body was magnificent in a moment. This is a prehistoric beast screaming, the combat power soared, and the burial heaven field was crushed alive, rushing towards Su Yan.

In an instant, Su Yan's body was magnificent, turning into a giant.

The three links between the world and the earth broke out, the giant turned into the sky, roared Cangyu, opened the eyes of the sky, the magical foot, slammed forward, and launched a fierce collision,

"What a terrible battle!"

The older generation of powerful men have scalp tingling. The collision on the fairy demon battlefield is fiercely violent, and it transfers the earth-shattering roar, erupting to sweep the invincible power of the same generation.

The progress of the war to this step exceeded the expectations of the world.

A giant with a huge body, a fierce prehistoric beast.

They killed together, collided frantically, and the sky was cracked, and the sun and moon were dark.

"Swallow the sky!"

The blood-bearing king beast made a roaring sound, and the sky was swallowed. It can be seen how powerful it is. The king beast broke out of the battle, burned its own life essence, and evolved the strongest magical power!

This mouth, unparalleled, instantly swallowed Su Yan's huge body into his belly!

"Oh my **** ..."

People shudder, Su Yan was swallowed alive, and fell into his belly, can he survive?

You know, once the evolution of the Dark Beast clan's mystery of the sky, it is equivalent to transforming itself into a furnace of heaven and earth, and refining the adversary. Once there were a group of heroes from the peak of the fairy cave, which were all refined to life and reduced to residue!

It's just that I haven't waited for the dark powers to cheer and shout, the king's majestic body is shaking ...

His inner world is destroying, in fact, the king beast has evolved all kinds of supernatural powers, and he wants to refine Su Yan!

But Su Yan was full of violent madness, and he was invincible in the fist of heaven, and the world of Zhentianshuwei, accompanied by Kunpeng's attack, supreme dragon fighting power, and the four peaks and supernatural powers combined into one, suddenly destroyed the pattern of swallowing heaven!

The king beast roared, his body was about to burst, and his pain was hard to endure. It was like swallowing an ancient universe. It could not be swallowed at all, and the flesh and blood would be destroyed!


Su Yan shouted, his left and right hands rose at the same time, the sword was monstrous, and the sword was like sea!

One sword cuts through the years, rebirth of heaven.

The two invincible mysteries were sacrificed at the same time, and the world of the king beast, the sword and the sword, was decayed. Finally, the reincarnation of the heavenly sword was cut, and the belly of the king beast was cut alive!


Su Yan shouted earth-shattering, domineering, his arms were like swords, and his arms were turning back and forth, grasping the cracks in his belly and tearing them into two pieces.

The roar is roaring, and it is so exciting!

This scene is too fierce, so crazy to bathe in the blood of the Golden King Beast!

(Late, chapter three, drink some liquor at night, forget it, sorry guys,)

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