Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 2003: Beat the water dog

How brave Su Yan is, the invincible golden king beast can beat.

Even if he is weak now, there are injuries on his body, but this will not affect Su Yan's combat strength at all, and his fist is blasted up, and he is domineering!

The starry sky was cold all over the body, and he didn't dare to touch it hard and quickly retreated.

The realm of the starry sky cloud has been suppressed, and it will suffer a big loss if it encounters Su Yan.

However, Su Yan's fist is too mad, wrapped in monstrous supernatural power, the whole world is rumbling, the moment the divine power surges, the void is trembling, and the retreating star cloud is suppressed in an instant!

"Old dog, take your life!"

Su Yan Changxiao, with his murderous spirit rolling the sky, fist marks came straight to kill.

The starry sky roared, this blow could not be matched, otherwise it would be half-killed even if he didn't die. He successively operated a series of magical mysteries, and built layers of defenses to stop Su Yan.

But it was useless at all. Su Yan's fist was fierce and invincible, destroying everything along the way, blasting through the ancient Xinghai, the starry sky cloud trembling, the entire arm exploded, and the body was twisting!


With a scream, the starry sky clouds flew out and fell on the ground, howling and weeping. The punch just killed him half a life.

"Su Yan ..." The starry sky clouds are going to be mad, who is he? A great immortal king is one of the pillars of the battlefield of the Three Realms. He had encountered such a thing, and he was even hit hard by Su Yan.

The whole world was silent, and Daxian came.

This incident exceeded everyone's expectations. No one thought that the old fairy would come. Is it for Su Yan?

But this should not be the case. Daxian Lao could not know that this kind of thing happened in the battlefield of the Three Realms, perhaps because of other reasons. In short, the group of people who just tried to suppress Su Yan were terrified.

Daxian Lao has suppressed the realm of the starry sky cloud, he should have come for a while.

In particular, the young emperor was in a panic. Fortunately, he did not kill Su Yan just now. Otherwise, he would not be able to bear the blame. Su Yan is now a hero and even cuts off a future giant in the dark world!


Su Yan's murderous, blood-stained figure exudes heart-shattering power. It was completely a big devil who killed him and gave a roar, his mouth and nose were rolling, and the world was golden!

As the 100,000 tsunami broke out, it suddenly rushed forward!

The starry sky cloud was overwhelmed and wanted to get up and escape, but there was no hope at all. The sky was full of golden ripples, which suppressed everything and destroyed everything. When he touched the body of the starry sky cloud, his entire body was To disintegrate.


The starry sky cloud roared, the flesh broke, most of the bones in Su Yanhou's body were broken, and his nose and mouth were bleeding, desperately terrible, he felt he was going to die!

"Da Xian Lao Rao, Rao!"

The starry sky cloud shouted out of control, the pressure of the sky covered the flesh, and the starry sky cloud could not stand it anymore, making a begging voice.

After all, this is the battlefield of the Three Realms, and also the place where the emperor of this tribe sits. Is it that Daxian Lao is watching Su Yanzhen killing himself!

The world gazes at a twilight old man, who stands calmly and like an air of nothingness, looming, giving the human coercive pressure.

Daxian Lao didn't have any words, which made the starry sky's face change greatly, and then he wailed mournfully. He was stomped on the chest by Su Yan's foot, spurting blood, and splitting his mind and body!

"Old dog, confront the realm, you can't!"

Su Yan slapped it with a slap, and half of his face in the starry sky cloud collapsed, his flesh and blood blurred, and he couldn't bear to see it.

Many people are trembling, but this is a Dacheng fairy king, who was beaten by Su Yan here and slap

With a slap.

In fact, with Su Yan's combat power, he can explode the nebula in three or two hits, but this is not a relief. Su Yan burst into a beating and beat down the water dog.

"Children Su Yan ..."

The starry sky is wailing with sorrow, there is a vicious killing thought flowing in the pupils, and it is shaking the suppressed fairy Dao Guo!

It's a pity that he couldn't fly away from the small Three Realms Tianhe, Su Yan's human body flowed out the breath of destruction, his fists were raised, and he slammed down firmly, heading straight to the head of the starry sky cloud!

The starry sky trembles, the shadow of endless death envelopes itself.

He was completely terrified, and said out of control: "Stop, stop ..."


Although Su Yan's fist had never hit his **** face firmly, the light beam emitted by the fist, like a knife, was sprayed one by one, cutting the head of the starry sky cloud, making it all split!

"I was wrong, stop, I was wrong!"

He was completely scared, and he would fall here without asking for mercy!

"Eating soft and hard dog stuff, what are you doing alive ?!" Su Yan's eyes are blazing, a roar is roaring, and the remnant body of the shining starry sky trembles. All trembling!

Too bad, the starry sky cloud was crushed so badly.

Ye Lingyun breathed heavily. If the campaign was not coming from the old immortals, the consequences would be unimaginable. Either Su Yan bowed his head or encountered a big danger. Even if Su Yan survived, they would spread rumours all over the world!

Suddenly, a tremendous amount of breath was overwhelming, terrifying like the ancient ancient dragon awakening, the fairy demon walls were trembling slightly, and the vast time and space were roaring!

The boundless star field glows like a big road, welcoming a Xeon existence into the world!

"Emperor, save me!"

The starry sky cloud shouted screamingly. This was the awakening of the starry sky emperor, and the divine power swept heaven and earth in an instant, causing the stars to resonate with them!

"Da Xian Lao, there is a far-reaching welcome."

The old voice echoed in the star field, ringing in the ears of all spirits, and suddenly people felt that time and space had changed, and turned into a grand star field world. All beings stood on top of the stars and couldn't help but worship!

"Star King!"

Heavenly King is horrified. This is an emperor. He has been in the Three Realms battlefield for millions of years. He is glorious, and he is the invincible giant of the Immortal Realm.

It was a figure manifestation, a dragon stalking from here, the figure was ancient and magnificent, as if it merged with the vast star field!

He took a mouthful of Fang Tian painted halberd, terrifying to make the fairy king tremble, this is the supreme emperor in the world is coming, weighed heavily on everyone's mind, making them almost breathless!

The Emperor Xingkong came and expressed his respects to the old fairy.

People are terrified, they are all emperors, and their peers communicate, why do they have to pay tribute?

Only the elders of the elder generation know that in the era of the time and space emperor Megatron, the starry sky family has no emperor!

Despite the decay of the Daxian, the Emperor Xingkong did not look down upon him at all. This so-called Emperor of Space and Time, who was in charge of time and space and time, suddenly declined, and most of them can inspire the fighting power of the most peak era!

No one dares to provoke, an emperor who is about to sit down, which will cause a big disaster.

"Do it yourself?" Daxian Lao's eyes looked at the starry sky emperor.

His figure was blurry, and he didn't look particularly real. His galaxy was disillusioned, and the level of terror was self-evident.

"Ancestor, save me!"

The starry sky cloud was almost frightened and trembling with fear, but he became a fairy king, one of the pillars of the starry sky emperor.

"Xingkong Yun made a big mistake and deserved to be punished." The starry king said calmly and gently: "To Su Yan

Shooting, the sins are not forgivable, but I hope that Daxian Lao looks at his merits and grants some forgiveness! "

"If everyone is like this, what else does Immortal Realm need to do?"

Daxian's old hands waved suddenly, just like an eagle grabbing a chick. Before standing up, he wanted to target Su Yan's group of people, rolling down on the ground in unison, creeping and shaking.

The young emperor growled, and he was no exception, once again being suppressed by Daxian Lao!

The palm of the old fairy shines vaguely, and the law of imperial Tao is vaguely transpiring. This is an unparalleled order of Taoism, which controls the avenue, the time and space and the years!

The big hand shines, a little bit, on the eyebrows of one after another fairy king, leaving one mark after another!

"Do not....."

These immortal kings seemed to have gotten upset and roared madly. These marks are so shocking. The silver marks look plain and unremarkable, but they actually flow through the world!

"Dissatisfaction?" Daxian Lao's eyes suddenly opened wide, looking at these fairy kings.

"No ... not ..."

These fairy kings were frightened, sweating and raining, and no more prestige.

Even if they were glanced at by Daxian Lao, they were frightened, as if the invincible emperor was looking down on them. This is an indecent emperor, and his heads were completely dropped.

"What's that?" Baocai was curious and surprised these fairy kings?

"Those marks are not ordinary marks!"

Tianli King whispered: "Seeing that they have no foreheads, three marks, each mark is a contract, it is necessary to kill three immortal kings to eliminate their sins, and there is even time constraint inside, if they ca n’t do it. , The immortal mark directly wiped them out! "

Fairy Zixia glared and killed three Dark Fairy Kings!

"This is the most direct way to punish sinners." Tianli Wang said coldly: "This is the contract arranged by the elders, and it must not be violated, otherwise it will really die, even if they invite the emperor of the same level, it is useless, because The contract is already integrated with Yuanshen! "

"What?" The kings of Tiangang were all trembling with shock. This was a desperate sign. Even if they escaped, then what was waiting for them was death!

Many fairy kings are cold all over the body, and they are panicked in their hearts. Fortunately, they did not participate in them just now. These fairy kings want to complete the task, they must kill their lives and the dark world fairy king, the punishment is too cruel!

The killing of the fairy king arrived, and the three fairy kings were killed!

This is Daxianlao, a time and space emperor who will soon be forgotten by the world. At that time, Megatron Three Realms, God's Power, and now, although he is old and decayed, but the starry emperor dare not ignore it, calmly concerned, and never had any words.

At the next moment, Daxian Lao's fingers were pointed at the emperor's eyebrows.

It is also the three marks, the original young emperor was pleasantly surprised, but on the three marks, a more scary blood mark appeared, as if a blood lightning was imprinted on his frontal bone, full of Emperor Tianwei!


The young emperor screamed in horror, this **** imprint was powerful, and it was integrated into his life!

"Dacheng fairy king?" Baocai asked in surprise.

Seeing Tianli Wang nod, Baocai frowned: "Why is there only one?"

"Do you think Dacheng Immortal King is so good to kill?" Tianli Wang shook his head and said: "Ye Lingyun has been in the battlefield of the Three Realms for a long time. He has killed many Immortal Kings in the Dark World, but Dacheng Immortal King has only killed one. ! "

"Thirty years for you, if you can't make achievements, what use do you want?"

The eyes of Daxian Lao Binghan stared at the young emperor, which made the young emperor crazy. For thirty years, this is to let himself die!

How could he finish, this is directly sentenced to death!

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