Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 2004: Nine escape series treasure!

Everyone's compassionate eyes looked at the young emperor. He still prayed. In the next thirty years, the dark world will launch a large-scale battle, and it will be lucky to encounter a decaying great fairy king.

Otherwise, the young emperor can only wait to die!

The Emperor Xingkong is silent, the Emperor Spacetime is still the Emperor Spacetime, and he suddenly ages. His identity and status are also placed here. Competing for identity and status, the Young Emperor is stronger than the Starry Sky Cloud and can still be heavily punished!

The starry sky trembles, sweating and raining.

These people didn't do anything just now. The punishment has been so amazing, it's totally a desperation. The next day needs to fight, and there is very little hope of survival.

But he is different, just used force against Su Yan!

"How? Star Emperor's heart softened?" Daxian Lao asked.

"That's not, it's just a pity to kill."

The Emperor Xingkong also knew that he was lack of confidence, and even Daxian came long ago, and he knew before he came.

But he really did not expect that Xingkong Yun dare to start to kill Su Yan!

Now Su Yan is already a hero of Immortal Realm. In this battle, the battle of Immortal Demon has already fought five games. In Xianren Cave, two deaths and one injury, only Su Yan won two games. How can he ignore his weight.

What has been targeted just now has been publicized. This will be a very serious historical event. Once it is not handled well, the emperor will have stains.

"What do you think should be done?" Daxian Lao's eyes looked at the starry sky emperor.

"That's it!"

The Emperor of the Starry Sky sighed, looking at the wall of the fairy demon, and looking at the dark world of the battlefield, saying: "I have been in the Three Realm Battlefield for millions of years. The soldiers in the Three Realm Battlefield have suffered heavy casualties. Wan Jingbing, help the battlefields of the Three Realms! "


The starry sky cloud trembles, and the mortality rate in the battlefields of the Three Realms is too great. Once you leave the country, you must guard the ages, and then one million soldiers will survive, but it will exceed 20% to 30%!

Although the Starry Clan is an Imperial Clan, it is not as big as the Xian Clan and their family. Once a million troops are deployed, it will be a heavy blow to the Star Clan.

Some people change color, this is to buy life, in exchange for millions of soldiers for the starry sky cloud, it seems that Dacheng fairy king is really limited among the emperors!

To know a million soldiers, from the establishment, need tens of thousands of emperors to lead!

"Tens of tens of millions of years of cultivation, the strength of the various imperial tribes is almost restored?"

Daxianlao's response made the starry emperor's face slightly dull. Isn't a million soldiers enough? Generally speaking, once a large-scale battle breaks out in the Three Realms battlefield, all the imperial tribes in the fairy realm must send troops!

But this time millions of soldiers were sent for the Starry Sky Cloud. Once this fairy demon war ended, according to the probability, the Dark World will inevitably launch a crazy offensive. At that time, the Starry Sky Tribe still needs to send troops!

"This child Su Yan almost paid the price of his life. It was not easy for him to kill this step. The old man was also very satisfied with the performance of the fairy demon war." Daxian old tone was low: "The emperor clan must use a human heart. A good thing was dug up in the Battlefield of the Three Realms 100,000 years ago! "

Su Yan was surprised. What did Daxian Lao mean?

The starry sky star's face was slightly pumped, and he regarded it as a treasure. Was it so given to Su Yan?

The Star King regained his composure and said, "This object, after my long years of research, belongs to the Qimen supreme treasure. It is too difficult to see through the mystery of it, and it is not suitable for Su Yan!"

He said that even if Su Yan was compensated for major bleeding, he had to change something.

Chaos fairy elders are sweating all over them, this is knocking on the stick, since your starry emperor protects the starry sky cloud under the door, you must pay enough price!

Baocai shuddered, Qimen is the best? Isn't this exactly tailored to Su Yan?

"Su Yan palms my treasure, but I sit down as a disciple!"

Daxian Lao said indifferently: "Now

Now, as an emperor of time and space, I came forward for Su Yan. Do you think you can be kind? "

In the final sentence, the breath of the old fairy changed, transpiring with the light of horror years, accompanied by the magnificent and extreme energy of time and space, sweeping the vast world, making this bright star field tremble with it!

Indistinctly, the two invincible giants leaped to the top of the universe, and at the moment when the forces collided with each other, they shivered for nine days and ten days!

All sentient beings grow hairy and growl in fear, which is more serious than the annihilation of the world. The immense Emperor Wei spread to the world outside the territory, making the dark realm chaos, like an enemy.

"Fairy World, why not fight!"

The Black Heavenly King was furious. The purpose of this campaign was not to win, but to kill the emperor and daughter, and make the young generation of the fairy world lose their spirit of fighting!

They are really worried that the fairy world is deliberately delaying time. There is a dark world fairy whose face is ugly. The power of the black woman just now stunned the ghosts and gods, and it must have calmed down the young strong in the fairy world camp. It is very likely that no one will dare to fight!

But what the dark world wants is not to win, but to kill them!

"Dai Xian Lao's disciple ..."

The world shouted in horror, is Su Yan the big disciple sitting down and the big disciple?

This sentence is going to be more serious. The disciples of the emperor, the disciples of the invincible giant, shuddered against the strong men of Su Yan before, and their hairs and hairs exploded. At this moment, they felt that Daxian Lao handled them too lightly!

This is the only disciple of the emperor. What weight is this? The emperor of this kind does not want to provoke.

The young emperor growled, his eyes widened, and Su Yan became a disciple of Daxian Lao. How could this be possible? Throughout the growth history of Xianren Cave, Daxian Lao Ke did not have any disciples who satisfied him.

Many people are breathing heavily. Su Yan is a disciple of Time and Space Emperor. Now, Daxian Lao, as the Time and Space Emperor, came forward for Su Yan!

Baocai laughed excitedly and came forward as the Emperor of Time and Space. This is undoubtedly too domineering. He stared at the sky cloud against Su Yan, and he should be right to lose his life. Since the Emperor of Starry Sky wants to buy his life, he must pay a price!

Many people are jealous and mad. Is Su Yan **** off?

You know, the Emperor of Time and Space has no children under his knees, and he has not created the glory of the Emperor. This line is only one Emperor of Time and Space. Once the Emperor of Time and Space sits, then all the heritage and wealth of Emperor of Time and Space belong to Su Yan!

Even when the Emperor of Time and Space is still alive, with his influence, Su Yan is too honorable in the fairyland, and will not be inferior to the emperor.

Su Yanzheng, did not expect that Daxian Lao, in order to help himself, came out with such a sentence, his heart filled with warmth, maybe if he did not strengthen his invincible road, he would really become a Daxian Lao disciple!

"Congratulations to Emperor Space Time!"

The starry emperor had mixed feelings and said, "I have heard for a long time that I was looking for a satisfied disciple. I never did what I wanted, but I didn't expect this good luck to fall on Su Yan!"

At this moment, the dazzling eyes of Emperor of Time and Space looked at Su Yan. The deep like the two ancient star fields, not to mention horror, only the unspeakable power spread.

"Star Emperor, what do you think of my emperor?" Daxian smiled.

"With the invincible posture of the world, the future can become the pillar of the fairy world." The Emperor of the Starry Sky said: "I am not saying something that is not against my heart. The World War I just remembered, the big fairy is the emperor of the fairy world. ! "

After all, Su Yan comes from the human world, and there are different races, but the big fairy is still planning to regard Su Yan as the only disciple.


The Star Emperor sighed in his heart and waved his hand to move Su Yan to his side. At this moment, Su Yan thoroughly realized the great shore of the Emperor. The Star Emperor was like an infinite star field, terrifying enough to suppress the universe!

Powerful and invincible!

Su Yan deeply realized that this is the emperor. Only when he really stepped into this step did he really understand what kind of existence the emperor actually had, even if he had mastered the big cards, he should not be blasphemy!

"Senior Su Yan, have seen the Emperor of the Starry Sky!" Su Yan was ridiculous before seeing the gift, and it was ridiculous in front of the Emperor, and this Emperor wanted to give him his treasure.

"Emperor ..."

The starry sky cloud is weak in spirit. If he was slapped, he knew that the starry sky king was in the outer area of ​​the Three Realms Mountain and found a treasure that could not be imagined. After years of research, there was no answer. .

"this is....."

Su Yan's eyes widened, and when he saw the Emperor of the Starry Sky, he took out a silver Dunjia, raised his hand and threw it out, and transformed it into a Dunjia covering the heavens, which can crush the stars!

The elders are all amazed that this thing is really extraordinary, contains unimaginable power, and seems to be able to integrate with the heavens and the world!


In an instant, Su Yan heard the roar and rolled, as if through the endless starry sky, and seemed like a thundering thunder to Su Yan's ear.

The power disseminated was too horrible, the silver Dunjia changed, and turned into a blazing silver tiger, roaring three thousand worlds!

Su Yan forcibly suppressed the ecstasy in his heart to prevent the starry emperor from catching Su Yan's unstable state of mind.

The storm has risen in his heart, this thing is too familiar, what is familiar is not an object, what is familiar is the mystery presented on the silver Dunjia!

"What is that treasure?"

Many people are confused, to know that this is the treasure harvested outside the Three Realms Mountain, the Star Emperor accidentally obtained that year.

Silver Dunjia, looks like a silver shield.

Shield artifacts are not uncommon. Of course, they are not around the starry emperor, and they can't see what kind of power this silver shield contains.

"Since Daxian Lao is here, I will give you all the power here."

The Emperor of the Starry Sky is gone, throwing a big problem to the big fairy, who in the end is a headache.

Daxian Lao nodded, his eyes staring at the silver shield held by Su Yan, and said with a smile: "This thing is extraordinary, if you don't need it, you can give it to me, I can use other treasures for you to trade." "Daxian Lao, this is Tiger escape! "

Su Yan said a word that surprised the fairy, Su Yan directly recognized what it was?

"Qi Men Jiu Dun, Qi Men is a masterpiece, this silver Dun Jia is forged with the supreme profundity of tiger escape, and most of them belong to Qi Men, the most terrifying Jiu Dun series treasure!"

Su Yan's heart surged, and he made a lot of money.

"It turns out so!"

Daxian old heart shook, said: "No wonder that this thing is somewhat familiar, it is rumored that Qimen has a vein of nine big escapes, and the unity of nine escapes is an invincible weapon. I did not expect this ancient legend to really exist!"

The value of this Dunjia surpasses the Tianxuan Warframe, and there is a great mystery in the Qimen.

And Daxian Lao told Su Yan that Qi Men Jiu Dun was the treasure of the human world.

"Da Xian Lao, starry sky emperor does not necessarily have only one." Su Yan put away the silver Dunjia and muttered.

Daxian Lao shook his head, and it was very good to get one. This thing was harvested from the outer area of ​​the Three Realms Mountain. The Star King must have suffered a lot.

The emperor came, looked at Su Yan, and bowed: "Da Xian Lao, congratulations on your love."

"Emperor, are you going to fight?" Daxian Lao's eyes, fixed on the fairy demon battlefield, looked deeply at the black woman.

"That's what I meant." The emperor took a deep breath and said, "This woman should be a descendant of the Dark Emperor?"

"Her mastery of Jie Kongdao has already reached the peak." Daxian Lao sighed.

Su Yan's expression shakes, who is the Dark Emperor? Now Daxianlao is not optimistic about the emperor.

But Daxian Lao didn't want Su Yan to join the war. A Tianjiao from the human world was dangerous in the fairy world.

The strongest battle let Su Yan go up? The mortality rate is too great to be reasonable.

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