Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 812: Kowloon treasure medicine!

Deep in the whole demon hall, lost the prosperity and prosperity of the past, the world is dry and dry, the ground is divided, and the mountains have begun to sink.

This is exactly the scene of the end of the demon, the world is shaking, and many of the halls and secret houses are broken!

This scene makes the group demon fear, what is the situation? Why is this evil thing happening in the demon court!

The world is dead and dead, and the radius of 100,000 miles is ruined, and even expanding toward a farther place, the unprecedented movement will soon subvert the foundation of the entire demon court!


There are old demon smashed up, and it feels incredible for all of this. In fact, now, they have not been stolen from the ancestral ancestors to imagine.

If the ancestral pulse of the demon court is really broken, then the whole demon court will collapse, because the source of energy is lost, and the consequences are quite serious, which will make the demon domain stunned and lose the ancestral court that cultivates the strong.


There was an alarm bell in the depths of the demon hall, which spread throughout the world, and all the strong people from the group were exclaimed. What happened? Why is the demon court ringing the alarm?

Shen Xiangming's face is ugly and scary. The most powerful event of the cosmic era is about to begin, but at this juncture, there have been big events, which they don't want to see.

Even if there is a slight storm, they are not what they want to see, especially since they have not figured out the situation.

"Would you like to start? Su Yan, Su Yan, how much do you have in the end, dare to make waves in the demon!"

The jade hand of Zixia Fairy couldn't help but tighten, especially trying to figure out where Su Yan started from, but his movements were amazing enough, and the forced demon court shook the alarm.


The outer area trembles, and a large number of demon domain powerhouses rush to the core!

The energy of the core land is getting worse and worse, and many elixir are dry. The ancestral vein is the only source of energy for feeding the demon court. Once the ancestral vein has an accident, it will be implicated in everything!

"be quick!"

Su Yan has been hunting for a while, and the Avenue Dragon Pulse will not always open. Once the seal is closed, they will stay in it and miss the best time to save the treasure!

Su Yan was madly searching for it. At the same time, the starry skin has already sucked away the essence of the infinite dragon veins. As for Luo, the breath has continued to surge and continues to increase. In the end, his Tianling cover bursts out of a huge blood column that runs through the sky!


Luo vigorously squats in the sky, his breath has soared a lot, and he has laid the foundation of the world in the gods. The effect of the dragon vein essence material exceeds his expectations. At this moment, Luo’s vigorousness is like the reincarnation of the ancient war gods, and the power is endless. Can tear the sky!

Su Yan is also about to enter the space of the dragon vein, and the absorption of the dragon totem has faintly entered the end. The golden totem on his arm has changed, and the horror of the horror!


The dragon totem is shining, like the golden dragon of the immortality, between the heavens and the earth, exudes the supreme power of the gods, and you can blast the Xinghai and shake the vast territory!

A horrible killer was born, and it continued to grow. Su Yan felt that the dragon vein essence was absorbed by the dragon totem. This is already an amazing storage, and the blow to the dragon pulse is quite heavy!

This also led to the ruins of a million miles, many secrets, pure land, treasure land, all divided!


The world of the demon world, the screaming sky, the endless monsters haunt, the crushed mountains and rivers rumbling!

When Shen Xiangming was approaching his destination, he was almost mad, how could such a sinister thing happen, why is the million-mile territory ruined? And the world's essence is lost!

God King can't do it unless the power has such a terrible throughput!

However, for the pure land of the demon court, the power can not be done in a short period of time, especially Shen Xiangming is worried that the place of suppression of the treasures will be changed, but the zone is not only exhausted, but the rest is as usual!

Lian Zufu has changed color, and there has been a big change in the land of the demon court. He has no intention of calcining the iron treasure that life is about to reach the end!

"Zhufu seniors, I went out to have a look, Peng brother, you stay here to suppress the iron treasure!"

A **** king quickly withdrew, and the great changes in the land of the demon domain were so amazing that the heavens and the earth were exhausted. If the situation could not be contained, then this incident was too heavy for the demon court, and it is likely to destroy the vast world of the ancestral world!

"I hope not too bad, at this juncture!"

The Peng nationality **** face is gloomy, and the demon domain event is about to open. Is this not to let the big group of strong people see jokes?

The Peng family **** also raised vigilance, worried that some people are doing things, is it for the iron treasure? However, this world is as usual, and no evils are found.

"I am going to die..."

Baocai is awkward, life is really going to the end, but the temperature of the Qiankun furnace is lowered, so that the hope of Baocai’s heart is infinitely magnified. Is Suyan taking shots?

"Big brother, there are a lot of strong people rushing to this area, they will soon find it here!"

Luo vigorously warned that his practice has become saturated, and the body's blood is extremely difficult to seal. The pores are self-exposed to the essence of energy. This is a manifestation of over-representation. Luo has a kind of mindset that breaks the limit and rushes to the gods. .

However, he stabilized in time, and the promotion was too fierce. Once it broke through, it was unreliable.

"Come on, fast, give me some time, I will find it soon!"

Su Yan’s eyes are red, crazy search, because the absorption of the dragon totem is slow again.

If Su Yan can't dig up the treasures of the dragon after the dragon totem is absorbed, then they must leave here!

Su Yanyin faintly smelled the medicine, this is definitely the treasure of Jiulong, since it is the first treasure of the demon domain, then its hidden means are even beyond the reach of the gods, if it is not Su Yan Jingtong Qimen, want to be Jiulongbao It is basically impossible to dig out the medicine!

The ancestral ancestral veins, the vastness of the space, are covered by energy sources everywhere, extremely difficult to explore!

Su Yan ran in the direction of induction. The scent of the scent that he had smelled before was aggravated. Su Yan’s heart was happy. Is it that the Kowloon treasure is nearby?

"Can't run!"

Su Yan rushed forward, using the dragon totem to open the way, suppressing one world.

In the end, Su Yan smelled a medicinal aggravation, just a scent of medicine into the nose, so that Su Yan body is comfortable, really like a sacred medicine, his pores are shining, spray Xiaguang!

"Kowloon treasure medicine is nearby!"

Su Yan's eyes wide open, the golden eyes open, and the hole wears an inch of space. Under the endless energy body, there is a golden light fog that appears in the faint, floating, like flowing out of space!

"Drug, is the drug leaking from the drug of Kowloon?"

The excitement in Su Yan’s heart is intensified, his eyes are shining, and he is whispering in his heart.

It is very likely that the first treasure of the demon domain has emerged. This thing will tremble even if it is a big one, let alone Su Yan. The demon domain inherits the million-year-old Kowloon treasure, but it is not the general god. The medicine can be comparable!

He slammed his mouth and swallowed the golden glory of the entangled space in the space. It was just the medicinal scent contained in the medicinal herbs of Jiulong, which caused the blood of Su Yan to boil and blaze.

Su Yan’s treasure is like a god, and it’s a ray of sunshine.

And Su Yan's body can not stop the surging, there is a trend to break the limit, running through the realm of the realm!

"not good!"

Su Yan was alert, and instantly sealed the flesh, and guided the swallowed medicine into the frontal bone!

In an instant, Su Yan’s Yuanshen glows, and the Yuanshen, the sacred and sacred spirits, burst out with a thousand natural sounds, and the earth of the earthquake roars!

Just a few medicinal herbs, let Su Yan's Yuanshen blazing a violent sigh, the soul is more full, which makes him eclipse, this much more powerful treasure, how many years this Jiulong Baoyao passed down!

No wonder the Northern Demons are guarding the entrance to the Dragon Road, which is to be recognized by the Kowloon Medicine.

Since the ancient demon domain has rumors, Jiulong Baoji only recognizes the demon domain supreme, the origin of this thing is also the same evil door, since the trace has been found, Su Yan must go all out!


His arms spread, tearing up a layer of space, and exploring the Kowloon treasures along with the medicine.

In the process, Su Yan discovered more medicine, and his gods continued to illuminate the drug, just a little essence of the leakage of Jiulong Baoji, which has caused Su Yan’s **** to skyrocket, more ambiguous and flaming. !

His forehead elite is translucent, and his tyrannical spirit is leaking out. There is a tendency to run through the sky.

This makes Su Yan laugh a lot, and the harvest is really too big. After all, the Yuanshen practice has always been difficult. As long as the monk's **** is strong enough, once he realizes the magical power or secret technique, the effect is greatly enhanced.

At this moment, Su Yan found a space in front of it, and the drug leaking out was more intense!

It seems that a world of fairyland in Jinhui is in front of it, steaming with golden medicinal herbs, filled with scented scent of medicine, so that Su Yan's body is more comfortable, and the frontal bone is also bright, if it is turned into a fairy bone, it is extremely embarrassing.

"Just here, hahaha, finally found, the little things hidden can be really deep!"

Su Yan is excited, the overall breath is also fully manifested, driven by the power of the starry skin, this golden animal skin is rapidly enlarged, the fuzzy order of light burns, and the space is covered!

And the starry skin, the amount of pressure from the town, has locked the inch and space!

When the energy of the starry skin is about to suppress the depth of the space, Su Yan found that the space below suddenly split, and a black lacquered little beast was drilled out, only as big as a finger.

Su Yan is a little bit...

In the space, the black beast that is drilled out!

This is a mini-sized tiger. It’s panicking and running. This little black tiger has gotten out. Is it the Kowloon treasure?

(Annoying, broke out today!)

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