Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 813: Shocked!

"this is......"

Su Yan scratched his head and stunned.

His eccentric **** looked at this little black tiger. It was too small, only the thumb was so big, stupid, and couldn't see the clues. He couldn't see it as a Jiulong treasure!

And the little black tiger escaped from the space, it was obviously shocked by the starry animal skin map, panic and flustered, its speed is very fast, the naked eye can not see clearly, the blink of an eye-like effort disappears without a shadow No trace!

"Oh, it should be it!"

Su Yan grinned, it must be it, or how could the speed of this little tiger be so fast? And here is the town of the starry animal skin map, the little tiger can not escape!

The sound of "touch", the sound of the sound, Su Yan's eyes wide open, he saw the tiger hit the starry skin, but its strength made Su Yan horrified, the starry skin skins were shaken!

This is a lot of strength, if the little tiger hits Su Yan, the root fracture is broken, and its power is really abnormal!

But the little tiger was also smashed by the brain of the brain, and it hurts and licks his mouth.

It is shockingly rolling in the space, in the process, its broken brain seeds, sprinkle a drop of black juice!

Su Yan’s eyes were fierce and round, and his heart was full of surprises.

A drop of black juice contains hard-to-describe life elements, and even a vast time and space and years of fluctuations!

Every drop of black medicinal juice is autonomously illuminated, just like the greatest medicinal juice in the universe, bursting out of the black fairy light, reflecting the dragon's veins!

"too horrible!"

After all, Su Yan mastered the essence of the medicine, knowing the efficacy of the medicine, but he felt that compared with the black juice, it is not at all a grade. These three drops of black juice are really terrible!


The little tiger was injured, and a low roar, a hoof licking the ground, began to greet its brothers to help!

Su Yan’s face is arrogant, his face is changeable!

In the end, everything was occupied by ecstasy, and the corners of his mouth were cracked to the base of the ear. At this moment, Su Yan really felt that he had reached the peak of his life!


The first to respond to the little tiger is a red dragon that has been drilled out, and it is only as slender as the finger, but the overall release of the red fairy light seems to be able to open the universe!

A red dragon, spewing red clouds, extremely splendid, the body spontaneously sprinkled Xianhui.

This is a medicine, it is not a real dragon at all, but this looks like a miniature version of Baocai Zhenlong. After all, Su Yan has never seen a real dragon, and feels that the real dragon in the world is similar.

Originally Su Yan also felt that this is the real Jiulong Bao Yao, after all, the shape of this treasure medicine should be a real dragon.

But the next picture made Su Yan stunned, a dragon drilled out, and after the trailing true dragon, even the sky was full of sunshine, Ruixia transpiration, a fiery phoenix also drilled out from the space-time hole!

Little tiger, true dragon, phoenix.....

The three-headed mini-spirit, spit out the Shenxia, ​​diffused with medicine, and drilled out in a one-time space.

But do you think this is over? The answer is completely different!

A unicorn sneaked out behind it, the sky blue unicorn, the heroic and extraordinary, and the head of the chest, it swayed the blue fairy, the brilliance.

Su Yan is stunned, I thought it was all, who knows!

At that time, there was a chaotic airflow in the hollow. It was spectacular, and a small beast that was full of chaotic gas was drilled out, so that Su Yan was moved. Is this the legendary chaotic beast?

In the next moment, Su Yan even saw a relatively familiar creature, although it was very small, but the fluctuations of the release of the whole body made Su Yan feel like a giant with alternative time and space!

Heavenly beast!

Yes, Su Yan saw a beast, a horrible behemoth that claimed to be a real dragon. Now it is just a mini golden beast. It ran out under the greeting of the little tiger. The little tiger rushed into the air.


The next ran out of life made Su Yan scared, a black fish drilled out, leaping for nine days, turned into a Peng Peng, this is a very unspeakable creature.

"Monkey brother!"

All this really subverted Su Yan’s thinking. A little monkey got out, his hair was crystal clear, and his bones and bones jumped up and down. It was very untrue.

Su Yan is dumbfounded...

Real Dragon, Phoenix, Kirin, Chaos Beast, Heavenly Beast, Kun Peng, God Monkey!

God, which one is not the creature of the heavens, if they are born at the same time, then the demon domain will enter a terrible hegemony, and perhaps the demon domain will dominate the universe!

They all ran out of time and space, a group of small beasts gathered, even led by the little tiger, the eight great beasts appeared to panic, they are a strain of medicine, and there is not too strong spiritual will.

"Kowloon treasure medicine, is it nine kinds of creatures against the sky!"

Su Yan’s breathing is heavy and his heart is trembled, but this is not right. There is also a lack of life. Since Jiulong Baoji corresponds to nine kinds of creatures, what is the last one?

Even how is the treasure of such a bad thing formed?

Su Yan can't believe that Longmai can nourish eight kinds of anti-tianbao medicines. In any case, Su Yan feels that he is well-developed. If he can take these eight-headed creatures away, he will get eight kinds of anti-Japanese medicines!


As the little tiger snorted, the seven-sized beast obeyed the command of the little tiger and rushed to the hoof!

Undoubtedly, they want to rush out and knock on the starry skin, which makes Su Yan's mind tense. He does not show up now, and he knows that it is impossible to suppress the eight great creatures by his own means.

Although they are ancient medicines, their energy is quite horrible!


In this way, a series of explosions appeared, and the starry skin began to tremble. There was a tendency to fly out when it was hit. Even if the strongest force broke out, Su Yan was shocked. It was full of horror.

Then, a series of screams also emerged. The eight-sized beasts were obviously defeated. They were swept away by the anti-seismic forces of the starry skins. They all broke their blood, and their noses were swollen!

Su Yan also wondered why the dragon totem does not shoot? Doesn't it need the essence of Jiulong Baoji!

In any case, the blood that spills from the body is the essence of life. It is called a rare and powerful tonic, full of a terrible source of life!

Su Yan is very decisive to start, a large sleeve, a dozen drops of rare Jiulong treasure medicine essence to take away!

The value of these treasures is definitely beyond the essence of the essence of the medicine that Su Yan has mastered. The value cannot be measured, and it is sure to continue the life of the great power!


Suddenly, the big hand from the starry skin hides the eight little beasts, and the little tiger in the lead screams. The little black tiger is very ferocious, and the body shines, and it starts to zoom in!

Under the stagnation of Su Yan, another seven little beasts got into the mouth of the rapidly expanding little tiger!

This little tiger's momentum is completely different, like a peerless demon king, a **** tiger was born, the gods are deterrent, and there is a source of endless horror, and the energy of a big sky is blasting!


It rushed to the hoof and slammed into the starry skin!

"Made, why a drug has such a strong power, can crush the body of the king!"

Su Yan black face, this **** tiger is so amazing, this starry skin can temporarily suppress the king of the gods, but the **** tiger directly hit the starry skin.

It seems to be free from some kind of restraint, holding his head, screaming in the sky, and shaking the river!

At this moment, the avenues of the avenues trembled, and the ancestral veins of the entire enchanting court were under the influence of the mighty black tiger. The hustle and tremble was like the spectacular ups and downs of the hundreds of thousands of Wang Yang here, and the violent collision, as for the breakdown of the nine day!

During this violent energy riot, Su Yan couldn't help himself. Although he was hiding in the starry skin, the starry skins began to distort and began to burst at any time.


Su Yan’s face changed, and he greeted Luo’s vigorously running, otherwise it’s really too late!

Moreover, Su Yan has already obtained enough benefits. Although he has not been able to take away the Yaobao medicine, he has obtained the essence of these medicines, and it is also a fortune.

For now, the demon turmoil, the group of demons furious to find the murderer behind the scenes, after all, a short fragrant time, millions of miles of territory collapsed, ruined for the ruins, this blow to the demon court is quite heavy!

But they don't know the direction of the source at all.

However, when the roaring sound of the avenue Dragon's pulse came, Shen Xiangming almost gasped it. This is a change in the ancestral dragon's pulse. Some people even mixed into the ancestral dragon vein. This is the tragic big since the demon domain has taught. event!

The ancestral veins are their roots. Once they are destroyed, they will talk about the demon domain, and the demon domain will become a misnomer!

However, in this period of time, Su Yan has already driven the starry skin, and with Luo vigorously rushed into the ancestral vein.

As for the **** tiger, there is still a boring low stagnation. It seems to restore the insaneness of the sleep, and the vast fluctuations in the body.

In the end, the eyes of the **** tiger fell, and Su Yan escaped from the dragon's vein.

In its eyes, the shadow of Su Yan is fixed, just like seeing all of Su Yan, seeing its origins and past.

However, this big tiger is always embarrassed, and it has a thick atmosphere of time, like living in ancient times, living in the past, not belonging to this time and space.

It wants to remember, but the memory is blank.

However, in its memory, it seems that the shadow of Su Yan appears. It feels that this person is very important, but the blank memories are hard to come up with more information about Su Yan.

"is it him?"

It suddenly whispered, and did not know why it was asked, perhaps its instinctive reaction.

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