Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 814: Supreme


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The world of the demon, the beasts of the beasts, the shaking of the heavens and the earth, the spread of the sky and the destruction of the sky, swept the land of this defeat!

People of all major groups have already seen it. How important is the ancestral vein of the star field. Once the demon court loses its ancestral veins, then the demon domain will lose its proud capital. The demon domain may be a loose sand!

If the energy depletion is greatly reduced, they really think that the ancestral pulse of the demon court is dry!

When the group demon rushed to the land of the demon ancestral ancestors, many big people opened their eyes to watch the ancestral veins at the present stage, all of them were mad, and the dedication of the ancestral power was very serious. What material threatened the demon ancestors? Pulse, how could such an outrageous event happen?

Even if it is impossible for the mighty power to steal a large amount of energy essence in a short time, the change of the ancestral pulse makes Shen Xiangming squandered. The key is that they can not enter the ancestral vein exploration, because the seal of the ancestral vein can only be opened!

There used to be a demon domain to try to crack the seal, but unfortunately failed!

"Give me a check, I must check out the water and stone, dare to pay attention to my demon domain ancestors, no matter who, it must destroy his whole family!"

Shen Xiangming, they are out of control and resentful, the face of the Northern Demon is also very gloomy, the Kowloon treasure medicine can be in the middle, if someone is really mixed into the ancestral veins, then the insurance will start with the Kowloon treasure!

If the first treasure of the demon domain is lost, the Northern Demon also loses a big opportunity to evolve life. It can only expect it now, and the Kowloon treasure is still there, but this answer can only be discovered after the Wan Yao flag. .

and many more!

The northern demon's nephew suddenly shrank, and the voice asked Shen Xiangming, Tie Baocai should not have an accident?

"Do not worry, Tie Baocai is innocent, Zufu is personally guarded in the heart of the fire, it will not be unexpected!" Shen Xiangming is not worried, the land of the fire is not far from here, if there is an accident, early It was their insight!

Now Su Yan and Luo vigorously, returning home with full load, are crossing the road of the fire.

Su Yan had long been inscribed in the forefront, and Su Yan’s body has been observed near the fire, providing information for Su Yan.

Because of the drastic changes in the demon court, the strong guards who stayed in this neighborhood walked more than half, and even left a **** king. This is a great opportunity for Su Yan to start, although it is extremely difficult, but missed this opportunity, no longer. Now!


They crossed the battle and eventually came to a spiritual node guarded by the Yuan.

Su Yan and Luo vigorously walked out of the demon's general trend, all of them are excited, the adventure just enough is enough, then they have to do a bigger thing!

"Half-step power, Zufu!"

Su Yan’s mind is getting more and more stable. To save the iron treasure, he must take away the ancestors, but what should he do to take the ancestor away?

On this matter, Su Yan thought that many methods were rejected, and the only thing that could be thought of was the one that the old star left for him. However, after exposing this secret technique, Su Yan had no cards at all!

"Dragon Totem, how strong you are!"

Su Yan’s eyes exude a bitter cold, and he now pin his hopes on the dragon totem, can kill the Zufu!

At the moment when Su Yan was ready to act, his face eventually changed, because the entire world of the demon world, from the time when the aura of dryness was just stabilized, the great change broke out again!


The bang blew open, and it was shocking, like the giant **** hammering the Tiangu, the energy fluctuations that were derived, shaking the entire world of the demon!


Shen Xiangming, they can't help themselves, this time is a demon domain event, how bad things come one after another!

Only this time, the movement that swept through it was more spectacular than once. The whole world of the demon world continued to shake, the trembling, and the vast mountains shook, and many cracks broke out on the ground!

"Someone is attacking the door of the demon!"

The audience was eclipsed, especially within the city of Wanxue, it has already erupted!

The horrible atmosphere, the huge smashing city of the smoldering city is shaking, and the energy that trembles the universe is radiating, sweeping the entire world of the demon!


Wan Yao shudder, they all see clearly, a huge figure, must be packed with the entire Wan Yao City!

It is too horrible, a golden faint hoof to explore, the breath that comes out, is terrible!


This golden dim hoof, squatting on the door of the demon, the huge door of the bombardment shakes up, the power of the strong man is really terrifying, enough to collapse a life star.


Successive three-pronged attacks have contained supreme power, and the door of the sacred demon has been opened, and this is the gate of the ancestral home being strongly opened!

They are all sluggish, and this is too overbearing. They directly open the door of Wanmen and open the gate of the ancestral court. It is a huge figure of horror and hegemony. It crosses into the world of the demon world and stands at the gate of the demon. inside!

Its existence has opened the door of Wan Yao!

"Oh my God, is this a powerful creature? Blocking the door of the demon, what does it want to do!"

The whole demon field is completely in a state of silence. This is a big event that has never happened before. It is as amazing as the image of the ancestral home court being attacked. No one has thought that there is another monk in the world. Zu Ting!

"You are arrogant, who are you, dare to attack me!"

The world of the demon, the group of enchanting, too many demon people are angry with the sky, and even they suspect that this rookie makes the dragon pulse hurt!


The light of the moment, the tremors of the Qiankun, the sun and the moon are dull, the world seems to be the end of the world, this horrible bull, the golden ripples between the nose and mouth, sweeping the vast land, covering 100,000 miles of rivers and mountains!


Countless demon monks succumb to the scene, and they were shattered by the living, and the blood was falling down like a waterfall.

Even its hooves are stretched out, and the high does not know how many tens of thousands of feet, descending from the sky, to destroy the territory of the shackles, anyone can feel that the hoof really collapsed, Wanshan must be disintegrated!

The enchanting earth trembles, this is a big event that has never happened before, and the blood flow of the demon court is 100,000 miles!

"You don't even know the devil's supreme, let me use it!"

The thunder-like sounds also appeared. On the back of the huge bulls, there were a group of powerful creatures standing in the air, swallowing the universe, and offering a variety of big killers. They yelled: "Take me away, Otherwise, we will not lie in love!"


The body of a huge bull is so bright that it is difficult to see how it looks.

However, its performance is too strong, and the squeezed half of the land is shaking and undulating, and the power of the power is unobstructed!

This sentence makes the devil's land thousands of souls stunned, the supreme one, that is, the legendary gold iron bull is coming out!

The entire universe, the supreme pulse of the demon court, is the gold iron bull family!

"How did they come, we didn't ask them!"

The northern demon all the strong face is gloomy to the extreme, how can this pulse suddenly come out, even so strong, please a terrible existence, is this family really powerful?

The strong peaks of the great peak groups are wonderful, and the demon domain is going to break out of civil strife. The last cosmic era is indeed a gold iron bull. Now they jump out, this is not to recognize the northern demon. s King!

Shen Xiangming's face is gloomy, standing out and yelling: "What is the supreme pulse? The demon domain is about to enter the era of the demon." The new supreme pulse is my northern demon family. You are daring to call yourself a supreme one. Is it out of my demon domain?"

"Hello, you have the courage to dare to turn black and white in front of my cow, and there is a little northern demon who can become the king of the demon. You don't even recognize the ancestors, what do you want to use!"

The golden iron oxen of a gas-filled star suddenly stood up, like carrying a golden universe, and it was strong to the extreme. This is the king of the golden iron bull, waving a golden hand, covering the sky, and rushing to Shen Xiangming!


Shen Xiangming was furious, and his palms pinched his fists and bombarded the **** of the golden iron bull!

"Give me a hand!"

The voice of indifference emerged, and the earth shook the earth. At the end of the horizon, a figure appeared. It was sitting in chaos, and the huge figure was crowded with heaven and earth!

Its body is too spectacular, the sun and the moon are extremely small in front of it, the body is full of unimaginable airflow, the impact of the sky is bleak, and it is going to be destroyed at any time!

Shen Xiangming was ecstatic, and the devil's pinnacle of the sea was revived. This is the power of the demon domain to wake up from the silence.

The demon domain has the power to sit in the town, no one is accidental, just do not know which ancestor wakes up!


And the huge barb that was crowded with the door of the demon, the huge hoof fell on the ground, the 100,000 miles of rivers and rivers trampled, the unparalleled breath rushed to the vast world of the demon, let the audience suffocate Desperate!

"Why return!"

The huge figure sitting in the chaos asks, the calm voice is like a thunder in nine days, and it is screaming in the ears of everyone.

The huge bulls never spoke, and it was backed by the imposing lord of the golden iron bull family. The cow screamed and said: "A small northern demon, He Dehe can make the demon comrades? Not afraid of the people of the world to laugh. !"

The cow was shocked by a small northern demon, which completely angered the northern demon!

He stood up, his body standing on top of his body, and he did not change his face in front of this power. He said coldly, "What qualifications do you have to comment on me? Let your rising star of gold bulls stand up and see if you can stop me." If you can let him sit in the position of the king of the demon, why not!"

This is how amazing the atmosphere, let the world of the demon world!

Some women screamed: "What is the supreme, but the past tense, the new king of the demon should be the northern demon, you have no such thing as a squad, and the future is a young man. The world, and you guys are not dead!"

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