Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 815: Old bull

This statement came out, the audience was sensational!

As for the Northern Demon, the horror of the power is growing. He stands between the heavens and the earth, standing on the ground, the majestic body is full of glory, and there are thousands of golden lights in the body.

He released the glory of the whole, exuding the general trend of the heavens. This is an unchangeable invincible trend, surging and crowded with the sky!

All the spirits began to tremble, even the gods were horrified from the heart, because in the face of the source of the power of the North Demon, their body trembled, there is a trend of being shocked!

The Northern Demon is too strong, and the domineering is unparalleled. It is like a round of the demon's sun, shining and glaring, getting more and more hot, so that many young people looking up to the North Demon are trembled, but there is also a feeling of worship in the heart!

"Northern demon is invincible!"

Many people yelled, and they were incomparable to the worship of the Northern Demon. Just because of his current power, the same generation that had been suppressed was eclipsed. Even the wizards of the major peaks were horrified, just like seeing an invincible demon king. born.

Can the heavenly supreme beings be white? When the unpredictable bottom of the North Demon burned, the void exploded!

When the vastness of the divine power fluctuated, through the Han Han, the radiation was all over the place, and the mountains and rivers began to rumbling, and the stars trembled, and the world seemed to be ruined!

Many people are shuddering, and the contents of this northern demon are inconceivable and powerful enough to make them desperate. Under the cover of such vast powers, some of the strongest gods feel that they are too small.

"A good Northern demon, now has such a strong heritage, once cultivated into the realm of the **** of heaven, this northern demon is really against the sky!" The older generation has changed color, and the new demon has a new recognition. know.

Zixia Fairy is concerned about the northern demon's eyebrows, the previous day Su Yan told her that the fear of the Northern Demon lies in its eyebrows!

However, the northern demon's eyebrows are smooth and flat, and there is no trace of vertical eyes. If his strongest killing is really the eyebrows of the eyebrows, then this northern demon is really deep enough.

"Hey, I said that you are the most powerful, but there are strong people who dare to fight with my older brother!"

Shen Lei stood up and yelled: "Is it still a supreme one? Not even a rising star, you are really ridiculous, and you are not afraid of people in the world laughing at you!"


The cow was so angry that he was so angry that he was swallowing the stars, but it was the demon king. The gods did not need to say more. A little anger stunned the land of the demon, and said: "My family naturally has a king who can fight the northern demon!"

"Who is, stand up and let us take a nap, don't stand and say big words and face is not red!" Shen Lei sneer, and really do not believe that the gold iron bulls have cultivated what is not a rising star!

Shen Xiangming’s face is indefinite, are they referring to the king of God? The scandal was thrown out and it will definitely become the stain of the Northern Demon.

"Small things, what qualification do you have to talk to me?"

The cow's stunned bull's eye glanced at Shen Lei. He sipped coldly at a group of strong people in the land of the demon court. "You are not dead, don't think that you do things, we don't know, give me the iron treasure. come out!"


A group of strong gold bulls, a group of strong people are releasing a horrible light, offering a variety of big killers, fierce and rolling, earth-shattering.

Many of the strong people of the group are stunned, and they are all clear about it. Before this incident was raging, now the gold bulls come to the dignitaries, it seems that the rumor is 80% reliable!

Shen Xiangming's face is very gloomy, and I don't know who is leaking the wind. Now that Tiebaocai has not smelted, it only takes a few days. I didn't expect them to come so fast.....

"Ha ha!"

Shen Xiangming said with a sullen face: "Tie Baocai is a sinner of my demon domain. It has nothing to do with your golden iron bull, and it is already dead!"


The thunder and thunder burst, the demon smashed the sky, and the cows couldn’t stand the inner killing of the heart. The huge gold hoof descended from the sky, filled with the peerless strength to suppress the universe, and went to Shen Xiangming!


In the twinkling of an eye, a palm of the hand penetrates the chaos, spanning time and space, the palm of the hand is huge, and the stars of the universe are suspended between his fingers. It is magnificent and full of the horror of suppressing the stars.

The palm of this hand transits, the gods are shuddering, and they will all fall down to worship!


The huge barbaric cow is cold and cold, and the vibration is 100,000 miles. The world is turbulent. This is also quite strong and hegemony. The front hoof is waving and rushing to the big hand that is stretched out in chaos!

At this moment, the entire land of the demon court is like a tremor, this is the power of two powerful forces, about to hit together!

Even if the momentum is leaking, the supreme power of the gods makes the people shiver, the light of all kinds of order comes out, collapses into the sky, penetrates the innumerable stars, and makes the whole demon room tremble!

"Are you sure you want to make trouble?"

The huge figure sitting in the chaos, the face seems a bit gloomy, once the power is conquered, the blow to the land of the demon court is too heavy!

"Let's let go!"

The sound of the cold and faint sound of the huge bulls is soaring, every syllable contains the supreme power of heaven, the power of the universe, and the shock of all spirits!

"Hey, no one here can change the decision of the demon court, change the rise and fall of my demon domain!" The figure in chaos responded indifferently: "You are old, advise you to retreat, lest you be murdered for your family!"

"Ha ha ha!"

The old man is angry and laughs at the sky: "A good change in the demon domain is going up and down. Seeing that you really have high hopes for the northern demon, my demon domain has been passed down from generation to generation, and the demon domain has been respected. If he is north The demon really got the Wan Yao flag. I listened to the command, but where is the Wan Yao flag?"

"That is, Wan Yaoqi took it out!" Niu Jingtian also sneered, if they really master the Wan Yaoqi, why wait until now, after all, Wan Yaoqi can break the power of the demon domain, the power must also avoid the edge!

Shen Xiangming's face is getting more and more gloomy, and Wan Yaoqi is still on Tiebaocai.

"Since I can't speak, I can see it like this!" Niu Jingtian said coldly: "Let Tiebaocai come out and fight with the North Demon. If Tiebao loses, we will directly retreat!"

Shen Xiangming almost went to Niangniang, let the North Demon and the iron demon against the Wan Yaoqi showdown, the gods are not enough to see, here is the demon domain!

"Tie Baocai is a fart!" Shen Lei angered and yelled: "Don't say that he is a treasure, even if Su Yan is coming, he must tremble in front of my big brother!"

"Bunny scorpion, if it is outside, I have already slapped you to death, you gave me a sly, not finished yet?" The cow was so angry that the pupils burst into cold and chilling.

The northern demon's eyes released the cold light, and sneered: "If I am a **** king, a slap is enough to shoot you!"

"Good for you!"

The cows are so angry that they are all angry, and the vast land is full of all kinds of sources of terror energy. They can't help but kill them.

"It seems that you really want to go to war!"

The shadow of the sitting in the chaos is indifferent: "That will ruin me ruthless!"

The vast land of the demon, the infinite horror and blazing, after all, it is the power of the demon domain, sitting in the land of the demon court all the year round, knowing the inner knowledge of the demon chamber, once this kind of enlightenment begins to awaken, the whole world They are full of extinction pressure!

The whole world is full of depressing atmosphere. The strong people of all major groups are chilling. Once this war breaks out, even if the demon domain suppresses the golden iron bull, then the demon domain will pay the price it deserves!

At this critical moment, Su Yan, who is far away from the fire, told the cow to be shocked!

The horrible momentum of the ox is getting more and more raging, and the golden shell is sprayed in the shell of the meat. He screams: "No matter which old hair is killing the iron treasure, I will kill him, destroy him, fill him, and break him." Root bones, crushing a drop of blood, I have to take a look, can the demon domain be able to protect you!"

This rhetoric is heard in the land of the demon, like a blast, and wants to penetrate the soul!

The Zufu who is driving the Qiankun Furnace, I heard this sentence glaring!

He suddenly came out from the place of the fire, rushed to the periphery of the land of the demon, and made a scream of fury: "You are a shackle, can't die? Are you a gold bull? I want to destroy the family!"

The whole audience was sensational, Zufu was angered and rushed out, his face was gloomy, but he was a half-step big man, and he could bear this kind of insult!

Moreover, with the prestige of the ancestral temple, there is no jealousy of the golden iron bull. If you kill it, you will kill it. Zufu does not care at all. Even if they pass it out, they can’t help the ancestral hall!

"It is the ancestors of the ancestors!"

The strongest of the major peak groups are amazed. Is it that Zufu is aiming at the iron treasure?

"The ancestral halls dare to provoke, is it qualified?"

Shen Xiangming, they all sneered, Niu Jingtian's words completely angered Zufu, a generation of half-step power, naturally have their own prestige and dignity, will never easily boo!


The old man sighs and feels sad. What they say in this vein is also the supreme pulse of the demon domain.

Now the North Demon is a sneak peek because they got into the ancestral hall, so the old man is very disappointed with them!

Although the golden iron bulls have never returned to the group in this cosmic era, they have been the supreme one, and now they are regarded as enemies, which is really sad!

"This old thing has finally come down, we act quickly, this is a godsend, hahahaha!"

Su Yan screamed and rushed directly to the Grand Canyon along the essence of the fire!

The world of the Grand Canyon, where the breath is suppressed, the temperature is still blazing, and the furnace is still burning!

The king of the Peng nationality is in the middle of it, watching the expedition that is about to erupt outside, and the heart is also sneer, they can take the opportunity to abolish the supreme pulse, let the demon domain completely unification, all the rebels are all killed and clean!

"Who are you? Who told you to come in!"

The face of the Pengzu **** king has changed dramatically. How does it look like two strong people suddenly emerged? And so strangely appeared in the Grand Canyon, even how they mixed in through the array?

"Strong, stop this old hairy!"

Su Yan’s nephew stared at the Qiankun furnace for a moment, and released the whole day to kill the sky. Both eyes were upside down and made a big noise: “Bao Cai, I am coming!”

(Five more!

Brothers ask for tickets)

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