Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 816: Strongly open the furnace!

"Mixed things, who are you?!"

The Peng family gods are furious and raging. Two strong people, even the gods are not, dare to mix in large numbers to rescue the iron treasures? This really subverts his thinking!

This is a Tianpeng, or even a god-powerful strongman. It is much stronger than the ancestral road that was burned out by Su Yan. Once it broke out, the treasure released a horrible atmosphere, letting the entire Grand Canyon collapse!

The oncoming five-line sword map is shaking in the hustle and bustle. This Peng national **** is powerful and unmatched, and the attacking power is unparalleled. The five-line sword map is extremely difficult to suppress its edge!

The swordsmanship of the sky was smashed, and the king of the Peng family manifested the body. The huge body of the body has a space of overwhelming, and the space of the golden claws that is leaked out has shaken, so that the starry beasts that have sealed it have a tendency to be shaken!


The sky is full of magical storms, and the Peng gods are shocked, but they are stopped by the oncoming gods and bodyguards!

"Old things, you stop me!"

Luo Dali, the dark dragon gun is in full bloom, his purpose is to stop the Peng national god, to fight for Su Yan, to bring treasure from the Qiankun furnace!

"You are really dead!"

The Peng family **** angered the heart, because Su Yan has already approached the Qiankun furnace, once Su Yan will open the furnace, all the previous things are likely to be abandoned, maybe it will delay the opening time of the event!

It is extremely terrible and horrible, like a gold-casted meat shell, sprayed with the power of the gods, and the five elements of the sword map almost smashed, but Luo’s strength made him feel scared, but a strong god, but broke out. God, is this a young overlord?

Su Yan tried to open the Qiankun furnace, but this stove is very powerful, heavier than Wanhao, it is extremely difficult to open the furnace with the power of Su Yan!

This stove definitely needs a certain mystery to open, and the voice of Peng’s **** Wang Yin’s laugh has already come: “The **** king can smelt the death of the furnace, just because you want to open it? Oh, you are really ridiculous. Even if you open the Qiankun furnace, Tiebaocai can't live anymore!"

"Old things!"

Su Yan's cold pupil looked at the Peng nationality, his body suddenly vacated, and in the incredible eyes of the Peng family, Su Yan directly broke into the Qiankun furnace!

The Peng family gods feel that they are not looking at their own eyes, that is, Su Yan is really crazy!

That is the Qiankun furnace, the interior is self-contained, and now it is still burning with fire. In the case of Su Yan, it is in the furnace, and it will not die for a long time and will die directly!

Just entering the moment of the Kun Kun furnace, the horrible temperature in this, indeed burned the Su Yan meat shell to disintegrate!

Only Su Yan mastered the Avenue Fairy Pearl, directly sacrificed this object, and isolated the abnormal temperature in the Qiankun furnace. The next moment Su Yan’s eyes were fixed on a black body like a fist!

"Bao Cai!"

Su Yan was full of blood and his eyes collapsed.

Tie Baocai has been calcined and has shrunk into a ball, the black body, it seems that the movement will disappear!

This made Su Yan full of hair dance, and released a horrible killing, and snarled: "Northern demon, do not kill you, I will not call Su Yan!"

He rushed to the impact, and the boulevards on the top of the head floated autonomously, igniting the light of order, insulting the horrible temperature in the Qiankun furnace, and enshrining the iron treasure!

Let Su Yan call, Tie Baocai did not respond in any way.

It really is like death. If it is not the treasure of the treasure, there is still the life of the Wan Yaoqi, Su Yan feels that Bao Cai has left the world!

"Baocai, wake up!"

Su Yan made a dull, low-pitched voice, and his eyes were red. These days, he suffered too much pain and torture, and the number was countless. This is a desperate experience.

Especially now, Tiebaocai is also locked by four chaotic chains, which can withstand the torture!

"No solution, only strong attack!"

It’s impossible to take away the Qiankun furnace quietly. This treasure sinks here, comparable to the mighty sacred soldier. Even the Avenue Fairy Pearl can’t force the Qiankun stove, so only the seal of Baoji’s body is broken. Can open the Qiankun furnace!

The price is that they will definitely leak.

Su Yan didn't take too much, and the palm directly grabbed a chaotic chain. He made a giant cymbal, and the whole person burst into a horrible and arrogant momentum.


Su Yan screamed, lifting the chaotic chain up, releasing the most powerful force, forcing the first chaotic chain into two!

In this way, one after another chaotic chain, Suyan smashed in succession!

At the moment when the four chaotic chains broke, the iron shell of the iron treasure was shaking, and the whole body was born with a crack of the turtle. It seemed to restore the ingenuity and want to get up.

However, it has a slight change, and its fragile flesh begins to suffer from cracks!

"Don't move, kill me with me!"

Su Yanmu's body is full of blood and his chest is violently ups and downs. He is full of tragic killings. This is the anger that makes Su Yan immediately tear the realm level and kill the realm!

He also spurted out the vastness of his life, running through the body of Tie Baocai, nourishing the life of the body that is about to collapse.

Su Yan just progressed here, he found that the light released by the Avenue Fairy Pearl was a little dim, Su Yan's heart was shocked, after all, the Avenue Fairy Pearl could not be compared with the Wan Yaoqi. This Qiang furnace was continuously calcined, and Su Yan could not be inside for a long time. Long save!

In this world, Su Yan looked up and looked around.

Qiankun Furnace, a self-contained world, is like an independent flame world, without leaving the door.

Then only the strong attack can kill this world and break the furnace!

"The Avenue Fairy, it's up to you!"

Su Yan will pin his hopes on the avenues of the fairy tales. If they really can't kill, they will be miserable. Both of their brothers will be trapped in it!


Su Yan’s avenue of fairy radiance shines, this bead, blazing in the sky, shaped like a condensed avenue, so that it can turn and rumbling, the whole world is shaking!

After all, the Avenue Fairy Pearl is one of the thirty-six heavens, and it contains the supreme power. When Su Yan will explode the fairy ball to the strongest state, this bead bursts out, endless order. Light!


The avenues of the avenues rise from the sky, and the smashing impact is in the world of Qiankun!

The huge copper furnace was shaking, and it began to sway because of a heavy blow!

Luo, who has already been covered in blood, has seen this scene ecstasy. The Peng nationality **** is even more vocal, releasing the combat power to the most prosperous state. The crushed five-line sword map has derived the turtle crack!

Luo vigorously spurted blood, but he made a scream of laughter, and the anger of the burning of the anger, like the return of the ancient **** of war, the bronze body is magnificent, the heroic martial arts, he stood in front of the copper furnace, like a collapse God of War.


He constantly waved the dark dragon gun and slammed the Peng king!

"Take me off!"

The Peng nationality king madly attacked, and the **** king bodyguards were torn off his arm by his claws. Luo Dali was subjected to heavy crushing and spurting pores, but he was too tenacious to regain the five elements of the sword map. Su Yan fights for time!

"not good!"

However, outside, Shen Xiangming, who is confronted with the golden iron bull, has changed dramatically. He noticed that the furnace has changed. Some people are close to the Qiankun furnace, trying to open it!

"Someone took the ancestral home and left, and mixed into the land of the fire, the big things are not good!"

Shen Xiangming jumped up. Once Tiebaocai was taken away, everything would become an empty space. The demon domain event would fall into an embarrassing situation, and the northern demon family would become a laughing stock!


At the moment of his action, the golden iron bull broke out in a comprehensive way, and he cooperated with Su Yan to block a large number of strong people!

In the twinkling of an eye, the entire demon court is turbulent!

Time flies back to the ancient times, and the horrible devastation broke out in the land of the demon, and even the demon powers who originally supported the treasures all rushed out, desperately resisting the strongmen near the Grand Canyon!

"This is also ..." The strong people of all major groups are dumbfounded, the war broke out too suddenly, and all the places are made into a pot of porridge, in fact, this is a civil war!

No matter how they fight, Shen Xiangming charges the Grand Canyon without regard to the consequences!

No matter what happens, Tiebaocai can't go, Wanwanqi must belong to the Northern Demon!


The northern demon is angered by the gods, because the void of the northern demon blasted, and several large killers came over and packed the stars!

The cow was very decisive and rushed to the north demon smirk: "Bunny scorpion, I can see if you can slap a slap in the end!"

It is extremely powerful, swaying the stars, and squirting several kinds of big killers to kill the northern demon!


The northern demon's face is blue, even if he is strong, but facing a god, it is not enough to see.

The cows were shocked by their actions, which led to the suppression of a large number of demon-style powerhouses.

In any case, if the North Demon is killed, the King of the Demon is completely gone from the North Demon.

Regardless of the golden iron bulls, the noise is louder and louder, and more powerful forces are erupted. They are also unable to stop the people of the northern demon.

"Kill the past!"

The whole world of the demon world is killing the light, and a large number of strong people are getting closer and closer to the Grand Canyon. They are also very nervous in their hearts and do not want to see too bad things!


The conquest in the Grand Canyon has been fierce to the extreme.

The Peng family gods were furious and recovered the most terrible power sprint blockade.

Because the noise of the Qiankun furnace is getting more and more fierce, the Avenue Fairy Pearl has been hit by more than a dozen times inside, and Su Yan has moved the essence of the magical medicine to continue its combat power.

Just at the moment when Shen Xiangming was about to rush to the Grand Canyon.


This Qiankun furnace finally began to roar all at once, the furnace cover was directly smashed, and the flame essence that was sprayed out was accompanied by a murderous shadow!

Su Yan is like a singer who goes out to sea, swallows the stars, and a pair of golden eyes are also opened, tearing the void, the body's fury and anger are swallowing up!

"that is not......"

The strong people of all major groups exclaimed: "Look, you are not the madman of Su Yan?"

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