Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 820: Su Mania!

"Ha ha ha!"

Su Yan’s big laughter swayed between the heavens and the earth, and he broke out, and the whole body released a ray of light, and the shining starry sky was brilliant!

This scene shocked the world, the entire demon court is turbulent!

Many strong people opened their eyes and saw the true body of Su Yan. They were all horrified, and the older generations were shuddering. This is really a madman, making a big noise!

Who is Su Yan?

The rising star of the funeral family is fierce in the universe, and is known as the invincible existence under the Supreme of the Heavens, but no one knows whether Su Yan can fight the Supreme of the Heavens.

The Milky Way itself has been sealed by the ancestral temple and the Yin dynasty. The world thinks that Su Yan will fade out of the cultivation world. The future era of the gods hegemony has nothing to do with him, but now Su Yan has emerged, even he is in the demon!

"How dare he come here..."

The younger generation of the great strong people are all screaming, and their hearts are full of fear. Doesn’t it mean that Su Yan has always been in the Milky Way? Why are others here now, and even before, there are people who talk and laugh, saying that Su Yan will not appear in the land of the demon.

When he really appeared, even on the spot with such a shocking attitude, completely shocked the major forces, how big is his courage?

"is it him?"

Wu Hang, a few old antiques, asked Wu Heng to see Wu Heng’s key points, and let the Wu family’s older generations be scared. This madman is really a madman, dare to mix into the demon camp to save the iron treasure, and even he was successful!

Who dares to believe? The power of the gold iron bulls can come, but at the moment they are about to start, Tiebaocai will be rescued by Su Yan.

"Good to make friends, this kind of character must have a big picture in the future, it is really a miracle!"

The Wu family Zhu Qiang was shocked from the heart, and even had a tribute in his heart. Although Su Yan was still young, but the things that were done were more than amazing, in this era of being surrounded by the peak group.

However, Su Yan, as a rising star of the funeral family, can make such big events.

Even Su Yan saved the entire Wu family, which is equivalent to the recovery of the ethnic group's ethnic movements. The kindness in this can be great, and the Wu family's people attach great importance to it.

"Su Yan..."

Liang Ya'an is somewhat venting. She is gentle and watery. She looks beautiful and beautiful. She has a good style and is gentle and gentle.

At this moment, Liang Ya'an was really scared. It was unbelievable. Su Yan had the courage to appear here. His courage was bigger than Liang Ya'an imagined!

He Shengjie, they all feel that the picture in the eyes is not true, although they know that Su Yan left the Milky Way, it is really hard to imagine, he even dare to demon!

"This guy is really successful, but if there is no gold iron bull, the success rate is definitely very embarrassing, I would like to know how you should escape!" Zixia fairy flower eclipse, when Su Yan really do, she Still unbelievable.

Since it has been leaked, why not hide it!


However, the weak voice came like a mosquito, and it was revealed from a black-eyed ball that could not distinguish the appearance.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Su Yan’s laughter is even heavier, and the long black hair dancing like a waterfall is still as greedy as ever. It’s already at this point, and I’m still thinking about it!

However, this also shows that Baocai is innocent, it is still alive, and there is spiritual will, then there is hope for healing!


Su Yan’s big sleeves slammed directly into the Qiankun furnace. Since the stove had been forcibly opened by him, Su Yan could completely take away the Qiankun furnace. This is an invaluable thing, not inferior to the sacred sacred soldiers. Shocking the furnace!

"A bunch of waste!"

Zu Fu’s face is also awkward, and there is a smattering of coldness. I really didn’t expect Su Yan to come here to find death. This is not his intention. Since Su Yan is coming, is there any problem in catching him?

At this moment, Luo has already withdrawn, and the Peng family is resentful. I really didn't expect Su Yan to force the Qiankun furnace to open!

"Looking for something to die, I am alive for him!"

Shen Xiangming, their anger and ruin, the ugly ugly, will inevitably become the stain of the Northern Demon!

But since it has already happened, it is better to kill a long river of blood and cover up this history. Shen Xiangming swears that today will be a mess, one can't live!


This is the wrath of the group demon, a large number of demon strongmen are close to Su Yan, they are all elites in the elite of the demon court, loyal to the northern demon.

"not good!"

The cow was not eclipsed. I didn’t even think that Su Yan and Luo Dali came to rescue the treasure. Even if they had a **** who might insist on a moment, but now Su Yan, what do they take to resist Shen Xiangming?

"This crazy man is really not afraid of death!"

The strongmen of the major peak groups also saw the situation of Su Yan, and now the group of demon kills, let Su Yan take what to resist the demon strong!

"Leave his life!"

The sound of Zufu’s cold drink blew, and he also began to cross the destination, including the people who were shocked.


The group demon started to shake the river and shake the river!

A large number of strong demon strongmen rushed, killing the light and surging, against the sky and time, the endless energy covered from afar, even the king of God is extremely difficult to resist this killing!

"Su Yan, I see where you are going to escape!"

Shen Xiangming sneered, they broke out at the same time, the scene was spectacular to the extreme, and the surging power of Wang Yang covered the sky and blocked the retreat of Su Yan. They completely suppressed this batch of time and space and rushed toward Su Yan!

Liang Ya'an's apex is mentioned in the eyes of the blind, the picture is completely invisible, and Su Yan's breath is completely covered. The only thing I see is that the boiling to the cracking of the sky begins to brew!

"Look at you!"

Some screams, seeing the whirlpool of energy in the sky full of anger, a mark of blazing blazing, filled with vast stars, the moment of thin film, hundreds of millions of stars align in front of Su Yan!

The killing of the old star owner, in the eyebrows of Su Yan!

"Give me kill!"

He yelled, the whole blood was rolling, and his eyebrows split a fairy sword. When the moment came out, the light of the order of the order broke out, and the world was riddled with holes, and the big bang exploded!


The world is bleeding, the group demon is dying!

The hordes of demon strong people are fragmented, and the gods are smashed into flesh. The old lord left a kind of killing, which is very abnormal. The rolling circle is sunken for 100,000 miles, and the blood falls like a waterfall. Next, dyed the broken earth!

Shen Xiangming and the Peng family gods are screaming, this is the old star's exhaustion of divine power and Shouyuan smelting energy, equivalent to the half-step ability to fight the means, the king of God has the possibility of being killed!

The **** catastrophe was born, the group demon died, and the two great kings suffered a thunder!

As for the Peng nationality, although the attack and killings were relatively weak, but the body covered with thousands of miles was also riddled with grief, he made a miserable mourning, and the source of the king’s life was broken, and suffered heavy losses!

"Su Yan, you are a small beast!" The Peng family **** resentful, the incomplete body shivering, it feels that he is going to die, fortunately his source of life is strong enough, not so tragic!

The two kings of the gods have been hit hard, and the blood flow is 100,000 miles long. This human purgatory is in front of it, so that the rear group of people are timid and afraid to be close. Who knows that Su Yan can break out this practice several times!

At this moment, Su Yan and Luo vigorously looked at each other.

Then, under the gaze of the surrounding, they joined forces to rush forward.

The dark dragon gun shines, and the fairy iron rod is under pressure!

"Do not!"

Shen Xiangming’s fear was shivering, and the trauma he suffered on his body was too serious. Now Su Yan and Luo have joined forces to kill!

The dark dragon gun that came to the forefront made Shen Xiangming difficult to resist. Luo’s strength could not be underestimated. This gun broke through his chest and made him tremble as a whole!


People feel unbelievable, Su Yan smashed the iron bar, directly exploding the head of Shen Xiangming!

This is a **** king. It was hard to be slaughtered by them. Although Shen Xiangming was heavily wounded, it is quite scary to decisively slaughter the king of God!


The vast territory of the vast and undulating, because of the chaos of the power of sitting and the atmosphere of the old man, the event began to crash!

For a time, the landslides and seas are cracked, and the big cracks in time and space are endless. The whole world of the demon world is filled with the wrath of the world!

Many people make a terrifying voice. Once they are engaged in a confrontation here, the land of the demon will inevitably be devastating, and the kind of injury is also extremely difficult for the demon court.

"It is dead, what are you still making?"

The power of chaos is angered, and the sky is like a weeping blood. A million mile of territories makes a dull bang. He screams: "Returning the entire demon court to the ages, are you willing to do so?"

No one wants to see the mighty shopping, the old man is not much, and he is really desperate to die.

And the demon can not want to see this scene, after all, once the shopping, this damage to the demon court is very serious.

Many people look at the floating in front of Su Yan, a black body, has been reduced to a fist as big, this is iron treasure?

The face of Zixia Fairy is so heavy that unless it is really taken out, it will not save the treasure!

"Who said my brother is dead!"

Su Yan took out a jar directly. After uncovering the seal, the essence of the medicinal herbs rushed to the Han, and a blue dragon flew out spontaneously, steaming Xianhui, and drilling into the black shell of the iron treasure!

"The essence of magic medicine!"

The strong movements of the onlookers, I did not expect Su Yan to master these life-saving drugs!

"What is the significance of saving it? Iron Treasure is not as strong as the Northern Demon. Is it possible for the whole Yaozu to respect this waste!" The strongman of the Northern Demon family sneered: "Dare to break my family, you one I can't live, my ancestors don't hesitate, they directly suppress them!"

As long as the devil's court is sitting in the town, he can't stop it!

"Is the Northern Demon very strong?"

Su Yan was like a lightning bolt, and he was in the blood-stained world. He thundered and broke the void. He sighed coldly: "Let him get out, I will kill the northern demon with three punches, so you don't have to worry!" ”

Su Yan is domineering, and the brothers should take a decisive shot and come to the moon ticket!

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