Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 821: Change your life?


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Su Yan is also adjusting the injury for Bao Cai, while saying.

The people in the audience were stupid and stunned. They really felt that they were wrong. What did Su Yan say before? Three punches to kill the northern demon?

If Su Yan three punches killed the small northern demon they believe, but the three punches killed the northern demon, this reverberation between the heavens and the earth, the shock of the Qiang Kun roar!

Is this guy really crazy? Three punches killed the northern demon, losing the export he said!

"Mad, arrogant, too arrogant!"

Many of the antiques of the peaks swallowed, and this guy is definitely not crazy? Such a big mouthful can be said to be exported, and I am not afraid that the wind will flash my tongue.

Su Yan also remedy the injury for Tie Baocai in a serious time, nourish the flesh, let people think that this guy is really not a madman, perhaps there is really a three-box punch to kill the North Demon directly.

"Bas, what are you talking about?"

Many of the strongsters of the Northern Demon family pointed at Su Yan, and all of them were shaking. They were mad, and they glared at Su Yan and made a low snoring. What is Su Yan saying? Three punches to kill the northern demon?


The quiet land of the demon, the sky is filled with the wrath of the sky, the ancestral big and small strong are all furious, the northern demon is their revered idol, but Su Yan threatened three punches to kill the northern demon, which makes them unbearable .

In particular, the northern demon overall burst into the boundless killing, the powerful body is more and more brilliant, and the eyebrows of the eyebrows are faintly revealing signs!

The powerful demon of the Northern Demon is doubtful. This time, the anger broke out. Beyond the past, the treasure swelled up the thick blood beam running through the sky, and there was a vague and huge figure behind it, overlooking the world!

"Three punches kill me?"

However, the performance of the Northern Demon is still very calm, he looked down at Su Yan, the high indifference on the road: "Su Yan, I am crushing you is just a simple killing of a bed bug, killing you and I are dirty!"

"What is the cost?"

Su Yan glanced at the North Demon, and said coldly: "If you want to play a predecessor who is a golden iron bull, don't stop him, let the North Demon come over, I also want to see if my three fists can Kill the northern demon!

"Su Yan, you have a buddy, big brother killed him!"

Shen Lei is mad, his face is red, and he is snarling: "Let him know what is desperate, what is invincible! What kind of madman, what is the garbage, but I am too lazy to step on one. Feet, big brother used to marry him!"


Between them, the earth and the earth shook, this is the surging picture of the dragon snake landing!

People have seen thousands of heads of great dragons, running through the sky, rushing to the clouds, magnificent, shining!

"not good!"

At the moment when the powerful gods were stunned, some people changed their faces. This is the extremely terrible power of the heavens and the earth, and the infinite amount of killings in the earth's crust.


However, after all, they reacted slowly. Shen Lei screamed, his body was broken, and he flew to the sky. The entire battle body was to be blasted.

At the crucial moment, his eyebrows glowed, and a secret treasure appeared. The power of the avenue that broke out wrapped the body of Xiaobei Yao, and resisted the killing of Su Yan with the gas of the earth!

"Shen Lei!"

The strong man of the Northern Demon family lost control. Just in a flash, Shen Lei was almost killed by Su Yan.


Shen Lei is still screaming, there is fear in his eyes, just a moment, he feels that his soul will be annihilated!

"Ha ha ha!"

The cows laughed and laughed. Although they didn’t kill Shen Lei, this scene also made them laugh and laughed. This time, the lesson was enough for Shen Lei to remember for a lifetime. His face is still white.

One piece, the fear in the pupil.

He almost died just now. If he didn't have a bodyguard, he was directly beaten into meat.

He Shengjie, they are all eclipsed, Su madman is Su mad, in the face of the North Demon, dare to kill his brother, this courage is too big.

"A good Su Yan, this is a man!"

An Zhi patted his legs, he was very excited. For the little northern demon, he also wanted to slap him to death!

Su Yan’s current practice makes An Zhi very happy!


The northern demon smashed his body, and his figure stood on the ground. At this moment, he was provoked, and the tall body broke out of the wrath of the sky, and screamed: "You bug, give me life!"

However, the moment when the northern demon wants to kill, it is directly blocked by the strong of the northern demon family.

"What do you want to do?"

The Northern Demon is furious, they intercept themselves, are they afraid that they will lose?

The Northern Demon family is not skeptical that the Northern Demon is not strong enough, but the Su Yan is too evil. It may be impossible to master the big killer. If the Northern Demon is really killed, then their pulse is completely finished.

So without a full grasp, they will not let the Northern Demon rush in this situation.

"Zhufu adults, something is wrong!"

At this time, a group of strong people with ancestral halls appeared in the side of Zufu, and their faces were gloomy.

At this moment, Su Yan is refining the essence of the **** medicine, one heavy heavy washing the treasure of the black body of the wound, this thing has the effect of returning to life, Bao Cai's black body is like the bamboo after the rain, began to exude vitality!

However, there is a strong ancestral hall to see it, Su Yan used the essence of the **** medicine, is the treasure of the Phoenix Pavilion auction!

"The real murderer is him....."

Zu Fu was angry, and Zu Hongtu was his descendants, but the Lord appeared, and it was related to Su Yan.

"Zhu Hongtu is you killing?"

Zufu's indifferent nephew stared at Su Yan, and he said a word, so that all the people around him were forced to look at them. They all knew that the ancestral temple in the **** land died of a god, but the real murderer was Su Yan. ......

This is incredible, Su Yan dare to kill the king of God?

However, when I recalled the death of Shen Xiangming, they all sucked in the air, and Zu Hong was 80%.

"Do you have opinions?" Su Yan slanted Zufu, anyway, things have reached this point, Su Yan is also fearless.

Surrounded by sensation, a suspense case found the Lord, actually Su Yan!

"evil creature!"

Zu Fu Yang Tian laughed and said: "You have this obstacle, really think that no one can check you?"

"You all give me a go!"

Zu Fu's cold scorpion also fell on these people, and sneered: "Whoever dares to grab the Su Yan, is the enemy of my entire ancestral hall!"

"The brain is rusting?"

The cow stunned the nostrils and spewed out the blue smoke. He said: "Whoever dares to stop me from being a demon, is to be an enemy of my entire demon domain. You don't think that moving out of the ancestral hall can scare the world!"

The old man also released his spiritual will, although the Zufu is powerful, but after all, it is only a half-step power.

He wants to kill Su Yan, but also asks the old man to answer.

"Very good, I also want to take a look, can you keep this pulse in the footsteps of my ancestral hall!" Zufu's face was gloomy, and he said to the demon domain: "What is the power waiting for?" Don't you prepare to shoot?"

The atmosphere of the whole audience is suppressed, and the victory or defeat is only between the powers of the world. As long as the power is determined, the whole will come to an end.

The figure of sitting in chaos is already moving...

Only a brutal snoring exploded: "The old thing, you dare to move, I let the whole

A demon court collapsed! ”


The strongman of the Northern Demon family is extraordinarily gloomy, because the treasure is awakened, and the pupil is opened, and the Wan Yao flag hidden in his body is shining. This banner is enough to provoke the power of the vast demon domain.

Although the situation of Baocai is still very bad, but it has already awakened, then the problem is serious. Once confronted, the demon domain will be chaotic.

"Tie Baocai, you have been hurt like this, there is no chance to heal, you are the master of the Wan Yaoqi, you should also think about the demon domain, for the future of the demon domain." The shadow of the chaos in the chaos The voice of indifference: "Hand over the Wan Yaoqi, you can leave here safely, and the demon domain does not pursue the responsibility of Seoul!"

"If you don't, if you master the Wan Yaoqi in time, you can't leave the land of the demon!"

"You should be clear that the foundation and power of the demon domain is not a million demon flag can change!"

This is the will of the mighty, and his breath begins to infinitely awaken, as if the overlord at the end of the horizon is about to break away from chaos.


At the moment when Baocai wants to respond, it violently coughs up blood. Its body is as small as a ball, round and round, and the wound in the body is attacked, and the breath is linearly decaying.

Bao Cai’s mood suddenly fell, very poor. It felt that he was really unsuccessful. Even if he had the essence of the medicine, he could not live for a long time.

The cows are so anxious that they are extremely anxious, can the essence of the magic medicine not keep the iron treasure?

"This is life!" The heavy-hearted Peng nationality **** is cruel and smiles: "Compared with the life of the northern demon, it is not a grade. You have to take a look. Is this waste qualified to lead the demon domain to glory?" ”


Bao Cai’s low snoring is very painful. It really feels that he has been abolished, and the body’s divine power is dry, and no energy is left.

"There is no qualification, not you can judge!"

Su Yan is in a cold voice: "Since you think that my brother's life is not worth the money, it is better to change the life of the brothers, it is better to see who's life is harder!"

Su Yan’s big sleeves, the world has changed!

This is an indescribable picture, like the sky is crying!

A drop of crystal clear medicinal juice is like falling from the fairy scent. Every drop of medicinal juice contains the effect of returning to life, full of the essence of the horrible energy!

A full eight drops of medicinal juice were visualized.

Its appearance has stunned the power, and this thing has a deadly appeal to them.

This is the Kowloon treasure medicine, Su Yan also only got dozens of drops of juice, but it believes that eight drops of juice, enough to let Baocai stand up!

Originally, Su Yan also thought about refining the chemical juice and continuing his life for Bao Cai.

However, the next picture made Su Yan suspicious. The eight medicines were like the owner, and they spontaneously illuminate themselves, and they flowed into the black shell of the treasure, letting its treasure release the horror, which is accompanied by the vastness. Years and time and space!

Baocai is not suffering, it feels back to the familiar embrace, greedy to absorb the essence of Jiulong Baoji, like the fusion of the lost self!

This kind of feeling makes Baocai can't help but start to tremble, and the decaying body is also sprayed out of the nine colors!


"Is that a fairy medicine? How could it be so strong!"

"The ancient books are loaded, and our great powers have run through the ruins of chaos and ruins, find the incomplete universe, and dig out a fairy medicine that changes against the sky, so that the power can live again!"

The audience is crazy, how can Su Yan master such a counter-medicine juice.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: Nine Heavens Emperor:

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