Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 827: No one in the world does not know the king

Su Yan’s small warship shuttles through time and space, getting closer and closer to the **** land!

"It’s finally safe!"

Su Yan’s tight mind slowly returned to calm, and he let out a sigh of relief. The stones that were pressed in these hearts were completely put down, and he felt very happy!

He began to regulate internal injuries, the decay of the blood recovery, the treasures of the steaming and radiant, the real recovery to a perfect moment, the body's blood can not help but start to oscillate!

In the past, Su Yan could still hold back, but this time he let go of everything, and really figured out the moment to chase the realm of the realm. The sound of thunder and thunder broke out in the middle of the flesh, which is the roar of Wandao. The sound is deafening!

This kind of blood pressure is difficult to suppress, the impact of Su Yan's body is stinging, his throat is rolling, and a blood is actually sprayed out!

However, Su Yan's momentum is not reduced by half, and even more prosperous in the past, deterrence!

His long black hair dances with his shawl, and the whole power of the magical power that is difficult to control himself is crowded with the entire battle boat space, and the pressure space is completely collapsed.

"Big brother, you are breaking through. If you are pressing down, it may damage the body, so you will lose more than it!"

Luo vigorously rushed to the past, and now the strength is also more powerful, successive battles, so that Luo vigorously in the land of the ancestral home of the violent energy can be stabilized.

He stands in the battle boat, like a huge demon, exudes the pressure of forced people, here is the guardian of Su Yan!

The peak of the gods!

This is the current cultivation situation of Luo Dali, and it can release the power of Tongtian. Even there is a kind of smashing through the shackles, rushing to the sky, running through chaos and evolving to the **** of heaven!

"I know!"

Su Yan’s nephew slammed open, and the light was stunned. His face was filled with a smile, and he was lax in an unprecedented way. He said: “Wait a minute, there are still some things that have not been done, and the gods are very close to me! ”

At the same time, Su Yan also took out the black cans, which was handed over to him by Xiahou. Su Yan also wanted to see the effect of knowing the best chaos. After he opened the jar, there was a dazzling root of the inside!

However, this gas, when the seal is broken, is bursting out, and it is filled with the fluctuations of the heavens and the earth. The chaotic energy is exuberant, just like a chaotic dragon that is sleeping again!


Su Yan can not help but comment, the best chaotic roots are already strong enough, this thing can not be met, the storage of the peak group is very rare, or some peak groups may not be able to get together.

If this thing is really thrown into the auction, the price is scary, it is invaluable, at least there are thousands of pounds of chaotic treasure, it is likely to break!

Of course, the auction will basically not have the best source of chaos, unless it is really urgent to use money, this thing Su Yan can not stay, even if it is not used, can be passed to his future generations.....

Su Yan sealed the black cans, and the next moment he was solemn and took out the Qiankun furnace!

Prior to this, Su Yan completely sealed the entire battle boat space to prevent the fluctuation of the Qiankun furnace from being touched by the demon domain!

This treasure belongs to the demon domain and is the imitation of the legendary Qiankun furnace!

It is rumored that the body of the Qiankun furnace is not inferior to the refining furnace. The Qiankun furnace is a prehistoric treasure, and it has lost the endless years, so it is impossible to compare the gap between the two treasures.

However, this replica of the Qiankun furnace is also strong enough, and the whole is forged with rare chaotic treasures.

This copper furnace naturally releases blazing air, and it can smelt the gods.

Even if the king of the gods is given to the town by the Qiang Kun furnace, the king of the king can be calcined into a group of ash for a month!

"This treasure is very strong. The weapon of the king of the king is too strong. The inside is self-proclaimed, and it is enough to make the enemy desperate. I didn't expect the demon domain trip, I will get a big killer!"

Su Yan’s face is filled with a smile, and this thing is used to protect the body naturally, and it is definitely a big killer.

Su Yan's frontal bone glows, and the inner **** sitting on the plate is shining. His **** is soaring than before. The soul is full and sturdy, full of the peerless power of the explosion space, and you can smash the void!

When the Yuanshen is strong enough, it is sure to explode a super-strong force. Generally speaking, the spirit of the gods rarely appears. His spiritual power, if it is really hit, is not far from death.

The powerful Yuans fluctuated and replaced Su Yan's eyes. In the exploration of the Quartet space of the Yuanshen, he noticed that Luo was strong and strong, and his life force was really powerful.

As for the Qiankun furnace, it is more like a natural fire stove. In the exploration of Su Yan's Yuanshen, he found that there are some spiritual imprints that are not part of the Qiankun furnace, and they are extremely powerful.

Even Su Yan felt a familiar wave of fluctuating!

"Zhufu!" His face poured out a trace of cold, this is the brand of Zufu, it seems that the demon domain promised to give the ancestral furnace to Zufu, directly let him lay the brand of the gods!

Although the half-step power of the gods is enough to kill Su Yan, but this is just a brand of Zufu, Su Yan fear!


Su Yan’s Yuanshen broke out in an instant, like a golden god, like a sun, fiercely waving his fist, and screaming at the gods he perceives!

An astonishing collision, a dull bang in the heavens and the earth, the mark of Zufu Yuanshen is also recovering, and the faint light of order is emerging, as if it runs through the entire starry sky and covers the whole world!

Su Yan’s gods stand in another world, and the sounds of the future are quietly emerging between the sounds of reading, and the power of 10,000 is revealed.

Once his **** is fully awakened, he will be born and suppress the six in eight!

However, the mark of a **** of Zufu is also enough to be abnormal, and it is necessary to tear the Qiankun and explode the trend of Suyan Yuanshen!

"Half-step big energy is also a small giant. It is really terrible. Fortunately, I have mastered the future, otherwise I really can't easily resolve this Yuanshen imprint!

Su Yan moved, he did not dare to approach, who knows how powerful this kind of **** is.

Su Yan was wiped out by strength. His **** became a big Buddha, bathed in Jinhui, and read the sound of Wan Dao. Under the state of the Buddha and the Buddha, the fragrant Zufu God continued to break out, and the blockade of the future was broken!

But this is just a mark, and eventually it is going to be weak!


A screaming voice also blew, screaming at the moment when Zufu Yuanshen was declining, Su Yan’s gods blew it up!

In the moment of exploding his god, the area far away from Su Yan, there is also a screaming screaming, this is the low sorrow of Zu Fu, he is full of hair and smashed, very fierce!

Before Zufu was hit hard by the Wan Yaoqi, the situation has not improved much.

Now the brand of the gods is destroyed, which makes Zufu hold his head and screams: "This little beast has destroyed my gods, they are still alive, and they are still alive!"

"Su Yan, when did he come out? The Milky Way was sealed for so long. Is it because the Cosmos Bridge sent Su Yan?"

A group of ancestral strongmen are angry. They are in a battleship. This battleship is filled with chaotic light, powerful and powerful. The boat can be overwhelmed with a starry sky. Once the battleship crosses the starry sky, the speed is not inferior. can.

In the battle boat, the gods breathed out, and there were more than a dozen strongmen gathered in the ancestral hall. Once the anger of the whole battle boat was more terrible, the hard life smashed the nearby stars and annihilated the starry sky.

"Give me the name!"

Zu Fu cold anger said: "Now send me to the Korean family, give me the Han family's Qimen master, I don't believe that he can still fly to the ends of the earth!"

The gods are moving!

The master of the Han family is definitely a seven-pronged singer. Once this kind of character is released, the ancestral temple will cost a lot of money to come out. How is the sect of the singer, even the king of God is three-pointed.

The half-step ability can completely intersect with the same generation, even the great power is also very important for the Qimen master.

This kind of character is also extremely difficult to move, after all, their eyesight is sometimes even more amazing than the power.

However, it is difficult to ask them to move them, but Zufu believes that Su Yan, who has instigated the ancestral veins of the demon ancestors, masters the unknown inheritance of Qimen, and will definitely make the Han family interested in Su Yan!

Su Yan, who is about to cross the **** land, has already perfectly controlled the Qiankun furnace!

This copper furnace is shining, and Su Yan is one of the heart. When he will sacrifice the furnace, this copper furnace is horrific and the furnace is shining, so that the whole battle boat is shaking.

Su Yan was shocked. He opened the battle boat and projected the Qiankun furnace. Once the stove was running, the starry sky was burned to the black and the stars of the universe were shaking and they would melt into molten iron!


Su Yan laughed happily, and loved to caress the furnace body of the Qiankun furnace. This treasure is the treasure with the strongest attacking power since the beginning of the Soviet Union.

Instead, the main channel of the Xianzhuzhu suppression, this Qiang furnace is the main killing!

Su Yan put the furnace away and began to retreat.

He has been away from the demon domain for five days and five nights and has crossed the edge of the **** land.

However, the current practice of cultivation is a terrible earthquake. The original demon domain event has spread throughout the universe, but now the world is screaming in a storm, alarming the universe!

The major forces that are about to rush to the demon domain have also turned around and left.

The vast world of cultivation, the boundless storm!

The horror of the horror began to skyrocket, so that the universe was boiling, and the magnificent killings also emerged, shocking the universe!

It can be said that this storm has been going on for a long time, but now the storm is so grand that the universe is suffocating!

"Big news!"

The **** land has been rumored to be rumored, and it has finally been confirmed: "The madman screams in the world of the demon world, and the waning flag goes away from the northern demon, and the demon domain event will be cancelled!"

The storm caused by this incident was too fierce and raging. It can be said that it has shaken the world, and the peaks and groups have been shocked!

"Su Yan... Su Mania?"

"What kind of jokes, with a single Su Yan, can stir up the storm, breaking the general trend of the demon domain, he cultivated into the realm of the gods?"

A lot of strong, all the strong, one by one after getting the news are sluggish!

A Su madman who had risen in the Shenling Mountains before, but after a short period of ten years, he even had the courage to sneak into the demon domain event, and even took away the Wan Yaoqi. This is enough to make people crazy!

"Really fake? Su Yan dared to go to the demon domain ancestral hall, I did not hear it wrong?"

"It’s just a big trouble, you haven’t forgotten this suspense case, huh, he was killed by Su madman! The strongest young hegemon of the Peng family was also killed by Su Yan’s stick, but it’s in the demon court. The next hand, even he moved the demon dragon, let the demon dynasty decay for a hundred years!"

"Mad is too bad, even though there is a gold iron bull family, he is still succeeded by him!"

The storms and the rains between the practice circles, igniting the people of the world.

Su Yan, who was trapped in the Milky Way, miraculously appeared in the land of the demon domain, making a big noise.

The demon domain event will be terminated. On this day, Su Yan can be said that no one in the world knows!

On the same day, the demon domain North demon swallowed thousands of miles, killing the universe, the world is crazy to find Su Yan, but also the words of fury: "Su Yan, I will marry you!"

The heavens are standing out, this is a terrible signal!

Su Yan is either recognized by the world as the supreme **** of the invincible world, or the stepping stone of the heavens!

The ancestral hall is even more magical and danced, as if it had returned to the era of turmoil.


An invincible power has awakened from the slumber, it is a figure staring at the stars, making time and space turbulent.

And the ancestral seal burns, inheriting the belief of invincibility from generation to generation!

The ancestors are filled with the power of my own esteem, overlooking the entire ancestral court, and the cold and secluded opening: "I am incarnation, I want to kill Su Yan!"...

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