Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 828: In the **** sea!

The northern demon is out of the customs, swallowing thousands of miles, and the cold voice seems to reverberate throughout the cultivation world!

what is this?

This is the wrath of the Supreme of the Heavens. For many years, no gods stand up and let out this kind of remarks. The northern demon of the demon domain hates Su Yan, and he ruined the plan of the Northern Demon, which ruined the future. Half a demon!

Although things will turn around, even if the Wan Yaoqi returns again, but this tone of northern enchanting can swallow!

He is crazy about looking for Su Yan in the world. Compared to taking away the Wan Yao flag, the Northern Demon wants to kill Su Yan now!

"Under the wrath of the heavens, can the Su Mania be blocked?"

"Whether you can stop it, how many people in this world can compete with the Su madman? The young hegemon of the Peng family was killed by a stick. Except for the Supreme of the Heavens, who can do the rest of the young hegemons!"

"Su Yan, definitely the first person under the Supreme of the Heavens!"

The storm that has been circulated by this incident has become more and more turbulent. The older generation has lamented that the era of the younger generation has come. They have broken into the realm and have replaced the older generation of the ninety-nine.

In the coming years, these people will take charge of the great religion, order the group, and become one big man after another.

The chaos of ruins will open, then the era of this tyrannical hegemony will come, the older generation will completely retreat behind the scenes, waiting for the fascinating confrontation of the younger generation to spread throughout the universe.

In the era of the combination of heroes and heroes, the times will create heroes. In the future, whoever can rise and fall in the world, it is true that in the next decade or two, there will be several strong people who will reach the peak and look down on the people of the world and win the field.

Su Yan is back to the bloodshed!

In this storm-filled cultivation world, I am afraid that no one will guess that his destination will be the bloodshed!

Su Yan ran all the way and broke into the blood city.

The current blood city is different from the past. Some strong people of many ethnic groups are in the city, and they can't help but release the exuberant blood-like fluctuations of the immortal furnace.

Undoubtedly, the strongest of the two major powers of the Dala Dynasty and the Deity of God, gathered in the blood city, they still do not believe that Luo Tiandu and the King of Light have fallen.

For the big things of the outside world, they don’t care. If the two great peaks of the family really died in the blood of the corpse, this is too heavy for their group, especially the gods, and it will be really late. people!

"Is Luo Tiandu and the King of Light still alive?"

Su Yan's brow wrinkled, time has been so long, if they are still alive, it is a miracle.

But the power of the two peak groups, now can not open the blood of the corpse, then the problem is serious, even worse than Su Yan's imagination, the pattern of corpse blood may not be broken.

At the time of the night, Su Yan and Luo vigorously began to gather.

"Big brother, there is no clue about the news of Tiebaocai, now the North Demon jumped out to find you a showdown!" Luo vigorously sneered, before the demon, the North Demon had this opportunity, but the North Demon is not at ease. In that case, he and Su Yan killed.

Then he said: "There are a lot of things about the blood of the corpse, but there is no substantial clue, but the power can attack the blood of the corpse, but nothing has been found. There are very few people who dare to go to the Jedi!"

Su Yanben thought about listening to some information, but unfortunately nothing was achieved!

He is not prepared to go on in the fall, and it is imperative to explore the blood of the corpse. If you really can't get the chaotic motherhood, you can only choose the best source of chaos!

"You can't even get the power!"

Luo vigorously wants to stop, he thinks that chaotic motherhood should not be in the blood of the corpse, and the catastrophe has already happened, why is Su Yan still going to the corpse to explore the secret?

Wen Yan said, Su Yan said: "I estimate the things of chaotic maternality, 19:89 is real, or else it will not attract the attention of so many groups of people, even Luo Tiandu and Lightning King may lose their own life!"

Su Yan felt that this matter was 80% reliable, and although he had only a little hope, he wanted to take a look.

He is ready to become a **** in the near future, no longer delayed, Su Yan has felt the pressure, the ruins of chaos will be opened in these days, once that day does not break into the realm of the realm, it will certainly fall into the wind, will miss many creations and opportunities !

"The blood is dead, I am coming!"

Su Yan quickly rushed toward the corpse of blood, he was ready to explore, and then decided on specific ways to enter and exit.

The corpse of blood is now a famous life in the universe. During the journey, Su Yan saw many powerful people who went to explore. The older generation is mostly, but many people remember the wealth left by the former ruins. !

From here to the **** sea, not far away.

Su Yan is close to the destination, I have already felt a very **** suffocation!

"It's too fierce!"

Many of the companions have changed their minds, and they have retired. They have lost their lives for the sake of some treasures.

"More fierce than before!"

Su Yan’s nephew looked at the past, at the end of the horizon, steamed with great blood, bigger and more spectacular than the mushroom cloud, the fierce atmosphere, richer than before!

At least a million miles are covered up by blood, and it is extremely difficult to see the truth.

Even this is just a peripheral area, rolling blood and crowded with the vast land, revealing the fierce fierce light, like warning the world, not ahead!

"How many people will die!"

Su Yan was shocked and stunned. It seems that after they left the **** land, the Shenxu and the Daluo dynasty absolutely organized a large number of strong people to conquer the corpse, but they failed, and even buried a large number of elite.

After all, at that time, they were not only the two major groups, but also the strongest of the cosmic strong people who broke into the corpse of blood. In short, this time is really a **** day, and countless people died, at least engulfing millions of lives!

The murderous land is in front of Su Yan!

Many daring people have begun to get close. Su Yan got a message along the way. There is a Laoyao dynasty who is unwilling to try and can try to dig out some of the hidden feelings of the corpse.

The world speculates that the blood of the corpse hides the secret of the day, otherwise it will not be so ferocious.

Su Yan went all the way. In this **** world, the fierceness of the birth between heaven and earth, involuntarily penetrated into the shell of Su Yan!

He frowned, feeling that this material and the devil's fog are somewhat similar, but there is absolutely no such ferociousness as the devil's fog. If this fierce gas stays in the flesh for a long time, it will definitely damage the flesh.

But if it is in the blood of the sea, then the fierceness is stronger, no wonder the king of God can not go to explore.

"It seems that I really have to be prepared to explore!"

Su Yan is coming to hunt for treasures, and he must be prepared completely. When the time is 500,000 miles deep, there is a strong and fierce atmosphere between the bright red worlds!

They walk through the region, withstand the erosion of fierce atmosphere, one by one, and walk through!

This road, Su Yan walked all day, explored a lot of visions between heaven and earth, and even went inside, Su Yan felt more uncomfortable, seems to be deep into the mouth of a **** basin!

There are more than half of the companions, and they don't want to go inside to explore.

"The murder of the ground, the gathering of endless death, this super battlefield is someone to do the game, or is it really a natural formation of fierce land?"

Su Yan was embarrassed in his heart. This is really not easy to guess. Although he had some thoughts in his heart, he could not confirm his thoughts.

In this way, Su Yan continues to deepen, and there are very few people in the industry!

At a time when the destination is even thousands of miles away, several daring old strongmen are discolored, with creepy bones and cold back.

The world is like a mysterious creature staring at them, even Su Yan has a hunch of death, and even a terrible sense of oppression, just like standing at the end of a peerless demon!

"If the pattern here is revealed, I really can't help it!" Su Yan.

"Big brother, are we still going deeper?" Luo vigorously kept his peak state, closed his pores and blocked the fierce gas.

Su Yan's **** is shining, his spirit is extraordinarily powerful, and it is enough to carefully explore the pattern of the square, but the fierce land in front makes it extremely difficult for Su Yan's **** to explore.

Then you can only go in!

"In the past, there is a strong person recovering, it seems to be smashing the ground!"

Su Yan continues to move inside. He is already close to the edge of the corpse of blood. In this world of **** and oppressive atmosphere, Su Yan’s mind is aware that the source of exceptionally brave life is recovering!

Even with a strong blood, you can't hold back a lion!


After a long distance, Su Yan heard the sound of the shouting sound, it is a **** of the old and weak, life is not much, want to smash into the **** sea before dying, will find Luo Tian!

"Old lord...."

The screams of the old king are also mixed with the sorrow of many people. They don't want the old and ruined pavilion to go on adventure, the corpse of blood is too fierce, and the scorpion will swallow the life of the strong!

Su Yan has already seen it. It is a very old old man. His heroic spirit is not diminished. In the face of the swallowing magic cave, he is not afraid, and he gives off the arrogant cover. He laughs: I have already lived enough. It is worthwhile to do something before I die. I will help me take care of Huaqing!"

"It is the old lord!"

A group of powerful veterans slammed the ground, forcing tears and clenching their fists.

This is because they have followed the old king of thousands of years, but now he is explaining the matter...

"Five grandfathers don't go, hehe..."

Luo Huaqing is crying and crying. Her age is still small, but these months are a nightmare, looking lonely and pathetic.

She stretched out the jade hand and wanted to grab the old clothes of the pavilion, and didn't want him to take his life!

"Haha, I am optimistic about this child in the heavens. It is worth my risk. If he can survive, tell him that one day he will close the **** sea of ​​this dog day, the bones dug out, and my old brothers." Together!"

The Dala dynasty's warlord, the old king, is not afraid of life and death, he directly rushed into the blood of the corpse, broke out the most terrible source of life, to dig out something in this Jedi!

Only in this way can the Da Luo Dynasty really pay a big price to rescue Luo Tiandu.

After all, now the Dala Dynasty, the younger generation of the South Emperor!

"Old lord!"

The old man’s majesty’s screaming and crying, they know that this time he went to force the blood of the corpse, and he will never come back!


Luo Huaqing crying is very distressing, Su Yan looked at this scene, looking at the poor Luo Huaqing, sighed in his heart.

"Cry and cry?"

However, there is a cold voice that comes up with sarcasm and ridicule: "I know crying all day long. You are too useless. Your brother has killed so many powerful men in the Dala Dynasty. What else do he want? He Luo Tiandu is really as good as a direct death, how do you want to consume the essence of my Da Luo Huang?"

The person who spoke is the second princess, and his expression is invisible. What else can be taboo? Luo Tiandu is gone, the strongest of their grandfathers died a large piece, and it is not enough to crush Luo Huaqing!

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