Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 829: I will marry you!

The second princess was very happy in the past few months. After all, in the Dalu dynasty, the obstacles of the Southern Emperor have completely disappeared!

If you want to fight for the universe, even a star field can not be the first in the world, why talk about the future and the major groups of hegemons!

Luo Tiandu was trapped in the blood of the sea for so long, they think it must die!

Coupled with the support of Luo Tiandu, a group of old powerhouses are also dead, wounded, and the rest is not much. The influence of Luo Huaqing in the Daluo Dynasty is getting lower and lower!

In the future, the pattern of the Dala Dynasty has been honored. The mood of the second princess is more and more comfortable. Once the South Emperor is in the future, they will become the rulers of the Dala Dynasty.

"Luo Huaqing, Luo Huaqing, I see how proud you are in the future!"

Luo Yufeng hates even more, whispering in his heart: "Hey, everything must fight with me, compare with me, wait for those old things to die, see how I am dying, and your brother Luo Tiandu, huh, huh, This is the result of your own planting!"

On the same day in the blood city, she was slapped by Luo Tiandu, almost lost her life, Luo Yufeng has been worried about this matter, but did not expect the retribution so fast.

Luo Huaqing's big eyes are red, tears are falling in her eyes, she is sad and her body is shaking.

She stared at the **** sea, as if walking the dead, the magic cave buried her soul, and also buried her too many relatives.

She is alone and looks pitiful.

For the princess's harsh words, Luo Huaqing has listened to countless times, and she is used to it now.

"It’s ridiculous, like a fool, it’s really boring!”

Luo Yufeng saw Luo Huaqing did not respond, and sneered at the second princess: "Second sister, you marry her, if I am Luo Huaqing, I will be buried together in the blood of the corpse, and return to the emperor?"

"Yeah, Luo Huaqing, you have provoked so many people before. Now it is good. Your brother Luo Tian is already dead. Who else can protect you? Don't expect someone to atone for the crimes you have committed before!"

The second princess also sneered, the wall was pushed down by everyone, and her two princesses had no less trouble than Luo Huaqing!

However, as a result, the great things that the Southern Emperor handed over to her were completely destroyed by the warfare around Luo Huaqing, and it is ridiculous that Luo Dali also recognized Luo Dayong as the main!

She is now angry and there is no place to sprinkle!

Luo Dayong and Luo Dali have disappeared without a trace, and the second princess does not know who to look for!

"My brother is not dead, not dead!"

Luo Huaqing suddenly smashed at them, and the eyes were red to kill.

"You..." Luo Yufeng pointed to Luo Huaqing and angered: "Well, you Luo Huaqing, dare to talk to the second sister, do you think you are still a little princess before? Do you understand your status? Do you want it? I remind you to remind you!"

"Two princesses, you said enough!"

Luo Anyong’s eyes were red, and he stood up and whispered: “The little princess is already like this. What are you doing? You can’t hear the words of the old prince!”

"Baby, you are a dog slave, what are you? Do you dare to blame me?"

The second princess was furious and glared at Luo Anyong’s sinister slogan: “Do you want to bully the Lord? Do you dare to disrespect me, do you want to rebel?”

At this time, the veteran of a group of old kings stood up and brushed up, and a dozen old powerhouses were very angry. I wished that the two princesses would be beaten up and beaten!

Moreover, in some people's eyes, there is a release of killings. The old king's words are explained by the words of the old king. He does not dare to forget that he has to pay his own life and kill them. This will also save Luo Huaqing!

Luo Anyong is really afraid of someone coming in. Once they die, Luo Huaqing can't live, and sooner or later they will find them on their heads.

"Two princesses, please don't forget, Luo Tian has not fallen, he is still alive, people are still in the blood of the sea!"

Luo Anyong threatened: "If Luo Tian is alive and coming out and knows what is happening here, I see how you tell Luo Tiandu, don't think that there is a South Emperor to protect you, Luo Tian will not dare to target you!"

"You are threatening me!"

The princess's face is gloomy and cold and secluded: "You are a dog slave, you are really getting bigger and bigger, and you still threaten me with a dead person, and you Luo Huaqing, our accounts should be liquidated, Luo Dayong Give it to me, or else I will represent the South Emperor and judge your sin!"

"You dare, my Dalu dynasty is a land of law, you dare to come!"

Luo Anyong, they are mad, what do the two princesses want to do? Is it really necessary to kill Luo Huaqing!

"Oh, I don't dare to have anything. Even the South Emperor, she dares to provoke. Luo Huaqing can now give you a chance to hand over Luo Dayong and Luo, or else, huh, the consequences should be clear!"

The second princess's look is cold, and a pair of hands can pinch the smug look of Luo Huaqing. At the same time, he laughs and laughs: "This is your only way out. Let Luo Dayong and Luo vigorously hand it over to me!"

The moment the voice just emerged, the faint voice passed.

“Strong, someone seems to be looking for you!”

This calm voice was passed to the two princesses in their ears, but it was like a blue sky, and their souls shook.

Even Luo Anyong, they are a bit stunned, is it that Luo Dayong and Luo Dali are really here...

We must know that because of Luo’s vigorous efforts, a few months ago, the South Emperor came down with a number of strong people to come and search for their tracks, but unfortunately they found nothing!

Luo Huaqing's body is also stiff, and she stays in a patrol. Even in these months, her heart is very self-blaming. If she stopped Luo Tiandu at that time, then the disaster would not happen. She felt very embarrassed.

"Luo Dayong!"

Luo Yufeng screamed and screamed. In the world full of **** colors, two shadows gradually became clear. They crossed the **** territory and came to the edge of the **** sea.

"It's you, you dare to come!"

The second princess was furious. Because of Luo’s great deeds, she couldn’t sleep well in these months. She was afraid that the South Emperor would drop her guilt, but all this was related to Luo Dayong, and now the Lord has appeared!

"Is this road open by your family? I want to come when I want to come, I want to leave, what to do with you!" Su Yan sneered.

"You are a dog slave..."

Luo Yufeng was angry and shouting, but this has not been finished yet. Luo, who has been standing next to Su Yan, has witnessed the fierce light in an instant!

Suddenly, Luo Anyong, they are all big, just like seeing a fierce **** rising from the ground, the power is surging, and the power is swallowed, releasing the power of the avenue, covering the sky!


Luo Yufeng screamed, and she was collapsed by Luo Dali's half-faced face. The appearance was terrible. It was extremely painful to roll on the ground, mournful, painful, and want to die immediately!


Luo Yufeng's escorts screamed in anger, the forehead above the blue veins, the four powerful strong rushing together, evolved the magical mystery, killing Luo vigorously!

The dull and squeaky sound exploded, Luo Dali Yingwu shocked the sky, the fist of the big mouth hammered up, the world of the battle hit a big shock, the mountains and the land followed the roar, everything started to be fragmented!

Under the trepidation of the second princess, Luo Yufeng's four guards were hammered by Luo Dali, one after the other, flying out in the void, bursting into a **** light!

"you guys......"

The two princesses were terrified. They even started directly, and they killed the guards under Luo Yufeng’s majesty. They even beat the Princess Luo Yufeng. This courage is too big. Isn’t it really irritating to anger the entire Dalu dynasty?

And when Luo’s vigorous scorpion fell on the second princess, she was sweating up, her heart was full of fear, her legs and feet were a little soft!

At that time, she tortured Luo and forced him to suffer shame and torture. However, since the madman got out of trouble, he could soften her hand!

"Come me to stop him and stop him..."

The second princess screamed, and at the same time quickly retreated, the head was as big as a fight!

"Big brother!"

Luo Dali vigorously sizzled and chilled, like a **** of the sky, even a group of strong men under the second princess, under the pressure of Luo's great peers, also chilling, shivering!

"come back earlier!"

The faint voice of Su Yan makes Luo vigorously screaming at the sky, the sound waves are like the sea, and the earth is moving!

One of the strong men in front of him, trembled in a strong roar, one by one, as if to see a young supreme in the cross!

Su Yan regained his gaze, and his dawn fell on Luo Huaqing.

Now Luo Anyong is silent in the shock, this Luo is too terrible, this is the peerless savage that was rescued by Su Yan that year, they can hardly imagine how strong this Luo is!

Even if he is brave, how strong is it? After all, I can accept the great people like Luo, and Luo Dayong definitely has his excellency!

"What are you doing back!"

Luo Huaqing’s voice was crying, and the big red eyes looked at Su Yan. There was an inexplicable hate in the eruption, and the jade hand was tight, not to see Su Yan.

She does not know why she hates Luo Dayong.

It may be because Su Yan’s departure in the past may be because Su Yan did not go to the corpse to rescue her brother.....

"There was a big event that year, and it was more urgent!"

Su Yan sighed, and now Luo Huaqing, but there is no such a beautiful look as the little witch, it seems very distressing, lovable.

Through these things, she will grow up completely.

"I am going to go to the sea of ​​blood, maybe I can bring Luo Tiandu out!" Su Yan said directly.

"what did you say?"

Wen Yan, Luo Huaqing, the whole person is stiff, Su Yan wants to go to the **** sea? Her first feeling, really do not want to let other people take risks, don't take other lives!

There are already enough people to die before, and how many people will die. She is really desperate.

"Trust me, since I can see it, I am sure that I will survive. Since Luo Tian is still not dead, I will do my best to bring him out of peace!"

This is Su Yan’s promise, and it is also a reward for Luo Huaqing’s help to him.

"Da Yong, shouldn't you make fun of us?"

Luo Anyong, they are full of expectations, Su Yan really has the confidence to enter the blood of the sea? Su Yan can really do things that even can't do!

"It's been this time, I don't have the mood to laugh with you." Su Yan responded, his eyes looked at the blood of the body, said: "I also want to know, how murdered this **** sea!"

"If you can save my brother!"

Luo Huaqing’s emotions are out of control, yelling at Su Yan’s whimper: “I will marry you, this is what Luo Huaqing said, the heavens and the earth as evidence, the sun and the moon for the proof, never give up!”

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