Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 830: Chaos stone skin

In the **** world, echoing Luo Anyong’s exclamations, one by one, they are stunned...

Luo Huaqing shouted loudly and didn't know where the courage came from. Her words shocked Su Yan, and she didn't know how to drop it. Suddenly, she responded positively: "When you grow up, say it!"

This made Luo Anyong completely stupid, looking at Luo Dayong really do not know what to say, even co-authored this kid from the beginning to remember the little princess?

Su Yan pondered a bit and found that there was a big problem with his own words. He fled and fled quickly and quickly left the blood.


Luo Huaqing finally couldn't help but smile. Her laughter was like a silver bell. It echoed between the heavens and the earth. She broke into laughter. This smile Luo Anyong had not seen it for a long time. I feel that under the smile of Luo Huaqing, everything has been taken away.

But this laughter has been maintained for a while, Luo Hua is black and face, is he so small? She is quite a chest, and she is not too small!

"Can he bring out my brother?"

Immediately, Luo Huaqing was in a nervous mood, and even the power could not be done. Can Luo Tian be brought out by a single Su Yan? But since Su Yan saw the clues of the **** sea, his hopes are still great!

"This guy is fooling the little princess?"

Luo Anyong, they are all frowning, Su Yan is not saying to go to the **** sea? But why is he going in the outer area...

"But it's good. The little princess is going on like this. Sooner or later, I will be hurt and hurt. There will be big problems in cultivation!"

A group of old guards sighed, and the power could not be done. Su Yan was even in the sky, how could Luo Tian be brought out, but Su Yan’s words also stabilized the little princess, they think this is good for the little princess.


Su Yan’s return to the blood city, Luo vigorously smiled, he scratched his head, revealing a thick smile, this looks like in advance congratulations to Su Yan.....

Su Yan blacked an old face, unable to defend, did not expect Luo Dali to take it seriously, this is really a rib.

For Luo Yufeng and the second princess's life and death, Su Yan did not ask, no matter whether they died or not, Su Yan is not bad for these two lives. One day, sooner or later, the Southern Emperor will know that Luo is vigorously by his side.

However, when he returned to the blood city, Su Yan heard many gossips and his face was gloomy!

"Big news, the demon domain is gathering troops!"

The bloods of the earth are shaking, the movements of the demon domain are extremely fast, and the war orders are issued everywhere, and they want to summon the demon, and gather the demon domain army!

What do they want to do, and they will know when they think about it!

"Saved an iron treasure, and provoked the entire demon domain, this sale is not worthwhile?" There is a frown of the older generation, but the same future iron treasure also hopes to take control of the demon domain, but this hope is too embarrassing .

Of course, the strong people in the world do not know, Tiebaocai is a tribe of the funeral family, this is an unchangeable fact!

"The Wan Yao flag has been lost, and there is no power in the North Demon to make the demon, attacking the funeral family!"

"Even the two major peak groups are all in the forbidden zone of the Ge, fear that the large groups of the demon domain are also quite taboo, and it is impossible to rush to attack the funeral domain."

"Oh, this can be said to be bad, Su madman ruined the demon domain event, and provoked the entire demon domain, he is an outsider who intervenes in the demon domain, I see the demon domain is the iron heart attacking the funeral domain!"

The news is mad, and the cultivation world is so sensational!

The peaks of the universe, the ancestral temple, the yin dynasty, the demon domain, these three groups are terrible. Once they move the real thing, or join hands, the burial domain can withstand this unprecedented pressure?

Some people have heard the atmosphere of war. This is a dark day, and sooner or later, one day, it will flow back to the funeral domain!

"A young man, it’s terrible!"

There are also many admirers of Su Yan who lament a lot. Just like seeing this kind of peerless pattern, there is a young man stirring up the situation, and whether they can weather the dragon in the future, they also look forward to it.

Su Yan could not hear the clues and traces of Tie Baocai. It was already a mystery where they went.

"I have to hurry and the situation is getting more and more urgent!"

Su Yan said in his heart: "I hope that the chaotic ruins will open as soon as possible, so that the situation faced by my family is much better. If I become a **** into the chaotic ruins, I will certainly be able to slow down my pressure!"

Premise, Su Yan must explode enough horrible potential to allow the large groups of ancestral temples to send a large number of strong people to target themselves.

"I want to be a god, to seal the heavens to the supreme!"

Su Yan’s eyes reveal a terrible belief, and his body is roaring. The blood that is difficult to control himself is counter-current again. The Su Yan mouth vomits against the blood, and the body has a hard-to-control avenue.

Su Yan is amazed, his situation is getting worse and worse, and it’s impossible to become a god!

You must dare to open the power of God before the fire in the field of Shinto!

"For half a year, I only have a maximum of half a year!"

Su Yan took a deep breath, he quickly came to the Phoenix amount, Su Yan needs to trade some important things, in order to let go of his hands and feet to smash the blood.

With a new identity and trading in the Phoenix Pavilion, Su Yan's handwriting is amazing!

Luo vigorously silently made a batch of rare resources. They smashed the two kings of the gods in the demon domain, harvested the heritage of the gods, and they were very rich in value. They took out the big hand and brought out the style of the wind. .

Feng Xuan, the deputy director, opened the door and asked what kind of treasure Su Yan needed.

"Chaotic stone skin!"

Su Yan's faint opening, his words, the wind, the mysterious eyelids jumped, the attitude was instantly lowered, respectfully said: "This Taoist friend, but a master of Qimen?"

"Why, I am coming to trade, you have to ask the origins of the origins?" Su Yan was dissatisfied.

"Don't dare, don't dare!" Feng Xuan said quickly: "It's just this chaotic stone skin, very few people buy it. As far as I know, the master is also very difficult to play the power of chaotic stone skin, but it is for the master of Qimen. Words, there are amazing magical effects!"

"But this strange door is always rare, so the old man has a few words, don't blame, don't blame!" Feng Xuan laughed, and was extremely curious about the stranger.

"Chaos Shipi seems to have you!" Su Yan calmly asked: "Take it out and I will look at the goods."

"Yes, but I don't know what quality goods Daoyou needs!"

Feng Xuan said: "The chaotic stone skin also has three or six, etc., it is rare to preserve the complete chaotic stone skin......."

For the chaotic stone skin, Su Yan was also the first to contact, but he knows this kind of material, which is extremely rare. It is the stone skin that wraps the chaotic treasure!

The general chaotic stone skin Su Yan is not used naturally. The chaotic stone skin he needs, at least it must be precipitated in the underground for more than ten thousand years to qualify!

"This thing is so expensive!"

Luo in front of Su Yan vigorously scratched his head, chaotic stone skin is a joke? Su Yan wants a complete chaotic stone skin, one or two need a thousand chaotic treasures, this is too abnormal!

Su Yan is not unexpected, because the complete chaotic stone skin, wrapped in supreme treasure!

This thing he can't afford, buy some scraps in the sky, even if the specifications are not too high, the chaotic stone skin, the value also makes Luo vigorously blink.

They sold all kinds of treasures and resources in the heritage of the gods, and the value was close to three thousand kilograms of chaotic treasures. This is what they exchanged for their lives. The purchase of chaotic stone skin is just barely enough. .

"Made has become a poor man!"

Su Yan bitterly face, and all the remaining resources have purchased Chaos Treasure. He has to prepare to break through the realm of the gods. It is not a chaotic ruin. From the avenue to the divine, it is also the evolution of energy. liquid.

"Haha, the road friends are slow, go slowly!"

Feng Xuan laughed and sent them to the door. This was in my heart: "Is it really a strange door? Should he not pay attention to the **** sea?"

Feng Xuan thinks that this 80% is possible, shaking his head for a while, can really find death, corpse blood Hailian can not get anything, even if the Master Qimen came, hope is also very embarrassing!

"Strong, how many chaos treasures you have!"

Su Yan, they returned to the Jufeng Building, he pondered for a while and asked.

Su Yan feels that there is too little chaos in his body, and even he has to do a bigger thing, in order to make the adventure of the **** sea more secure, even if he really can't find what he wants, life-saving The hope is also great!

After all, this **** sea is too mysterious, Su Yan has to be prepared for everything!

However, Su Yan lacked money. He thought about it, but his inquiry was delayed, but he was doubtful. When he saw Luo’s virtues, he made Su Yan blink of an eye: “How is it still hidden? Are you kidnapped for fear of me?"

"No no!"

Luo Dali’s head is like a rattle, and he quickly recruited it. Like a treasure, he took out a lot of good things and put them in front of Su Yan.

Su Yan straight hooks on the various treasures that Luo vigorously took out.

His breathing was a bit heavy and he felt that he was blind!

Even Luo has taken out more and more, and when he took it out, he was full of half of the cultivation room of the Jufeng Building.

Su Yan blinked and said with amazement: "Where is it!"

There are too many resources in this group. They are treasures in treasures. Even the avenues have a lot of evolutionary fluids, and Chaos Baoye is no less than four or five hundred drops!

In general, from the avenue to the gods, a hundred drops of chaotic treasures have evolved enough.

Su Yan 狠狠 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸, this Luo Luo vigorously treasured when!

Looking at the power like a miser, this kid finally began to recruit, crying and sorrowful face said: "Big brother listened to me, these strange treasures, I took away from the second princess, always thinking about how to explain with the big brother, After all, she is the second princess of the Dala Dynasty, and I just want to give her a lesson..."

"I'm done!"

Su Yan laughed happily: "I didn't expect the second princess to be so rich, but vigorously..."

Su Yan frowned at him and said, "You are kind enough!"

Wen Yan, Luo vigorously silenced.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to kill the second princess. He doesn’t want to give Su Yan trouble!

Luo Dali barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes, killing and leaving.

After all, Su Yan has no direct conflict with the Dala Dynasty. If the two princesses and Luo Yufeng both die in Luo, the problem is big!

As for this resource, it is quite amazing, so that Su Yan is stunned and deserves the core seeds of the peak group.

He even thought that if he hunted the northern demon, then he would get more resources!

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