Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 831: Seven product source pen

Su Yan solemnly took out a golden avenue pen, which was accompanied by Su Yan for decades. In the same year, Zhu Yue handed the source pen seed to Su Yan. Now the source pen seed has been cultivated by Su Yan to the six-level level.

Every stranger wants to get an amazing source pen seed, which can grow with the stranger!

The magical use of the source pen is endless. The most direct effect is that it can rewrite the world's general trend, and the hidden killing technique between the heavens and the earth, and even every evolution of the source pen, is also of great help to Qimen.

Now Su Yan wants to evolve the six-source pen into the seven-product field!

Seven gold source pens, Su Yan guess is bound to be extremely shocking, and the help for Su Yan is also amazing!

However, the evolution of the source pen seed may fail, especially in the field of seven products, the failure rate is not low, once the failure Su Yan will miss this mysterious treasure of growth!

Su Yan took a deep breath, he can only hope that the source pen can be past, perfect evolution to the seven-product field, so that the face of the **** sea can also help!

"I don't know how many chaos treasures I need. Now there are a total of 800 drops. Even if I break through these 800 drops, it is enough. But this source pen evolution, I don't know how many chaotic treasures I need, hope enough!"

Su Yan took all the Chaos treasures out and put them into the Qiankun furnace!

This stove glows, and the internal chaos is filled!

More than eight hundred drops of chaotic treasure liquid, if it really costs resources to buy, there is no two thousand pounds of chaotic treasures simply can not get!

Su Yan has made a huge fortune in the source pen. The chaotic treasure in the stove has begun to boil, and the light is shining, the chaos is surging, full of magical weather!

Su Yan put the golden avenue source pen into the Qiankun furnace. The source pen shines, and the ruthless glare in an instant, the whole pen is burning!

Su Yan and the golden source pen are closely connected. He can feel the greed from the source pen. It absorbs the chaotic treasure liquid very cheerfully, and the process is very fast!

"The time flow rate is large!"

Su Yan gave a low drink, and Luo vigorously opened the time flow rate in the secret government!

This training room is one of the top boxes in the Jufeng Building. It contains a large flow of time. If you practice in it for ten days, it will take two or three days to estimate it!

However, the price paid is equally alarming. Su Yan has no time to continue to waste. He must hurry up to finish all this, and then go to the **** sea!

"How can this thing absorb so many chaotic treasures!"

Luo Dali is eclipsed, the avenue source pen absorbs more and more crazy, and even Su Yan hits the starry sky skin, this animal skin shines, and instantly slams tens of millions of golden gas, full of great dragon pulse!

This is the essence of the Dragon's Dragon Pulse, which is extremely valuable. Now Su Yan has come out with a large number of helpers to help the source pen complete this evolution!

Su Yan is a little nervous. Once it fails, the golden source pen disappears. This thing has been with him for decades. The emotions need not be said more, and even it is the treasure that Su Yan gave to Su Yan.


After a whole day, the golden source pen absorbs a large amount of energy essence, and the entire pen is burned, and its absorption has become saturated!

Even the source pen began to hum, and the hard pen seemed to burst, which made Su Yan feel nervous, even he found that the source pen sent a jealous, frightened...

The source pen is afraid, and seems to be aware of the danger, to be destroyed in the promotion!

"not good!"

Su Yan’s forehead sheds a cold sweat, staring at the golden source pen that began to evolve!

His palms are sweating, and the amplitude of the golden source pen is getting bigger and bigger. It madly engulfs the chaotic treasure and the essence of the dragon veins, the stinging eyes, the intertwined violent world space power, Going to the ruin!

Su Yan seems to see the universe is destroying, time and space are collapsed!

The whole world seems to have lost its cornerstone and began to collapse in layers, just as the universe in which he lived has gone to death and began to decline.

Su Yan's eyes are all congested. He is clear about the encounter of the golden source pen, and the world is heading for death. This vital source pen is also about to reach the end of life!


The next moment, Su Yan was screaming, just at the moment when this destruction was about to completely devour the life of the golden source pen. This root pen once again picked up, like the birth of order, the birth of the supreme road, and the birth of new rules!


In his eyes, the golden source pen is divided, but the crack is its body surface!

When a new source pen is born, it stands between the heavens and the earth, like rooted in time and space, and has survived a river and mountains, releasing a unique rule order and evolving a new world!

"it is good!"

Su Yan burst into a bang, and he smiled up, and the avenue was successful, breaking into the seven-product field!

This golden source pen has also changed. The pen is intertwined with the ancient lines, like one after another, the real dragon, the disk lying on the golden source pen, the sound can burst out, rewriting the world's great power!

"What the treasure is this?"

Luo strongly feels that this thing is very terrible. It seems that every stroke can be used to call for the wind and change the sky!

At the same time, in the process of evolution of the source pen, Su Yan also made great inspiration for the seven-product field!

After all, Su Yan lacks experience in practice. He just got the first part of Qimen's inheritance. After six products, he needs to explore himself.

But now there is a difference between the seven Pinyuan pens, Su Yan has a part of the eyes of the seven classics!

Su Yan loved to touch the source pen, he grinned, since the big sleeves, a lot of colorful chaotic stone skin is piled on the ground!

These stone skins are filled with ancient chaotic gas, and the pits and pits of the stone skin have also produced many strange lines. This is the stone skin that has been buried deep underground, once wrapped in rare chaotic treasures.

These stone skins are worthless to others, but they are different for strange people!

They are buried underground, bred with rare treasures, contaminated with terrible gas, and can even isolate any foreign objects. In general, Su Yan can use these chaotic stone skins to forge a stone armor!

This stone armor can resist evil spirits, fierceness, and evil spirits. It is also essential for helping the **** seas.

Now with the seven-character pen, Su Yan has a hundred times confidence. It can completely inscribe the unique stone armor according to the characteristics of the blood of the corpse, and it can definitely counter the strangeness and ominousness of the corpse!

The short silence of the cultivation room, followed by a dull sound!

This burst of sound, the world of hard and shocking is inexplicably shaken, suppressing the breath and squeezing the inch of space, just like the end of the heavens and the earth, the wonderful sounds of the world, let the earth want to explode!

Luo was shocked, his heart trembled, and the atmosphere was too depressed. Everything was because of the Seven Pinyuan pens. It was like a rule of order, a stroke, and it was all like a new look. world!

And there is a piece of chaotic stone skin light, which is swayed by the unique pen force of the seven-paste pen. The ancient stone skin recovers the energy of the ancient times, one by one thick and heavy!

It is very difficult to refine the stone armor. It is necessary to reorganize these chaotic stone skins to improve the texture of the damaged veins. Moreover, if there is no seven-source pen, it is extremely difficult to perfect the texture on the chaotic stone skin.

Time passes by.

From the end of the demon domain to the present, half a month has passed quietly, and the practice of the refining world is suffocating!

In the direction of the demon domain, engulfing hundreds of millions of miles, the endless demon soldiers gather, all the demon gods release the rush to kill the light!

In the corner of the universe, the raging and raging killings shine on the corner of the big universe, shining through the heavens. This is the general trend of the group, burning in the universe and shaking the universe!

"Does the demon domain really want to send troops?"

All ethnic groups are chilling. Once the demon domain is also involved, by the time the Milky Way will be surrounded, the three peaks will gather together, and the strong ones will be able to block a peak!

"I haven't seen the demon domain!"

"Perhaps the demon domain is powerful. In chasing the iron treasures, the Wan Yao flag has been lost. The demon domain will certainly try its best to take it back, or else the future will be a threat to change the demon domain pattern!"

The whole universe is full of enthusiasm, and the major events in recent years are related to the family of the funeral domain.

Nowadays, this storm is brewing to the extreme, and the anger of the three peak families has the tendency to swallow the Milky Way!

"The Northern Demon carries the killing weapons and walks around the major stars!"

"The heavens are supreme and angry, let go of the words to tear up the madman. I don't know if this war will break out. It is said that the strongest overlord of the Peng family has killed a stick of Su madman. This rising star has grown up, and the future knows that there is How strong!"

In the practice world, the storm sweeps!

More news came. In the Daluo dynasty, a hundred thousand miles were swallowed up, and a shadow emerged. It was full of horror and glory. There were 108 royal dragons running through the universe and staring for the sky. Oh, running through the chaos!

He is terrifying and horrible, like the emperor of the people, he is arrogant in the world, and screams in the sky, representing the wrath of the heavens!

"The South Emperor came out, angry and burning the sky, no less than the wrath of the Northern Demon!"

"Luo Tiandu died in the blood of the corpse, the South Emperor is respected, the future of the South Emperor can swallow the South Universe, really worth looking forward to!"

"Yes, the original North Demon, you can swallow the North Universe, but unfortunately, the road was broken by Su Yan!"

"I don't know what happened again. The two great heavens are full of wrath, is it the age of the heavens to be hegemonic!"

It’s more and more stunned, but there’s no such thing happening, but now the two great heavens stand out, and the crushed generation’s hegemony is eclipsed!

Among the vast world of cultivation, among the hundreds of millions of talents, only this kind of existence, standing on the top of the star field, overlooking the world!


Another news came, and the world was boiling, and the world was shocked!

The ancestral ancestors of the ancestors came out, the invincible power of the ancestors of the past dynasties, the generations of the ancestors set off against the world, people seem to see the gods tremble under his feet!

The ancestral hall directly puts it aside, the ancestors of the ancestors announced the advent of the world, want to kill Su Yan, and fight for the world!

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