Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 836: Yin yin

In Su Yan’s pupil, there is a little blurry picture of the blood in the sun!

One after another, the unique airflow is like a wave in the sea, and the energy of the shore is emerging. It rises to the ground and rushes into Cangyu, and it is a great star of the universe!

The picture is really amazing and horrible. What kind of form is chaotic maternality? Su Yan does not know at all, and ancient books are rarely recorded. bookmark our website

However, he felt that the little fuzzy waves in his eyes should be chaotic maternal, because it is full of the exuberant chaos and the power of chaos, it is like the crystal of the chaotic ocean!

A little spray, but collapsed Cang Yu, broke open the Han!

This is too scary. It is much stronger than the best chaos that he has mastered. The legendary chaotic motherhood, known as the king of the roots, is the strongest source of the world. If it is integrated with it, this is to make the power The opportunity to bend down!

However, this picture is just a glimpse of the glory, slowly returning to calm, the source of the turmoil in the front, and soon calm down!

Luo’s eyes looked at Su Yan. He didn’t know the chaotic motherhood he saw. Is it true chaotic motherhood?

Su Yan frowned, after a long time whispering: "It may be true, not like a fake, this may be a life of the Jedi, a big opportunity and a big risk!"

These pictures are definitely infiltrated by the rest of the strong, or else the corpse of blood will be so badly injured!

He feels that the chaotic maternality of the 80% is real, which makes Su Yan full of energy, only the shackles of the **** sea of ​​the pattern space, only hope to win the chaotic motherhood!

"The success or failure is here, let's go!"

Su Yan and Luo vigorously went deeper again. In this **** world, the oppressed space, the blood of the corpse is like a blood cave. In fact, the direction of the road cannot be understood. Once it continues, it is easy to get lost in the blood of the corpse!


Among the space where the blood is scattered, various mysterious symbols float, there are real dragons, unicorns, basaltic

These mysterious symbols exude a horrible atmosphere, swaying a little of the power of the ground, and the moment of drilling into the surface, leaving a unique mark.

This is Su Yan's seven-source pen, engraved in the heavens and the earth, leaving a mark, in general, even the mark left by the king of God, quickly disappeared, swallowed by the blood of the corpse.

However, Su Yan mastered the seven-source pen, and the result was greatly different. He could leave a unique mark and mark the route so that there is no need to detour.


The seven-source pen once again blazed, the source pen is infinitely magnified, like a giant mountain, the pen is straight into the earth, the moment of the explosion, the **** mountains and rivers roar!

In the twinkling of the light, this space is blazing a lot, the blood is more intense, but there is also a faint and complicated **** path, which emerges in the mountains and rivers.

"Can this thing still find out?"

Luo vigorously amazed, Qi Pinyuan pen is infinitely useful, and can also play its due role in this Jedi. Even the Qipinyuan pen can test the strength of fierceness, so you can avoid the danger zone!


Su Yan crossed the destination and began an adventure.

I don’t know how long it took, Su Yan has gone deep into the blood of the corpse, and the fierce breath that comes from all directions is even heavier. Both of their bodies are covered with blood, really like climbing in the area. The **** demon out.

In the process, Su Yan and Luo vigorously have huge losses, this gas can damage people's treasures, it is difficult to stay in the blood of the sea for a long time!

However, Luo Dali finally saw the effect of Shijia, the stone armor forged with chaotic stone skin, spent a month in cooperation with Su Yan, inscribed various patterns!

When Su Yan put on the stone armor, it is like standing in another world, isolated from the world!

Let the fierce spirit be strong, and can not invade Su Yan's treasure, all of which were isolated by the stone armor.

Even Luo is also close to the stone armor, and feels a lot more comfortable, which makes the grin laugh, did not expect Su Yan forged the stone armor, and this mysterious effect, no wonder spent a whole month!

Su Yan took out the starry skin and let Luo put it on, so that they don't have to worry about the biggest threat during the expedition!


Although wearing a heavy stone armor, Su Yan also acts like a wind and begins to explore in the blood of the corpse.

The vastness of the corpse of blood is beyond the expectations of Su Yan. During the process of exploration, he discovered the remains of some powerful people and harvested some treasures.

"It’s really a lot of money to collect dead people here!"

Su Yan let go of his hands and feet to explore, and time is lost.

Day after day, one day, in this **** sea, it is easy to forget the time.

Su Yan thinks that he is going deeper, because the stone armor sometimes oscillates, and the quaint stone armor shines autonomously. This black stone is densely covered with various textures, and looks like various real dragon plates lying on the stone armor!

Su Yan's face is dignified, no doubt, Shijia often encounters extremely fierce!

Can make the stone armor shake, he estimates that this evil spirit can cause life and death threat to the gods, even the king of God is not so easy to easily resolve.

"The trouble is a bit big!"

Su Yan's brow was locked. At the moment he stepped in, he took the starry skin into the stone armor, or Luo could not stop this fierceness.

However, he is very clear that for a long time, even if the stone armor can be evil, but over time, the mysterious power of the stone armor will be completely broken!

Even worse, the seal he inscribed with the seven-pronged pen can't be saved for a long time. It's only a day or two of work, and it's wiped out!

The problem is quite bad!

"Some troubles."

Su Yan feels lost, and he must be lost in the depths of the blood.

He doesn't know where he is now. In the world of blood and sea, there are bones everywhere. The death here is very strong. He feels that he should be in the core!

But where is the chaotic motherhood? Su Yan has not figured out so far.

He feels that the world is divided and isolated from the world. This makes Su Yan's feelings heavy. If he really can't understand the blood in a few days, he really has to withdraw.

The ancient stone armor, always shining, suppressing fierceness.

Su Yan spent all his time trying to find out, not giving up any inch of territory, looking forward to discovering some channels. He felt that the corpse of blood was not so simple on the surface, there should be some channels!

Or, in the blood of the corpse, what is buried, the chaotic motherhood should be below the blood of the corpse.

However, this road is too difficult. The whole body is covered by blood and sea. The gas of the earth is complicated and fierce. Even if a Qipin Qimeng master comes in, it is not necessarily clear.

"A terrible death force, swallowed by the ground!"

"Why shouldn't there be any monsters under this? But where is the road? Is it really a ghost cave here?"

Su Yan gradually explored some clues, but the pattern suppressed by Su Yan, the power of the soul is blocked, can not be explored for a long time, he can only explore one or two hours a day, rest at rest!


Silent and silent world, suddenly there is a loud noise!

This is too abrupt, and Su Yan was shocked. It was quiet, dead, and there was no movement. How could such a large energy fluctuation occur? Is there anyone who broke in?

Su Yan crouched in an instant, converging breath!

In fact, there is a stone guardian, Su Yan is completely unnecessary, this stone is isolated from the world, equal to another time and space, even the king of the king can not detect, there are other living things in the stone armor.

"There is energy fluctuation, it is very powerful!"

Su Yan only left a weak soul, and all the other human functions were sealed.

In the vague world, there are some black smog in the **** world, and it is easy to be caught by Su Yan!

This is a **** world without any other colors.

Su Yan’s mind is tight, he perceives the vast fluctuations in time and space, and it is faintly sensed that there is a little fierce breath in the **** world!

This makes Su Yan feel awkward, there is a living atmosphere inside, is it the strong who lived before?

"That is!"

The next moment, Su Yan scalp numb, a big fear in my heart!

Because it is too evil, in the world of corpse and blood, the magic sounds from the region emerge, and the shocking footsteps are blasting, neat and uniform!

This seems to be the yin soldier who came out of the region, into pieces, black pressure!

Su Yan’s face is green. What kind of creature is this? Why can you come and go in the blood of the corpse?

Even Su Yan thinks they are ghosts, because the form is erratic!

They are black and pressed, and the movements are neat and uniform. Like the black torrents, they shake the **** land. Many bones are blown up, the power is hard to resist, the yin is full, and the death is full!

Su Yan asked himself whether they were living creatures or a dead object?

Even where did they come from? Where to go?

Su Yan stood up and wanted to pursue.

However, the speed of these sinister soldiers is really outrageous. In the blood of the corpse, Su Yan’s actions were severely blocked, but they came without a trace, went without a trace, and let Su Yan stunned. How could this be?

Even he is thinking, corpse blood will not help, right? The squadron that was patrolled before will only guard the guards here!

Just at the moment when Su Yan frowned, his brain was cold, which made Su Yan sweat upside down. There seemed to be an icy creature behind his back, near Su Yan!

Su Yan broke out in lightning and turned his head.

He was shocked, and a man with a messy hair opposite him stood in front of him in amazement, even his cold face almost sticking to Su Yan's face.

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