Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 837: Old prince

Su Yan's heart is cold, although wearing a heavy stone armor, but the body is also cold!

The man with a messy hair stood in front of him and couldn't see his appearance. Only the pupil red was quick to shoot green, which made Su Yanzhen able to stand still and quickly retreat.

However, this cold and sturdy shadow, followed by Su Yan, is inseparable.

This makes Su Yan somewhat big, what is this ghost thing, is it a man or a ghost?

He raised his hand very decisively to the old man who followed Su Yan, but let Su Yan's strength be strong, directly blocked by the old man's big sleeves, even he was close to Su Yan, and almost gave Su Yan a bear hug!


Su Yan was frightened by his actions. Does this guy not like men?

His face is green, because the old man's arms are already on Su Yan's shoulders, his chest is close to the stone armor, and his mouth is bursting into a cheerful low-pitched...

"I am a man, you give me away!"

Su Yan’s disgusting life, but the force of the stone armor burst is strong, and it is impossible to shake off the old man. He now wants to release the **** king bodyguard and work with the old man.

However, in the unique environment of the corpse of blood, the power of the gods bodyguards can never be held for too long, but it is Su Yan's amulet, and he does not want to waste it for no reason!

The old man with messy hair, ragged, cold and whispered, whispered: "I am not malicious, let me hold for a while!"

"I am going to your uncle!"

Su Yan lifted his foot and went to his head. Unfortunately, Su Yan was not able to compete with this old strongman. He unknowingly released the horrible fierceness. Although he was defeated to the extreme, he still had a certain power!

"God king!"

Su Yan has changed color. This is a **** king who is strong. Although Su Yan has killed the king of God, it is also because of the cooperation of the five elements of the sword map, plus the treasures of the avenue Xianzhu can suppress the gods. king!

If you lose these means, then with the **** king, he will definitely become a body!

The next moment, Su Yan found that the king of God had moved further into himself, and his mouth continued to make a cheerful voice.

"Mad, you old dish!"

Su Yan’s eyes are red, and she keeps her chastity and swears: “The king of God can’t do this too. I’m anxious to me, beware that I am jealous of you!”

"What do you say?"

The old king reacted, and suddenly his eyes widened, and he whispered: "Fart, this king Luo Yuanzheng is a real man, I see your brain is really in the water."

He wanted to leave Su Yan to prove innocence, but Su Yan was too warm, and he didn't want to leave. He suddenly treacherously smiled: "The kid asked me to give me a stone armor. I will give you my little niece!" ”

"Who wants your little niece!" Su Yan said with a black face: "Old guy, although you are a strong man in the realm of the gods, you can't have any strength. I can't help me at all. I advise you to stay away from me. Don't hit the attention of my treasure!"

"You kid is not interested, my little niece is a little princess of the Daluo Dynasty, and she is equal to the peak of life!" The old king laughed: "You just pay a treasure of treasure, I will give you back.箩 basket!"

Su Yan stunned, carefully licking the look of this old thing, my heart suddenly stunned, this old goods, this will sell Luo Huaqing, it is not a thing.

Su Yan is understandable, because the stone armor can be evil, so Luo Yuanzheng is holding on to himself and not letting go!

Su Yan is still relieved. Fortunately, it is not a demon creature. He said: "It’s not a way to hold me like this. I said how you survived. It’s been more than a month. You find Luo Tiandu. No?"

"Do you know Luo Tiandu?"

Luo Yuanzheng Gaoma Da, his face recovered a little blood color, suspiciously looked at Su Yan said: "What is your origin of the kid? It is not easy to get here, and what is this stone armor? The demon power that lives in the **** sea..."

Having said that, Luo Yuanzheng is gloomy, and this time he is tortured and not as good as death!

"Can't talk about it!"

Su Yan shook his head, he said: "I know that Luo Tian is trapped here, how did you survive? According to the current situation of the **** sea, you are afraid that it is impossible to find it now!"

"Hey!" Luo Yuanzheng sighed. He was really dead. He frowned and didn't know where to start.

After thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth: "The boy we cooperate, you have stone armor, I have strength, I know a secret passage, it seems to hide the hidden feeling behind the **** sea!"

"It really is!"

Su Yan was uplifted and there was no reason to suspect Luo Yuanzheng. He was able to sneak into the corpse and rescue the Luotiandu. It is obvious that Luo Yuanzheng is definitely a Laowang who is empathetic and righteous!

"Let's go!" Su Yan said eagerly, can't wait to explore the past.

"Now go....." Luo Yuanzheng felt that Su Yan was not on the road, holding a hand and smiling: "You see that I am exhausted, is it..."

Su Yan’s face was smashed, and a **** of blazing oil, which was almost exhausted, really recovered. The resources needed were enormous.

"Did you be afraid of my debt?" Luo Yuanzheng was uncomfortable and said: "I am the **** of the Daluo Dynasty. If you can really take Luo Tiandu out, don't say these resources, you have to What do I give you!"

Su Yan thought about it carefully, and took out a lot of energy resources and handed it over to Luo Yuanzheng. But this old boy really recovered from it. It’s really scary, all kinds of heavenly treasures swallow, like three years without eating. Have dinner.

Su Yan finally saw that a **** king who is about to run out, what the richness is!

He swallowed more than two hundred kilograms of chaotic treasure resources, and restored a certain king of the earth.

However, Su Yan still proud of a smile, although it is a **** king strong, but there is no Su Yan's stone armor, he still can not live in the blood of the corpse for a long time, if not encountered Su Yan, Luo Yuanzheng can not hold a few It’s day.

For a whole day, Luo Yuanzheng came back and screamed in the sky, if it turned into a dragon that broke through the sky!

"You can pull it down!" Su Yan's face changed slightly, and he replied: "I don't know where this is? Let's quickly converge on the breath, don't disturb what is not clean!"

Su Yan will never forget the yin dynasty that she encountered before. I really worry about the blood in the sea. There is really a strong person who is doing the game.


Luo Yuanzheng was also excited because he was busy, but he looked at Su Yan with a tiger's face. He was not good at saying: "Boy, I am a god, pay attention to your attitude, don't move, you will scare me, this king. There are more bridges than you can go!"

"Do you still want to save Luo Tiandu? If you want to, listen to me, don't give me a Hu!" Su Yan threatened.

"Listen to your..." The king of God is green. The purpose of his coming is Luo Tiandu. Other things don't care. Moreover, this young man is very evil, so Luo Yuanzheng is also convinced and said: " Listen to you, let's go, don't delay time."

In this way, a **** king honestly followed Su Yan, wandering in the blood of the corpse.

Luo Yuan is staying here for a long enough time. Su Yan asked about the origin of the Yin Yin Yin, the old things changed color, and whispered: "It’s very evil. At the time, I was dead, and they were taken away!"

Su Yan trembled, what kind of ghosts are those creatures?

It was because Luo Yuanzheng returned to the light and thought that he had gone to the area. As a result, he had killed a group of yin soldiers under the madness. At that time, he was hungry and mad, and the yin soldiers who had been killed would be swallowed. This restored a lot of strength!

Because of this, Luo Yuanzheng was only now, even in the process, Luo Yuanzheng saw a mysterious tunnel, he estimated that this is the entrance to the hidden land of the corpse of blood, Luo Tiandu they are likely to go to the channel Inside, so I can't find it in the blood of the corpse!

"Are you sure you are here?"

Su Yan's face is cloudy and uncertain. They are close to the destination, but they are deep into this area. The stone armor often vibrates, and the ancient stone armor is constantly shining. This is in the town!

If you let the stone armor shake like this, then the stone armor forged by the chaotic stone skin will soon be catastrophe and become a waste!

"It should be near here, I will not remember correctly, this is a big event concerning the life of Luo Tiandu!"

Even if Luo Yuanzheng recovered to the realm of the gods, he also shuddered, followed by Su Yan, and trembled: "The real evil door of his mother, this stone armor where you dug out, is too evil, even Town evil, resisting fierceness!"

"Confidential!" Su Yan mysterious smile, even the gods can not hold back, but Su Yan is completely uninterrupted by unique means, he feels that the chaotic stone skin really needs to be prepared, it is inevitable to use.

Even Su Yan is thinking, if the disabled is in hand, can be directly isolated?

It is a pity that the thing is in Baocai. He is thinking that if Baocai really returns to the funeral domain, then they can also use the Dingding to take out a large amount of cosmic mother liquor, so that Su Dalong can accumulate their peerless heritage!

Luo Yuanzheng's face is uncomfortable, but he can't talk back. In short, he can go in, relying on Su Yan's means!

In the rich blood, the fierce breath is shocking!

They are constantly approaching, and the more they go inside, the greater the danger. The stone armor is already in full recovery. Su Yan knows that this recovery will quickly exhaust the mysterious power of chaotic stone skin accumulation, and they have to quit!


Su Yan snorted, they sprinted madly inside, and rushed to the door of the purgatory. Finally, when Su Yan felt rushed to the mouth of the demon blood basin, if the stone armor collapsed, it would start to tremble!

Even he spent a month on painstaking efforts, and the engraved Qimen's pattern was faintly beginning to dim!

Su Yan is in a hurry, crazy sprint!

When the sky was full of blood and collapse, they saw a time-space tunnel flowing through the blood. The black hole was stained with blood, and the breath of the breath made Su Yan's bones stunned!

"Found, it is here!"

Luo Yuanzheng screamed and rushed straight in. For fear of delay, Luo Tian lost his life.

"You old rabbit, can you see it clearly and go in again!"

Su Yan's face is iron and blue, and he has to say that Luo Yuanzheng is not the old lord of the Megatron side. He is a heroic tyrant, and his heroic spirit is not reduced by half. He is even stronger than the demon, and he directly kills it!

Su Yan also followed closely. When he broke into this **** space-time tunnel, Su Yan's skin was cold, like a purgatory.

The picture in the hole makes Su Yan's pupil magnified, the heart is shaking, and the corner of the truth makes him unbelievable!


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