Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 838: Blood altar

Blood-stained time-space tunnels, no end to the end!

Su Yan’s first feeling is that he really broke into the Senlu Purgatory!

The yin in it is too heavy, and the cold breath must be drilled into the bone marrow of Su Yan. They must swallow the masculinity of Su Yan and extinguish the fire of their lives!

Even wearing a stone armor, Su Yan is still a cold skin, he can perceive the evil spirits and horror of the space, is completely a long tunnel to hell, bleeding through the blood, filled with the yin of heavy as the sea!

It is extremely difficult for a monk to withstand this breath and to devour the essence of life.

Strong as Luo Yuanzheng just came in and ate a big loss, his powerful king of the gods were ignited, bursting out of the peak of life, resisting the oppression of death.

If you fall into the abyss, you will soon extinguish the burning fire of life!

Su Yan has a weak influence because of the stone guards. Of course, this is not enough to shock them. In this blood-stained time-space tunnel, there is a picture that makes Su Yan’s head as big as a bucket. What are they doing? local?

"This is a buried place...."

Luo Yuanzheng is a big head. The purpose is to have a pair of coffins. The black body is dyed with blood and has an ancient atmosphere. It is located in the tunnel of time and space.

This is not a simple one, but it is densely packed, arranged in front of them, endless, and simply can not see the end, as if the coffin is vast, horizontally in front of them, the smell of exudation is terrible!

Here is the corpse of blood, but in the mysterious tunnel of the corpse of blood, how can there be so many coffins? Is this a large burial? The unknown mystery is buried, and it is related to the former super battlefield!

The impact of the visual, the real shock of the people, and immediately want to retreat, do not want to uncover the truth here, afraid of getting into trouble.

Who knows if they will become, one of the coffins in this...

For a short period of silence, Luo Yuanzheng's momentum became more and more overbearing. The old prince of the Dala Dynasty whispered: "I noticed the breath of Luo Tiandu. He used to come. The breath has not completely dispersed. He used to Have been here!"

With the vitality of Luo Yuanzheng's life, this area is located in the coffin in the passage, faintly trembled, and the coffin cover oscillates at a moment of turbulence!

Su Yan’s face was amazed. This is a kind of corpse. It’s very gloomy and corpse is spreading. Is there a living creature inside?

It seems that the strong man who revived the corpse, began to return in the midst of sleep, this change made Su Yan's face white, exclaimed: "Do you want to swindle ....."

Su Yan’s words just fell, the pieces of coffin glow, the blood is rolling, crushing the void!

The fierce atmosphere is transpiration, and a coffin has a tendency to blast, and it emerges with a fierce atmosphere!

"You crow mouth!"

Luo Yuanzheng's face changed dramatically, and he was as heavy as he was. He had never encountered this kind of danger. After all, it was really evil.

Even more and more coffins are spread. It seems that all the coffins are shaking, and the squeaking snoring is blasting, and the soul of the people must be crushed!

"Ghost you are a ghost, dare to block my way, kill innocent!"

Luo Yuanzheng Yong fiercely, a Tian Ge start, the king of the breath released from the inside, his combat power is fully recovered, and shouted: "You rushed in, I will block these monsters, must be Luo Tiandu Bring it out!"

Su Yan only hesitated for a moment, and rushed past.

This is the only way. Who knows what the creatures in these coffins are, if they really recover from the slumber, then this time and space tunnel can't get in.

Now they can take advantage of their upcoming recovery, Su Yan took the opportunity to rush to the inside!

Chaos motherhood is not in the end, it depends on this time and space tunnel, if you can not find chaotic motherhood, Su Yan is not forced!

Su Yan shrinks into size and crosses space!

He crossed a long distance, but the rear shocked the madness and purgatory atmosphere, and the corpse was like a sea eruption. Luo Yuanzheng and them launched a confrontation.

"Is it a Yin family?"

Su Yan's face was cold, and his long black hair fluttered to his back, and he rushed forward and rushed forward!

He wondered if it would be the murder of the Yin family here.

This group is very special and mysterious. It is called the descendants of the corpse. The family sleeps in the bottom of the earth and absorbs the growth of fierceness. There are very few rumors about the origin of this group of people, and their group is also scary and perverted!

If it is said that the blood of the corpse is really a ghost cave of the Yin family, then the courage of this family is really too big, then the strong people who fell before, perhaps they are the nourishment of training the corpses!

Even more terrifying is that Su Yan thought of Luo Yuanzheng's experience.

Luo Yuanzheng said before that he was taken away by a group of Yin dynasty Yin, then the Yin dynasty is looking for a powerful warfare and cultivated into a tribe of the tribe?

If this is the case, it is really horrible. Does the family master the magic of returning to life? However, he recalled the black paper he had obtained in the Dark Mercenary Corps, which recorded the supreme esoteric, the kind of essay!

Su Yan sweats upside down, the more you think about it, the more the monks can reincarnate, you can reincarnate...

In short, the scene of the mysterious tunnel of the corpse blood, let Su Yan think about it, but now he has not had much time to think about it all, Su Yan has already rushed far.

But in this dark tunnel, the coffins are one after another, dense and inexhaustible.

"Why don't they wake up, is it because of the guardianship of the stone armor, they can't feel my life?"

"The monster that climbed out of the coffin before was actually awakened by the life of Luo Yuanzheng."

Su Yan was a bit confused. He did not feel the tendency of these creatures to climb out of the coffin. Su Yan stopped very daringly, and the palm touched a blood-stained coffin and shook it!

The coffin is very light, beyond the expectations of Su Yan!

And the blood adhering to the coffin has dried up. He noticed a wave of years, which made Su Yan move. How many years has this coffin been in existence?

Su Yan hesitated for a while, he opened this coffin!

But the picture inside made him stunned. He frowned, and there was a human mark in the coffin. He blew his breath and blown the ashes, and there was nothing else...

"It turned into ash, is it that my guess is wrong, here is nothing to do with the Yin family?"

Su Yan was amazed, and some of the coffins around him were opened one after another. The creatures inside were turned into ash, and it’s been known for many years after death. This makes Su Yan’s direct call to the evil door. It is hard to estimate!

"It's them!"

Su Yan boring his head and sprinting inside, he suddenly noticed the energy fluctuations in front of the energy, like a black torrent of water coming from the room, Jin Ge iron horse, Yin Feng angry, swirling in the tunnel!

Su Yan was so anxious that he could not meet them. Who knows how strong these creatures are.

The next moment Su Yan gritted his teeth and drilled directly into a coffin!

He hid in the coffin, waiting for them to leave and climb out again, but Su Yan had just finished it. He found that the coffin lying in it seemed to be resurrected, so that the stone armor was shaking.

At first, Su Yan was really shocked. The coffin had a kind of strength that affected Su Yan. Fortunately, he wore a stone armor.

But then Su Yan's face was inconspicuous. He carefully realized that this power was not derived from the coffin, but that there was an inexplicable force in the ground that was sucking the vitality of Su Yan.

"There is no third room for corpse blood?"

Su Yan moved, fortunately, he has a stone guardian, this inexplicable devouring power, temporarily can not affect Su Yan.

Waiting for the outside to move away, Su Yan quickly climbed out!

He did not hesitate, directly opened the sky, looking at the bottom of the tunnel, he felt that this blood-stained black tunnel seemed to split a world!

Under Su Yan's hope, he vaguely saw another world!

"There is space below, carrying the blood of the corpse!"

Su Yan was amazed, but there was no hesitation in this situation. He gritted his fist and waved his fist, and tried to break through the tunnel!

Or else, where did Luo Tian go? They should be in the space below!

However, the power of Su Yan was allowed to grow again, and it was impossible to shake the black tunnel. Even he released the gods and bodyguards. With the power of the gods, it was difficult to destroy the corner of the tunnel!

This makes Su Yan’s head big, how can it go on?

“There is definitely an entrance, keep looking!”

Su Yan madly searched and continued to cross the depths, but no matter how far Su Yan ran, he never saw the end.

Su Yan is in a hurry, the longer the delay, the greater the danger.

Su Yan will vigorously call out Luo, let him help and search, and carefully check the space of one inch, but Luo vigorously said: "Luo Tian should not understand the road!"


Su Yan’s heart was shocked. Since they didn’t understand the road, if they had already gone to the space below, then the entrance is definitely not difficult to find!

I figured out Su Yan that they crossed the dark tunnel directly, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

The atmosphere is very depressing, there are coffins everywhere, full of terrible years and strengths, the years of construction are hard to estimate!

I don't know how long it has been crossed.......

Su Yan faintly saw the light, which surprised him. He saw it at the end of the black passage. Su Yan swooped up a few steps, and when he broke into a new world, he was shocked by the picture inside!

An imposing and gloomy underground palace!

Here the light is dark and the atmosphere is gloomy. If the underground mausoleum is cold and secluded, let them creep!

This is definitely the world under the corpse of blood, but it was divided by the black tunnel. Perhaps those coffins are soldiers who guard the tunnel, but after a long time, they all fell into ruins.

Perhaps there is a strong who survives.

"The **** land is floating from the ruins of chaos. Isn't it a life of the Jedi? Or is it a land that once was a powerful force?"

During the meditation of Su Yan, Luo was screaming.

The martial arts in Su Yan’s eyes appeared in front of Luo’s great power. They were extremely small in front of this magnificent and vast palace, just like standing in the Heavenly Palace.

"Big brother, look at you!"

Luo Dali's face is discolored, strong as both legs and legs are soft.

Su Yan looked at the past and saw a huge blood festival in the glow. This **** altar is like a **** city in front of them!

Su Yan is so stunned, this hand is too scary, even since the blood festival has existed for a long time, it must be forged by the priceless chaos treasure, but such a large blood sacrifice, how much resources it consumes!

The blood altar continues to shine, reaching the extreme, as it runs through the fairy, taking the vast source of life and pouring it on the ancient blood altar.

But the blood altar in the process of illuminating, faintly reflected, all matter!

It is a piece of spray, just like the floating from the ancient chaotic sea eye, you can crush the star sea and crush the universe star!

"It is chaotic motherhood!"

Su Yan's eyes wide open, the heart is full of joy, he finally pursued the source, chaotic motherhood is getting closer and closer to Su Yan!

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