Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 839: Chaos motherhood!

Su Yan's mood is stirring, and the chaotic motherhood that has been searching hard has finally locked in the approximate direction!

This is the root of the world's dreams, only in the legend!

Chaos motherhood, known as the strongest source of the world, if it can be integrated into the battle, it will inevitably lay down the bottom of the heavens, and let Su Yan bloody!

Although it is only the scene of the chaotic motherhood spewing out of the blood altar, the chaotic maternal is in this piece of Qiankun, Su Yan feels that he has infinitely approached the chaotic maternal!

As for this blood festival, always shine!

It exudes a vast bloody, this **** altar, do not know the age of the building, always shining, spewing out the vast power, and then hang it down and hang a strong source of life!

The joy in Su Yan’s heart quickly dissipated, replaced by a touch of dignity!

The blood sacrifice platform is too horrible. Accurately speaking, the energy material it picks up is the boundless life of the blood, which makes Su Yan scalp numb, is the blood sacrifice platform is the source, the killing of the **** sea is the birth of the blood sacrifice platform. of?

It picks up the blood of the blood of the corpse, as if the magic is swallowing the entire bloodshed.

This picture is too strange, let Su Yan stunned, is this blood sacrificial under the suppression of this? Or in the blood of the blood of the corpse.

How many years have this pattern been formed? In short, all this makes Su Yan horrified, if it is not because of chaotic motherhood, Su Yan is afraid to turn around and leave, so terrible killing, incitement will really die!

But already here, I also saw the picture of the chaotic motherhood spray, Su Yan had to sprint forward with a hard scalp!

This blood sacrifice platform is too spectacular, covering the vast territory, Su Yan feels that this will be the largest altar in the world?

The whole altar transpiration blood, the closer it is, the more Su Yan can feel the horror of the blood sacrifice, even he has a feeling of flying away, as if everything must be swallowed by the blood altar!

Su Yan moved, very decisive sacrificed the Qiankun furnace!

The copper furnace floats between the heavens and the earth, burning the flames of the Qiankun, this copper furnace can smash the sky, there is the possibility of refining the king of death, and now the town is on their heads, to isolate the mysterious power of the blood sacrifice platform!

"Big brother, blood sacrifice platform seems to be unattended!" Luo vigorously breathed heavily, he said: "I think this is like a terrible treasure. Once it is played, it must be turned upside down. God King must definitely drink hate!"

"There is an endless year in the pattern of corpse and blood. Perhaps the master of this life and the land has died!"

Su Yan’s words made Luo vigorously nod. If this is the case, can they not harvest the heavens and take the chaotic motherhood that the world does not dare to imagine?

When Su Yan was still a dozen miles away from the blood festival, the Qiankun furnace was shaking all the time. Although the Qiankun furnace was tyrannical, it was unusually small in front of the blood sacrifice platform...

And Su Yan and Luo vigorously in front of the blood sacrifice platform, the small is more like an ant!

They are all big, especially the blood altars are still steaming, and the horrible brilliance once they hit them, they will inevitably make them smashed. Su Yan has no doubt that once the blood is sprayed, it can penetrate a cosmic star. !

In short, the pattern is too amazing, and Su Yan’s behind him is shocked by cold sweat.

The closer to the blood festival, the greater the vibration of the Qiankun furnace. Fortunately, this copper furnace is strong enough to make its own self-sufficiency, and Su Yan and Luo vigorously survived. The defense is very abnormal.

If they want to be close, it is a problem.

When they are about to rush to the blood festival, the power is even more shocking, as if they have been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years of blood-colored demons, they are about to climb out and swallow them!


The Qiankun furnace trembled, and this stove has a tendency to be unable to control it!

Su Yan is amazed, is this a supreme treasure? With deterrence alone, you can shatter and quickly evolve into the replica of the sacred sacred sacred sacred, which is terrible in what field!

It sinks here, autonomous light, spray thin blood, simmering and fierce!

The altar is huge, vast and boundless, as if it covered the heavens, and overwhelmed the universe, and lived in a universe!

Su Yan found a lot of bones, fragments of weapons, and even accumulated ashes on the altar.

The more I look inside, the more bones I see, the dense and dense, like the boundless sea of ​​bones floating in front of them, so that Su Yan and Luo Dali are pale, how many people die!

The blood altar is a huge burial ground, and the endless life is buried. The light ashes cover the whole blood altar...

"Big brother, I think we are still going!"

Strong as Luo vigorously, some can not control the fear of the heart, they may also become a member of the blood altar!

Because they all saw it, on the edge of the blood altar, there are some complete bones, there are flesh and blood, which shows that these people have not died for too long!

The vast expanse of blood without a side, carrying hundreds of millions of souls!

The picture of the madness, the sprinting of their souls, the unprecedented fierce fluctuations, must smash the spiritual will of Su Yan!


Su Yan is still hesitating, whether it is going or not, this is a problem...

His eyes have been paying attention to the overall pattern of the blood altar. This material is boundless and oppresses the spiritual will of the people. He sighs: "I have a hunch, chaotic maternality, should be in the depths of the blood altar, I think the blood altar It is a giant eye, the center of the eye, is definitely the eruption zone of chaotic motherhood!"

"The world is rumored that the **** land is floating from the ruins of chaos. Perhaps it was really a life of the Jedi, this opportunity is worth a fight!"

Su Yan’s words made Luo’s strong expression of seriousness. If he can really determine the goal, it is naturally worth a stroke.

Luo vigorously wants to step out of the foot, for Su Yan to explore the road, Su Yan instantly stopped Luo Dali, he said: "Do not face this altar, it contains a magic!"

"Big brother, do you have a route?" Luo vigorously stunned.

Su Yan touched his chin. He was proficient in the secrets of Qimen. In particular, he got the strongest inheritance of the first half of Qimen. He was very proficient in the terrain. In his eyes, he showed the traces of the operation of the bleeding altar.

Although Su Yan is difficult to see through, he is sure to take a walk in the blood festival!

"Come with me!"

Su Yan made up his mind. He wore a stone armor and took charge of the seven-source pen. The dual-purpose insight became more and more amazing. In the end, his pupil broke out indefinitely and broke out of the golden mans. Under his observation, the blood sacrifice platform It is turned into a huge blood-colored grinding disc, which is gently rotating.

Su Yan went up, there is really a feeling of broken bones!

The horrible devouring power must penetrate the stone armor and extract the blood from Su Yan, but the way he walks is a vague passage!

The world looks very quiet.

The sound of water droplets fell, it was Su Yan's sweat flowing down the spine, and his whole person was soaked in sweat.

Taking a wrong step will inevitably disrupt all the rhythms of Su Yan.

Like a no return, leading to the nine secluded purgatory .....

He forgot the time, the whole soul was silent in the blood altar, along a fuzzy path, a little closer.

They are walking on the endless bones, and they may become a member of them at any time.

Time goes by, this road is too long for Su Yan.....

Nowadays, the storm will rush into the **** land among the vast cultivation circles, and the destination will push the blood to the sea!


This is the sneer of Zufu, as if Su Yan and Wan Yaoqi are at your fingertips!

The leading Han Jiaqi door master, squatting, aging is not like words, like the giants who have been sleeping for a long time, they can change their land, and they are also very interested in the blood.

He is the existence of the cultivation circle, and the great power can meet with the generations. He can easily go out of the mountain. Even if the ancestral temple costs a lot of money, he will not easily come out!

The most important thing is that Qiu Ming once told him that the Qimen chapter, 1998, fell into the hands of a small monk named Su Yan.

For five days and five nights, Su Yan’s entrance to the blood festival was like breaking into a road of no return.

It is impossible to retreat now, and the loss of Su Yan is huge all the time, and the large amount of dragon vein essence stored in the starry skin is enough for Su Yan and Luo to recover along the way.

The world of blood and light, the huge altar, is like carrying the heavens!

When they cross a section of the road, once again push the moment to the next road.

Su Yan was sweating and swaying, and his heart was full of fear. Both he and Luo had a feeling of escaping.

It was a horrible creature, standing in front of the road and blocking the road ahead!

He has three heads and six arms. The bronze body is huge like a sky. It is unattainable. It is hard to imagine what it is. The pressure of self-release is so that Su Yan and Luo are as powerful as lightning strikes!

To be exact, this is a supreme strong man who has already died. But this kind of existence is suddenly awkward and not tolerable!

"A powerful, blood sacrificed to die a great power?"

They sucked the cold air and were really scared. This is a powerful power, standing on the road ahead, and there is no life trail, blood and dryness, and it is at the end of life.

However, he still stands between the heavens and the earth. If it is too old, it will not fall for a long time!

It’s ugly to see his specific face, because the remnants of the power can scream and scream!

Su Yan and Luo Dali both fell into the cold sweat, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, carefully avoiding the three-headed six-armed demon, but along the way, they saw a huge mountain body!

"The second power!"

Su Yan’s fist is clenched and he can’t help but recall. In the past, in the experience of the mountain range, the bronze weapon tree can be degraded, not just one.

The magnificent blood sacrifice platform, the **** blood, the endless bones on the altar!

They have already approached the core area, and along the way they found the strong bones that have been preserved. They are undoubtedly powerful in their lifetime. Unfortunately, they all died here. Su Yan speculated that the pattern of the blood and the sea could not exist. test.

It is absolutely artificial, otherwise it is impossible to explain the blood sacrifice platform.

"I saw......"

After another paragraph, Su Yan’s heart was stirred up. He saw the road ahead, like an endless abyss, and it was like an oven in the refining world!

And it is erupting, the picture is quite spectacular, and hundreds of millions of chaotic days go up from the abyss, accompanied by a wave of waves, full of the fluctuations of the source of all things, this is the motherhood of the birth of chaos, the strongest in the world Big roots!

Not yet close to this chaotic maternal moment, Su Yan’s warfare has burned up, and there is an impulse that immediately rushes in, blends with it, runs through the realm of the gods!

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