Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 840: Capture the creation!

The chaotic motherhood that the world dreams of is perfectly presented in the eyes of Su Yan!

He saw the endless abyss, swaying the peerless demons, and swallowed hundreds of millions of creatures, the horror of peerlessness.

That is the sacred picture, the abyss is spurting at the same time, the vast chaos of the sky, it is difficult to imagine how powerful chaos, even a wave of sprays.

This is the king of chaos, the root of chaos, chaotic motherhood!

I saw the peerless material that I had to fold. Now I am very close to Su Yan. How can he not be shocked? Even if he looks at the abyss, he can feel the abyss, if there is a chaotic dragon that has been sleeping for millions of years. !

"Is this?..."

Su Yan is eclipsed, is this the legendary chaotic dragon!

If it is really a chaotic dragon, then this value is enough for the peak group to start shopping, who does not want to be their own!

The legendary chaotic dragon veins have appeared in the ruins of chaos, but it is such a powerful chaotic dragon pulse, the value is hard to imagine!

The practice of the gods is related to chaos, but if you master a chaotic dragon, this opportunity is really a rare encounter!

No wonder there will be a chaotic motherhood here, there is a place of chaotic dragon veins, there are some chances to produce chaotic maternal gas, he did not think that he will find a complete chaotic dragon pulse in this life Jedi!

A terrible wealth, if mastered by a group, naturally benefits the entire group for a long time.

"Get rich?"

Su Yan tried to calm the heart of excitement. Now that everything has not ended, can it be difficult to say whether it can get chaotic maternality, and even the land of this Jedi is really unguarded?

They stood on the edge of the altar, where there were many bones and they were so dense that it was hard to tell.

Su Yan passed through here and spent seven days and seven nights. It is hard to imagine the grandeur of the blood altar. They stood here at the blood altar, which is too small!

"Big brother, look, this person seems to be somewhat similar to Luo Tian!"

Luo vigorously pointed his eyes, he patrolled the bones around him, and suddenly found a skinny, but the bones of the tall man and Luo Tian are somewhat similar!

He is lying on the vast blood sacrifice platform, very small, small as dust, and will be turned into a ruin at any time!

Su Yan’s nephew patrolled the past, and he frowned: “Luo Tian is still alive, you see the body is clearly dead!”

Su Yan’s words just fell, this skin and bones are obviously moving, which makes Su Yan’s heart shocked. Is this life still alive? Can Su Yan clearly not notice the slightest vitality, is it because of the special nature of practicing Tiangong?

Then, the skin of the skin is more intense. He is struggling, competing, and wants to get up, but he has no strength!

"Looking at him is very painful, send him on the road!"

Su Yan’s words just fell, and the skinny man slammed open his eyes and made a wild beast like a beast: “I.....I am still alive!”

"Big brother, he seems to be really Luo Tiandu!" Luo was shocked, but they really felt that Luo Tian was dead, and the spring was dry, there was no sign of life.

Luo Tiandu’s yellow eyes were noticed by Luo, and his heart was excited. He couldn’t forget the peerless singer who once rejected him...

He was particularly excited, and he was crying excitedly. The dry hands and hands were lifted up, and he trembled: "Fast..... pull me..... go out..."

His voice was intermittent, but soon it was a faint voice followed: "Yes.....and me..."

Next to Luo Tiandu, there is a skinny man who is skinny, and he can't tell the difference. It is obvious that he is the king of lightning! .

Su Yan was amazed for a while, but he did not expect that they could find it now. They can live in the blood festival. Su Yan estimates that they have a peerless secret treasure body, and they deserve the heroes of the two peaks.

Luo Tiandu and Lightning King also thought that the deadline was approaching, sitting and waiting to die, hateful is that chaotic motherhood is close at hand, but they can not go to collect fortune, this has to be said to be a sad!

In the desperate situation, they did not expect that the outside people came in, the lightning king was particularly excited, and the thin adult body trembled, excited to pick up!

"Big Brother, what about the Lightning King?"

"Kill it!" Su Yan said for a moment, "I will kill him directly, anyway, I am not familiar with the King of Lights!"

"Your grandfather!"

The King of Light actually cried out, and the dry chest violently fluctuated and burst into tears: "I have money, don't kill me, I have money, I have no enmity!"

"Save me first." Luo Tiandu saw hope, and the words were not intermittent. It was very exciting.

"What price can you pay?" Su Yan smiled and said that his conflict with the King of Lights was dispensable, and he couldn't talk about the enemy of life and death.

Luo Tian is very angry, he is eager to leave the magic cave, he really can't go on, and there is a danger of death in one second.

"I....." The King of Lights had a time to plug, and did not know how to answer, but quickly trembled: "I can give you three thousand pounds of chaotic treasure!"

"Kill it, this is to smash me!" Su Yan was angry.

"I wiped..."

The King of Lights cursed in his heart, and three thousand pounds of chaotic treasures to fight? This wealth **** king will be crazy when he sees it!

Lightning cried and said: "What do you want, can you save me first and say, you will never pay too much for your reward!"

Luo Tiandu also wants to say, there is me!

"What do you want?" Su Yan frowned, really want to think about it.

This scene made them both want to climb up and Su Yangan, then Luo Tian said directly: "I can give you a royal road, only the dragon of the Dala Dynasty can nourish this root cause!"

Su Yan's moving, absolutely not inferior to the best chaotic gas, even more amazing than the chaotic gas roots, once swallowed, can nourish the battle, and even raise the Royal Dragon!

Luo vigorously scratched his head, slammed the fire, or the future big brother, this is not very good.......

However, this seems to be Luo Tiandu's initiative to open the mouth, Su Yan is also not good to reject his kindness .....

"I will give you two best roots!" The King of Light also gritted his teeth.

When Su Yan was still hesitating, they had the urge to kill, but now Su Yan is a grandfather, and he has to bow down and say a lot of benefits!

"Luo Tian is your luck."

Su Yan’s big sleeves stunned and shook out dozens of drops of chaotic treasure, spilled on the body that Luo Tiandu was about to dry up. His dry body was nourished, the excitement was smashed, and there was nothing more than supplementing energy. Beautiful but!

They can survive if they can survive. They happen to touch the safe passage, but they don’t dare to go away. If Su Yan does not come, it will really be consumed.

The safe passage is not really safe, but also has a power to swallow, but there are not many other areas.

"Oh, hahaha!"

Luo vigorously shouted and gasped, he lived and lived!

"I, and me..."

The Lightning King grew his mouth and made a humiliating action. The imperious lightning king, the first person in the gods, starred his mouth, eager for Su Yan to give him a part of Chaos Treasure.

Luo vigorously wants to laugh. In this collapsed situation, there is really nothing better than living!

"Luo Tian is a real man, I don't doubt his words!"

Su Yan’s response made the King of Lights almost blown up. Nima, I am not a real man, and I’m going back!

Su Yan forced the Lightning King to issue a series of vicious vows. This made the King of Lightning really want to spurt blood. I really want to know who the strict kid who is wrapped in the stone armor is, do not know his identity? But the first person of the peak group!

However, when a part of Chaos Treasures turned out the energy essence to nourish his chapped body, the Lightning King still made a crazy laugh, and lived, he can live!

"Let's go!" Luo Tiandu no longer wanted to come. He recovered some strength. He trembled: "Don't go inside. Before, there is a **** king who goes in to pick up chaotic motherhood, but both die." In it!"

Su Yan moved, it seems that more than two of them survived before, and the rest of the strong people came here, risking the picking of chaotic maternal.

The tragic death of the king of God, so that they do not dare to approach, can only stay here and wait to die.

A further step forward is the endless abyss, hundreds of millions of chaotic days, and accompanied by a piece of chaotic maternal hair, this wave of ups and downs of the picture, but it contains a big crisis!

Once again, Su Yan will give up easily!

"Strong, take them away!"

Su Yan bowed his head and said: "Go back along the way, don't come again."

Su Yan is also worried about other changes, and he has a large killer body. The dragon totem has never recovered. Su Yan believes that even if there is a real crisis, the power of the dragon totem is enough to open a piece for Su Yan. The door to escape!

And it is crucial that since Luo Tiandu survived, and even persisted for such a long time, this shows that the Chaos Dragon Pulse is unguarded!

Su Yan is ready to try. If it doesn't work, he will choose to give up and not get it.

Luo Tiandu still wants to say something, but Su Yan can come here safely, naturally he has something extraordinary, and he did not say anything else.

The king of lightning is guilty, if Su Yan really died here, the original promised treasure, is it not to give it?

"This guy is really looking for death. I estimate that half a step is coming, and I have to drink it!"

The King of Lights is cold in his heart. For this savior, it is both grateful and hateful. Even he really does not want Su Yan to get chaotic motherhood. Who knows what kind of metamorphosis can be created by chaotic motherhood.

"Big Brother, you have to be careful, I will be back soon!"

Luo Dali only hesitated for a while and then bite his teeth.

He is very aware of Su Yan's identity and origins. If he does not fight, the future and the hopes of the heavens will be more embarrassing. Even if it can really catch up with the bottom, the price paid will definitely be more.

And the chaotic motherhood is close at hand, why not fight!

"There must be no killing on it, or it will cause chaos roaring, the abyss will be angry, and the king of God will drink hate!"

Luo Tian was warned of Su Yan before leaving.

Su Yan gaze at the abyss, the abyss that is close at hand, full of the fierce demon that engulfs hundreds of millions of creatures. Su Yan is just confrontation with the abyss, and the back is full of cold sweat, which is really not strong!

Su Yan fiercely sat down, the battle body glowed, and the ultimate!

His treasure is roaring on its own, originating from the most primitive fluctuations in the body flowing, as if the former universe was burning!

When this most primitive force began to blow out from the inside out, Su Yan broke out, and Wan Dao rumbling, he stood in the realm of the realm, and the cosmic motherhood floating in the chaos of the sky was shaking!

"Ha ha ha!"

Su Yan is laughing, dancing like a waterfall, he can't step into the abyss, but he can attract chaotic motherhood!

In the past, Su Yan once practiced in the land of Xianxing for a hundred years, and his body was filled with a strong atmosphere of Xianxing.

The **** land is scattered from the ruins of chaos. Su Yan once confirmed that the ruins of chaos is the land of the stars of the year!

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