Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 841: Abyss

Regardless of the origin of this death Jedi, Su Yan can induce chaotic mother-air vibration, then getting them is still a problem?

Su Yan stayed at the peak of the avenue for a long time, and the blood in his body began to rush, the whole treasure was shining, the treasure was solemn, and the light of the inside was raging!

The foundation of peerlessness begins to climb!

When Su Yan really stood at the peak of the peak, his momentum was completely different. Just like carrying a small universe rising up, he projected a million miles of light, and it contained a rather horrible avenue!

Su Yan raised his hand and lifted his foot. The space was sunk and he made a loud noise. The power was really abnormal.

Accumulated to this extent, Su Yan can not suppress the potential that will penetrate the realm of the gods, and it can hurt his body. At the moment when Su Yan is at the peak, he releases a terrible light and attracts the leaps from the abyss. And the chaotic motherhood is autonomous!

"Give me out!"

Su Yan issued a low-pitched voice, releasing a strong attraction, so that a piece of chaotic motherhood is shining, there is a tendency to break away from the chaotic dragon pulse and rush to Su Yan!

However, the attraction of Su Yan’s eruption is strong, and the boundless abyss, like the once buried cave of hundreds of millions of souls, is covered with a layer of supreme pressure, suppressing the entire abyss!

Su Yan’s mind is tense, and there is a power in the abyss that affects the material of the entire abyss!

This life Jedi does not know how to be born, but the great creation of it is not easy to take away. Su Yan feels that there is absolutely something hidden in the abyss, and it has calmed the chaotic motherhood!

Perhaps a big man is coming, and it is impossible to easily take away the chaotic motherhood.

Although this thing can promote the most powerful effect in the promotion of the realm of the gods, the essence of chaos, the root material of chaos, even the temptation to the power, is amazingly tempting for the three major areas of the gods!

Who will easily let go of this opportunity, Su Yan has not been impatient, he tried many times, be cautious.

In the end, Su Yan confirmed that there is no caretaker in the abyss, and he can safely and boldly seek chaotic motherhood!

"Try it, it should be successful!"

Su Yan took a deep breath, his body was blazing, the whole body was full of radiance, sacred to the extreme, and of course the peerless power, the space of the pressure is bleak.


In the twinkling of an eye, Su Yan's eyebrows are bright and clear, releasing a magnificent peerless airflow, like the sky covered with the sky, and also wrapped in a strong age and historical atmosphere, like the end of the long river, cracked in Su Yan's eyebrow!

It was a mark, a lightning-like explosion, shining from the blur, igniting from nothingness!


The corner of the blood altar is trembled. It is the imprint of the land of the fairy star. It has returned to this world, colliding with the avenue of the earth, and has created a new crystal, containing the blurry light of the gland!

And there is a corner of the grand world projected, this is the avenue imprint of the fairy land, there is the essence of the supreme energy of the celestial earth, as well as the imprint of the universe, where it shines!


The radiance of the imprint casts on the chaos of the motherhood, the chaos of this piece from the abyss, and the vibration of the moment, the uncontrollable beginning of the countercurrent!

Su Yan’s ecstasy is enough to sense that in the process of chaotic motherhood countercurrent, the collapse of the Qiankun, their energy is quite heavy, just like a giant chaotic mountain is shining!

It is enough to see that the strength of these chaotic motherhood has come back against the tide, shaking off the blockade of the abyss, and will soon rush to the blood altar!

Su Yan’s mouth is cracked to the root of the ear, and the treasure that the world dreams of is about to flow into his body!

Just in the chaos of motherhood, is about to rush out of the abyss, his face has changed, endless abyss, fierce tremors, faint living traces of life are emerging!


Su Yan's scalp is numb, and both eyes are beginning to look at the endless abyss. This chaos is full of chaos and can't see the picture in the abyss.

But at the moment when the chaotic motherhood is about to break away from the abyss, the land of the abyss reveals a thick and heavy shackle, which is carried by chaos and wants to rush out of the abyss.

Su Yan’s head is as big as a bucket, and there is a huge **** sputum underneath. Is there any life that is buried here?

This **** scorpion, which is covered with various mysterious symbols, also began to vibrate, causing the entire abyss to tremble with it. At this moment, there is a chaotic wave of oceans that collapsed the levees and flooded the entire blood festival!

A face-to-face, Su Yan wants to form a god!


He shouted in the sky, his hair was black and long, and the overall breath soared to the extreme. Su Yan did not hesitate to withdraw and leave the blood sacrifice platform.

Only the **** scorpion floating in the abyss also exudes terrible pressure on the town, and stabbed Su Yan's body, so that he would be blown up by lightning, and the whole meat shell would be blown up!


Su Yan’s nephews are all set up, and their hearts are extremely urgent. They must be withdrawn. Otherwise, they will inevitably encounter a catastrophe. Even he sees that the **** smashes are aggravated, and the supreme existence of internal sleep is afraid to wake up!

During the process, the pressure continued to skyrocket, and Su Yan’s pores were all bleeding, and the entire shell of the meat was bursting!

At this moment, Su Yan’s breath has also soared to the strongest field. His behind the scenes is a vague ocean of chaos and grandeur, but it seems to exist in another time and space, unable to manifest the real form!

In the vast chaos, it seems that through the years and times, one after another, a blurred figure manifests itself in chaos.

They come from chaos, into chaos, can only see their general outline...

This is Su Yan's constitutional vision. He has never been able to break the natural vision of the body, but in this crisis of the bones and bones, the Chaos floating in another time and space screams fiercely!

That one is supreme, seems to go out from prehistoric times, through the vast chaos .....

Su Yan clearly caught this moment, these imprints, or branding, will soon return from the sleep, but Su Yan found that his strength is not strong enough to activate the hidden energy of these imprints!

The next moment, Chaos Wang Yang giant earthquake, the internal picture is clear everything.

Su Yan was eclipsed. In the vague chaos, he saw the mysterious things floating at the end of the chaos, and the ones were immortalized, facing the mysterious things.

This mysterious thing is also extremely vague, but Su Yan still has insights, this thing is very similar to the Snow Mountain Dragonfly!

When this mysterious snow-capped dragon and dragonfly emerged from the chaos, an inexplicable horrible power emerged, seemingly penetrating the reincarnation, recreating the Qiankun, exuding the horror of glory!


The light of the moment, the **** tremors floating in the depths of the abyss, this mouth bleeds, suffered a heavy blow, violently tumbling in the chaotic dragon veins, and even sinking directly into the endless abyss!

what is this?

This makes Su Yan unbelievable. His human vision has some shocking imprints. At the moment when the snow-capped mountains and dragons emerged, the **** blood of the hard-boiled blood bleeds, but directly sinks into the abyss.

Su Yan felt that there was an illusion, because he heard the ghostly cry, very vague, very distant, seems to be emanating from the **** scorpion, is there a person buried there? With the chaotic dragon veins, have you lived one universe after another?

After all, this kind of supreme creation can really hold the strong Shouyuan and let it live for a long time. If you think about it, you will know the value of Chaos Dragon Pulse, not just because of energy problems!

"There are many strong energy in these imprints. Who left it? Is it that I am sleeping in a snowy mountain dragonfly, and I am infected with the smell of snow-capped mountains and dragons? But this breath is too strong, there is amazing power. Shocked away the abyss!"

Su Yan is thinking about it, and it is not a leisure time for the ancestral temple to spend a long time searching for it.

Just being oppressed and the self-recovery of the imprint repelled the **** scorpion in the abyss. It must be said that Su Yan’s body contained a treasure that was difficult to develop. Perhaps one day he could master this infinite treasure!

The bizarre experience broke through the pattern of the abyss!


Su Yan in the contemplation was shocked by the scene. He looked at the past and saw the chaos and the motherhood of the abyss spurting out. Each of them looked like a chaotic wave, and it was magnificent, and there was gravity in the starry sky!

They rushed out of the abyss and rushed to Su Yan!

"The creation is coming, hahahaha!"

Su Yan’s heart was stirring, and he stood up all of a sudden, and Zhang mouth slammed: “It’s all mine!”

His chest is undulating, as if swallowing the whole piece of void!

Su Yan forced the three pieces of chaotic motherhood that will flow backwards to the direct swallow!

"I have to break through!"

Su Yan haha ​​laughed, three pieces of chaotic maternal, like three chaotic suns, swallowed into the belly moment, Su Yan's fleshy shells must burst!

Because they are too heavy, even Su Yan directly swallowed a whole three pieces of chaotic maternal gas, so that Su Yan's body has a kind of unstoppable expression!

What is this concept?

Su Yan's body is still strong, but as strong as he almost could not survive the chaotic motherhood, which shows that even if you master the chaotic motherhood, you can not refine it!

However, Su Yan's physical strength is completely sufficient. Under the stimulation of chaotic motherhood, his battle body broke out, and at the moment of his blending, all his potentials resonate and blaze, opening up a vast expanse of heaven. door!

Ignite all the avenues, release the strongest avenues, and begin to leap into the realm of the gods.

This is the Dragon Jump, the promotion of the Dragon!

Of course, with the chaotic motherhood as a bridge, the height of the prancing will be extremely terrible, paving a magnificent and broad avenue.

At the beginning of Su Yan’s rushing to the gods, a group of terrible figures emerged on the edge of the blood festival!

Zufu, they came, Han’s old masters came out of the mountain, squatting and walking with them to the depths of the blood altar....

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