Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 842: Punish the gods

It’s not difficult to say that the gods are on this day. It’s not easy to say that it’s easy.

The accumulation of the avenue is sufficient, and it is qualified to rush to the gods and accept the baptism of chaos. In this process, it is natural to have an absolute foundation in the avenue.

However, the root cause is indispensable. Only the roots of all things can be combined to make the body and energy have the potential to be shocked. This way, in the moment of rushing to the gods, we can evolve a stronger avenue!

The practice of human beings is closely related to this universe.

This is a super evolution, from people to God!

The process is naturally quite amazing. The gods should not be underestimated in any star field. They are all powerful in the universe and are qualified to exist in the vast universe.

Great evolution will naturally change the original cultivation essence, let people have the power of the avenue, and the avenue is completely two concepts, and the more people accumulate, the more they are in the divine.

Su Yan has now got the chaotic motherhood, claiming to be the most powerful source of the world. Once this material paves the way to the gods, then Su Yan will be a world-famous evolutionary evolution, and the strength is simply doubled!

Of course, this process is not so easy, but also depends on the strength of the roots.

With chaotic maternal gas as the root source gas, like a chaotic giant tree planted in Su Yan, when the real blending with it, Su Yan's soul is shaking!


His overall energy resonates, blazing the sky, and the whole body is burning!

When the chaotic motherhood and Suyan are combined, Su Yan really has a tendency to explode, and the root gas is really metamorphosis, prompting Su Yan's body to dry up!

This makes Su Yan stunned, which shows that the chaotic motherhood is too abnormal, and it is necessary to drain the body of Su Yan in an instant. This is a trend of convergence that is about to fail.


However, Su Yan's decaying breath once again skyrocketed, the inner universe burned, the grand eternal breath came to life, enriching the tens of millions of visions, Su Yan's peerless potential was released, sprayed thin, and blended with chaotic maternal.

Based on the foundation of Su Yan's avenue, only chaotic maternality can make Wan Dao change and evolve the power of the avenue.

He swallowed three chaotic motherhoods, and Su Yan's body, if it included a chaotic sea eye, when it glowed, it swallowed thousands of roads and swallowed Su Yan's life blood!

This is a process that must be carried out, planted in the chaotic motherhood with its own energy substances!

In the end, the chaotic motherhood cultivates a new energy substance, and the Pupu gives the Suyan deity, which allows it to step into the realm of the gods and complete this great evolution of terror!

Since ancient times, how many strong people can integrate chaotic motherhood, although the process is painful, they must face the threat of death at any time, but Su Yan is still laughing, his dead body is constantly shining, and he begins to absorb chaotic treasures. Loss.

Chaos Treasure Liquid is the essence of chaotic energy extraction. It is of great help to the spiritual practice and evolved into the realm of the gods. This chaotic treasure is also an indispensable substance.

Of course, the chaotic treasure of Su Yan is very limited, and it is not enough to complete the evolution!

It can only be a supplement of hundreds of drops of chaotic treasure liquid. It has already caused Su Yan's dry body to skyrocket in countless times, and the Chaos Sea Eye, which is pregnant and growing up, has continued to expand because it absorbs the energy of Chaos Treasure!

Chaos sea eye, equal to Su Yan's life spring!

It encompasses Wan Dao, including the essence of Su Yan. In the process of breakthrough, as long as the chaotic sea eye turns into a sea, spread all over Su Yan's body, then it is completely transformed!

The process of evolution is slow and horrible!

Su Yan is also feeling the way, they think about the evolution of Chaos Avenue, which is crucial for Su Yan’s mastery of the Tao and the law. This is the most powerful source of the world, and the opportunity of light is hard to reproduce. Encounter.

Half a day's effort, hundreds of drops of chaotic treasures are exhausted, and a lot of chaotic sea eyes have exploded and swallowed power again, letting Su Yan's dry body tremble...

"Not enough, can only be taken here!"

Su Yan licked his mouth, the reason why he chose to break through here when he was not prepared enough, it is not because there is a chaotic dragon pulse here. If there is such a thing in hand, there is no need to use Chaos Treasure!


The chaotic sea eye floating in his body glows. This is the chaotic mother's gas. It is called the mother of chaos. Once it exudes attraction, the chaos that has been sprayed out of the abyss has begun. Controlled by roar!

If the shape is horrible, rushing to the blood festival, directly drowning Su Yan!

"Ha ha ha!"

Su Yan laughed and laughed, even if the gods of the peak group did not have this kind of treatment, he was absorbing the essence of the chaotic dragon veins, and the chaos power contained in this chaotic heavenly essence was extremely strong!

Of course, this kind of direct bathing, so that the dry body of Su Yan stings, there is a chaotic tearing trend!

However, it is the chaotic sea eye that leads to the chaotic essence, which is transformed into a rich chaotic gas. It not only nourishes the chaotic sea eye, but also has energy leakage, nourishing the body of Su Yan!

The material that has been refined by the Chaos Sea Eye, even in line with the energy form of Su Yan, can directly nourish the body for Su Yan!

This is the power of chaos, and now the dry shell of Su Yan, even with the nourishment of a little chaotic essence, his physical fitness is also enhanced, this process is very horrible!

After all, it was a big evolution. With Su Yan’s physical foundation in the avenue, it must evolve into a degree of anti-sky. When the invincible body broke out, Su Yan’s combat power was enough to be arrogant!

In the past, the strong man who faced the gods of the gods needed to cooperate with the iron bars to fight them.

But once Su Yan enters the realm of the gods, the result is completely different. It is not difficult for him to cross the horizontal killing of the gods. Although it is said that the three major areas of the gods are in one step, it is not a problem to kill the gods.

Of course, the gods kill the king of God?

Even if the three great gods join hands, without any help of foreign objects, the frontal fight against the gods is completely idiotic and dream!

Wang Jingzhen can easily be smashed!

Suddenly, the gods of heaven and the gods can't do it, unless there is a variety of treasures to match the pressure to kill a god.


A copper furnace is also hung above the top of Su Yan's head, and the Qiankun furnace is opened. The world inside the furnace is called Qiankun!

Su Yan uses chaotic motherhood to lead out the chaos of the eruption in the abyss. It is collected by the Qiankun furnace. Although he has a lot of essences of the demon dragon, he can not match the essence of the chaotic dragon.

It’s just that the Qiankun furnace can’t be absorbed. If the chaotic motherhood can attract, there is a limit.

Even Su Yan is thinking, if you spend a year and a half on the blood altar, collect a lot of chaos, not to mention the spiritual resources of the gods, even the cultivation resources of the gods can be gathered!

time flies.

The first day passed, Su Yan's practice reached a very important juncture, his body was still dry, but the body has been transformed to the extent of the god.

At the same time, Su Yan's mind sinks into the strong chaotic sea eye, where the sound of the avenue is heard, and Wanqian Avenue is evolving in various forms, and the undulating avenues are becoming more and more intense!

The transformation of the avenue, leap forward toward the high realm, Su Yan quiet in this process, deducting the law, the realm of continuous development.

He was quiet in the Wandao for three days and three nights, and he had to say that the chaotic motherhood was abnormal, and the avenues were perfectly presented, and each one was deducted to perfection!

"It's wonderful!" Su Yan is amazed. Just because of the current road, it is really a metamorphosis in the realm of the gods. With the evolution of the mother of chaos, Su Yan’s mastery of the avenue is completely equal to the rebirth!

His dry body, the life of the fire is vast, and the weather of the avenue is becoming more and more heavy. It is really like the abyss of the avenue standing between the heavens and the earth, spitting the chaos and the light of the 10,000.

Even under the operation of the Chaos Sea Eye, the power of Wan Dao is in one, and there is a rush to the sky, running through the chaos!

After four days and four nights of sitting, Su Yan's body is filled with unparalleled avenues of power. Once released, it can definitely break out the peerless power of the gland!

The chaotic sea eye absorbs the speed faster, and a chaotic sky is fine into the body. Just like the chaotic Wanlong belongs to the sea eye, this sea eye stores the amazing power, which makes Su Yan's life source mad several times!

Terrible transformation, Su Yan has completed the first step!

"The danger is coming...."

Su Yan whispered, his body was dry, and his power was pulled out, and it was attributed to the Chaos Sea Eye!

Nowadays it is a time of anti-pu, there is a certain danger in this, but we do not know the chaotic motherhood as the root cause, in the end there is much danger!


The dull sound blasted, like the 10,000-odd voice that was born in the beginning of the universe!

Su Yan's dry flesh is full of light, this is the chaotic sea eye erupting, he is like a sun that never dies, sprays a thin sky, and directly interweaves the avenue chain, and suddenly there is a dry body of Su Yan!

Although it is his way and law, but Su Yan's body is suffering from the counter-Pu, as if he is suffering from the hundreds of thousands of avenues!

Su Yan was trembled, and the dry body collapsed. This kind of anti-pu was extremely difficult to bear, and the flesh was like a blast!


Su Yan roared, if his body is strong enough, he will die!

His dry flesh was fleshy and blood was flying.

The anti-Pujiang forces that have evolved from Wandao have been crushed all flesh and blood. Su Yan is carrying out amazing pressure. Wandaojing is reading, and Tiangong brings a lot of great strength, and the violent suppression of the serious consequences brought by the anti-Pu!

Su Yan's painful body can't stop shaking, but the anti-Pou of the Chaos Sea Eye also brings the essence of Su Yan's Shinto!

Just a little divine power to store the flesh, let Su Yan's dry body shine, the decaying blood, but release terrible fluctuations.

Of course, Su Yan is about to decay to the extreme, but the pores of the Su Mao pores are slightly thin, and the void is also riddled with holes!

What a powerful embodiment of this!

This power is even more amazing than his heyday!

Su Yan is like an injured young king with a crazy laughter in his mouth. As long as he can withstand the first anti-pull impact, Su Yan’s next practice will be safe and sound!

"I smell the familiar atmosphere, hehe........"

The silent and **** altar, grand and boundless, carries endless corpses, like the land of the gods!

The cold and secluded world exudes strangeness and ominousness, succumbing to the bone marrow, swallowing the soul, and even worse than purgatory.

There are also cold and faint sounds that are emerging. It is a horrible shadow that passes through the vast blood festival....

Zu Fu is laughing, he has already noticed the scent of Su Yan, very close to him!

The figure of the leader, squatting on the figure, the decline of the disfigurement, the generation of Qimen Master, is deeply jealous of the blood altar, but more interested in the deep Su Yan, he is likely to master the dream of the family !

(Brothers, Qingtian went to the hospital in the morning, so I didn't update it in time, and I came home at noon.)

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