Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 844: Wrath of the Abyss!

"This crazy man, crazy!"

The three great strongmen of the ancestral hall changed their faces. At this moment, they became clear why they called him a madman. They would rather fall on their own and not let them be better. Let them follow them together!

The entire abyss smeared their savage breath, one by one in the trembling, and they screamed, why did the abyss directly riot!

The abyss was provoked and told Su Yan before Luo Tiandu left. Once the abyss was released, the abyss would be violent!

As a result, there was a big explosion in the space, and the chaos in the abyss spewed out chaos and shattered everything. The scene is really scary. It is simply a power to go crazy here, wanting to shred any strong person who is disrespectful to the abyss!

"how is this possible......"

Zufu is stupid, if the sculpture, because the Su Yan form the gods are destroyed, under the chaos of the abyss, the **** light!

what is this? They have spent such a big price, just to take away Su Yan, but now Su Yan has fallen? How can such a ridiculous thing happen!

Zufu will never be wrong. The person just mentioned is definitely Su Yan. It is not wrong for Su Yan’s spiritual essence. He is a generation of half-step power, but this ending makes him react. Su Yanzhen Fallen?

Even one of the strongest ancestors was trembled. The two gods couldn’t even say that in this catastrophe, even with the unwillingness and despair, there was only one thought in the heart, why should they rush over!

How can God King be? At that time, there was a king who took the death to pick up the chaotic motherhood and was killed by the abyss!

Nowadays, the endless chaos kills and rushes, and the ancestral king of the ancestral temple is screaming. The body of the **** king is broken. The whole person will have a big bang. He swears: "Save me, the elders of the ancestors will save me, fast. help me!"

This is a **** king. In the **** sea, there is still no power to play, and it is tragic to death under the wrath of the abyss. This is really a kind of sorrow!


Zufu is furious, although the old wounds of the demon domain have not healed, but Zufu is still a half-step power, and he is very decisive to sacrifice the power of the holy soldiers, and to kill the chaos of the ancestral temple king!


Han’s old master’s eyes roared and he screamed that Zufu would stop.

He felt that something was wrong. With the eyesight of his seven masters, you can see that there are big problems in the abyss. This abyss is definitely a place to stop. Once the conquest or killing occurs, it will inevitably encounter the abyss of the earthquake!

However, he wants to stop it from being too late. The ancestors sacrificed the killings of the mighty sacred sects, and the abyss was undulating, emitting hundreds of thousands of chaotic waves, surging and horrible!

What about the power sacred soldiers? After all, it is not a big power. There is only a part of the power of the power. Nowadays, under the power of Chaos Dragon, it is directly divided!


The ancestral temple **** died tragically and was beaten into a **** fog. The generation of the gods did not even have time to struggle, and died in the abyss!


Zufu witnessed his temptation and hatred of anger. Since he was born, the two ancestral temple gods were tragically killed, and they were all related to Su Yan. This made him have a hard-to-control killing in the body, and he wanted to smash the entire abyss!


The face of Han’s old master was ugly, because the abyss of the abyss was more violent. He faintly saw the depths of the abyss, and there was a pair of fuzzy pupils that opened, and the huge ones would tear the whole sea!

This pair of pupils, scarlet, some unreal, in the land of the infinite abyss, there is a hint of cold in the vague!

Even these huge pupils are just a part of it, but they are huge!

This makes the Han family's old masters feel like lightning strikes. When they look down on Su Yan as an ant, the same unimaginable giants are looking down on them and treating them as ants!

The old masters of the Han family were shocked by a cold sweat. He was practicing in the field of martial arts. The Qimen avenue was invincible and opened many life Jedi, but this life of the Jedi made him feel terrible and never want to step into the halves!

Zu Fu was also shocked, his legs were soft and the whole stiffness was stiff!

"Two old blind people!"

The voice of the curse came to light, and there was a big bang that exploded: "Kill!"

Killing sound runs through the abyss, brewing with the road to killing, and the tragic suffocation reveals that there is a spiritual will to tear the abyss!

In the twinkling of an eye, hundreds of millions of chaos collapsed the time and space, blood and sky, shaking the entire blood altar, endless corpses and smog, and the **** altar broke out!

"You are a small beast, Su Yan, I am going to kill you and kill you!"

Zufu is really angry, and my heart and lungs really need to be blown up!

He was a generation of half-step power, and he was actually counted by Su Yan.

He turned his head and saw Su Yan, accurately saying that a body was dry and the shadow of the body cracked, lying on the ground, and the corpse on the blood sacrifice platform was exactly the same.

As early as before, Su Yan had already noticed that there was a strong person in the abyss, Su Yan directly tortoise, and the avenue Xianzhu suppressed his life!

The one who broke into the abyss before was the body that Su Yan had condensed in the demon!

Seeing that they dare not sway the abyss, Su Yan can only lead to infinite killing, let the chaos countercurrent, pour into the blood altar, triggering chaos, the endless chaos of tides, the first impact is the old Zufu and Han family Grand Master!

And Su Yan ran up and ran, how fast how fast!

Here is the blood altar, let them be strong, can not cross in the blood altar, but two old antiques here, Su Yan had to provoke chaos to kill, to resist the footsteps of Zu Fu and Han Jia old master!


Chaos countercurrent, along the way, countless bones smashed, even the body that is still standing in the air, is blown into the ash under the cover of chaotic killing!

The movement was too big, and the two old antiques released the horror killings. They were really irritated, and they were put together by a later generation!

Fortunately, the horror creatures in the abyss are sleeping, or else they can't leave alive, especially Su Yan won them!

The abyss has not seen any scenes, but a blood-stained scorpion floats in chaos. There seems to be a pair of scorpions, which are very sorrowful and stare at the back of Su Yan....

Su Yan’s movements are very fast. He really can’t figure out how Zufu’s old immortality came here.

Now Su Yan is not in the mood to think about these things, must leave here as soon as possible!

His flesh looks dry, but in fact the body continues to restore the source of horror life, Su Yan has a crazy recovery, the situation has been extremely urgent, if the outside world has a ancestral home horse, the Soviet Union can not break through to the realm, then it is dangerous The juncture.

"what happened!"

However, at this time, the blood of the corpse is not quiet, causing chaos and panic!

The corpse of blood has a vast territory that has directly subsided, and has provoked the excitement of the strong people of all ethnic groups. What happened in the blood of the corpse, the ancestral hall blocked the blood of the corpse in advance, did they grasp the hidden feelings of the corpse?

The Fengjia Zhuqiang has changed color, the vast corpse of blood and sea, the territory has subsided a small half, and that is the infinite border collapse!


The **** blood of the rushing rushes to the Han, smashing the sky, it is simply the opening of the peak, the whole corpse in the sea, the wind and the wind, the waves are magnificent, the blood is shining!

And there are all the cosmic stars smashed, and the strong winds have insights, the boundless chaos gas surges, shakes the stars, makes the vast earth tremble, and the stars and moons shake down a large piece!

Absolutely a big event, even more astounding than the turmoil of the previous corpse, the fluctuations have to sweep across the entire bloodshed.

"How can the Dala Dynasty come to so many powerful!"

The wind and the strong face of the face are uncertain, do you really think that you are the hegemon of the **** land?

The Dalu dynasty suddenly came to a few old kings, the horror of the atmosphere, exuding the brilliance of the sky, holding the brilliant killings, if the three rounds of the big day, are the princes who are in charge of the vast territory of the Dala Dynasty, the superpower !

The ancestral temple did not dare to block their way for a time. After all, Zufu was not here.

The result was less than half a day, and a message spread throughout the bloodshed, so that the strongest people were shocked!

"Unbelievable, Luo Tiandu and Lightning King are still alive!"

The people of the Feng family were amazed. It was a few months later, but Luo Tiandu and the Lightning King were brought out from the blood of the corpse, and although they were skinny and skinny, they were still alive, but they were still alive!


Luo Huaqing burst into tears, and Luo Tiandu’s appearance was too bad, equivalent to the end of the oil!

"Old lord, look at the old prince!"

Luo Anyong was out of control. He never thought that the old prince was still alive, even he came back with Luo Tian.

The three kings from the Dala Dynasty were even more embarrassed. I really didn’t expect that Heaven could survive. It was Luo Yuanzheng’s letter that their three great kings rushed directly into the blood of the corpse, and they did not expect to take Luo Tian so easily. All are back!

"Haha, it’s not that I came out with the sky. I dare not go to the emperor to ask for merit."

Luo Yuanzheng seems to be a few decades younger and laughs loudly: "But there are other people. I am going to reward him with great rewards!"

"There is another person....."

The three kings of the Daluo dynasty were moved, and this kind of sentiment was great. Luo Tiandu was a great man after all, and he was a famous figure under the Southern Emperor.

Luo Yuanzheng was a little dumbfounded, and forgot to ask what Su Yan called.

"Is it..."

Luo Huaqing’s heart was moving, and Luo Tian’s smile, his voice weak and open: “It’s Luo who vigorously!”

Like a cold breeze, Luo Anyong they are sluggish.

Someone couldn't help but mutter: "It seems that the little princess's attraction is big enough. This kid really dared to go to the **** sea, and even he was successful!"

Luo Tian is frowning, what is the situation?

Luo Huaqing’s face was red, and a generation of little witches could hardly be heard. Even she looked around and was overwhelmed. Her heart was nervous, and there was a little rabbit in the chest running around, even where Luo Dayong went?

"What are you talking about? Good for you, Luo Dayong!"

After Luo Tiandu forced to ask, he learned that the truth must be blown up. Even his first feeling is that I am almost a big brother. You are extorting the lightning king, but I am still embarrassed to blackmail me? !

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