Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 845: General Assembly!

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Luo Huaqing was nervous and upset, his heart beat faster, and he was very flustered.

Immediately after seeing Luo Tiandu's emotions are not right, he was not able to decline, and now, under the wrath, a spurt of old blood will come out.

However, he was so angry, he couldn't spurt a blood, and there was only a very weak blood in his body, so that Luo Tian was really green.


Luo Tian is gnashing his teeth, and Luo Dayong is too shameless. He does not say that his sister has to be with his body, but Su Yan is also a good idea to extort himself? It is shameless, hateful!

"How can the ancestral hall come so many people?"

Luo Yuanzheng frowned, are they paying attention to the **** sea? On the way he asked Luo Tiandu, Luo Tiandu did see chaotic motherhood!

At that time, Luo Yuanzheng was so excited that Luo Tiandu had not yet stepped into the realm of the gods!

However, Luo Tiandu said that it is too difficult to take away the chaotic maternality. Half-step power can never be done, and who knows what is hidden in the abyss. He thinks that several peaks and groups should join hands to have I hope to take away the chaotic motherhood!


The vast corpse of blood, the entire peerless fierce land, from the chaos to the present, there is still a collapse of the territory, the black cracks spread very far, and quickly spread to the periphery!

It is because of this chaos that the blood of the corpse is broken.

There are strong people who open the sky and look at the past, their faces are not normal, and the eyes are filled with the bones of the mountain, which is in the broken mountains and mountains, the picture is creepy!

"This magical cave, in the end, how many powerful people have been buried, once the super battlefield, what kind of unknown mystery exists!"

"In those years, the savage **** sea, the strong man who plotted the chaotic motherhood, only the Luo Tiandu of the Dala Dynasty and the lightning king of the gods star field came out, I don't know what they experienced in the **** sea!"

"Now the ancestral hall is coming, even the very overbearing blockade of the **** sea, what the ancestral gods want to do!"

The **** land was sensational, and the change of the **** sea caused great chaos and panic. Even the ancestral temple came from many powerful people. The gods came out of the mountain and swallowed the world, directly blocking the entire corpse of blood, and did not ask for the meaning of the wind. !

Zu Fu is a half-step power of the ancestral hall. He can completely send a large number of strong people to the ancestral hall. For the ancestral temple, as long as you can catch Su Yan live, it is very worthwhile to pay a big price!

The vast corpse of blood, the blood of the sun, obscures the universe of stars!

There are many territories in the sinking, and there are broken walls and scums everywhere, and the blood of the corpse is still turbulent. This is all from the tremor of the blood sacrifice platform, and the abyss of the abyss!

"The obstacles, you can't escape!"

Zufu wolf smashed to the extreme, he shed his head and coughed up blood in his mouth. He had suffered heavy damage in the demon domain. Now he was injured by the wrath of the abyss, but the half-step power is still horrible, and the silence that permeates, if the tide Spewing out from the depths of the blood festival!

The old master of the Han family was not in a hurry or slow, and he walked calmly. He squatted, and a pair of turbid scorpions bloomed coldly. He did not expect to suffer a big loss in the hands of a younger generation. This is his unexpected result!


Han’s old masters are more interested in the Qimen chapters that Su Yan has mastered. After all, Su Yan’s young age can rush to the depths of the corpse, which is enough to see the natural masterpieces.

"It seems that my Korean family is about to return to the strongest ancestors!"

The eyes of Han’s master also flashed a gloom. This thing should have been returned to the Korean family. But the bamboo month did not give up this thing. If it wasn’t because the Korean family was scrupulous about it, it would have stopped the people’s bamboo. Give halfway to kill!

Although it is a little late, if the Qiqi chapter can be returned to the Korean family, it is enough for the Korean family to appear in the Eight Masters!

Once on this day, the Han family is definitely the super power of the entire cultivation industry. There are eight masters sitting in the town, even if it is a powerful one, it must give a three-point face.

"Su Yan is, I hope you don't let me down."

Han Lao Zong Shi Yinsen smiled, he was not in a hurry, the outside world has the ancestral hall layout of the Tianluo network, it is impossible to escape with Su Yan's road, and he has already dried up.

It’s true that Su Yan’s appearance is indeed almost the same as the oil.

However, if the old master of the Han family has an insight into the life-threatening vitality of Su Yan’s body, he will never say it in this way. It’s just the completion of the fortune of the eleventh two, which has surpassed Su Yan’s strongest era!

"This old miscellaneous hair, how did you touch it inside!"

A skinny shadow runs wildly on the blood sacrifice platform. Every time you pass through a blood festival, the source of the horrible blood in Su Yan's body grows up!

He was consuming the chaos in the Kunlun furnace. Fortunately, he had collected a large number of Qiankun furnaces before, but otherwise it was a big problem.

Su Yan hates the teeth itch, Zu Fu if they do not come, the abyss can not be rioted, and even Su Yan will therefore receive the wealth of Tianda, the future is enough to support his many years of practice.

"The calm and calm, anyway, I got the chaotic motherhood, and the breakthrough is also very fast. After giving me a few days, I can definitely break through!"

Su Yan whispered in his heart. Fortunately, this is a blood festival. There is a unique environmental pattern. Otherwise, it will not be ran away, and it will definitely be captured by Zu Fu.

Su Yan’s mood has gradually calmed down and he has reached this point. He must kill him as soon as possible and leave the **** land.

The copper furnace hanging over his head is constantly shining, falling down a chaotic sky, resembling a chaotic dragon flying out of chaos, and drilling into the shell of Su Yan!

His body is blazing, although the flesh and blood looks very dry, there is a strong source of energy in the body, and even in the process of continuous growth, Su Yan is released by the whole person, the power of the cosmic sky!

Like the resurrected dragon, step by step, digging the gods in the flesh.


Su Yan ran wildly for a whole day at the blood sacrifice platform. At this moment, his overall skeleton rhythm, even sounded nine days of thundering sound, earth shaking!


All the new growing bones in the body are shining, arranged in the body of Su Yan!

In the twinkling of an eye, Su Yan’s breath is arrogant, like a humanoid murderer, revealing the horror of horror, and it can crack the sky!


Su Yan issued a long shout, full of hair and dance, the whole steamed the beam of the sky, tearing the sky, this is enough to spread the power of the starry sky!

The strength of the strong, let Su Yan screaming in the sky, venting the joy and excitement in the heart, and finally cultivated to the level of the universe!

"Hahaha, I am going to be a god!"

Su Yan rushed out of the blood altar, the next moment he sacrificed the starry skin, began to cross the space, with the help of the starry skin, Su Yan's cross is not inferior to the half-step power, disappeared in the black tunnel in the blink of an eye.

Time has passed two days.

The strong guys of the company are all screaming, what are the ancestral gods doing here?

They didn't have any movements. They just blocked the major passages of the corpse and blood. This scene made the strong people watching the battles stunned. They thought that there was something big about the ancestral hall. Some people even thought that the ancestral hall might be waiting for something.

Regardless of what the ancestral hall wants to do, Luo Huaqing does not care, where can Luo Dayong go?

For the savior of Luo Tiandu, the three kings of the Dala Dynasty also want to see and see, in the end is the young strong of that family.

"This kid is very slippery, absolutely can't die!"

Luo Yuanzheng is full of confidence in Su Yan. He said: "And the ancestral hall is not aimed at Luo Dayong. We are waiting for him for a few days. By the way, let’s take a look at what the strong ancestors want to do!"

Luo Yuanzheng is estimated to be because of chaotic motherhood, this thing Luo Tian has already seen!

Two days passed, Luo Tiandu's situation was somewhat improved, and he ate a lot of big tonic. When they talked about Luo Dayong, Luo Tiandu was angry and cold, looking at the **** sea with cold face, and would like to know Luo Dayong. How to explain to yourself!

Nowadays, the blood of the corpse has been stopped, the chaos has stopped, and the internal blood is scattered. The strong people of all ethnic groups feel that it is the best time to smash the blood of the body. Perhaps it is possible to dig out something.

Already there are big people from all ethnic groups coming to ask Luo Tiandu about the hidden feelings of the **** sea.

For this matter, how could Luo Tian easily tell them, even he was thinking, would Luo Dayong get the chaotic motherhood? At that time he stayed!

"Look, there is someone rushing out from the depths of the blood!"

At this time, the face of the powerful people in the corpse of the corpse was shocked, and the eyes of the horror were staring, a shadow of a thin body.


"No, some people are alive. This is the third strongest from the depths of the corpse after the Luo Tiandu and the Lightning King!"

"It’s all skinny, and the situation is exactly the same as that of Luo Tian. It’s a living young strongman!”

The old folks of various ethnic groups have been moved, and they can't wait to understand what is hidden in the blood of the corpse. They dare not force Luo Tiandu and the King of Light to open their mouths. Can this be always?

Su Yan rushed out of the air, and finally rushed out of the depths of the **** sea!

"The ancestral gods!"

At the moment of just rushing out, Su Yan’s face was cold, and it’s already insightful. The outer area of ​​the **** sea, there are a large number of strong ancestors gathered together!

There are already strong people who have sacrificed the time and space mirror, projected on Su Yan, and instantly saw his essence!

A group of strong people laughed, this is not too familiar, a Su Yan, who had turned up the ancestral hall, was finally blocked by them and blocked in a life of the Jedi!


The entire corpse of blood seems to collapse, the mountains and rivers roar, and the boundless earth and stone are rolling up, all of which have washed away a large number of blood!

The raging picture, the whole corpse in the sea, killing the light and smashing the Han, the ancestral gods who have been silent for a few days, suddenly awakened from the slumber, one by one wearing a bright armor, holding the Tian Ge, killing the sword, the spear. .....

The cold cold will tear the soul!

The audience was eclipsed, the ancestral gods broke out, and the ten earth trembled, sprinting toward the young man who came from the depths of the blood!

"Dry your mother!"

Su Yan’s eyes were all set up, and roared: “There are many bones on the road to God, and today Laozi kills you to sacrifice the flag!”

His whistling, the winds and clouds changed, the waves were ups and downs, and the mountains were shaken, and the boundless leaves flew wildly, rolling the long hair of Su Yan!

Su Yanlong went to the tiger's step and strode to the periphery of the corpse of blood. He wanted the general assembly to kill him.

Hey, the first battle of God, the brothers come to the ticket support...

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