Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 846: War gods

"What is the situation? The people in the ancestral hall all broke out. Did they come to this person? But the handwriting is too big. Is it a **** king?"

All the onlookers were shocked. What is the situation?

The inevitable picture came too suddenly. The ancestral hall came very suddenly. But now because of the emergence of a person, all the powerful people who have been killed by Su Yan have released the strongest force, proclaiming that they have blocked the blood. The pattern!

In fact, there are many strong ancestral temples, and I really want to see that because Su Yan escaped from the encirclement, and then saw that the ancestral hall has blocked the expression of the **** sea, it must be exceptionally wonderful and eye-catching!

After all, the ancestral temple suffered too much loss in Su Yan’s hand, and hate it, especially the old leader of the tribe was devastated by their ancestral court, causing the ancestral hall to suffer heavy losses, and one power was killed. What a shame!

Nowadays, they have blocked the best rising star of the family, and they have even more ancestral temples and gods!

Shouldn’t Su Yan be afraid and uneasy?

However, they were disappointed. They did not see the extra expression color from Su Yan’s face, but they were cold and scary!

Even Su Yan took the initiative to rush out, to the masses of the assembly, to kill a catastrophe!

"He is dying, give me everything!"

"Remember, don't kill it. If we want to catch a living, we must catch it. There is no value in death!"

The ancestral temple gods are angry and unstoppable, a small up-and-coming star, still thinking about turning the tide and rewriting the battle situation?

This time, the strongest people killed by the ancestral temple are no more than before. The weakest are the gods. They are all elites in the elite. Is it a difficult problem to catch a suyan?

Although he has the power to kill the gods, but the strongest of the ancestral halls are clear, it is because Su Yan's mastery of the iron bars is enough metamorphosis, so let it have the fighting power to kill the gods!

Now it can be different. They sealed the world and sealed the whole body of blood. Can you let him grow his wings and fly out?


Luo Anyong, they look at each other, and there are horror colors in their eyes. How do you feel that this man with a physical body is Luo Dayong who disappeared into the blood of the corpse!

Even Luo Huaqing feels that he is Luo Dayong, but this should not be, how can Luo Dayong provoke the ancestral hall? Is it because the ancestral hall wants to know the hidden feelings about the deep blood of the corpse?

Only in spite of this, it is impossible to break out such a strong war!

Luo Tian is frowning, this person should be Luo Dayong undoubtedly, the blood sacrifice platform devours the life of human blood, he estimated that Luo Dayong suffered a heavy blow in the blood of the corpse, almost tortured to death, or how can the body dry up?


A group of strong people from Su Yan have swooped in, and the battlefields are shining, holding up the killer, the scorpion is full of cruelty, making up his mind to interrupt Su Yan’s legs and dragging him to the ancestral hall. !

The five strongest men came across the sky, and their fighting power was super strong, releasing the most powerful force, descending from the sky, and screaming at Su Yan, who was striding toward the outside world!

"Well come, today, I want to kill a happy, the dog scorpions of the ancestral hall, let the horse come over!"

Su Yan's eyes are upside down, and two pieces of light are shining. If the light of the purgatory that pops out in the area, there is a tragic killing, tearing the whole piece of void!

In the gaze of the audience, the shadow of this body is so violent, it is not like the appearance of the face, the exhaustion of the power, but the divine power to the extent of running through the Han!

As soon as Su Yan has not completed the final transformation, but now he is strong enough and perverted!


The bang blasted and shattered!

It is a shadow of light, swallowing the sky, madness to the extreme, his fists and the sky, the dragon and the tiger meteorological, containing the power to penetrate the Scorpio!

The strong men of the Fengjia onlookers are chilling. These are the elites of the ancestral temples, but they feel a kind of spiritual will to smash the enemy from this physically dry man!

The super power of the ancestral hall is almost the first group of the group!

In addition to the burial domain, no matter which strong family, they will basically not give such a ferocious atmosphere to the strongmen of the ancestral hall, but now they are caught in a physically dry man!

Now his fighting power is extremely terrible, the moment when the fist rotates, the space of hammering has a big explosion!

The five ancestors took the lead to kill the strong ones, one by one from the head to the feet, their bodies were locked, and began to tremble uncontrollably!


Someone screamed, blasted open, blood stained empty!

"help me......"

The gods were screaming and shouting, and the body shivered, the power of the courageless power, shattered his spirit and made him shudder.

Who can save them?

Su Yan’s fist is fast and accurate, and it contains the peerless power to smash the sky. The fists crossed and passed, and the five strong ones smashed one after another, and died under Su Yan’s fist!

The whole body of the blood is boiling, and the onlookers are exclaiming constantly. They are all elites of the ancestral hall!

However, it is now being smashed by Su Yan’s fist, and the blood is splashing. This is too ferocious. Who is this young strong man who started?

"Where to go!"

There is anger to emerge, shaking a space!

A team is rushing to Su Yan's men, and was broken by a heroic figure.

That is Luo’s vigorous outburst, Luo’s vitality in the field of peaks and gods. Once fully recovered, the blood of the whole body is the corner of the battlefield!

Luo Dali, a peerless fierce, powerful to the heyday, wheeled the big fist of the bowl, and killed a strong ancestral temple on the spot!

He is not afraid of it, kicking the ring here, the hair of the head is dancing, blocking the strong team for Su Yan!

"It's him!"

Wu Heng’s glimpse of the onlookers here, and his expression was eclipsed, how do you not know who Luo was, when he went to the Wu nationality, he informed himself that the blood of the body could not be blamed!

However, I saw Luo Dali here, and even saw the shadow of Luo Dian in the help of the blood from the corpse.

Wu Heng's heart is stirring, is this person, Su Yan!

Wu Heng just wants to think about it and confirms it. It can make the ancestral hall make a big move. Now, who can the younger generation besides Su Yan? This makes him feel fearful, so terrible killing, Su Yan can kill it?

This scene also touched the heart of Su Yan, can have such a life and death brother, no regrets in this life.

"Still, and jump out of a clown, kill me!"

The steady stream of the ancestral temples is approaching, and they are extremely angry. Under such circumstances, some people dare to stand up and help Su Yan!

"You guys, you just want to kill me!"

Su Yan is like a glaring Donkey, the dry flesh is full of fierce temperament, and the body is swollen against the ground, causing the mountain to collapse, earth and stone!

Su Yan's overall swaying out of the infinite avenues of divine power, revealing a million shadows!

This piece of emptiness has exploded, and Su Yan is **** and mad. His moves are wide open and rushed to the enemy!

This is exactly the Thunder attitude. Su Yan is like a sharp knife that cuts the battlefield, so that this area is stunned by blood. On the spot, there are strong people who are cross-fired, and half of the body collapses, making a tragic cry!

Su Yan’s powerful grace is doubtful, he is about to climb the realm of the gods. He is killing the ring. If he is crazy, the strongest force emerges. The ancestral strongman who rushes to the place here is in a big mess, and even throws a copper stove. , enough to suppress the corner of the battlefield!

In the world of hurricane and blood, people turn their heads and turn their voices.

Some people have looked at it, and a strong person who has dried up in the flesh has turned over a large piece. Where did the murderer emerge from?

"Frenzy, still dare to murder, I married you!"

At this time, the corner of the battlefield shines through the sky, like a chain of stars and rivers stretching from the outside of the time and space, intertwined with the days of the Great Avenue, falling from the sky!

Su Yan is furious, is this a fierce beast, directly bound?

However, these four avenues are very perverted, collapsed into the void, and the pressure is skyrocketing, almost ignoring the power of space, directly through the hole, locking Su Yan's limbs!

Some of the strong fighters have changed their color. This is a rare secret of time and space. It is specially used to kill the strong. Now the murderer is bound by the chain of four stars, let him be strong, and it is extremely difficult to break the chain of the Galaxy. Repression!


The cold laughter just emerged, a shadow was drilled out of the void, and the palm of his hand was lifted and shot on the back of Su Yan.

Luo Huaqing's flower is eclipsed, this kind of frontal attack, who can hold it.

Only the result made the onlookers stunned. This man with a physical body was trembled and almost fell to the ground!

However, he did not appear to have exploded and died. How hard it is to be able to resist this blow. It really scares many strong people of all ethnic groups. Is this a supreme body!


The shadow standing in the darkness, his face changed dramatically, his palm was enough to smash the body of the gods, but Su Yan was only shaking in the flesh, coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood, it made him angry and angry, the whole release More powerful!

"I see how strong you are!"

His palm, **** bombardment on Su Yan's head.

Su Yan, who was slap in the palm of his hand, trembled with blood, and his head spattered blood, which completely inspired Su Yan’s fury!


Su Yan screams in the sky, the dry flesh glows, the horror and blood overflow, smashing the void!

If you look closely, you can see that Su Yan's body is more complete than before, which also causes the release of the suffocating blood in his body, and the four chains that lock his star are shaking!


The face of the strong man who is in charge of the Star River chain is amazed. How can this be? This secret treasure is uncontrolled and will be exploded!


Su Yan broke out in the big cockroaches and the pupils, and the four star chains began to blow up one after another!

A fierce dragon who was imprisoned in the abyss started, the dragon battled in the wild, the earth shook, the horror energy surged, and the young strongmen who attacked Su Yan’s ancestral hall shook, and the whole body began to crack without being controlled. !

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