Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 848: Kill the ancestral gods!

The gods are nine heavens, the gods are nine heavens!

The nine heavens are so extreme that you can break into the chaos of the gods.

The ninety-nine is one, the same generation is called the king, and the king is in the realm of the king, that is, the king of the king!

Every **** of the gods is very difficult to practice. After all, it is necessary to accumulate the divine power to rush. Even the genius of the peak group needs a year or so. If the practice is slow, it takes a decade to accumulate. Row!

However, Su Yan just opened the door of the gods and climbed directly into the field of the four heavens. He had to say that he was quite perverted and scary, especially with the help of the silver robbers. Su Yan directly stepped into the peak of the gods!

The peak of the gods, breaking the **** of a big realm, smashing the peak of the gods!


He shot out with a fist and shines brightly. So far, there is still a hanging star river descending from the sky, surrounded by Su Yan, which continues to boil, revealing the supremacy of Beidouquan!

The martial arts pass the gods, sweeping the same generation, a large number of ancestral temple strong screams, the flesh is blown up, the heart is full of fear, they are scared, it is absolutely martial arts Tianmen suppression, this fist blows the audience!

And the power of Beidouquan has soared to a higher level. In the past, he was in the field of avenues, and it was impossible to break the Beidouquan to kill the gods, but now it is different. This is a secret of the heavens, powerful to the peak. Cross the peak of the gods!

This punch smashed a strong ancestral temple and blew the whole audience. It was completely a means of pushing and pulling.

"How suddenly he is so strong!"

Those who have survived are afraid of it. Some people are rushing to worship and worship, they really can’t stand the shocking release of Su Yan!

This gesture made the onlookers stunned. Su Yan’s fist smashed the spirit of the ancestral gods. He was so powerful that they saw this moment, an invincible star of the same generation, soaring!

People are no longer as they used to be, calling Su Yan a rising star of the funeral family.

The power of this boxing, respected the status of Su Yan, played the prestige of the peers, the hegemon of the younger generation, the supreme, really let the strong give birth to awe.

"Su madman, it is terrible, overlooking the ancestral gods, how many people can do it in the same generation?"

"Don't the Su madman already have the power of the Supreme of the Heavens, or else he may be so strong, the burial domain is really out of the young king of the same generation of invincible generations, and the future King of God is hopeful!"

"Will you kill all the way to kill the king of the king?"

The audience was sensational, and the residents of the **** land were revered from the heart. They had only heard of the rising star of the funeral domain, but now they have a fear for this person, a powerful metamorphosis, and the ancestral temples of the killing. The blood of the gods flows long, and all that survives are tremble.

The three great kings of the Dala Dynasty were shocked. They wondered what kind of ending would Su Yan and Nan Huang really fight if they really fought?

The same generation of hegemony, Su Yan has not lost, this all the way invincible, will certainly develop a peerless belief, will never be afraid of the heavens supreme, and even can carry out the shopping with the heavens supreme.

Luo Tian is in silence, Su Yan breakthrough has become so powerful, does he really get chaotic motherhood?

Even the King of Light is thinking this way. If Su Yan really gets chaotic motherhood, then his future achievements are limitless, but it is the strongest source of the world.

In fact, in the current state of Su Yan, it is impossible to bring the effect of chaotic maternal vitality to a state of prosperity. In the future, waiting for Su Yan to step into the gods and even the kingdom of the gods, it is possible to turn the power of chaotic motherhood. Released completely.

"Come on, go..."

The ancestral gods who are still alive return to God. Their faces are shameful. They were stunned before, and they sneaked in a humiliating gesture. Now they have returned to God and want to find a place to sneak in.

They are all the elites of the ancestral temple, and even the half-step powerful disciples can lie in front of Su Yan. This shameful ancestral hall can't afford it, fearing that they will be severely punished when they return to the ancestral hall.

"I said, kill all of you, you can't live!"

Su Yan is ruthless and ruthless. His gods are shocking, and the five fingers are fascinating, and the whole world is smashing through the killing of Cangyu!


This slap shot up, five fingers like a mountain, intertwined with the five elements of the road, as if the evolution of a five-line world, so under the cover, the first to smash the three great ancestral temple strong!


These three strong pits did not slam, in the slap of Su Yan, the body was torn apart, and it was blown into three groups of blood fog!

The alive ancestral horses are completely scared and escaping. They can't live without them. All of them will fall into the blood of the corpse. It will be a shame for the ancestral temple.

But how can they escape, and they can't escape the difference between Su Yan!

The land has been turned into an inch, and the mountains and rivers have begun to flow backwards. Even though their supernatural powers are strong, they cannot escape this square.

They are really desperate. What is the road that Su Yan cultivated in the end? He seems to be proficient in all kinds of avenues, and even evolved into the current stage to the end of the field.

This is the effect of chaotic motherhood, helping Su Yan to ascend to Wandao, growing up in chaos, and taking the mother's breath. Su Yan absolutely grasps the strongest avenues of the present stage, and can display any magical mystery. field.

The expansion of the inch into the body of Su Yan can be said to be fascinating, he kills one person at a time!

"Let's get stuck, give me a hand!"

The old **** of the corpse of blood outside the sea is furious and stunned. Although it is the king of the gods, it is the essence of the ancestral temple that Su Yan killed. The death is a small loss, not to mention that he is going to ancestors. This time the temple killed the gods of the dead sea!

They also support the big, I think that Su Yan can not kill the encirclement, but the ancestral gods shot, how can Su Yan crush this kill!

Even before the ancestors told them to let them fight, don't let Su Yan mix out.

Now the old **** king couldn't help but rushed up, but the great disciple of Zufu had already been forced, and Zu Kangning yelled: "Su Yan, I want to marry you, let you live better than death!"

What is this concept, the ten disciples of Zufu, who were killed by Su Yan in the whole nine!

If Zufu is going out from the corpse of blood, he will definitely go crazy. After all, his nine disciples are all gods. If there are enough opportunities, these nine people may come out of a god.

Su Yan smashed the entire nine brothers of Zu Kangning. He was furious and the king of the king broke out and smashed the sky!

"Old things, press me with high realm, you think I am afraid of you!"

Su Yan’s nephew was cold and staring at Zu Kangning. The body was full of blood and blood. The avenue was full of power. He was like a concentrated universe, glowing and glowing.


Zu Kangning raised his palm and struck forward. This palm was hugely covered, and the power of the gods spread, affecting a radius of 100,000 miles. The kind of shocking power was enough to destroy Wanshan and overturn a mountain range.

Only in the palm of Zu Kangning broke out, the audience was eclipsed, Su Yan's body stuck to the ground, swooping.

"Is he crazy?"

Even Luo Yuanzheng was shocked, this is a **** king in the hands of Su Yan, but Su Yan actually swooped up.

They recognize the power of Su Yan, but the gods challenge the king of God?

Not to mention the gods, even if it is the top figure in the field of the gods, it is idiotic to challenge the gods, the difference between the gods and the gods is ten times, then the gap between the gods and the gods is a hundred times!

The king in the realm of God, but the strongest in the realm of the king of the gods, the pillars of the peak group.

Although Su Yan once killed the gods, they can use foreign objects, but now they see what, Su Yan actually rushed over, to directly confront the king of God.

His practice completely angered Zu Kangning, his fury, the palm of his hand, the boundless magnificence, the slap of the void completely collapsed, and the energy storm contained in this palm is hard to estimate!


The audience lost their strength, Su Yan rushed to the past, in the face of this vast power of the gods, he also released his own light!

The two hit, the sky shook!

There was blood on the spot and it was red.

The people in the audience were all hairy, and Su Yan’s key moments were to worship the Avenue of the Immortals and to keep the flesh.

However, he blocked the King of God from anger, and Su Yan’s fist was bleeding, and the flesh was shaking, but he resisted and blocked the power of the King.

"Ha ha ha, the king of God is really powerful!"

He is laughing, anyone can see, if it is not Avenue Xianzhu, Su Yan directly hit, perhaps directly died.

However, he can rely on a treasure to guard against the anger of the king of the king, which is enough to shock the world, and even Su Yan wants to harden with the king of God, really understand how strong the king of the gods.

Undoubtedly, if it is a frontal collision, then Su Yan is directly hit hard. Even if the flesh is strong and has a step, it will be hit hard. It is impossible to stop the power of the king of the gods.

Zu Kangning's face was gloomy, and he thought he could pack Su Yan's entire arm, but he didn't expect his flesh to be so outrageous.

"You can't keep me!"

This is Su Yan's words, so that the old **** Wang who is guarding the periphery of the **** sea is gloomy. In this case, if Su Yan really wants to withdraw, can the **** king keep him?

Suddenly, people feel that under the half-step power, can Su Yan be rampant in the cultivation world?

"They can't keep you, but the old man can screw your head down to make a jug!"

The low humming sound emerged, and the depth of the corpse of blood appeared a blur of order, and the moment of eruption was like cutting off the years, running through the Qiankun, and suddenly filled with the sky!

"not good!"

Luo Yuanzheng's face has changed dramatically, and there is really a half-step in the dark.

The power of Zufu came wildly, and Su Yan sacrificed the Qiankun furnace to guard the flesh with the avenue Xianzhu. Even so, the half-step power of the supreme power, the two secret treasures of the earthquake, the fuzzy order of light Like a million mountains arranged here, to explode Su Yan!


Su Yan has a big mouth and coughs blood, and his body is squatting, and he has to fall to the ground at any time.

His eyes were a little black, standing unsteadily, but the pupils still released cold and cold, and angered: "Old things, one day, one day, I will screw your head down as a chamber pot!"


The territory of the 颤 颤 , , , , , , , , , 山 山 山 山 颤 山 山 颤 山 山 颤 颤 颤

Zufu was scattered and distracted, and the old face was directly distorted. His top ten disciples were slaughtered by Su Yan by a full nine. This made him hate mad and gave a screaming voice, and a mountain blasted!

The onlookers trembled, and they could go crazy in half a step. They said: "You are a small beast. I want to catch you, step on a bone, crush a drop of blood, let you survive, you can’t die. !"

He is rushing all over, it is the picture of the end of the universe, killing infinitely, facing a half-step madness, the kings of all major groups are discolored, this character is aimed at a later generation?


The three great kings of the Dala Dynasty are frowning, which is too shameless, and a great man, to target a god...

"You come over, I punch you in a punch and help you solve the pain!"

Su Yan's overall killing and transpiration, the clothes are split, and above the fist, there is a magnificent tremor to the corner of the universe. It is a dragon drilled out, lying on the fist of Su Yan, the dragon fists!

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