Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 849: Dragon fists are born!

"Su Yan!"

Zu Fu witnessed the split, the nine pro-disciples disciples died in the hands of Su Yan, this pain he could not bear, Su Yan is ruined his half-hearted efforts, nine gods, all died in the hands of Su Yan.

Even with this humiliating attitude, the future has a meeting with face and peers, which has to be said to be a shame!


Icy and cold, tearing the sky, the energy fluctuations to the extreme, the earth and the earth, the anger of half a step of power, the light of order tears the universe, exudes the fury of the gods and gods.

Hundreds of thousands of territories are shaking, and the blood of the corpse is going to sink completely!

The madness came out, and the anger of the heartbreaking lungs, the sun and the moon were silent, bleak, and the ancient Xinghai shook!

This scene has alarmed all the strong, and a large number of monks have fled, because many monks have been affected, and many mountains have collapsed, covering a large number of exiled monks!

The corpse of blood here, rolled up in the wind and blood, a giant who is about to step into the power of the anger, shocked the strong of the major groups!

"Insane, half-step can be crazy, the top ten pro-disciples have been killed by Su Yan, and even surrendered to the death of the Su Maniac!"

"Half-step anger can attack the heart, I thought he wanted to rush to the field of power. This volatility is too scary. Millions of territory must be overwhelmed. Is this going to sweep a vast area and let millions of lives follow the funeral? ”

"Zhufu is really crazy, at the expense of the release of anger!"

The distant world is shaking, the source is in a bright red, killing the light, shining the stars, cold and piercing!

The big guys of Lianfeng’s family are shocked. Zufu is really crazy. They still remember the peerless posture of Zufu Deng’s family at a certain time ago. They must forcefully ask about the strong posture of killing Zuhong’s murderer.

But nowadays the ancestors, the hairs are scattered, the anger is round and round, and a sorrow is heard, and the eyes are all bleeding!

The kind of fury is only for a god, but also has to say that the ancestors are so angry that the lungs are to be blown up, and the hair is set up. The decaying body is sprayed with billions of ambiguous order lights, which is terrible!

The king of God is chilling, and the gods are soft on the ground.

This is only a half-step power, but it is terrible to this point. The dense light of order has a sign that it has evolved into the world and crushed the world!

"I am jealous of you!"

The sound of Zu Fu’s swallowing blasted, and Su Yan was swallowed and burned!

The nine disciples died tragically, and the ancestral temple gods not only failed to seize Su Yan, but even killed him all by himself, completely in the name of Su Yan!

Wu Heng’s face is white. In fact, every time he hears about the storm of Su Yan’s stirring in the cultivation world, Wu Heng is very emotional. His realm and combat power are more than amazing. This one is really killing all the way!

In the Beidou Star field, he was killed all the way from the Daomen territory to the purple micro-star field, and from the purple micro-star field to the Milky Way, from the Milky Way to the big-fashioned demon court. Now he has set off a terrible storm in the **** land.

But nowadays Su Yan has already won the field of the gods, blood-washed the ancestral gods, and dare to succumb to the arrogance of the lords of the heavens. As long as he does not die, it is the future tyrant of the world, overlooking the horror of the world!

But now, the fierce anger of half a step, rushing through the mountains and rivers, the earth and the earth rolling, the smoke is full of sky!

But all the celestial phenomena are also more than a lot of half-step violent robbery. The light of billions of vaguely disordered orders, the thinness comes, and the time and space are cut off in an instant. And years!


The stalwart of the sacred stagnation of Su Yan’s sacred furnaces must be shaken. This treasure, which can almost stand shoulder to shoulder with the mighty sacred soldiers, can’t bear it at the moment. It’s about to anger the order of Su Yan’s order. The mountains are arranged here, and they will be pressed down, and Su Yan will be beaten into meat!

At this moment, Su Yan, the positive and the half step, can really understand the strength and prosperity of this field. Even this is a declining half-step power, but it swallows the vast field and is terrible!


Zufu released a full of angry flames, gathering his own energy, covering a million miles of celestial world, the moment of hitting, the landslides, the ghosts crying, the vast territory is divided, everything is blurred!

Many people are stupid, their bodies are stiff, and they are scared by this kind of gods!

The souls of the strong are tremble, let alone them, this moment is like the end of the universe, the vague world begins to tremble, even to the point of steaming!

What is this picture, this is the **** picture that is about to destroy the entire big field!

"Well, the Su madman is really finished, Zufu is furious, don't say it is Su Yan, even if he comes to a **** king, he can't escape the fate of this lore!"

"Glorious battle, this is the end, Su Yan does not live this life."

"A half-step can start, who can escape this power, unless he is Su Yan is a hope for Qiu Ming to break out!"

"But the strength of Su Yan is destined to be famous, but it is a brilliant battle. I don't think it can be called."

The whole scene reveals suffocation fluctuations, more people from the heart of admiration, the destruction of the ancestral temple gods, the big troubles of the demon domain ancestral court, this great event, has achieved the demise of Su Yan.

Even if it is now fallen, it will be famous forever!

"Luo Dayong, Luo Dayong......."

Luo Huaqing was grief-stricken, his throat was hoarse, his tears fell in his eyes, his body fell on the ground, and he shivered.

This is a half-step big energy with anger to start, a giant who is fast entering the peak, even if they are the three kings of the Dalu dynasty standing here, it is impossible to stop the anger of Zufu!

The strong people from the Wu nationality are also desperate, let them block the two kings of the king, the Wu people will not hesitate.

Can resist half-step power, unless they are the ancestors of the Wu nationality, the ancestors once the shot, the Wu family's catastrophe will come...

"Big brother!"

Luo vigorously screamed, and the hair that was full of messy hair stood up, and the muscles of his body swelled high. The power of the gods in the body was somewhat uncontrollable. It was about to run through chaos and rush into the realm of the gods.

In this scene, many people sympathize with Su Yan, but they did not expect to end in this pattern. In fact, they feel that Su Yan’s brilliant battle has not yet come. If they can compete with the heavens, they can definitely go. wish!

But in this long-term order, the ocean is about to rush to Su Yan...

The submerged, blurred to the invisible shadow, suddenly violently tens of times, a supreme supreme power is also released in an instant, swallowing millions of miles, has simply affected the vast bloodshed of the earth!

At this moment, among the **** land, there are many old monsters going out and looking at the blood.

The power of the wind home has been alarmed, awakened from the slumber, and the look is uncertain, because at this moment of the ancient breath, the **** land is roaring, as if it is resonating!

What is this breath? How can it cause the energy resonance of the **** earth!

"Look, what is that? How can such a strong energy fluctuation occur!"

"Is the smashing of the peak smashing? Su mad and the cards have not been displayed!"

Many people screamed, and the light of the order of the sky was overwhelmed by millions of miles of rivers and mountains.

Nowadays, a large crack has collapsed. It seems that a universe is unblocking, emitting the power of hundreds of millions of universes, and rushing into the stars and seas, running through the ancient Xinghai!

The real dragon is full of blood and pressure, and it covers the entire time and space. The stars and moons of the sky are shaking!

For example, the Gai Shiqiang revived from ancient times. When the time of the full-scale eruption, time and space collapsed, and a group of strong people trembled. There were gods and blood trembled, standing unsteadily, one after another flew out!

Especially Zufu, the aging body has a goose bump, and a big fear in the heart, definitely stared at by a prehistoric creature, let him sweat up, and start to tremble without control!

The whole world is quiet and excessive, and everything is accompanied by this eruption, which leads to the eternal silence of the sun and the moon, the disillusionment of the stars, and the ancient **** land also resonates with each other. This fist runs through the ages and spans the whole blood. Domain land!


The big bang blew open and tore the eardrum of the person!

It is a shadow, released in a vague world, and the dragon is a worldly champion!

Only this punch, the world of blasting, like a breakdown of the reincarnation, I saw the eternal, beat the fairy!

The real dragon arm is invincible!

The horrible picture, the king of the gods are all upright, can not withstand the power of this kind of breakdown of the universe, have slammed, and felt that a terrible event happened!


The power of the order built by the half-step can be fully exploded. It is like the most magnificent fireworks in history. The moment of the bloom, the order of the fists is so riddled with water, and the steamed and dried half-step energy source!


The screams of screaming also emerged.

The people in the audience were scared, and people saw that they had smashed from the blood of the corpse and were about to swoop to the ancestors in front of Su Yan.

At this moment his chest was penetrated, a horrible blood hole, sprayed with blood and rain, crushed a layer of void, and the ground hit a big rift!

The sky is sobbing, it is like crying!

The half-step and powerful scenes are amazing. The world has a vision, blood blooms, anger, and waves. This is brewing a **** rain!

This fist has solidly penetrated his heart!

Even the dragon fists were brought to the world, and all the life blood in the Zufu body was steamed out. He didn't even have time to react.

This moment of Zufu, in the face of a terrible giant, a prehistoric creature!

The ancestors of this moment, if sculptured, the souls are quickly evaporated.

His pupils are full of fear, and incredible, how can Su Yan exert this power, how can he kill a half-step power with one fist!

His trembling gaze, staring at the blood hole in his chest, finally made a stern sigh: "I hate..."


Zufu directly smashed and exploded into a ruin!

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