Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 850: Blasting Zufu

The vast territory is full of **** suffocation!

There is even a tragic breath that comes out, so that the strong bones are cold, and the trepidation is scared. Some legs and feet are not heard. This is a tragic breath that can be dissipated in half a step. How can it not? It’s amazing. Spinach #萝#小说

Even they all felt that they were wrong. What did they see just now?

One and a half steps, from the blood of the corpse, swiftly rushed out, but in the process of chasing Su Yan, the supreme power penetrated the body, and shattered the source of life in the body, eventually bursting into blood fog!

How could such a ridiculous thing happen!

That is a half-step power, so he died in the blood of the corpse, even if he did not even have the strongest time to explode, will be penetrated the body by the supreme gesture, steaming all the life sources in the body !


The audience continued to boil, and the crowds were shaking. As if they saw the fury of the ancestral hall, the powers were all in the air. This is a half-step power.

In a short period of one or two years, the ancestral hall died a powerful man, and now he has died a half-step power.

Even if the peak group is facing such a blow, it is enough to hurt the bones and lose weight. Although the ancestral temple is recognized as the strongest giant of the cosmic peak group, it can be a half-step power, for the entire group. The blow is also extremely heavy.

"Half-step can die, Zufu was killed by a fist?"

The Fengjia Zhuqiang is unbelievable. How did Su Yan do it? Is he surrounded by a powerful strongman?

Even if he Su Yan mastered the brilliance of the temperament, it is impossible to face up and smash a half-step power. The ancestor has no time to fight, and he is killed and killed. Do not stay!

The cruelty of this means, the hegemony, the bloody, the gods have changed color, and the heart has a deep jealousy for Su Yan.

"Made, scared me........"

Wu Heng’s body was cold and sweaty. He did not expect Su Yan to be in charge of this big killer. He could kill him if he was half-step, and even some people think that Su Yan’s big killer might threaten the mighty one or two!

Of course, it is impossible to threaten the mighty life, but the strength of the real dragon arm also makes Su Yan's heart tremble. Unfortunately, this thing is a big stomach king. Who can support the dragon totem, the foundation needed for each recovery is too much. Big!

"Have you seen it?"

The three kings of the Dala Dynasty can still hold their breath. They frequently exchange and discuss, vaguely seeing Su Yan’s fists and hitting a real dragon, but the picture is quite vague and there are terrible years of pressure.

"I can't see clearly, but what can kill half-step power? What is the treasure? Is it a prehistoric forbidden thing? I don't think it is possible for the power to temper this terrible secret treasure!"

There is a **** king frowning, as strong as they have not been able to see, Su Yan in the end what kind of cards!

It’s a fact that can’t be changed!

On the contrary, Su Yan is still alive, and stands between the heavens and the earth, but his back looks a bit tall, so that many people can only look up to his back.

"I will call you Luo Dayong later, or Su Yan...."

Luo Huaqing bit her red lips, and she recovered a lot of blood on her face. She looked at the back of Su Yan with a dull look. It was difficult to imagine that this person, behind him, had been a war servant for a while... .

Luo Huaqing’s mood is particularly complicated. He does not want to turn this person into Su Yan, but rather how much Luo Dayong should be...

"Old ancestors..."

The two kings of the ancestors came to fear and shouted, but the ancestors of Zufu, who are now in the hands of Su Yan, were beaten into looting!

The two great kings of God are trembled, trembled, and filled with fear inside. How do you tell me back? The gods are fallen, and half a step can kill the sacred, Zufu, only one **** king is left, and the ancestral heavens are smashed and hateful!

"Su Yan!"

His stern eyes were like a knife, and he fell on the figure standing still between the heavens and the earth. He made a low voice: "Su Yan, I am going to kill you, kill you, ah!"

"do not go!"

The old prince of the ancestral temple was terrified. He really didn't want to provoke this madman any more. He felt that he was smashing Su Yan. Only when he could stand up, can he suppress this madman!

Zu Fu was killed. If Zu Jingtian died in the hands of Su Yan, then the pulse of Zu Fu will be followed by no one, completely ruined, this influence is too big for him!

Zu Jingtian madness started, which attracted the attention of the audience.

Just let these people laugh and cry, the strength of Zu Jingtian hits Su Yan, this shadow is directly broken, disappearing without a trace!

The picture in the field is very strange.......

Su Yan disappeared. To be precise, he just ran away from the time when the strong and sluggish times.

Don't go now, what time do you have to wait?

He just expected that the power of the ancestral hall should never come. If the ancient ancestors of the ancestral hall really came, when they wanted to leave, they would be dreaming of idiots.

"Su Yan!"

Zu Jingtian screamed and ran, and Su Yan had escaped!

This shows that his card has been exhausted, and he has missed the best time to kill Su Yan. This makes Zu Jingtian hold his head and roar. They only have one person in this vein. The others are all disciples and grandchildren. Into the climate, what to take and Su Yan deforestation...


Even the Feng family thought that Su Yan had run far.

But they didn't even think of it. After a short silence, the area that was about a few hundred thousand miles away suddenly trembled!

"The big thing is not good!"

Luo Yuanzheng was shocked. They looked back and saw a terrible picture!

First of all, the world in the distance has changed, and a big star has emerged. This is a real starry battle. From the extraterrestrial starry sky, like a dumpling, it sinks down and is filled with vast territory!

A hanging star river also fell down, nine days of the Milky Way came to the world, screaming the source of horrible energy!

As a result, the world at the end of the horizon, a piece of ancient sea sinking down, covering the sky, and evolving a terrible pattern of the world, across their eyes, terrible!

The gods and kings were all shocked. What kind of means is this? Truncated a piece of Xinghai, evolved a magnificent pattern, and sealed the world!

"Qimen Master........"

The three kings of the Dala Dynasty were shocked: "It is definitely a master of Qimen, and how can Su Yan get rid of the master of Qimen. Throughout the cultivation world, Qimen can go out of the guru, absolutely ruined by chaos. Han family!"

The people of the Feng family were surprised. The Han family, a very old group of inheritance, came out of the Qimen Masters from generation to generation. Each generation of Qimen Masters can meet with the mighty generation!

This family, among the ruins of chaos, is famous. After all, the chaotic ruins are extremely dangerous. Many life Jedi require the Han family to go to the road.

Over time, this pulse has become more and more influential in the universe. The long years have also accumulated the shocking connotation of the world. It is rumored that the ancestors of the family have once walked out of the Eight Masters, and have lived in a hard-working place. Power!

Although the long years passed, there was no rumor that the Han family came out of an eight-character master.

However, Yu Wei, which was distributed in ancient times, also continued one after another in the universe!

However, this family rarely appears in the cultivation world, and their group has always remained in the chaos of the chaos.

"Bad, big things are not good!"

Wu Heng hair, Su Yan masters the secret of Qimen, the origin of this family, is for the secret of Qi Yan master.

Luo Tiandu also thought of a lot. The reason why Zufu knows that Su Yan is in the blood of the corpse is definitely the credit of the Qimen Master. The old monster who has been crouching in the dark has already started, and even the blocked area is definitely Su Yan’s escape route.

Su Yan's face is gloomy, his world, the starry sea is disillusioned, the sun and the moon are arranged, as if the sun sinks down, the rumbling turns!

Every breath, Su Yan must face the threat of crushing bones.

"What is this place?"

Luo Dali has not reacted yet, and thought that he broke into some kind of Jedi.

However, Su Yan is clear, this is a kind of power of Qimen, the supreme means to change the land, the strong person who is proficient in the sky, sealed the sky, and Su Yan was trapped in it.

Su Yan is not proficient in the situation, but has a rough grasp of some.

He is only proficient in the terrain, the world and the earth are strong and weak, but Su Yan has never entered the seven-product field, and it is impossible to bring the terrain to an area that can compete with the world. If this is the case, why bother? With the power of the dragon totem, he walked directly with the terrain, and half-step power could never block his way.

"The nine hundred and eighty-one are all over, but they are overturned in the gutter!"

Su Yan’s fist is clenched, and this is the master of the Qimen. With the ancestors, they broke into the blood of the corpse, otherwise he would be so embarrassed, and his appearance also broke the creation of Su Yan.

"Since it is here, why not come out!"

Su Yan forced the anger in his heart, and now the dragon totem has strength, but Su Yan does not know that it can break out a few points of strength, but there is absolutely no great power in the heyday.

"Ha ha!"

Suddenly, a shadow emerged in the disillusioned star sea. He was squatting, not too big, but there was a heart-rending wave that began to looming.

"After life, you can hold your breath."

The old master of the Han family, a pair of turbid eyes looked at Su Yan, cold and secluded: "I am not the leader of my Qimen, the old man is also open eyes!"

"What do you want to do? Just say it, don't bend the corner!" Su Yan calmed his face and had already guessed his identity.

"The purpose of my coming, you should be clear."

The face of Han’s old master is faint and cold, and he said: “The door of Qimen, the topic of the situation, I want to borrow it, offer it!”

At the time of the disillusionment of Xinghai, there is a variety of glory.

His tone, with a doubtful tone, every sentence, let the Xinghai shake, the sun sinks and falls, the scene is like the sea!

And the Han family's old master looked down at Su Yan and waited for him to offer the topography.

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