Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 851: Desperate

This is a threat of nakedness. The Han family’s old masters have been hiding deep. He has only started to use it until now. He is very clear that he has the courage to smash the blood to the stage and to seek the realization of Su Yan. There are definitely some cards.

In the time and space of the disillusionment of the Xinghai, the terrible oppression came and there was a horrible airflow.

Even Su Yan, who is standing in the peak of the realm of the realm of the gods, could not have surrendered a master of Qi Pinqi.

Even the power of this Qimen master is strong enough. Su Yan does not know whether the dragon totem can play a little power in the end. Can he break this killing for him?

"I really do know the secrets of Qimen." Su Yan’s fist was slightly gripped and said: "But the terrain article you mentioned, I don't know what it is."

"Ha ha"

The face of Han’s old master, slowly and gloomy, he was aging, and his body was stunned. Nowadays it’s like a ghost. It’s a sinister saying: “Little guy, very untrue, this is not a lift, is it not? I forced the confession, are you willing to recruit it?"

The sky is faint and suffocating, and the breath is suffocating enough to destroy the earth.

"Forcing a confession!"

Su Yan’s eyes were drawn with a cold electricity, and he stared at him coldly. “I’m Su Yan and you have no hatred? Is there a hatred between my family and your family?”

"How? Take your family in the funeral area to suppress me!"

Han’s old master disdain, and then he laughed and said: “You are a family that is hard to protect yourself. Although there are some details, may I have a Korean family? You are a smart person, I hope you will consider it clearly!”

"I said, I don't know what the terrain is!"

Su Yan took a deep breath and slowly said: "If you want to force your hand, then try it. I am not a soft persimmon. I can beat a half-step power, and I will not be afraid of you!"

"Good for you!"

Han’s old master was furious. In this disillusioned world of the Xinghai, all kinds of horror energy boiled, and the murderous light began to burn. It was about to be smashed and crushed into robbing.

Faced with this pattern, the ordinary strong will really collapse!

Su Yan is not afraid, standing between the heavens and the earth, cold and incomparable.

"It seems that you are very emboldened. I will take a look at it, your big killer, huh, huh, in the end, you can still play a little bit of power. In strong means, I have also seen it!" Han Lao Zong Shi Yin smiled: "I still threaten me? Just by you? The bridge that the old man has crossed is more than the way you go. I have never seen it in danger!"

Han’s master, who was eating Su Yan’s appearance, said coldly: “When you wake up, the ancestral powerhouse will come soon. After hesitating, you should know that you should not give me what you should not take. come out!"

He couldn't control it anymore, but the old master of Han was really jealous of Su Yan, or he would have forcibly started it. He was worried that Su Yan would not hesitate to start, and nothing could be obtained at that time!

"What should I take for what I should have?" Su Yan said coldly: "The odd chapter, even if I have it, has anything to do with your Han family!"

"My Han family is the originator of Qimen, who is in charge of the world. What is doubtful about this?" Han’s old master laughed: "Is not enough to wake up, I gave you the gimmick." What, let me hand it out early!"

"It is Qiu Ming!"

Su Yan’s eyes roared and his chest was violently ups and downs. This dog thing is definitely the Korean family he told, or else how the Korean family will pay attention to themselves!

Su Yan did not forget that when Qiu Ming used the supreme treasure, he almost killed himself.

Now the whereabouts of the iron **** is unknown, and he falls into the bloodshed, and is dug out of the dead heap by Luo Huaqing!

The things of the past were vivid, and Su Yan’s heart was full of anger. This is already the second time. He has never thought that Qiu Ming’s character will secretly make the blind man aim at himself.

"What, angry?"

Han’s old master smiled and said: “I admit that you are strong enough to have a certain prestige and level in the younger generation, but Qiu Ming’s character is not something you can provoke. He is fast in the field of power. You think you and Qiu Ming has a competition? As long as he says a word, you are in a chaotic ruin, it will be difficult to move, what hopes will lead the rise of the group in the future, don't bother yourself!"

The Han family has high hopes for Qiu Ming, and has already become a fast-paced rider of the tribe. After all, with Qiu Ming’s current achievements, the top of the Shenwang field, the young strongmen of the South Emperor are really not enough to see him!

The large groups of chaotic ruins will almost always give Qiu Ming a face. After all, this young hegemon of future potential horror is almost a powerful powerhouse.

Regardless of the achievements of the individual in the realm of the gods, it is not a great power after all!

However, Qiu Ming is different. Even the great powers of the various ethnic groups have determined that Qiu Ming can penetrate into the field of power at any time, but he still wants to accumulate a strong enough foundation in the field of the gods to choose a breakthrough!

If the Han family really got the topography chapter, then the Korean family went out of the eight-pronged gate master, then it would be against the sky, and it is absolutely possible to sweep through the great life of the Jedi and dig out many creations. Even the legendary fairy medicine can be found. .

Therefore, getting the topography is also crucial for Qiu Ming.

"Tell so much, in fact, you don't know at all. I have a physical chapter in my body."

Su Yan suddenly sneered: "Do you really think that such a valuable thing, Tianzhu will let me save? Do you think too much about me?"

Han’s old master’s face was gloomy. His cold and faint pupil stared at Su Yan, and finally he smiled coldly: “If you don’t, I will take you away and go to Tianzhu. You can guess what kind of. as a result of!"


Luo is extremely angry, and a master of Qimen has lived so old, and now he takes the bamboo moon to threaten Su Yan.


The eyes of the Han master's old master, in a moment of horror, his pair of pupils, the sun was ruined, and the horror of the horror was shot, sweeping toward Luo!


Su Yan's face changed dramatically, how can Luo Ding resist this kind of oppression, a face screaming, his majestic body is cracked, flesh and blood, the whole body is about to smash!

Luo vigorously clenched his fists and endured severe pain. A pair of cold scorpions died and looked at the Han master.

"Now give you a chance, the time of three breaths is not clear, I crushed him into crushing!" Han Jia old master has been unable to withstand, the longer the time delay, the greater the accident.

"This old beast!"

Su Yan screamed in his heart, and a pair of scorpions stood up. Once the esoteric chapters were handed over to the Han family, everything was finished. If the Korean family came out of the eight-character gate, the prestige of this family would be unimaginable. .


The old masters of the Han family emerged in the body, and the vast sea of ​​stars was roaring. The supreme power of the shattering was covered in Luo’s body. As long as he was thinking, Luo Ding died at any time!

However, this picture has been caught by the strong people who are concerned about the progress of the outside world. The major forces are scared. Is this the next killer? Su Yan can kill Zu Fu, can you really come up with the same card?


The voice of Han’s old master is getting colder and colder, and this voice is about to fall, and Su Yan is about to play all the details, the gods bodyguards, the five elements of the sword map, the Qiankun furnace, and so on, a series of treasures, will soon cooperate with the dragon totem resonance moment.


The sacred light suddenly burns, and the avenue is rumbling!

Like a sacred object that fell from the sky, it is dazzling and dazzling, rushing into the disillusioned Xinghai, releasing the light of billions of orders, covered with a hand like a powerful one!

"Powerful sage!"

The onlookers exclaimed, and the strong ones secretly started to join hands to sacrifice a sacred sacred soldier. In a flash, the corner of the Xinghai, the power of the powerful sacred sacred forces, shattered countless cosmic stars!

Han’s old master is furious, who is starting? This sacred sacred soldier was concealed from the original appearance, directly hit down and opened the corner of the Xinghai!

Even the whole game is boiling, it is a terrible pressure to crowd the audience, the gods can be vast, the pressure of the universe, and a sacred sacred sacred out, the endless light, the entire starry sky Thousands of holes!

"Get out of here!"

There were strong warriors from the Wu nationality, and two sacred sacred soldiers gave sacrifices, and they broke out to the strongest field!

The picture is soaring and sorrowful, the light of order covers the territory of millions of miles. At this moment, the souls of the strong are trembled, and they tremble directly and tremble!

The sacred sacred sergeant, after all, is forged by the mighty and painstaking force. It is equivalent to one hand of the mighty power here, but now two sacred sacred soldiers directly sacrificed, forcibly tearing the entire starry sea, and the power is terrifying!


The Han family's old master was furious, and the layout he had laid out was directly penetrated by the mighty sacred soldiers. The stars and seas were broken, the stars were drifting, and the territory was about to be destroyed!


There is a voice coming, so that Su Yan's spiritual shock is the voice of Wu Heng. There are definitely Wu people in the hands, and even the three kings of the Dala Dynasty also secretly run a power sacred soldier.

The two great sacred soldiers fought down, and the vast territory was trembled, and the energy fluctuations were too vast!

Then killing the light, the light of order burns, and all the stars of the universe are blasted!

This picture is unimaginable. This is the power of the holy sage, powerful to an incredible degree, whether it is Su Yan's Avenue Fairy Pearl and the Kun Kun furnace, has not reached this field!


However, this moment of the ancient star sea is divided, there is no strong on the recovery, blood and blood, overflowing with the vast **** land!

This is the horror of the strongest shot, the supreme god, the moment of rushing down, swallowing the vast field, bloody.

The entire **** land has been shocked. In the vast land, a magnificent ancient city is shaking, and the mountains and mountains are swaying and resonating. The gods are so great that the gods and gods are hairy. This is definitely a breath of great energy.

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