Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 852: Lord Luo Luo!

At the end of the starry sky, a shadow emerged, and the figure collapsed the starry sea, overlooking the entire bloodshed!

And he is recovering, the horrible atmosphere, the mighty blood spread, sweeping the vast **** land with a sultry attitude!

The blood of a powerful body is enough to cover a vast expanse of stars. This is a manifestation of lawlessness. The grandeur is the ultimate, and the infinite rivers and mountains are starting to rise and fall.

In particular, this kind of momentum is in the vicinity of the corpse of blood, which led to the collapse of this territory. The big cracks are endless, and countless creatures are shaking. They are directly suppressed and unable to move.


The king of God has changed his face. How can such a ridiculous thing happen, but only for a Su Yan, why is it that he can be forced to start?

This kind of existence is supreme, and I don't ask about the red dust. Generally speaking, the power is rarely shot, but now because of Su Yan's business, there is a lot of energy that can't stand it. How important is Su Yan, why would it lead one? Power!

"Zu Dian ancient ancestors!"

When the shadow came from the end of the starry sky, the moment of constant clarity, the strong people of all ethnic groups gave their inner tremors, and the ancient ancestors of the ancestral hall jumped out at this juncture, absolutely because of Su Yan.

It’s a bit unreasonable for the wind to jump up and down. Even if he is in the sky, he really wants to kill Su Yan, and he will not force the power. Only the ancestors of the family will kill them. .

Can Su Yan have any secrets and hidden feelings, which led to a powerful gaze, which made them really scared!

"The ancient ancestors are here!"

Zu Jingtian, the two kings of the gods, trembled and whispered: "Su Yan is in danger of escaping, the ancient ancestors finally shot, and finally shot!"

They really want this thing, it really goes to the end!

During this time, the ancestral temple suffered heavy losses, but it was too late to catch a Su Yan, and the entire ancestral temple was also sweeping the ground, and they hoped that this matter would end!

In the ancestral home of the Feng family, the faint and horrible momentum of the horror, the power of the family can not sit still, began to recover, the body's vast blood is overflowing, covering the entire blood city!

At the same time, a pair of pupils opened, the wind scorpion's scorpion, looking to the ancient ancestor of the ancestral hall, he frowned, with the ancestral hall detached identity, put down the shelf for a junior, is it too overdone?

"Let you hand it over, you don't hand it out, now I see who can save you!"

Han’s old master is angry, he believes that with the strength of the Han family and the shock of Qiu Ming’s pulse, the ancestral hall does not dare to touch the topography of the Qimen. Although it is a little troublesome to ask for it, this thing is nineteen* *Got!

"Zu Dian ancient ancestors!"

Su Yan’s fist is very strong, and he always wants to know why the power of the ancestral hall has always been to grasp himself. There is a secret in his body.


This piece of the earth is turbulent, the momentum is too grand, the vast **** land echoes the atmosphere of the ancestral temple, let the whole **** land fall into chaos and panic, a powerful shot, extremely strong!

In particular, the two sacred sacred priests who opened the ancient Xinghai are roaring and trembling. The mighty sacred squad is strong, and it is impossible to stop the power. This thing is the strongest in their field. from!

"This is good, I didn't expect the ancestral hall to come to a power."

The wit of the Wu nationality, they have tried their best, even if the entire Wu nationality's current heritage is exhausted, it is not necessarily able to block the ancient ancestors of the ancestral temple!

The Beidou Star Field was an example. The family was once the peak force and had a unique star pattern. Even if it was, it was extremely difficult to block a big power.


The powerful breath is fully forced, and the two sacred sages are bleak, and everything is suppressed!

Where the power is, the cosmic starry sky is dull, everything is in a state of silence, and the breath is released by the power of the mighty. The heavens are bound to surrender to his feet!

"Hope is really you!"

The ancient ancestors of the ancestral hall whispered in a low voice, and they couldn’t hear the truth. His pupils were observing Su Yan, but they could never see the truth.

Among his pupils, Su Yan is like a chaos, like there is no such a world. This kind of unknown can even be understood as a threat to the future, killing the pupils of the ancestral temple.

Even if it can't be suppressed, then you have to destroy it!


Su Yan screamed, just a breath of power, he is extremely difficult to bear.

The five lines of swords that circled around him exploded, and the Qiankun furnace was whining, what could block him? Even if the dragon totem is played, it can't threaten a big power now.

Just at the moment when all this is about to swallow

At the end of the universe, the endless majesty spread, it is a person, like sitting in the fairy, the emperor is majestic and mighty, sweeping the ridiculous eighty, ruling the territory of hundreds of thousands, commanding the gods, overlooking the universe!

His horror to the extreme, the moment of true recovery, the gods slammed the sky, the mana runs through the stars, and the syllables that spit out, the earth and the earth, the souls are shaking!

"The ancestral hall is a great power. For a junior, have you forgotten the practice?"

The majestic voice, like the 100,000-mouthed bell, exploded, and it was heard in the sky!

And the shadow went to the **** land, the dragon walked, the body was very tall, his words influenced the universe, and the boundless power of the emperor cut off the power of the ancient ancestors!

"The emperor!"

Luo Tiandu is eclipsed.

"What? Lord Luo!"

The whole scene was sensational, and it continued to boil, and there was no big earthquake!

The Dala Dynasty, the peak group, ruled the territory of hundreds of millions, ordered the ten major groups of the universe, the king of the family, is the leader of the Dala Dynasty, the supremacy of existence, and now it is actually started, blocking the ancient ancestors of the ancestral hall!

Even if the wind and the power are moving, why is the Lord Luo Luo, who will block the ancient ancestors of the ancestral hall? There is basically no conflict between the two forces.

"The emperor is mighty!"

Luo Huaqing excitedly screamed, even her, is only the moment to seal the little princess, far from seeing a big Luo Emperor, and now he really killed, swept the ** eight wild, the gods are not surrender!

Many old antiques are eclipsed. It is said that this Dalu Emperor is also a generation of legends. The young age is not famous. As a result, the emperor is late, and the emperor is on the verge of the emperor. In fact, neither Luo Tiandu nor Nanhuang belong to Da Luo. The main pulse of the emperor.

"Do you want to stop me?" The ancestral temple of the ancient ancestors was angry, but it was a picture of the landslide and sea. Under the wrath of this existence, there were millions of corpses.

"It's a cause and effect!"

The words of the Dala Dynasty have surprised many people. Is this family related to the family of the funeral domain? Is there any friendship between the two major groups?

Luo Tiandu is thinking, is the Da Luo Dynasty because of himself? Is it the direct cause and effect of him and Su Yan? !

In any case, Da Luo Huang mainly protects Su Yan, is it possible to have a big fight?


But no one thought that things would progress to such a serious state, the horrible and eternal killings were released, the rivers and mountains were shaken, and the stars were completely gloomy, and then went to destruction!

"Powerful shopping!"

All beings are afraid, this is a big collision of horror, which has turned into a starry sky!

In the **** land, there is a peerless killing. This is the collision of the two giants. It is said that the two ancient universes have collided together, and the sounds are soaring. Many strong people have been swelled by the blood of the earthquake. !

The whole game is mad and violent, and I am afraid that it will be affected.


Su Yan grabbed the hard-working Luo Dali in a lightning-like manner. At this time, he did not wait for more time. Although he did not know why the Lord Dalu had helped him, the ancient ancestor of the ancestral temple had been blocked. He could not be killed in a short time. Su Yan here!

"Can't let him go!"

The two kings of Zujingtian pursued, but it is a pity that the three kings of the Dala Dynasty stood up directly, brazenly and angered: "Give me a powerful sacred soldier to block them!"


The two kings of the ancestral temple, witnessing the split, since the Lord Luo Luo master, then they do not have to taboo, directly stand out to block the two kings of the ancestral temple!

Even the old master of the Han family, who was also sacrificed by the Wuzu, once again resisted!

Su Yan rushed away from the battlefield.

But he rushed to the end of the horizon, the lightning and thunder of the road ahead, the sight of the sky, like a real lightning, one after another, there are thousands of ways, swaying all kinds of destruction and fluctuations!

Many people are stupid.

Someone rushed out to stop Su Yan.

Is it really life to be so, Su Yan is destined to escape?

A **** king blocked the road, and the release of the **** king field was completely a thunderbolt world!

“Is there a hatred for the gods and the burial domain?”

Many people have stopped, and it is absolutely the **** of the gods who came out to block Su Yan.

This is a silver robe old man, standing in the minefield, facing Su Yan smiled and said: "You saved my family lightning king, the old man specially sent the best chaotic roots, for the lightning king went to a cause and effect, do not worry Let's go, come over and give me the best source of chaos!"

"You old man!"

Su Yan’s eyes roared and suddenly turned back and looked at the lightning king: “Lightning King, you are a dog, ungrateful, unworthy!”

The King of Lightning was sullen and didn't talk. He really didn't think that the Church of God shook his hand to stop Su Yan. In the face of Su Yan's roar, he didn't say anything, and Luo Tian was also angry. If it was not Su Yan, the Lightning King has changed. Become a corpse!

Said to come to the best source of gas, but actually blocked the path of Su Yan!

The old master of the Han family can eat dry food. A sacred sacred soldier can't stop him for too long. He is about to rush out of the blockade of the Wu people and kill him.

"How little friends, I have the best source of chaos here, why not come to take it?"

The **** of the gods taught the smile, he really took out the best source of chaos, and waved at Su Yan: "I still come to pick up the treasure, I really came but the cause and effect!"

Su Yan is only a short-term stagnation.

In the twinkling of an eye, I am afraid of a **** king. It is not that there is no killing of the king of God.

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