Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 854: Destroy the earth

The audience fell into silence...

Many people opened their mouths, but they didn't know what to say. ≧ ≮ ≮ ≮ ≮ ≧ ≧ ≧

After all, a **** king stood up and swayed, and the result was turned over. This is too shameful!

In particular, I heard that Su Yan killed the gods, but the strong people who did not believe, all stunned, the king of the gods, the elders of the gods, the Lei Yiyuan.

Now Su Yan gave a fist to death!

Although Su Yan moved the card, but he flashed off a **** king, so that Luo Yuanzheng hair, this madman, the king of the king said killing and killing, he is really terrible, can be said to be perverted!

If Su Yan really withdraws from here, then in the years to come, in addition to the peak group, there are several groups in the world who dare to provoke the madman!

A short silence, the whole game is full of boiling!

A **** king was killed, even in the face of the world, the gods can say that the majesty sweeping the ground, after all, Su Yan saved the lightning king, saved the family's star domain supreme.

This kind of kindness is too great, but the gods are still at this juncture, and there is a prestige of the peaks.

However, the ending contrast was too great, not only did not block Su Yan, but the principal was also directly killed.

As for the two best chaotic gas roots, they fell directly into the hands of Su Yan!

"Old things, look for yourself!"

Su Yan gasped a heavy gas, he also hurt the bones, before and the hard-hitting king of the hard hit, although the original fist, but the heavy **** is not so good to kill.

His pupils were cold and the anger was hard to come by.

"Su Yan, you crazy!"

The strong man with the gods and martyrdom said with resentment: "You actually killed Lei Yiyuan too elders, you are a madman, my gods teach you and you are not the same!


Su Yan’s eyes flashed a cold electricity, and he turned his head to look at the strong man of the gods. Under the attention of his nephew, the strong man shuddered, his legs and feet did not listen, as if he saw a peerless murderer about to take him. Tear it into pieces!

Among Su Yan’s pupils, the sun and the moon are arranged, revealing a terrible pressure, and the leisurely generation can compete with him!


Su Yan angered, spit horror ripples, if the 100,000 mountains are arranged in the void, the roar suddenly killed the **** of the gods.

This kind of strong and overbearing means, alarming the strong onlookers of the Quartet, and some monks who are sacred and sacred, are afraid to speak, and the gods are smashed, and they can say more!

"Lightning King, this is not over!"

Su Yan’s nephew looked at the Lightning King again. Although he got the best source of chaos that he had promised beforehand, he could teach him to deceive him. He wanted to please him. This incident aroused the boundless fury of Su Yan’s heart!

"Su Yan, are you not finished? Don't you know what you are? Don't think that you are a little bit rude to me!"

The face of the King of Lightning is a bit gloomy. He said: "The wind and water are turning, the price you have taken away, you and I are both clear, and I will meet you in the future, but I don't know who is laughing at the end!"


The breath of the King of Light has recovered most of his life. He is a hero of the generation of peaks. After all, the experience of the blood festival has caused him to suffer endless torture and pain, but also inspired part of the potential of the King of Light!

Lightning King believes that in the years to come, he will certainly be stronger, and once the gods teach him to find the super-rooted gas, it will definitely make the lightning king reborn, and it is not necessarily impossible to go to the path of the heavens!

"Ha ha ha!"

Su Yan squinted at the Lightning King and smiled and said: "Lightning King, then give it a try!"

Su Yan turned to leave, and the Lightning King was a cold smile: "I think you still want to know, how to get out of here and talk about the future!"

In short, Su Yan killed Lei Yiyuan, and the gods are destined to form a great feud!

Among the broken territory of **** suffocation, the afterglow of the fall reflected on the back of Su Yan, his figure was stained with blood and seemed lonely.


The Wuzu secretly recovered the two kings of the gods and began to anger. They could not stop the Han family's old masters. The sacred sacred soldiers were almost completely suppressed. Now the Han family's old masters can already give up some strength, aiming at Su Yan!

In the environment of the war between the Daro Lord and the ancestral temple, the Han family's old master smiled slyly: "After the birth, do not leave the topography of the odd chapter, do you think you are gone? You go, I won't stop you, if you leave me your life!"


The boring thunder bursts, rolling the sky, and the world is turbulent.

The Han family's old master's breath was fully released, illuminating the vast starry sky. He was like an omnipotent powerhouse, picking stars to catch the moon, preaching the stars, and all kinds of killing powers swarmed out, crowded with the vast world of the sky!


There is also a terrible release of the temperament. The powerful sacred sergeants of the two kings of the Wu nationality continue to erupt, cutting off the general trend of the sky falling down in the 茫茫星域, and resisting most of the power for Su Yan!

Even so, there is still a boundless heaven and earth blending, packed with 100,000 miles, all kinds of stars and rivers flowing down, wrapped in various stars and moons, arranged in the sky, and evolved into a smashing day!

"Bad, can the Suicide Mania continue to break the ground and create a miracle?"

"I don't think it's possible. Even the gods have sacrificed their lives. If Su Yan really has other cards, he has already used it. It is impossible to wait until now!"

"A wrath of a seven-pronged master, even if it is blocked by the mighty sacred soldiers, but the residual energy fluctuations, can trap a **** in a short time!"

"Is Su Yan's life so? Today, there are three major groups, the ancestral temple, the Han family, the gods..."

"Poor, too poor."

Many people express their admiration from the heart. In fact, they know that the delay is longer, and it is likely to attract more powerful people, such as the Kun family, the cosmic business alliance, and the Yin family.

In short, too many people want to kill Su Yan, killing the most powerful young people in the funeral domain.

If you really kill Su Yan, then this family is hard to rise, and it is impossible for the family to come out of the two young supremes at once.

In short, this is almost equal to the picture of the world!

"Give me the suppression!"

Endless stars and moons sink, accompanied by the nine days of the Milky Way, the sky is full of power, outline a vast ancient sea of ​​stars, began to suppress against Su Yan!

The world is shaking, the dragons are shaking, the sun and the moon are dull!

In the face of this killing, Su Yan's clothes and hunting screamed, his eyes were fascinating, like a demon standing on the **** land, releasing the wrath of the swallow!

"One day, sooner or later, I will be invincible, and I can’t help but come to me!"

He screamed in the sky, a young overlord who died at the end of the road, exuding raging killings, and the overall as one, the flesh of the body is like the burning of the immortal furnace, and then released the heavy fluctuations, like the vast territory!

At this moment, in Su Yan’s pupil, hundreds of thousands of real dragons were unearthed, running through the sky and shaking the picture of the universe!

The topographical chapter of Qimen’s veins flashed in Su Yan’s pupils. Of course, with his current strength, he could not exert the strongest strength of the terrain. However, under the suppression of the general trend of the sky, Su Yan spontaneously emerged. The vastness of the earth!

The nephew of the Han family’s old master has shrunk, and this is definitely a singular chapter!

"You really got it, my Korean family is expected to rise, and hope is rising!"

His heart is stirring, and it can be confirmed. Su Yan has mastered the strong method of Qimen. If it can be obtained, then the world will meet the world and it will be enough to make the eight products!

Once it has crossed this step, the heavens and the earth are used by him, and the star field is under their control. The avenue dragon pulse can be motivated. At that time, it is absolutely possible to compete with the peerless existence of power, and even hope to trap the power!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Han’s old master seems to be a lot younger. He is laughing, it’s a worthwhile trip, and it’s worthwhile!

"Fo Fa, you can't stop me!"

The voice of the old master of the Han family is cold, and the general trend of the sky is roaring. People are like seeing the endless universe of stars sinking down, creating a shocking picture, and thus falling from the sky!

"Big brother!" Luo vigorously created, looked up at Su Yan, his fist clenched, whispered: "Hurry up, die one, better than four or two!"

"What nonsense is said, I haven’t reached the point where the mountains are running out of water, stand up and fight with me!"

Su Yan's imposing manners, the figure is as thick as the Yuan, like the untouchable Taikoo mountains, indestructible!

"wishful thinking!"

The voice of Han’s old master once again emerged, but afterwards there was a bit of trepidation: “This is... seven products source pen...”

His eyes were red and purple, and he saw the golden source pen that Su Yan took out. This is the source pen that evolved into the field of seven products. They couldn’t find three pieces out of the whole Korean family, but Su Yan actually mastered one. Source pen!

"This monk, I was sure to get an endless source pen seed in the secret world, and gave it to him!" The Han family's old master was mad, and once the source pen seed was used, it was used by the second person!

"If I can survive, I will level your entire Korean family in the future!"

The low humming sounds emerged from the pattern of the sky, and Su Yan suddenly threw the source pen and inserted it on the earth!

A short-lived light, if the endless territory is resurrected, it has its roots!

"not good!"

Han Jia's old master is discolored. Su Yan is equal to self-destructing the seven-source pen. The consequences are quite serious. The vast territory is ups and downs and turbulent. If it is turned into a dragon of the earth, it will soon rise!


Su Yan uses his own as a guide to incite the vast territory and accumulate the long-term temperament of the land.

He must blast the whole person, but the picture is also quite fearful. The endless dragon of the veins is drilled out in the cover of Su Yan. He is like a master of seven products, stimulating the power of the boundless territory, and evolving. The trend of the terrible earth!

"This crazy man!"

The Han family’s old masters were resentful and did not expect Su Yan to break out of this means.

The onlookers were stunned, and the heavens and the earth were like a united one, emitting the power of a landslide and tsunami, bursting into a dyke, and raging to the Weihe Mountain.

For a time, the entire large area has sunk, and millions of miles collapsed!

Earth and stone, causing chaos and panic!

Because the world is heading for destruction, a whole vast area collapses, and at the moment when the world is hit, the stars are shaken out of a **** hole, and various black and white cracks emerge.


Corrugated like the sea, swaying in the wild, sweeping the universe.


Many strong people screamed and were killed by Yu Bo and died on the spot.

This kind of collision-derived destructive power, even the king of the gods are big, this method of fighting, how Su Yan will reverse!

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