Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 855: My name is Su Yan.

The vast expanse of the vast area caused a lot of chaos and panic.

The vast bloodshed of the earth has a crust of the earth's crust, and many strong people feel the heart, looking at the destination, and the eyes are frightened.

A large area collapsed, the smoke was over the sky, the energy fluctuations were undulating, even the starry sky collapsed, and all the living things disappeared!

"That is......."

Many of the strongmen who rushed to their destinations had hairs. Before they saw that the heavens and the earth had collided together, how could such a ridiculous thing happen, why did the heavens and the earth collide in a peerless world, which led to the collapse of a vast territory!

The horrible Yuwei, the vast sweeping of the eight wasteland, even the **** city has shaken, the city's monks are suddenly, some people exclaimed: "Is that the game between the masters of Qimen? Su Is the madman a master of Qipin Qimen?"

The impact of the terrain and the natural world is full of destructive power. Until now, the light of destruction has continued to spread, and it has continued to boil and spread. At the same time, many monks have been ruined.

Fortunately, this piece of war zone, there are very few monks left, or else a large domain collapses, then there will be a miserable disaster, the corpse is not a word, the consequences will be very serious!

"Luo Dayong!"

Luo Huaqing shouted, I really want to look at it in the past, and lead such a strong force to counter the general trend of the sky, can Su Yan survive?

In the face of this horrible wave, the strongholds of all ethnic groups are deeply jealous, and Su Yan’s cards are too many. At the end of the road, the terrible means can be erupted, and the strong people are really fearful.

However, the ruined territory of the ruined land, but also the rage of the Han family’s old masters, and even the earthquake of the heavens, caused the Han’s old masters to suffer certain injuries. His eyes were red, and he did not expect Su Yan to Play such a strong force!

In his anger, he broke free from the suppression of the mighty sacred soldiers, rushed to the broken battlefield, and searched for Su Yan.

Once Su Yan fell, it is very likely that this life will not get the topography chapter, this broken territory is completely chaotic, the strong people of all ethnic groups flocked, want to know something at the first time.

It took only a long time for the matter to spread throughout the bloodshed.

The influence of this incident is too alarming. Su Yan’s own power has blocked the lore of the seven masters. The older generation’s screaming, the real people in this field.

But half a day passed, there is no trace of Su Yan!

Some people have made a surprising speculation: "The Su madman is afraid of death. With such a strong destructive power, he can't survive. Didn't you see it before? The collision of the heavens and the earth, the birth of the devastating space-time storm, the gods You have to die in the roll!"

"This is hard to say. I don't think Su Yan died. I am afraid that it will be hit by a storm in time and space."

"There is also the possibility, but such a strong energy storm, even if the Su-maniac is still alive, most of them have suffered heavy losses, and the hope of survival is somewhat embarrassing."

The **** land is in a mess, time goes by, Han’s old masters are looking crazy, and can’t find any clues about Su Yan!

He began to expand the search range along the storm of time and space, but still can not find!

"Bick, how can you die!"

The Han family's old master is full of anger. Once Su Yan is dead, nothing is gone. The terrain articles are likely to be accompanied by Su Yan Yongshi, and the hopes of their Han family are gone!

A full half-month until the time passed, Su Yan still has no trace!

He seems to have evaporated from the human world, and including the disappearance of Luo, the life and death of these two people has now become a mystery.

"time to go!"

Luo Tiandu was healed, and he was alive and dead. He was horrible and horrible. However, he was also blessed by misfortunes. His power was soaring. This made him confident in the field of the gods. After returning to the Dala Dynasty, he could immediately break through!

He looked at the absent-minded Luo Huaqing, and he sighed in his heart. He didn't evaluate anything about Su Yan, but these days Luo Huaqing lost his soul and made him a headache.

Luo Yuanzheng also came to comfort, he felt that this kind of character will not fall easily, maybe it will soon emerge in the cultivation world.

"If he is dead, one day, I will avenge him and kill the old turtle!"

Luo Huaqing communicated with each other and restored some of his fascination. This change made Luo Tiandu speechless. The old master of the Han family, but a seven-master, wanted to kill this existence, it was not so easy.

These days, the **** land is very chaotic, and the ancestral temple and the yin dynasty have come to a lot of strong people. Luo Yuanzheng feels that something is wrong. After all, the Dalu Emperor and the ancestral temple ancestors fought one, for fear that they would come to trouble and rush. Take them away.

As for the incident that happened in the **** sea, it has spread throughout the vast cultivation community, and this movement is unprecedented!

"I’m afraid to believe that the Su Maniac will be so strong!”

"His entry is too scary, and the gods can burst into a fist. In the end, they have cultivated into the realm of the gods, or they have entered the realm of the gods!"

"In any case, the Su madman is too powerful, and he has ruined the peerless style in the blood of the corpse. The first battle is more fierce than the first battle, and the ancestral temple is also sweeping the floor!"

Many people have been tempted to hear this incident, and it is incredible.

How long has it been since Su Yan’s big trouble? But what did they hear now? In the blood of the corpse, Su Yan broke the ancestral gods and smashed the nine disciples under Zu Fu.

Even even the Zufu, Su Yan used taboo means to kill!

This incident caused terrible storms. Now in the world, the Northern Demon is searching for the traces of Su Yan. As a result, Su Yan opened the ring in the blood of the corpse and slaughtered the ancestral gods.

"The young people are terrible now. It is said that the Su-maniac is also dead, and it is a pity."

"A brilliant battle, Su Yan does not live this life."

"Su Yan has fallen? Oh, I don't believe it, he must be alive, maybe the next time I come out, shake the world again!"

This incident has alarmed the universe, and the major forces have been shocked and began to re-evaluate Su Yan’s combat power. It has been hailed as the invincible strong under the King of God, and some people secretly called Su Yan, following the East Devil. , West Buddha, South Emperor, Northern Demon, Zutian, after the sixth heavens supreme!

This kind of recognition has already shocked the Fengfeng group!

After all, the prestige of such a character is infinitely horrible. Some people even say that the hegemony of the younger generation in these years is like the era of the madmans!

Some people think that this kind of character can't be easily defeated. Maybe it has already escaped from birth.

On the contrary, the ancestral temple and the yin and even the demon domain, these three tribes are very silent, this silence makes some groups panic, the ancestral hall can kill, the half-step power can be killed, the matter is horrible .

The demon domain held by the demon domain called the Zunbei demon's grand event, and it began to end because of Su Yan. These two groups of people have hated Su Yan and hated to tear the whole family.

But they are very silent!

Some people have heard the trend of the storm, and the darkness of the sky may be brewing to the extreme, and a terrible light will soon erupt!

Regardless of whether Su Yan is alive or dead, it is only a matter of time to come.

After the big storm, the universe appears to be somewhat oppressive. Some people have speculated that these groups of ancestral temples will definitely make some amazing moves before the chaos ruins are opened!

Perhaps the survival of the family of the funeral will be solved before the chaos ruins are opened!

In a bustling star field, in a city, Zi Xiu Ning is fascinating to the extreme. The long purple hair with its head is fluttering in the wind, but the tall figure is full of plumpness. Her appearance has changed slightly, but it is more beautiful than before.

Zi Xiu Ning is in the midst of preparing for the business alliance. After she got the news here, she said: "Su Yan, if you are dead, I have to be swallowed up!"

Having said that, but Zi Xianning’s eyes flashed with sorrow, she whispered: "If you are dead, what is the business alliance doing?"

Zi Xiu Ning is eclipsed, so that the Beidou teacher is sighing, and one of the gods responsible for protecting her is cold and swearing: "Su Yan is very big, absolutely can't die, we wait for him to return, Xiu Ning, you hurry and push Business alliance progress, don't be distracted by outside rumors!"

"Must be alive!"

Zi Xiu Ning took a deep breath and restored the volatility and noble mood fluctuations. She said: "In another three months, the business alliance is almost the same. Take time to prepare, the sooner the better!"

From the end of the **** land, until now, one month has passed...

For a whole month, a cold, cold shadow drifted through the universe.

Accurately speaking, because of the collision of the world and the earth, a big crack in time and space was born, and Su Yan and Luo Dali were taken away.

At that time, Su Yan was a gas-filled body that ignited the infinite veins. If it was not because of his physical strength, it had already erupted because the force of the terrain had not erupted.

Although he has smashed the past, the flesh has also suffered terrible trauma, and even the kind of force of the earth's veins, the direct shock of Su Yan fainted.

In addition to successive battles, Su Yan was tired to the extreme.

For a whole month, he recovered a little spiritual will. He felt that he was drifting in the boundless darkness. He wanted to climb out and shake the darkness, but his strength was too weak, and his weakness was extremely difficult. open.

"I am still alive!"

The only thing that can be confirmed is that you are still alive, so there is hope that you will stand up again.

He is groggy, sometimes awake, and sometimes sleeps.

Su Yan figured out her own problems. She was afraid that she accidentally fell into the storm of time and space. Now she is drifting in time and space. He estimates that he should be in the universe.

Time does not know how long it has passed.

Su Yan gradually recovered some strength, but how to leave this cold space and time?

Gradually, he felt a warm breath, which is an energy that can help Su Yan.

He was very excited, struggling wildly, and his figure was looming in time and space.

Eventually, when Su Yan drifted in the warmth, his cold body autonomously glowed, restored some vitality and shook the darkness.

He doesn't know where he came. In short, the world is full of warmth. This is a powerful ancient star of life.

Su Yan is crumbling, his injury is too serious, his spirit is exhausted, his footsteps are walking in the mountains, and he will fall down at any time.

However, he did not stop to raise his wounds immediately, but walked toward a destination because Su Yan felt a familiar atmosphere.

"Is it a good friend?"

He wandered into a fresh air of the drug valley, the drug collection women in the drug valley were frightened, his face turned white, and they screamed.

Su Yan’s **** suffocation is too strong, like the gods who got up from hell, making the drug valley messy.


A woman with gentle temperament like water came, and Qiu Shuizi fell on Su Yan. She groaned and faintly saw the general appearance of Su Yan. She walked forward and whispered, "What is your name?"

"My name is Su Yan."

His voice was hoarse, and it was difficult for the whole person to stand. Soon he fell into a deep sleep, and his body was cold and stiff. ...

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