This is a medicinal valley, with a scent of scent that is fragrant and fragrant.

The environment of Medicine Valley is quiet, the birds and flowers are like a piece of holy clean soil, and there is a kind of uncontested atmosphere in the air.

In this medicine valley, there are also a variety of treasures, which are full of everything.

The environment inside the valley is fresh, and the steaming clouds are beautiful.

There are a lot of women collecting medicines, and some refining pharmacists are some young and beautiful women, without any men.

In the face of a strange man who suddenly broke into, even with a strong **** suffocation, some young girls who are not deep in the world are panicked, like a frightened little rabbit.

They are all around Liang Ya'an, they are not deep in life, and in the entire Dan domain world, this domain is a big field that has no dispute with the world. It will not participate in the disputes of major forces and study various methods of refining medicine. .

Dan is also a master of refining medicine. Liang Ya'an is a well-known disciple of Danyu. He went under the door of the Dan domain strongman and practiced refining.

This medicine valley is the dojo of Liang Ya'an. There are very few strangers coming in, and Liang Ya'an, a gentle woman like water, will not cause trouble, but today's strange man from Yaogu has caused a lot of shock.

It turned out that there were some women screamers who pulled out their weapons and were as enemies.

Liang Ya'an came over and the scene stopped the commotion. When she asked what the name of Su Yan was, a group of women in the drug valley was a acquaintance of Liang Ya'an. Reinvented to seek medical treatment?

"I just heard that I heard that he called Su Yan..."

There is a woman whispering, even in the Dan domain, Su Yan is also famous, often talked about, in recent years, Su Yan is more fierce and fierce, the reputation is even more terrible, and is well known to the world.

"How could Su Yan be him, and Ya'an sister will not know this kind of murderer."

"Yeah, I heard that Su Yan is fierce and sorrowful. Although the person is seriously injured, it is not the same as the legendary Su Yan!"

"Right, I also heard that this kind of person can't provoke it at all, or else it will cause a lot of trouble. It is said that he killed a lot of people and killed a lot of gods. The ancestral temple and the demon domain eat in his hands. A big loss, I heard that he is dead and buried in the blood of the corpse."

If Su Yan wakes up and hears their arguments, I don’t know what to think, the evil spirits are evil? The eye saw that my fierceness was wicked, and it was clear that a young man is good...

These young and beautiful women are very excited.

They are talking about the young generation of the gods in the universe. A new era has come. Many people are not aware that the world is talking about who the younger generation is...

As for the older generation, it has already retreated behind the scenes. In the era when chaotic ruins began, then a time dedicated to the younger generation of hegemony is also coming.

Liang Ya'an was uneasy, and Su Yan quickly rushed to Yaogu to deepen. There were some houses built here, and Liang Ya'an was also living here and refining medicine.

She really did not expect that Su Yan would suddenly appear in front of her!

She had also heard that Su Yan died in the blood of the corpse, but I did not expect that this person magically appeared in front of her only a few days later.

She sleeved her sleeves and pushed open a door. The white palms also swayed with soft energy, and Su Yan entered the room.

The room was clean and tidy, filled with a unique fragrance. This is Liang Ya'an's residence. She moved Su Yan to a large pink bed, and a pair of autumn water scorpions were nervous and uneasy looking at Su Yan.

First of all, Su Yan's injury is very serious. In the broken clothes, the strong body is exposed, but there are many dense wounds. Many wounds are deep into the bone marrow.

Liang Ya'an's prime hand trembled, I don't know how Su Yan experienced a fierce battle in the **** sea. Even Liang Ya'an found that Su Yan's body was cold and stiff, and there was only one empty shell in the flesh!

No way, the gas of the earth's veins, almost bursting the body of Su Yan!

His internal organs have been severely hit, and the bones have been broken a lot. If it is not Su Yan’s cultivation of the avenue, how can it be found now?

It is a miracle that Su Yan can live to the present. Even Liang Ya'an, who often healed the monks, is more nervous. He really suspects that Su Yan accidentally lost his life.

"The trauma and internal injuries are too serious. It is impossible for him to stand up in half a year!"

"If you want to find a way to wake him up first, Su Yan's will should be strong enough not to fall into endless fainting."

Liang Ya'an quickly left the house, and a group of white-looking girls rushed in, and asked questions to find out the clues about Su Yan.

"Be asked first, go to pick medicine."

Liang Ya'an is quite prestigious among them, although the temper is gentle, but her talent is superb, and her heart is like water to tell the names of many herbs, and they are told to pick them up quickly.

“Sister.” A woman couldn’t help but say: “These herbs are too expensive...”

Her implication is that it is not worthwhile to save Su Yan in the end?

It is said that Liang Ya'an is somewhat disappointing and valuable. However, in the face of a young supreme in the same generation in the universe, these costs can be counted, and the famous newspapers can scare a large piece.

"go quickly!"

Liang Ya'an wore a long white dress, and the clothes were dancing and black. She stood in the courtyard, and everyone was beautiful, like the orchids in the empty valley, and it was lovable.

Just a fragrant time, a variety of medicinal herbs were delivered to Liang Ya'an, and she pushed the door in and closed the door.

"Guess guess, who is she?"

These beautiful girls burned the fire of gossip in their hearts, and they kept talking about it. They were especially curious about what the young man with this serious injury was.

"It won't be..." There is a woman's eyes shining.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

A woman with a lot of prestige frowned and reprimanded: "The man of Ya'an's future, but the famous young man in the chaotic ruins, is said to be the genius of the Taoist temple. Do you want to tell the truth, this one? At this point, who dares to talk nonsense, will never be light!"

These women immediately shut up, and once this matter is passed on, the current status of Liang Ya'an will cause the Dan domain to fluctuate. Once things are big, this is not a problem.

It is even said that the young strongmen of Liang Ya'an in the same year came from a great source, but the famous young hegemon of the chaotic ruins, if it was introduced into his ears, this is also very bad for Liang Ya'an.

They suddenly dispersed, and the atmosphere in the room was quiet.

Liang Ya'an quickly took out a lot of medicinal materials and directly inserted it into the end of Su Yan. The mild essence of the medicinal materials was used to restore the loss of life to Su Yan.

At the same time, she smelt another part of the medicinal material into a medicinal juice, and uses a unique refining technique to drive all kinds of medicinal juice into Su Yan's body.

It looks simple, but it is very difficult to sit up. Such a serious injury can not stand up directly with a big tonic. Unless you can really take out a magical medicine, you can definitely let Su Yan live and survive.

He is so badly damaged that there is hardly any vitality.

It is necessary to use the most gentle means to formulate the medicinal juice, and slowly restore the qi of Suyan, so as to overcome the most difficult one.

Soon the night came, the drug valley smashed a layer of moonlight, and a strain of elixir in the valley glowed, absorbing the power of the moon and the moon.

The whole demon domain is brilliant, and the soil in the medicine valley is fertile, all of which are independent and psychic, absorb the sun and the moon, and store the earthly essence.

The environment of Yaogu is very quiet and comfortable. Only in one room, the lights are bright, and it has been a whole day without knowing it. Liang Ya'an is still treating the water as Su Yan.

Every once in a while, she will go in for some of the formulated syrup for Su Yandu and observe the current situation of Su Yan.

Always busy until the middle of the night, Liang Ya'an was slightly relieved. She felt that Su Yan's situation improved a lot, and the cold body gradually recovered a little temperature.

Liang Ya'an's mouth outlines a smile, like the ancient beauty who came out of the ancient painting, smiled and smiled.....

She got up and pushed open the window. The **** suffocation in the room was dispelled a lot. There was a moon falling down and reflected on Liang Ya'an's body. Her dress fluttered like a beautiful woman who came out of the moon. It looks beautiful at the moment.

She walked lightly and returned to the bed next to the pink bed that had been dyed in blood.

She seems to be a little tired, holding her chin by hand, and Qiu Shuizi looked at Su Yan, and suddenly remembered that Xia Kunlun of that year, even after she asked her to refine the drug Su Yan.

At that day, Liang Yaan knew that the future Su Yan was not simple.

However, I did not expect that for a short period of ten years, she has grown to this stage. One person can deter a cosmic strong family. Even the peak group is not afraid, and even the Supreme Gods dare to challenge.

Liang Ya'an smiled slightly and didn't expect to have an intersection with this character.

Su Yan recovered quickly. In the darkness, the coldness gradually subsided, and the pain in his heart was slowly dissipated.

Then the warmth that ushered in, so that Su Yan's already tight mind quickly slackened, and even he gradually recovered his ingenuity, and vaguely revealed that he was in a boudoir.

He was relieved and didn't want to meet Liang Ya'an.

Without her, I am afraid that I will continue to survive for a while before I can get out of the current bad state.

He also saw Liang Ya'an, seeing her holding her chin in a daze, Su Yan felt a kind of warmth, he wanted to talk, and found a strong wave of flocking to the room.

The door was pushed open directly, and a silver-haired old man walked in, revealing the light, and there was a kind of terror fluctuation in the body.

This is a **** king, Liang Yaan also received a shock, and quickly stood up and saw the ceremony: "Master!"


Laojiao slightly decapitated, Yu Chuhui is a well-known refining pharmacist in Danyu. Liang Ya'an is her favorite disciple. Today she wants to teach Liang Ya'an to practice in the Valley, but she knows an uninvited guest from the outside.

Yu Chuhui's eyelids soon fell on Su Yan, she frowned.

"Master, he is!" Liang Yaan quickly said: "It is a friend of my hometown, come to raise a wound!"

"Friends?" Yu Chuhui suspicion, she is old, can enter her boudoir, even lying on her bed, just a friend is so simple?

Yu Chuhui slightly scanned the situation of Su Yan. Her brow wrinkled deeper and said: "Yaan, I should not interfere with your private life, but you have to remember, you Liang Jia has chosen for you. Hurry, I am very satisfied with the man."

Liang Ya'an was slightly dim, still said: "I know."

"That's good." Yu Chuhui smiled at Liang Ya'an: "You have to think about it for yourself, and you must not be distracted to do other things."

Immediately after his change of words, Su Yan, who was lying on the bed, said: "This person is full of blood, and the vitality is greatly damaged. It is difficult to stand up in the future. You must have a mental preparation."

Liang Ya'an nodded, and she always obeyed the teacher's life, and did not dare to say Su Yan's identity.

Yu Chuhui did not stay too much and left the room directly. After all, Su Yan’s situation is not worth worrying, and it is not a threat.

Liang Yaan breathed a sigh of relief, but he was absent-minded, and he kept thinking about Yu Chuhui’s words.

Su Yan, who was lying in bed, was like a swindler. He stood up fiercely and asked: "Ya'an sister, are you married when you are?"

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