Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 857: Not bad?


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In the face of Su Yan, who suddenly became straight, Liang Yaan was shocked, like a frightened bunny, her face slightly red, she was at a loss, stuttering: "I... I. .... No..."


Su Yan’s fierce fangs, and the wound that just turned around suddenly came into pain. He sipped in the cold and squatted down. He was originally smeared with the medicinal juice to heal some wounds, and once again flowed out a little blood.

"It hurts his mother!" Su Yan gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

"You don't move."

Liang Ya'an heart trembled and quickly went forward and said: "Your injury is very serious. You can't get out of bed for three or five days. Don't mess around."

"Good." Su Yan smiled, and saw Liang Yaan, who was busy before, and his heart was warm. His face was pale and bloodless. He said: "Thank you, I am here." .."

Wen Yan, Liang Yaan whispered: "This is Dan domain, you don't know where you came here? Are you happening to come to my medicine valley?"

Wen Yan, Su Yan is somewhat confused, how come to Dan domain?

At that time, he was in the **** land, and he did not expect to drift in time and space for a month. He accidentally fell into Dan domain, and even traveled to Liang Ya'an's medicine valley. This is really a big blessing.

"Have you seen anyone else?"

Su Yan suddenly remembered something, where did Luo vigorously go? He still remembers the confrontation at that time, the world and the earth have a collision, and the core area has created a big crack in time and space!

At the critical juncture, Su Yan and Luo Dali can only choose to fly into the big cracks in time and space. I hope that they can stay away from the disaster. Since they have survived, how is the situation of Luo Dali now?

Liang Ya'an shook his head slightly. Only Su Yan was alone. She also asked who it was.

"It's a life and death brother of mine." Su Yan sighed, his **** sea trip, although he had a great opportunity, he also experienced a big risk, and almost died in the blood of the corpse.

"Han family!"

Su Yan gnashed his teeth for a while, all because of the Han family's old master, he calculated the traces of Su Yan's life, only to lock the blood of the corpse, or how it would happen so many outrageous things.

"This old thing, as well as the Han family, one day, I will visit the door one day!" Su Yan now hates the tooth itch, but fortunately he did not delay the time to go to the **** sea, or else he might not get chaotic motherhood.

However, the biggest creation has already been in his body. Su Yan has also gone to a heart disease. As long as he recovers and stands up, the practice of the gods will sail smoothly, and cultivation into the field of the gods is only a matter of time!

Fortunately, Su Yan is **** and unrecognizable. Otherwise, Yu Chuhui recognizes him before, and then the trouble is big!

Su Yan’s nephew has shrunk. Since the Han’s old master can be calculated to be his own trace, it’s hard to guarantee that he will start counting again!

However, because Su Yan drifted in time and space, even if the Han family's old masters calculated their own traces, it is extremely difficult to lock the approximate position!

Thinking of this, Su Yan's eyes flashed cold light, it should not be!

Su Yan has broken through to the realm of the gods. The combat power is completely different from that before. With his current situation, it is not always ready to be calculated. It is extremely difficult to achieve the strength of the Han masters!

The stronger the practice, the more difficult it is to calculate. If the Han family's old master calculated a power, it is estimated that he would have been killed by the counter!

Su Yan was relieved a little. He was not the former Su Yan, and he has already stepped into the realm of the four heavens.

Immediately, the stinging body came to cool, Su Yan relaxed a lot, he looked at the gentle and moving Liang Ya'an, the heart could not help but sigh, such a good woman, who came to the blessings of the three worlds.

"Yaan, do you know some news about the **** sea?"

Su Yan asked, although Liang Ya'an has been practicing in Medicine Valley, but she was concerned about Su Yan before. Soon she said: "I heard that the Dalu Emperor and the ancestral temple ancestors played one. Going, the world says that you have fallen into the blood of the corpse!"

Having said that, Liang Ya'an's mouth is slightly tilted, and a soft smile is on his cheeks. Su Yan, who is mad at the world, is lying in front of her, and he can't climb even the heavy injuries.

"About other things, it's really unclear....."

Liang Ya'an said and said, it was the glimpse of Su Yan caught in a deep sleep, she smiled and smiled, a pair of eyes swaying in the autumn, faintly brightened a few points.

Then she deployed some mild medicinal herbs to help Su Yan recover the excess energy.

Even Liang Ya'an began to examine Su Yan's practice, only a small half past, Liang Yaan found that Su Yan's body is like a life, in self-recovery, there is a long sleep, and began to bloom.

This seems to be a natural avenue in bloom, in line with the initial meaning of all things, slowly running in Su Yan's body, spontaneously absorbing the essence of the heavens and the earth, nourishing losses to the ultimate wounded body.

Like the bamboo after the rain, Su Yan's body faintly blooms, decaying to the ultimate life of blood, ushered in a recovery!

"The teacher said that Su Yan was abolished. It seems that the king of the king can not see the situation of Su Yan."

"His body is so strange, the injury is so serious, and he can still recover from himself. This kind of physical character is really amazing!"

Liang Yaan was a little scared, she was the first to hear about this flesh!

Of course, what she did not see was that in the body of Su Yan, there was an ancient chaotic sea eye that emerged, self-illuminating, and the fascinating light of the inner sun, absorbing the essence of the heavens and the earth.

Chaos motherhood, known as the strong material in chaos!

Suddenly Su Yan’s injury is serious, so as long as the energy crystallization of the chaotic motherhood is still included in Su Yan’s body, Su Yan has the hope of recasting the avenue!

The next morning, the sun rises and the sun shines!

The air of life is turbulent, the flowers in the valley are full of flowers, the butterflies are flying, and a group of beautiful girls are laughing and playing. The atmosphere in this medicine valley is really peaceful. If the earth is pure, the soul of the people will not be dyed.

The vastness of life, but a heavy gathering of the room to Su Yan.

The fuzzy chaotic sea eye is blazing a little, swallowing the breath of the world's self-recovery, the blood of Su Yan's body is filled a lot, and he is also awake.

After a good night's sleep, Su Yan's spirit improved a lot, and his face recovered a lot of blood.


He returned to God a little, his look was a surprise, and instantly locked the chaotic sea eye that autonomously operated in the body!

It is very weak now, but it is very special. It absorbs the energy between the heavens and the earth and gives back a glimpse of the power of the essence.

This kind of energy certainly does not help much for Su Yan, who is seriously injured. However, under the baptism of this energy, the serious injury in Su Yan’s body begins to heal slowly!

"this is!"

Su Yan was shocked and paid close attention to it for a while. He found many necrotic internal injuries and ushered in a recovery. This made the movement: "How is this possible!"

Originally, Su Yan was preparing to move some of the Yaobao medicines to restore the tear wounds of the gas filling of the veins. But nowadays, in the energy of the chaotic sea eye, the wounds begin to heal slowly!

"Not bad?"

Su Yan was shocked. Is this a characteristic of not bad? What is not bad, even if it is half body, even if you can't find the medicine, you can recover and reunite the avenue!

This is terrible, so that Su Yan's heart is tidal, the effect of this chaotic motherhood is against the sky, and the well-deserved world's strongest roots, he and Su Yan are one, Su Yan also has this kind of anti-sky means!

In fact, I still don't see too strong effects.

But if Su Yan continues to be strong, and the effect of chaotic maternal gas is excavated, then Su Yan will be abnormal and outrageous at that time, and the resilience is amazing, which has to say that this creation can really make a big eye!

Su Yan was excited and he found that he could get out of bed now, which is much better than he expected.

The heat wave in this room is also rolling.

Su Yan looked at the past and saw the interior of the house decorated with elegant screens, steaming water mist, hot air flow.

Su Yan’s heart is guilty. Is Liang Ya’an bathing in the back room?

But soon he thought more, in the fog, a graceful figure looming, Liang Yaan wearing a white dress came out, looked at Su Yan, and bowed his head out of the room.

Su Yan scratched his head and carefully got out of bed. He walked over and saw a large wooden barrel behind the screen. Some clean clothes were hung on the shelf next to it.


Su Yan had some accidents, and looked at the wooden barrel. The inside was hot and steaming, and it was steaming purple. It was obvious that some medicinal juice was put in the barrel, which was afraid of the effect on Su Yan’s injury.

"It’s really careful, I haven’t used hot water for many years.”

Su Yan scratched his head, and he slowly took off his clothes and looked at the barrel and took a deep breath.

Su Yan is bloody, many wounds are particularly embarrassing, but have stopped the blood.

Su Yan carefully entered the barrel, the moment when the wound invaded in the hot water, Su Yan burst into a grin, and the wound was like a lot of ants crawling.

Even the heat rushed into the body of Su Yan's pores. The original Su Yan's viscera still had some pain, but in the process of this hot gas entering, many of the cold chills in his body began to quickly retreat.

The warm water in this wooden barrel is blended by Liang Ya's quiet heart, and it has a miraculous effect on Su Yan's injury.

In particular, Su Yan drifted in the dark for a month, and the body was already cold and stiff. This warm water had a great cure for his injury. The coldness of the body was forced out and the hair was released.

"Silly, so cool!"

Su Yan felt that her body was light and a lot, and she washed her face. Her heart was filled with emotion: "When you have a big luck, you don't know where you are suffering!"

Su Yanshu calmly leaned on the barrel, and in his mind, his injury was estimated to take about a month or two to be cured, and the delay was longer, three months.

After the disaster, this tranquility calmed Su Yan’s heart.


The door was pushed open at once and Su Yan’s body was tight.

Who came in?

He is now a hand-free chicken, and he is also stripped of the bath in the barrel, which is too embarrassing if something happens.

Su Yan did not say anything, his ears erected, and he heard that the footsteps did not come toward him.

Liang Yaan bowed in and her sly squint glanced at the screen, her heart was full of curiosity, and her eyes fell on the **** pink bed.

She walked over and took the original dirty bedding and replaced it with a clean bedding.

Next, she took a small jade bottle from the sleeve and placed it on the bed.

After doing all this, Liang Yaan left, and walked to the door in front of the door, whispered: "Don't forget to eat the drug, you don't want to eat other drugs now, the injury needs to be kept for a few days."

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