Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 858: Unknown big event

After bathing and warming up, Su Yan changed her clean clothes, and the spirits recovered a lot, and the fascination was faint.

After smashing the water in the wooden barrel, Su Yan touched his head and it was really dirty, but it took a long time to take a shower.

Su Yan had a little activity in the room for a while.

When he saw the clean and tidy bed, Su Yan touched his head and immediately lay down on it, and the whole person was relaxed.

Su Yan also took the jade bottle on the bedside. This jade bottle is small and exquisite, engraving some flowers, birds and fish worms, which seem to be carefully refined.

Open the mouth of the jade bottle, there are a lot of blue medicinal herbs, the medicinal herbs have some temperature, it is obviously the three medicinal herbs that have just been refined.

Su Yan ate one, this medicinal medicine into the body, the temperature is blazing at first, but the process is very comfortable, this drug is very special, after the opening, all over the Su Yan's limbs, nourish his weak body.

This is a slow process, so Su Yan temporarily lives here.

Days passed, and after three days, Su Yan moved freely, and the blood began to recover in all directions. Liang Yaan refining a set of medicinal herbs for Su Yan for his cultivation.

"The profession of refining pharmacists is really powerful."

Su Yan admired Liang Ya'an, and his injury was gradually restored. After a few days, he was able to restore some of his strength and not let anyone kill.

Su Yan also asked Liang Ya'an whether there was a major event in the universe during this time, but after the end of the **** sea, the entire cultivation community was very calm!

This is definitely a sign of the storm, and so far, Su Yan has not heard of the traces of Bao Cai, and where did the demon domain chase them? This is an unknown number.

They didn't go to the galaxy, which made Su Yan very worried. I don't know how they are doing now. Baoji has not recovered from the influence of Jiulong Baoyao.

Su Yan did not leave the house, so as not to cause trouble for Liang Ya'an.

In his spare time, he began to understand the Futian sticks that Zhu Yue gave him. This Futian club is divided into two major methods, Fulong and Futian, and the level required for practicing Futian is higher. The field can be practiced!

Although Su Yan is still a four-dimensional field of the gods, but has already met the needs of the practice of the sky!

Su Yan opened the jade slip that Zhu Yue gave him, and Shen Shen smashed into the jade slip, and unblocked the practice method of Futian sticks!


There was a roaring sound in his ear, and the shocking Su Yan **** trembled, there was a tendency to collapse, which surprised Su Yan, the entire jade world, full of horrible airflow!

This is a stunned school that combines the martial arts, the gods, the flesh, and the three major fields. It originated from some lost magical power in history!

The horror of the atmosphere blooms, and the whole jade world is unleashed with the strength of the courageous power. This is a sacred sacred stick standing between the heavens and the earth. When the real explosion begins, the entire jade space is distorted!

This is a trend of smashing the shackles. It is just a start-up style, but it contains a terrible force in the field. It can bring together the power of the field and the terrible power. come out!

The power of the versatile circuit, wrapped in the entire jade space, flashed a dense stick of shadow, presented in a dragon-shaped posture, this is the Fulong stick, if you can not practice the Fulong stick to the peak of the road, I am not qualified to practice Futian!

Thousands of heavy dragons stick to the shadows, smashing the sky and the ground, bursting into the ultimate moment of reunification, the entire jade world is blurred, all the power, all through the avenue **** stick!

This stick is infinitely awakened, erupting, like the heavens!

"A good squad, it is a great supernatural power in history, and even the sky can lie down for my use!"

Su Yan was shocked. If he mastered the sky, he should be jealous of the gods of the gods. After the heavy attack, he played the squad, enough to kill him with a stick!

This sorcerer Su Yan sees the clue, the stronger the mastery of the battle, the stronger the power of the magical power, the cultivation to the peak of the poles, the power of gathering the sky, can completely erupt the peerless force!

"If I stand in the field of the gods, I will fight against the sky, and with the support of the top, can I target a god?"

Su Yan’s heart is full of turmoil. Everything is still unknown. Only when he waits for him to step into the realm of the gods and dig out more powerful forces, he has hope to try.

God God attacked the king of God?

This is tantamount to retrograde logging, and it takes a heavy price!

Positive confrontation is equal to idiots and dreams, but the sky is different, with the body, the road, the weapon, the power of the three fields!

The iron bar is strong enough, and the body of Su Yan enters the field of the gods. If the strength of the flesh is used alone, it may be true that it is not inferior to the gods, but the road does not need to say more, but Su Yan’s grasp of the general trend of the sky, Is a weakness!

It is a pity that the general trend of the yin and yang compass that he had received in the past can only be said to be a rough means.

Really involved in the power of Futian, really need Qimen Yishi, in order to play the strongest field of this secret.

"If I get more practice chapters from the general trend of the day, I might be able to step into the seven-product field. Even if it is a quasi-seven product, maybe it can really be a confrontation with God King!"

Su Yan whispers in his heart, when the experience of the practice of Futianfu, fully imprinted in the soul of Su Yan, there is also a soft voice emerges: "Su Yan, you can see the sky, indicating that you have stepped into the gods The field is already a strong man in the universe!"

"The sound of bamboo moon." Su Yan's eyes lit up.

"I am afraid that at this time, the chaotic ruins will open soon. I don't know what kind of root gas you used to break through. But there are always all the strange things in the world, you can rebuild the avenue, and the future will be in the chaotic ruins. A strong root cause, which will greatly help your future practice..."

Having said that, Su Yan smiled, and Zhu Yue was afraid that he couldn’t think of it. Su Yan got a chaotic motherhood!

"In short, the ruins of chaos are very dangerous. It is not the opportunity that the world says is everywhere. I remember that I went to the chaotic ruins. The local Zongmen forces can not provoke them without provoke, and the three sentences are not clear. The situation is very complicated and we must be careful in the future......."

Zhu Yuesui Su Yan, visible in the chaos of ruins, some forces are not so good, it is a peerless land, even if a strange master has just stepped into the ruins of chaos, it is difficult to find out the situation in a short time.

Su Yan’s face is so heavy that his and Han’s grievances cannot be resolved. The terrain articles have been leaked, and the Han family will definitely slap their hands!

Then his eyes flashed cold electricity, and there was one person, that is, Qiu Ming, the future encounter of 80% will not make himself better.

"I don't know how the bamboo month is now, and it's good to have a pulse in Tianzhu."

Su Yan whispered, and the distant chaotic ruins, these days the major groups are not quiet, just want to move, the younger generation is frequently born.

Some life is Jedi, filled with the energy fluctuations of horror, as if the creatures that have been sleeping for a long time are still recovering!

There is even a broken universe, which has been dug out of the incomplete universe of endless years, glowing and glowing, and the internal volatility of the world, and the few masters with the broken universe have begun to recover!

Chaos ruins are chaotic, some Jedi, the incomplete universe that is occupied, and even the gates of the major hegemonic forces, all have unpredictable momentum in the manifestation, earth-shattering, and begin to awaken in one secret!

What is this sign!

This is a sign of a large number of young people entering the customs. A terrible time is coming. There will definitely be a young overlord who will swallow the world, and he will fight for the world and seek the creation of a cosmic era in the secrets of the chaos.

Tianzhu is a vein, the family is a famous peak force, although there are not many people under the door, but each battle is super strong, and has terrible prestige in the chaotic ruins.

Some of the temples that have been sunk in the sky and hidden by the endless chaos have begun to reveal a shocking wave, and the grand sun and moon have emerged, as if they can crush the corner of the universe!

This is a woman, full of grace and grace, graceful and graceful, with a terrifying atmosphere in the body, mana!

Her back is ruined by the sun, the starry sea is disillusioned, and it can suppress one world!

The **** of the moon and the moon is released, and the bamboo moon is set off. There is a kind of superficial power of the sea of ​​stars. This is a strong embodiment. She runs through the chaos and is shocked.

This chaotic zone has a glimmer of light. It is the gaze of chaos at the end of the chaos. There is a terrible figure sitting in chaos, like a group of chaotic gods, showing a satisfactory expression and a proud woman. Born.

Zhuyue is now in a high position in Tianzhu, and has been recognized by the ancestors of the family. Immediately, there is a sturdy ancestor who has practiced the heavens, and he will lead the bamboo to the chaos. He is opening, the voice is majestic, and the earthquake The chaotic trembling.

"Yes, you have accumulated enough strong foundations, and it is only a matter of time to achieve the king of God!" One of the ancestors of Tianzhu, the mouth is open, the words are majestic: "I will ask you, who the land is you handed over to you!"

Bamboo month is a little glimpse, how can the ancestors suddenly ask about this matter, even how do they know that it is a terrain article?

"Don't hide me waiting!"

Immediately there were several terrible figures emerging. Some people confided in the chaos: "The little monk of the funeral family, called Su Yan's little guy, is likely to fall!"

"What do you say?" Bamboo's face was amazed and some did not respond.

"An old master of the Han family came out of the mountain and went to the corpse of blood, asking for the terrain." Another ancestor faintly said: "The people of the ancestral hall also went, the situation is somewhat complicated, and several major peaks in the cultivation industry are involved. Come in."

“Su Yan has fallen?” Zhu Yue’s mood is out of control and he does not believe their words.

"In the past few days, the Korean family came and asked my family to ask for the terrain." An old ancestor wearing a gray robes said coldly: "It seems that the things you got in the past were very expensive, otherwise the Han family would not be the top three masters!" ”

"I mean, Su Yan really fallen?" Zhu Yue asked again.

"It does not matter!"

Some ancestors frowned, some people said: "Bamboo month, you are very talented, and you are expected to step into the field of power. Don't be riddled with common things. Now that you have stepped into the realm of the gods, there are things that should tell you that this place is very fast. It is going to change, and the ruins of chaos are just a wave in the big change!"

The faces of several ancestors are serious, as strong as they are!

This is related to the previous taboos. They have got everything inside. They are afraid of it. The world is likely to change. Of course, there are very few people who are in contact with this kind of contact, and it is impossible to determine exactly when this day is.

Therefore, Tianzhu decided to join forces with major forces to counter the disaster of the future.

"Old ancestors!"

Zhu Yue’s eyes looked at a silent chaos. There was a dry shadow in the body. She lost her heart. This is the strongest person in the Tianzhu, and it is called the power of Tianzhu!

But he came out, which shows that the situation is extremely serious, and the unknown risk is approaching here.

"The funeral family!"

In the end, he spoke up, his voice was grand, like the endless flood clock blew up, shaking the vast chaotic zone, and said: "What kind of heaven and earth is the family buried? They go against the sky, the heavens and the earth, the ancient The grievances of the years, the legend of the clan left on my ancestors, this family is not simply a funeral family, but related to the legendary heavenly family!"

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