Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 869: Su Yan!

The entire time and space altar, at least gathered hundreds of strong!

What is this concept? At first, people felt that there were only a few dozens. After all, among the chaotic ruins, there were a number of peerless enchanting gods in the realm of the gods. They would not choose to come to chaos and kill them. Their destination is the cosmic secret in the chaotic ruins.

Stepping into the realm of the gods, they really want to consider the realm of the king of gods, the king of the gods, is the hegemonic existence in the universe, once it crosses this step, it is really standing on the top of all beings!

First of all, we must eliminate a group of young hegemons, but no one thought that the time and space altar directly gathered hundreds of strong people, which made the Wan people all in one piece. The world's hegemony is enough to be fierce and bloody!

Even this is only the first batch, and there are definitely younger hegemons in the follow-up!

There are only ten major passages here. Hundreds of super-strong forces gather here, and dozens of peaks gather in a chaotic channel. The kind of hegemony will really fall to the top!

Almost from this moment, the entrance to the magnificent chaotic ruins reveals suffocating fluctuations. Like the end of the universe, there is one after another, the horrible giant is watching here!

There is no doubt that the power is concerned about these younger generations.

At the moment when the group was on stage, the grand altar of the time and space was also filled, and all kinds of splendid brilliance, the dragons gathered here, under the guidance of the time and space altar, eventually began a full recovery.

The whole time and space altars are blurred, and the moment when hundreds of young and powerful fighters are on stage, it is really terrifying and devastating. The northern demons are standing on the altar and glowing!

All the strong, exudes a rush of war, and look at each other!

Of course, the time and space altar can not lead to their strongest potential, but it is generally released, and then the channel division is to balance the combat power in the ten channels.

"how is this possible!"

He Shengjie, they are unbelievable, what did they see?

"Who is this person?"

Yu Chuhui almost stunned his chin. In the past, he lost the man who was rescued by Liang Ya'an. He even went to the temporary altar, and even released the horror of glory. He is definitely one of the strongest dozens of hegemons standing on the altar!

He Jinger shivered, how could such a ridiculous thing happen, how could this person hide so deeply? She was scared in her heart.

Liang Ya'an was not surprised, but because of Su Yan's stage, her jade hand was tight, very anxious, and worried about Su Yan. Since it was staged, it indicates that Su Yan will soon be leaked, and the strong people of all major groups 岂Will you let him go?

"These young people are really too abnormal!"

The kings of the older generation trembled, and hundreds of strong stars in the star field gathered on an altar. This is a picture that the universe has never had before!

All the young and strong people are exploding, recovering, and even some strangers, the strong people they have never seen before, and this group of people definitely occupy more than half of the people. This shows that the hidden is too deep, and they are all the geniuses of the various ethnic groups. !

"Oh, there are still people hiding!"

One and a half steps can be embarrassed in the crowd. Out of curiosity, he sacrificed a time and space secret treasure, shining on the hidden identity of Su Yan.

Under the secret of time and space, the picture that emerged, this half-step powerful face slowly stiffened, it is a shadow emerges, tall and straight, contains a kind of peerless domineering!

Heaven and earth can't hold his light!

Su Yan's black long hair dances like a lightning bolt, standing on the altar of time and space, swallowing the stars, the fierce light that has been brewing for a long time, is about to fall out of the nest and start a hegemony!

"Su Yan!"

Some people are curious to look at the secret of time and space, stuttering low-pitched: "How is it possible, he is not looking at the eye, I seem to see Su Yan!"

This area is full of boiling, even spread at a terrible speed, Su Yan word, contains a kind of inexplicable magic, even the changes of the Milky Way in the previous period, so that the world is concerned, Su Yan will go to the chaos ruins in the end!

But now he has not only come, but even stands on the altar of time and space, and he is a group!

The hustle and bustle of the territory was trembled, and the news spread out, igniting the hustle and bustle of the sky, and the strong people of the Wan family exclaimed. He even dared to come, even stepped into the altar of time and space!

What does he want to do? In the face of such an all-encompassing occasion, is it to seek death?

From this moment, the ancestral temple, the yin family, the demon domain, the Kun family, the gods teach...

The veterans of these groups are furious and will be smashed out!

How can such a ridiculous thing happen, the Milky Way is clearly sealed, no one can come out, but there is only one ending, that is, Su Yan has not returned to the galaxy at all, he has been outside!

"He is Su Yan?"

Yu Chuhui was sluggish, and the pupil was full of shocks. He recalled the young man who was seen in Liang Ya’an’s room and was very sad. The man was Su Yan.....

He Shengjie was so stunned that it was too outrageous. Su Yan had been with them all the time, and they didn’t know it!

"This obstacle, I dare to come here to die!"

Under the wrath of these groups of ancestral temples, the old king directly ordered: "The order, Su Yan once entered the passage, directly organized for me to hunt, remember, don't let him live the first day, I want to let the funeral The heart of the domain is heartbroken!"

"It’s ridiculous. Su Yan came on the first day. He doesn’t know what the situation is now?”

The people in the Kun family smirked: "A good Su Yan, I really look down on him. Since he is here, don't let him live and leave!"

"I wondered if I stepped into the chaos of the mountain to seek for creation. Have you asked me if I haven't?"

"On the first day, he was able to live for half a day and was gone!"

The ancestral halls of these groups are raging, and the angry flames radiated by the peaks of the group have made the surrounding monks tremble with fear. They have been all the world's enemies. What are they doing here? Isn't this just a fate?

No one thinks that Su Yan can survive. What is the pattern?

At that time, the empty altar had already revealed a tragic killing. The news from the outside world caused the northern demon to scream in the sky, and the cold scorpion looked down on the square. The cold ice said: "I want to kill Su Yan!"

If the time and space altar is wide enough, they directly locked Su Yan.


The King of Light is sneer: "It is a pity. You can't compete with Su Yan for the same level. You will die in the hands of all the big groups!"

"Hey, Su Yan is coming, where is he?"

The Kun King, who was still disappointed, became more and more horrible: "I hope that I will go to the Universiade and divide it into a channel with Su Yan. I will crush him!"

No one expected that the time and space on the altar would kill the light and sweep the sky!

It has not yet begun, and the peaks of some ethnic groups, because of the emergence of one person, exudes a terrible war!

Is there still suspense?

Since Su Yan has stood on the altar of time and space, it will definitely be transported into the space-time passage!

"In recent years, the most famous Su madman in the universe is still ending in this ending?"

Someone is asking questions, and looking at the shadow of the altar on the altar of time and space. He is tall and majestic, heroic, and swallowing the stars, and there are some differences in the legend.

People thought that he would start to fear because of his identity leak, but he didn't have it at all. He was full of hair and danced, and he swallowed the sky. There is a kind of horrible domineering who is giving me!

"Want to kill me, hahaha, come, I am afraid of Su Yan!"

Su Yan laughed in the sky, he was not prepared to crouch, chaos ruins contend for hegemony, the same generation contends, Su Yan fears the kings of the world!

Even if it is invincible, it will kill the world!

This is the belief of Su Yan, the peerless and powerful, even in the face of the sky and the sky, he is not afraid, still standing on the altar of time and space, the blood of war begins to rush, shine!

"He is Su Yan!"

Many people have seen it clearly. Such a young man, known as the Su Mania, can hardly imagine how many cruel events he has experienced!

"Many people want to get rid of him and ruin his invincible footsteps!"

"I very much hope that he will survive and tell the people of the world, the cosmic group, not only the current peak group, can stand on the top, overlooking the world!"

There are also many tides, and they are the admirers of Su Yan. They look at Su Yan. I hope that this person can ride the wind and waves, kill all the enemies in the world, stand on the top of the world, and look down on the kings.


Between the crashes, the time and space altar trembled, the vast space and time power swarmed out, and these shadows were wrapped in an instant, one by one into the top ten channels!

"The third channel!"

Some people have noticed that Su Mania was sent to the third channel.

"He is dead, and the North Demon has entered the third channel!"

Some people are scared and they have suffered this way!

There was no accident at all, and a big matchup was about to break.

Among the third channels, it will definitely become the most fierce battleground among the top ten channels!

"Give me kill, kill him!"

"Can't let him live the first day, or else it is the shame of my family!"

"Su Yan must die in the third channel in the first day!"

The ancestral temples have ordered these groups to let him live the first day, in the **** end, in the fear of death, in the desperation of the road, this is in line with the current situation.

Each channel is huge and boundless, and its territory is vast, not inferior to the vast expanse of the stars.

From this moment on, tens of millions of monks rushed to the major passages, and some people deliberately avoided the third passage, avoiding the bloodiest passage.

The short-lived light, the ten major passages are blazing!

The group of heroes charged, in the process, has been blood-stained, countless monks died, fell on the road of assault, with unwillingness to go on the road.

Anyone can meet, a few days ago, I am afraid that I will damage millions of creatures, and even the number is likely to be even more shocking!

"Get out of the fight for me!"

Kun Wang was also transported to the third passage. He said in a cruel voice: "A group of wastes, what qualifications are there to enter here and I will fight for it, give me a far cry, don't hinder me from killing Su Yan!"

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