Overlord in Cultivation

: A **** of death!

Ten channels, blood sputtering, dyed red Cangyu!

The **** suffocation is too strong, and the vastness spreads out, so that the monks who did not dare to step in the first batch of faces have a hundred faces, fear in their hearts, and they are glad that they are not so fast, or else those who are dead are likely to be them!

Now it’s just rushed in half, and it’s already a misfortune. It’s just at the moment of assault, there’s a lot of blood between them, and a big die!

Many monks also rushed into the passage, madly crossing, to stay away from the disaster, prepare to cross into a distant area, and then pick and build.

It is very far away from Chaoshan Mountain. It takes half a month for the general strong to cross to get to the vicinity of Chaoshan Mountain. But who is not clear, the chaos of Shenshan is the most fierce!

"Too heavy?"

The third channel here, Kun Wang domineering side leakage, the overall smashing out of the world's amazing blood power, crushing Qiankun, a real life collapsed a channel, crushed this road, blood flying, the body is full of days!

Many people dare to say that Kun is really strong. There are very few people in this area who are shocked to dare to go out, and they dare not go beyond Kunming!

"I really hope that Su crazy will kill Kun Wang!"

"That is, the **** is too mad, the Kun family is a rebel, a little Kun Wang is a shit!"

Some people roared in their hearts. After all, the words of King Kong hurt their self-esteem and said that they are all waste. In fact, these people are in their own stars, but they are all masters.

However, in the face of the strongest hegemony in the era, they appear to be very weak, dare to speak out, and hold their tails.

"The Kun King of Kun is really strong, sweeping thousands of troops, and there will be great achievements in the future!"

"Where is the Suyan people? Is it already running without a trace? But the third channel is even bigger, and there is a limitation. Su Yan can never escape the third channel!"

Most of the strong families who are entrenched at the edge of the channel are paying attention to the third channel. I really want to know if there will be a big collision in the third channel, and how strong Su Yan’s combat power is, and soon can see.

"No!" Some strongmen shook their heads and said: "The time and space altar will send the strongmen who are transported to the passage to all major areas, so as not to just enter the passage, there will be shopping, not just Su Yan, but also the Northern Demon. Moved to an unknown zone."

"Northern demon and Kunming King, want to kill Su Yan, you see no, the ancestral halls of the peaks of the group, there are many strong people rushed into the third channel!"

"Su Yan, really unlucky, all mixed in, and the result of the time and space altar made him leak."

"Poor, too poor!"

Some old strongmen screamed, and it seemed that they had foreseen the tragic ending of Su Yan. When the group killed, Su Yan could live the first day? They feel too difficult, which is basically impossible!

The third channel is huge and vast!

There are rushing killings in bloom, surging, ancestral temples, yin dynasty, demon domain, gods and gods, these four peak groups have a large number of wars will rush into it.

"Find Suyan as soon as possible, don't let him hide it. This person is proficient in Qimen. Once he is hiding, he is hard to find Su Yan!"

"Oh, want to hide? It's not that easy!"

A strong ancestor of the ancestral hall immediately presented a secret of time and space, and explored this piece of heaven and earth, and quickly caught the ripples of time and space. This treasure can be locked, and the time and space of the altar is transmitted to fluctuate, so that Su Yan can be quickly found. !

"There are two fluctuations in time and space. One of them is far away, and the second is only 100,000 miles away. I hope this location is the place where Su Yan is!"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry to me!"

A few large peak groups rushed out of a large number of young and strong, are elite in the elite, lineup horror, because there are some young warfare, they are full of confidence, feel no suspense against Su Yan.

They rushed to their destination, and the area that was crushed was shaking!

The torrent of the armor was enough to open a storm in the grand third passage. They just sneaked in and let the nearby onlookers chill, so they locked their position so quickly. Su Yan was afraid that it would not last a long time!

"It seems that I have found the direction. I really hope that this can be done soon!"

"Somewhat unfortunately, my family's lightning king is not in the third channel, it is a pity!" The deputy leader of the gods taught a slight sigh.

"Sorry? Is there any regret for my family? The third channel has the northern demon sitting in the town. Even if the strong forces of our forces do not shoot, it is estimated that the northern demon will soon find Su Yan!"

"One day, it seems a bit more, it is estimated that half a day can solve the battle!"

The big guys who are entrenched in the outside world are talking about it, and the eyes are cruel: "Poor worms, since they are outcropping, huh, huh, that is looking for death!"

They sat here, offering time and space treasures, and insight into the third passage, hoping to see Su Yan's picture being blown up as soon as possible.

The chaotic channel is huge, the deeper it is, the more it feels that this is a small world, equivalent to a cosmic secret!

Su Yan was sent to an unknown area, and his figure emerged from the sky and land and landed on the earth.

He stood in a unique environment, and his thoughts shrouded the grass and trees of a thousand miles, giving birth to a special kind of mood, as if returning to a long time home!

Su Yan was amazed and felt that the world had a familiarity. Have you ever been there?

He looked around in all directions, where ancient trees support the sky, a plant is as vigorous as a dragon, and there is a strong chaotic spirit in the air, which is of great help to the spiritual practice!

I have to say that this is a rare cultivation of holy land.

His nephew also looked at the sky, and the sky and the stars of the sky seemed to be particularly grand and spectacular. If in the **** land, Su Yan's momentum broke out, it would be able to shake down the stars!

But it is not used here, the ground is hard, the pattern is grand, and the magic is full of weather!

There is no doubt that if you can move the mountains and reclamation outside, you can't do it here.

At this time, Su Yan looked into the passage, he could see the chaos of the mountain, because it is too tall, towering into the extraterrestrial starry sky, even the grand universe of the sun and the moon, in front of the Chaos Mountain, it seems a little small.


Su Yan instantly concluded that this is not a chaotic fairy mountain!

His purpose is Chaos Xianshan, one of the nine great mountains, which can be hidden in one of the ten major passages. This is an unknown, Su Yan feels that it is necessary to seize the time to explore, so as not to be picked up first!

Su Yan wants to leave, but there is a feeling of mountain rain.

The mountains and rivers are magnificent, but there is a torrent of iron and iron. In the direction of his place, the process is very swift, and the process is very fast. They are still in the future. Su Yan has already discovered that there are a number of enemy troops coming to this place!

"I have been chased by you for so long, I have been hiding for so long, and I should charge interest!"

Su Yan’s pupils were killed in the air, standing between the heavens and the earth, waiting for the arrival of the enemy troops of the ancestral temples.

"Give me some quick, so that Su Yan will not escape."

"This chaotic channel is too great. It is beyond my imagination. If Su Yan really hides it, it is difficult to find him. I must give Su Yan to me on the first day!"

Thousands of horses and horses are rushing, and rushing to kill!

Hundreds of strong people gathered together, and rushed into the time-space fluctuations. Their faces were filled with cold and cold killings. They wanted to dare to suppress Su Yan before the Northern Demon.

Especially the strongest of the ancestral hall, want to catch Su Yan live and bring it back to the ancestral hall!

"I saw him!"

Some people whispered and their eyes were red. This is a strong **** of the gods. The lightning flashed in both eyes, and the void was cut open. A thunder and lightning smashed into the hand. He pointed to Su Yan and shouted: "Su Yan, you Go inside!"

The followers who were coming from were shocked, so Su Yan was found so quickly, but it seems that it is true one day!

"Ha ha ha, Su Yan, you are really here!"

"Poor guy, don't know what is happening with you now? Dare to come to the chaos of the first to find death!"

Hundreds of strong people sneer, their momentum combined, can be called a lion is born, the sky is rising, the sky is full of red, the vast **** killing, is coming to Su Yan!

The big guys who watched the battle through time and space are all very determined. It seems that they have really blocked Su Yan. The overall situation has been set!

This mountain forest is turbulent, killing and undulating.

Everything has lost its brilliance, the void is blurred, and there are big killers running in the dark, extracting the chaos in the space, and urging the power of the killer to surge!

What is this picture, hundreds of strong people joined forces to charge, among them are the leaders of all major groups, the eyes are full of cold and cold, they really do not believe that Su Yan can escape this kind of network!

"This obstacle has led to so many people coming to hunt!"

Suddenly, the boring momentum thundered, it was a shadow rushing, the strength of the strong bloodline revived, the power of the mountain, the pressure of many strong people, and suddenly shocked forward!

"King Wang!"

The number of strong ancestors in the ancestral hall was cold, and some people said: "This is the strongest of my ancestral temple, and you let it go!"

"No problem!"

King Kun is full of enthusiasm and opens his mouth to Su Yan. "Not a waste. What is the use of the head of my waste? Give me some time to suppress it and give it to the ancestral hall!"

"Alright, then trouble King Kong!"

The person in the ancestral hall, Ma Siwei, for a moment, nodded and gave Kun Wang a face.

"It's not a hassle, it's a matter of raising your hand!"

The king's bottom gas is getting more and more turbulent, and the blood of the blood is overflowing. He is set off like a great reincarnation. His eyes are disdainful. He said: "Su Yan, you are unfortunate, the first one met me. Actually, I have to target you, your blood force should not be weak, can promote my bloodline to evolve again, enough for me to accumulate the essence and the heavens supreme battle, a higher and lower!"

"Give me a block around to prevent Su Yan from fleeing!" Someone ordered.

"No problem, this waste can not escape, I have locked him!" Kun Wang imposing momentum, pressure on the river, and lived in this square.

A king of Kun was a waste man, which aroused the anger of Su Yan’s heart. In his body, there was a fierce light that could not be suppressed, and began to leak!

"How is it angry?" Kun Wang sneered: "Is this not a fact? You dare to come to the chaotic ruins, I have to say, you are really dead!"


The light of the moment, the sky was penetrated, and a big hole appeared!

Just as the ancient sleeping souls are awakening, the crouching gods in Su Yan can finally surging, and even more scary than the sound of the drums. The monks in the audience are uncontrollable and trembling, and their eyes are black!

The heavens and the earth are quiet, as if to go to death.

This is the time when the vast blood of Su Yan’s body is tumbling and burning, and the strong body of this area will be blown up!

Su Yan Yang Tianxiaoxiao, this moment, he is terrible!

The swaying atmosphere of the human body, the heavy sense of oppression, and the shocking masses of strong people trembled.

It is simply the birth of a young king, inciting a grand star!

King Kun’s body was trembled and dizzy. He was scared, and his figure was dimmed. He was as big as a bucket, and he turned around and ran away, not wanting to stay for a moment!

"Come and die!"

Su Yan's body swooped against the ground. People saw that 100,000 real dragons went out to sea, swept across the mountains and rivers, and the horrible storm swept through. A large number of strong people smashed and smashed in the sky!

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