Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 871: Kill King Kun!

The fierce dragon is in the sky, what you are!

The heavens and the earth are moving, the inch space is full of peerlessness, and the body of the person is split. Even the strong people who watched the battle in the distance have hairs. They have got a goose bump and they have been scared. They really feel that a real dragon is going out. !

What kind of fierce **** is this?

The radius of 100,000 miles is full of Su Yan's peerless fierce light. Now is the time for all the powerful to charge chaotic channels, but from this moment, the sky is gloomy, only one shadow, Haotian!

"What is that breath?"

"God, one of the heavens is mad, is this **** to wash the third channel?"

"The ancient history has recorded that there has been such a tragic event. A peerless murderer led his majesty, directly locked the entire passage, forbidding any souls, and all the smugglers were killed!"

"Someone wants to be an antique person, open a killing ring, blood wash the third channel?"

They are eclipsed, because the movement is so amazing, Su Yan has saved so long, the power of a storm broke out, even if the territory of the chaotic ruins is strong enough, it is now shaken by the breath released by Su Yan!

The next moment they saw the blood in bloom, a large number of monks blasted the flesh, it is impossible to stop a charge of Su Yan!

The power of light, the kind of courage, the peerless beliefs, such as the same knife, cutting the battlefield, immediately strangled a large piece, a large number of monks fell in fear.

"how is this possible!"

A group of elites who teamed up to kill Su Yan were scared, and Tianzhu was blasted out of a big hole. He was more perverted and horrible than the time of the **** sea. After all, Su Yan just broke through in the blood of the corpse.

These months in the medicine valley retreat, Su Yan's strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, before the improvement is insufficient, and the strength is about to enter the seven days of the gods field!


The Quartet earth trembled, and one after another strong man could not withstand the momentum of Su Yan’s assault, but also flew out, and was flesh-and-blood in the void!

At first, a group of people could still survive, but when Su Yan really rushed here, the fierce light that leaked out of himself was like a tens of thousands of knives in the smashing, splitting the void, and this area had a great collapse!


The gods were sadly mourning, and they didn’t even have the chance to shoot, because all of them gave Su Yan’s momentum to suppress, and when Su Yan rushed to their immediate moment, he began to shudder in fright, and the blood in his body was dry!

This is a terrible means. How can a large number of monks smash and sweep one side of the war? In the eyes of Su Yan, it is nothing but a chicken and a dog. It is not worth hunting!

In fact, the reason why they watched Su Suyan during this period was because of the change of the Milky Way. Su Yan had not stood up to face the world, so he lost the prestige. Instead, he let the people arrogant and hurry to hunt down the Soviet Union. inflammation!


This area has exploded, the earth and stone are rolling, the blood is rolling, one person has passed by, and a large piece of death has died. This is a supreme being, and it is not something they can provoke!

"Look, you are not a arrogant King of Kun?"

At this moment, some monks who were humiliated by Kunwang screamed: "Look, Kun is fleeing, the man is waking up, and the shocking King Kun is scared away!"

"Really, I guess King Kun is too arrogant, and the result is a young supreme who should not be provoked!"

"No, the situation is not right, there are a lot of strong people shattered, this person crosses out and seems to be targeting King Kun!"

In short, the radius of 100,000 miles, all swaying Su Yan's peerless brilliance, the world lost its brilliance, only Su Yan broke out of the heyday of the era, swallowing the vast field, to sweep the entire third channel, kill all the enemies!

"Waste, stop and die!"

Su Yan shouted, his mouth and nose spurt and swell, and the moment he hit it, like the arrangement of 100,000 mountains, tumbling with unparalleled pressure, so that the speed of Kun Wang was reduced linearly!

"Su Yan, who are you talking about!"

King Kun’s eyes are red. What does he want to do? I don't know if the North Demon is here too?

"Waste, roll over and lead to death!"

Su Yan boxing in the sky, shining, in the third channel, broke out of the weather!

The mountains and the sea roared, and the territory trembled. Everything was to be blown by Su Yan’s fist. It’s really a great force, sweeping thousands of horses!

"You confuse, I dragged you, you will die, Su Yan, you still want to kill me, do you think you can kill me with a punch? You are too arrogant, how can you still kill before you die? me?"

King Kun is really angry and attacking the heart, and the fighting power has also erupted to the level of the absolute level. The power of the blood is running in the shell of the meat, pushing the power of the king of Kun, climbing on the knot!

He admits that Su Yan is strong, but Kun Wang will not be killed by Su Yan, he just does not want to be injured!

After all, the purpose of Kun Wang is to chaos the mountains of the mountain, where he needs to enter the field of the gods!

He also made a fuss, the whole blood is united, gathered in the palm of his hand, at the moment of the fight, one side of the world is spurting out, reflecting the sun and the moon!

This is the palm of the hand, this palm is boundless, covering the Wanli River!

When the sky descends from the sky, Kunming's five fingers are like mountains, and there is a world of floating in the palm of his hand. Countless days and stars are included in it. This is one of the strongest schools in Kunming.


King Kun screamed, this slap in the palm of his hand, seems to cover the edge of Su Yan, and lived in the corner of the battlefield!


The void collapsed, so that the whole monk was amazed that it was Kun King, who was already peerless and powerful. It was a generation of peaks, but now he is suffering, some metamorphosis and horror!

The fist banged up, the void exploded, and it became a **** hole!

This fist is screaming, mad at the bullfighting, the moment of the explosion, as if the territory is surging, pushing the sky, the vast territory is like a trembling, was shocked by this fist!


The world of Qiankun was torn apart by a fist, and the palm of the hand that King Kun waved was directly penetrated by Su Yan’s fist!


The onlookers were stunned, but it was King Kun. Did he encounter a heavenly supreme? Still provoked the northern demon?

In any case, this fist shocked the world, Kun Wang's palm was directly penetrated, and his eyes were a little scared. How could this person be so strong, isn't the heavens supreme, not powerful?

"What are you doing with this waste? What are you doing alive? I can't stop even a punch. I still have the Kun King of Kun, the rebels are not qualified. If I am you, I will find a piece of tofu and kill it. !"

"So you also let me fight you?"

Su Yan once again throws a punch and wants to punch Kun to directly explode.

"You humiliate me!"

King Kun’s eyes were red and bloody. He made a burst of anger. In the face of Su Yan’s second punch, he recovered with lightning, and the blood of the horrible blood burned. There was a time and rain behind the scenes, and there was no looming shadow. !

Kun Wang used the ultimate means, although he did not develop it, but he has the confidence to develop this means in the future, and to fight for the hegemony!

"Give me the suppression!"

At this moment, the king of Kunming is vast, like the **** king who came back from ancient times. The figure that emerges behind it screams with horror fluctuations. It also contains terrible power of the years, and the emptiness of the strangle is broken!

Everything is shattered. This is the strongest strength of Kunwang. I have to say that he is very good and has excellent capital.

Unfortunately, he encountered Su Yan, which is destined to be a tragedy.

Let the oncoming momentum be strong, Su Yan this punch out, he wants to break the law, hit thousands of roads, boxing all over the sky, killing a **** starry sky, casting his invincible fierce name!

People are eclipsed, what a magnificent power, the power behind the King of Kun is waving the palm of his hand, this power is soaring.

However, the moment when Su Yan’s fist hit, the Kun Kun collapsed, and the sun fell!

"not good!"

Kun Wang was eclipsed, and Su Yan’s fist shook the mysterious energy of the blood. This fist was smashed and made him feel like a lightning strike, an uncomfortable death, and a hard body cracked!


Kun Wang coughed blood, and he flew out, miserable.

"You are not bad, can hold me the second punch!" Su Yan had some unexpected openings.


King Kun’s head was distributed, and his body was stained with blood. He smiled in the sky. He climbed up and said, “This is what you forced me. Su Yan, this is what you forced me!”

The whole king of Kunming burned up, and the power of the great ancestry of the ancestors burned up, prompting the breath of the king of Kun to soar, directly through the field of the gods, releasing the gods!

Although he can rely on the power of the blood to fight, but also the King Kong's blood has a serious loss, not urgent use will not be easy to use, but under the pressure of Su Yan, he had to break out the means of pressing the bottom of the box!

"You waste this, I am not in the mood to see you show your magic, send you on the road!"

Su Yan's eyes bloomed fiercely, and a mountain blew away in the distance. The horror wave rushed to the sky, and the big star-studded star of the sky trembled, spilling the power of the Galaxy.

All sentient beings trembled, and the breath of Su Yan’s eruption shook with shocking trepidation. The heart was horrified and frightened. What kind of momentum is this, too brave and overbearing, the world can’t hold back his brilliance!

Su Yan is like being in the sea of ​​stars, like a dusty emperor star unblocking, haunting chaotic light!

This fist is hit, and everything is gone!

Just as the sky is sobbing blood, a punch has blown everything, the mighty bloodline has been penetrated, and all the power is under his peerless edge, and it is in vain!

Su Yan is domineering, as if he is responding to the world!

This punch is even more terrifying. The world is fluctuating. Many people are flying out and the body is shaking.

The whole game is boiling, if the stars are back, it will be crowded!

King Kun exploded and was killed in the third channel by Su Yan three punches!

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