Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 872: Through the passage!

"Do not!"

There was a miserable mourning between the heavens and the earth. This is Kunming. He was smashed by Su Yan’s three punches, and his body was destroyed. Every drop of blood was wiped out, and all the glory was terminated.

After three consecutive punches, Kun Wang completely disappeared from the world!

There is also a shadow standing in the blood-stained sky. He bears his hands and looks down at the blood of Kunming’s blasting. He is indifferent: "Ken’s family is just like this, I will go to Kunming in the next day, so I will count them for years. Account!"

What kind of domineering this is, a kind of horror belief in which I am burning, but also a means of pushing and pulling, killing Kun Wang with three punches, killing a young overlord who is fierce in the chaotic ruins. !


A large earthquake broke out in a radius of 100,000 miles. The aftermath of the blood light spattered, causing a large number of creatures to tremble, and the eyes were frightened. Even they saw who this person is!

"Oh my God, he killed King Kun with three punches, but that is the strongest Kun of the Kun family!"

I don't know how many people are shuddering and whispering: "The madman is too terrible. The ancestral halls threatened to let Su Yan live for one day. Whoever lives but one day is still unknown!"

"Too horror, too overbearing, direct strong outbreak, breaking the king of Kun!"

"No wonder he dares to go out and stand in the eyes of the world. It turns out that Su Yan has developed a peerless battle!"

"Su madman, deserved overlord, the younger generation of the universe is respected by him. This is the fact, the truth, the major groups still live in the glory of the ancestors, and they want to rewrite the pattern and eliminate the madman in advance. I see them now. How to get there!"

"This is awkward, huh, huh, wait, let me see that the future madman can definitely be invincible!"

Many people are excited and yelling. Among them are many admirers of Suyan in the past, but now they are inexplicably excited, like they are following Su Yan, and they are opening a storm on the road of hegemony!

This sky is in the blood, the vast territory, the grand world, the blood is more intense!


Su Yan is drinking coldly, he is fully born, and his figure traverses the eight wilderness and tenths. He crosses the strongest ancestral temples and kills them!


A slapstick was pulled out by Su Yan, and he slammed into the past. He collapsed a piece of emptiness. On the spot, he killed three big demon creatures, letting their bodies be strong, and they could not hold the iron. The hit of the stick!

Su Yan smashed in the blood-stained territory, no one can escape his mind to lock, Guang Suyan is a stranger, enough to lock this piece of land, hiding in the dark strong!

He smashed all the way, and people turned their backs. When King Kun was killed by Su Yan’s three fists, they had lost their morality and were hiding in the void, fearing and uneasiness!

"Do not!"

Some people screamed and screamed, and half of the body was cracked. Su Yan slammed down and smashed his half-wrapped body!

In this way, one after another enemy army, Su Yan was killed by **** means!

The horror storm was brewing, and the **** robbery was born. Some people trembled: "You said, can the Suicide madman compete with the Northern Demon?"

Someone nodded directly, and said in a tone of enthusiasm: "This is still used to say that there is no suspense at all. Since Su Yan dared to kill here, it shows that he has developed an invincible belief, and the superb power can definitely be with the heavens. Hegemony!"

"I hope that the Su-Crazy can be forbearing, hiding in the secrets of the universe, growing up in the dark, and coming to the realm of the gods in the future, and shopping in the peaks of the major groups!"

"Yes, he has to face the situation that is universally enemies. Some people say that Su Yan was wrong with the group, but I don't think so. If he is not born in the funeral domain, he will not explode such a strong potential!"

"A person who wants to survive is destined to go retrograde. I seem to see the third channel of blood flow in the future, a pile of dead bodies!"

This battle is earth-shattering, and many of the strong pickers have stopped to pay attention to this battle. Su Yan killed the Quartet, and the blood sacrificed the ancestral temples of the various ethnic groups, killing the Wanli River and the blood as a waterfall, killing the rush Shuhan!

That shadow is always terrible, standing in the heyday of the times, a breath of breath, the massive chaos essence runs through the body of Su Yan, prompting the power of Su Yan, there is a trend of transcending the seven heavens of the gods!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Su Yan laughed in the sky, his body was bleeding, and he was shocked.

"You are a madman, there will be no good end, my family will not spare you!"

The big powers who were promoted shuddered, and the fear appeared in their eyes. But they were still embarrassed, and they couldn’t wait to swallow Su Yan. They lost too much in Su Yan’s hands and died several powerful warlords.


Su Yan slammed his palms and wiped them out, and the sharp pupils looked at the sky!

In the secret of time and space, Su Yan gaze at their eyes, it is a kind of disdain!

"Abominable, confusing, a bunch of waste!"

The big people of the great ancestors of the ancestral halls were so angry that they had a great contrast with their expected endings. They thought that Su Yan could not live a day, but after a long time, the major groups lost a lot.

The most important thing is that he has completed Su Yan for no reason, so that his original impaired majesty not only returns, but even soars.

"I hate it!"

The entire Kun family was so angry that the lungs were shaking, and the eyes were red. The youngest generation of the younger generation, Kun Wang, was killed by Su Yan’s three fists!

This is a shame, this kind of fury, so that the king of God can not bear, screaming in the sky, can not control the murder of the sea, killing Su Yan.

The various images projected by the time and space secret treasure also shocked the universe, the young overlord was killed in three punches, and was the first person in the Kun family. How strong is Su Yan now? Is it true that it has the ultimate fighting power to fight with the best of the heavens!

"Good, really strong!"

Yu Chuhui’s palms are clenched, and the old faces are full of surprises. How do you think that Su Yan is now tyrannical to this field. Is this a heavenly supreme?

Even Liang Ya'an has a relationship with Su Yan, which makes her extremely puzzled, and her heart is also very touched. I don't know if it is time to be happy or to smile. After all, Su Yan's trouble is too big, and it is all the world's enemy!

This is just a small storm. There is still a more cruel test in the future waiting for him. Can Su Yan survive?

"Su Yan is still alive, and it is even stronger!"

"I really don't know what the roots of his integration are, and the combat power is so overbearing!"

The Daluo dynasty and some of the martial arts of the Wu nationality were in a state of turmoil. When they chose to help Su Yan, the decision was correct. In the future, Su Yan will stand up in the 19th and 9th, as long as he can stand in the third channel and become a generation in the future. Overlord, it’s nailed!

At the entrance to the chaotic channel, this magnificent area, the atmosphere is suppressed, it is a heavy anger. The beginning of this moment, the ancestral temples are extremely angry, they must eradicate Su Yan and break his invincible road!

This is already the case. If he can still kill the peerless style in the third channel, Su Yan’s prestige will be even more terrible!

"Do not worry, the North Demon will definitely get rid of Su Yan!"

At this moment, there is a cold and secluded opening of the demon domain god: "Now the northern demon is estimated to search for Su Yan, wait, once Su Yan meets the Northern Demon, it will definitely live the first day!"

This sentence made the anger of the ancestral halls a lot of anger, a good, North demon in the third channel, they have a big hatred, once the two encounter, there will definitely be a big showdown!

"Su Yan, you are a shackle, wait for death, you can't live the first day!"

The Kun family's half-step screaming voice penetrated the vast chaotic channel and blew up in the outer area of ​​the third channel. This is a half-step savage killing.

"Oh, cherish the next time, the Northern Demon will kill you!"

"Young people don't think they have a little achievement, they dare to stand up and challenge the peaks, this third channel will be your place!"

The big man is speaking, the sound is soaring, and it is passed to the third channel!

At this moment, Su Yan’s eyes are blazing, and the murderous sea is boiling!

"Ha ha ha!"

Su Yan is laughing, his pupils draw two rays of light, sharper than the knives, splitting the void, killing the sky!

"He wants to escape!"

The big men who were entrenched in the outside world watched the battle and saw that Su Yan suddenly left, and they were somewhat disappointed.

Under the shrinking ground, Su Yan crossed the vast territory and rushed to the end of the chaotic channel with lightning!

His speed is very fast, because Su Yan also used the star skin!

However, he found that the power of the starry skin was suppressed a lot, which shows that in the chaotic channel, the strongest force can only erupt to the field of the gods, even the secret treasure is suppressed!

However, Su Yan only needs the starry skin to cross the universe, because the speed is too fast, many spectators, it is extremely difficult to lock the general trace of Su Yan.

"This obstacle is to escape!"

"When he finally left, I vaguely saw the breath of the Northern Demon, Su Yan was scared away by the Northern Demon!"

It’s true that the Northern Demon has already arrived at the destination. Under the inquiry, he heard Su Yan leave in one direction. His war will instantly anger: “Su Yan escaped!”

"He can't escape, the third channel will be his bones!"

The North Demon Mega Shock, the pupils reveal a cold killing light, follow the area where Su Yan left, and vow Su Yan live the first day!

"If you can't escape, the third channel will be a dead end, so cherish the next time, cherish the rest of your life!"

Many cold-sounding voices are frequently seen, and the strong people of the ancestral temples hated Su Yan, and they felt that they could see the picture of Su Yanfufa soon!

"Look, Su Yan fled to the end of the third channel!"

At this time, some people used the time and space secret treasure to lock the trace of Su Yan, and they shook their heads: "He has been chaotic, and there are not many routes to escape. It is estimated that the North Demon is really killing!"

The next moment, these big people watching the trepidation, someone lost the voice: "What he wants to do!"


This territory is like a trembling, Su Yan's momentum is even more horrible, the momentum has completely changed, a big violent start, rushed to the end of the passage!

These people were frightened, and Su Yan was in the chaotic zone between the passages through the passage!

"I have to see who can live the first day!"

"I want to kill a good day!"

Su Yan’s body killing and squirting, wants to push the top ten channels, and blood sacrifices the great forces of the ancestral temple!

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