Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 873: Horizontal push!

The ten channels are not connected to each other.

Because of the chaotic zone, it is full of chaos and chaos. The possibility of squatting is huge. Of course, there have been people who have been swaying. Some people have succeeded and some have failed.

In short, the chaotic channel is extremely difficult to penetrate, and no one has nothing to look for to go through the chaotic channel, and lay a chaotic mountain, it is already a great creation!

But nowadays, they have seen it, Su Yan rushed into the chaotic zone, wanting to run through the chaotic channel!

"Ha ha ha, this little beast, the dog has jumped into the wall already, and even the chaotic channel dare to run through. It seems that this is the way that the northern demon is forced to go to nowhere!"

"Su Yan has been in a chaotic situation, rushing to avoid the North Demon, maybe in the process of penetration, was directly killed!"

"Yes, this chaotic channel is extremely difficult to penetrate. It seems that Su Yan, who is shocked by the Northern Demon, is scared, but if Su Yan really died in the chaotic channel, it is a pity!"

The **** event of the third channel attracted the attention of the strong people of all ethnic groups. The secret of time and space has already appeared. The picture of Su Yanqiang rushed into the chaotic zone. When he rushed in, the chaotic light of the shackles was covered!

Su Yan's figure is blurred, it seems to have disappeared, and it is really collapsed by chaos!

At the moment of coming here, the pressure is indeed terrible, and the battle like Su Yan is extremely difficult to bear, but he has to try it. The purpose of Su Yan is to chaos Xianshan, not the top ten chaos!

Must be strong, or else will be beaten back to the third channel by the time and space altar!


In his chaos like the sea, the whole figure shines. Su Yan’s reason to try, mainly because he has chaotic maternality, will not be hit hard in the process of turbulence!

His body, like a concentrated chaotic sea eye, in the process of continuous illumination, squeezing his chaotic zone is roaring, the power of chaos in the sky is gone!

A channel, this is forced to open by Su Yan!

Some onlookers have been shocked, how can it be so easy? Su Yan directly opened a chaotic channel and rushed to the second channel!

“Does Su Yan combine the best chaotic roots?”

Some people think that he is so easy, it is probably because of the physical problems, or else it will not be so easy to run through the chaotic zone, but it is really the root cause?

Some people think that the funeral family can't find a good source of gas for Su Yan. It is a pity that Kun Wang died. After all, the effect of root gas is usually in the field of the gods or the king of the gods, in order to exert the strongest effect. come out!

"Su Yan, where are you going to escape!"

The Northern Demon has already sprinted, but he took a step late. Su Yan has run through the chaotic channel and rushed into the second channel, which made him angry: "How far can you escape, you will kill you!"

"Lord, this is a chaotic channel, not easy to risk!"

A group of warriors will worry, do not want the North Demon to go to kill Su Yan.

Mainly because the Northern Demon should now lay the chaos of the mountain, instead of wasting time on Su Yan!

Since Su Yan has been shocked by the Northern Demon, this shows that this person does not dare to conquer the Northern Demon, and there is no possibility in the future!

However, the North Demon must kill Su Yan, do not get rid of him, his heart is not happy, he also chose to run through the chaotic zone, chasing Su Yan!

In the second passage, the edge zone conveyed a horrible airflow, which made the monks in this area treasure-hunting startled, and then they turned green and saw a terrible shadow in the chaotic zone!

"Mad, here is the edge, we are avoiding it. I didn't expect a peerless man to run through the chaotic zone, from the third channel!"

"Hey, it’s a monk!"

They are angry, but they are not afraid of the atmosphere. The figure that is drilled from the chaotic zone is particularly scary. The blood that has been leaked out slightly has already swelled in their bodies, and the body flutters!

When Su Yan’s full-scale shots were taken, the killings that were smashed by the body made these monks fearful and uneasy, for fear of encountering a big demon who killed the people without blinking!

The ten major passages have been open for a long time, and the encroachment of the surrounding areas is very fierce. There are blood spatters everywhere, and the dead are hard to estimate. Too many people are on the road of assault.

There are even fierce young overlords who occupy the mountain as kings and seal a circle of 100,000 miles, prohibiting any souls from entering.

There is no doubt that they are plotting the land and harvesting the various creations that have been nurtured in the chaotic channel. Almost all the peak groups have started, and they have to harvest huge amounts of cultivation resources in the top ten chaotic channels!

When Su Yan rushed, a group of monks in this area could not help but tremble. His own breath was too overbearing, and they were suffocated by oppression!

Some monks took the initiative to present the harvested Chaos Treasures and handed them over to Su Yan, hoping that he would not kill them.

Su Yan is astonishingly cool, like a big demon, patrolling his territory!

"There are ancestral temples, yin dynasty, Kun family, demon domain, gods and gods, and the strongest of several large groups!"

Su Yan's words such as Hong Zhong, oppressing people's minds, these people who have lost their souls, they can't help but open their mouths. They know that these groups are bounded by the second channel and bound many areas, and the mountains are king!

When the horror of the air in their hearts dissipated, these talents returned to God, panting heavy and heavy, and some people whispered: "To change the day, the man is Su Yan, he is asking the ancestors of these group powers The trace, he is going to..."

These people are terrified, is it true that Su Yan wants to kill the Quartet and get started with them!

So far, the leading powers of all ethnic groups have sprinted into the center of the chaotic channel. Their goal is to chaotic mountains, so there are very few strong people in the peripheral areas who are well-behaved!

"Don't he..."

These monks can't imagine, but now all the big groups have joined forces against him, and even have reached the point where they are all the world's enemies. The Supreme Gods want to kill Su Yan.

However, at this juncture, is it really necessary for Su Yan to kill him?

They all felt that it was impossible, but only a fragrant time passed, they were eclipsed, and the starry sky 30,000 miles away, a big shock broke out, and the blood was like a big waterfall, and it was red!


The miserable mourning came to the fore, shocking the powerful people who were searching for treasures in all directions. They looked at the past and saw some incredible pictures!

It is a treasure land, bred a lot of chaotic treasures, chaotic treasures, and even some strange trees are full of all kinds of fruits, eye-catching, many monks in the vicinity know clearly.

However, this piece of treasure land has been attacked by the ancestral hall, and even announced the killing order, the smugglers killed innocent!

At that time, they were still fresh in their memories. The ancestral hall opened the door to kill and killed many powerful people, causing a misfortune. Waiting for the news to spread, no one dared to go to this resource treasure.

But now what they saw, this treasure land blasted in the trembling, a shadow burst in the blood, swallowing the stars, annihilating the world!

Su Yan opened the killing ring, swayed the entire treasure land, and degraded the people who escaped from the ancestral halls!

"Send you on the road!"

Su Yan screamed, his brave power, and the immortal iron rod, the whole treasure of the earth and the earth and the earth, the smoke and the dust, accompanied by the rich blood, flocked to the sky!

Like the vast land, a surge of **** waves, accompanied by a tragic atmosphere, earthshaking!

The people around are sluggish. What is the situation? The ancestral temple is not blocking this treasure, is the mountain king?

But how can this kind of misfortune happen now? The rich blood and blood sizzling, reddish the clouds, a picture of the **** doomsday.

Some daring past views were frightened by the sights inside.

Su Yan had already withdrawn, but left a world of sorrow, there were corpses all over the place, and some strong people who did not die still gave up their desperate mourning. Just now someone sneaked in and pushed the whole treasure and took it away. The chaotic fruits they picked!

This incident caused a big wave, how could this be? The ancestral hall is high, who dares to pluck the tiger's buttocks? Nowadays, the family has a high-profile ancestor, and it is necessary to lay down a chaotic mountain!

But now here, a treasure land has been overturned, and the corpses are everywhere, terrible!

"What kind of monk is this, is it a top-ranking person?"

"He has swept away a large number of treasures, and he has already gone, but this thing will be detected sooner or later!"

The daring has come a lot, and they have been on the lookout and made an evaluation.

Only time spent only half a time is not much, about 80,000 miles away from here, the murderer's breath of the cross-pushing treasure land once again emerged, Su Yan in full-scale outbreak, swallowing the river!

"who are you!"

The gods teach a large number of strong people to be angry, some people are good at the treasure they occupy, what do they want to do?

"No, he is Su Yan!"

Someone suddenly recognized Su Yan, his face changed dramatically, his scalp was numb. Is this murderer not in the third channel? How suddenly came to the second channel!


Soon this piece of treasure trembled fiercely, like the supreme king of the king, the foot of the sky, the force of the crowd, the pores of the thin blood of the blood, like thousands of training, sweeping the entire treasure!

Su Yan hated the gods and ungratefulness, especially the lightning king also went to the galaxy to scream, to kill himself!

Now Su Yan vents the long-stricken fury of anger, shakes the mountains, he broke out, his body rushed to the treasure, and swayed the iron bars to move forward, and several strong men who blocked the road directly flew out!

The whole treasure land is shaking, and the movement is surprisingly amazing!

In the distance, there are onlookers who saw that there were murderers going crazy, and a mountain range was sunk. He warned the gods to fight the strong, killing the world and blood, showing the hegemony!

No one can stop him, kill one person at a time, push the gods to teach the occupation of resources, kill the sun and the moon, the blood splashes.

"Big news, Su Yan runs through the chaotic zone, forcing the second channel, killing the ring!"

"The large groups of the ancestral temples suffered heavy losses. The resources that had just been captured were directly pushed by the madmans. The strong man of the gods died a large piece. The strongholds of the second group were removed."

The world is full of surprises, the entire second channel continues to boil, the outside world's enthusiasm of the big guys are sucking cold, this is too crazy, regardless of the consequences of the killing, to kill and kill?

Even before again, the various groups of the ancestral halls threatened to let Su Yan live the first day!

However, the first day has passed, but as a result, several large groups have lost a lot of money, and they have lost a large number of resource treasures, all falling into the pockets of Su Yan.

However, there were terrible news, causing a huge sensation!

"Su madman once again runs through the chaotic zone, the first channel of the destination, what he wants to do!"

"This madman, who knows what he wants to do, is it necessary to kill all the way, blood sacrifices the top ten channels?"

"Impossible, if this is the case, the large group of people who are sprinting Chaoshan Mountain will soon turn around and directly abolish Su Yan. It is impossible to watch him arrogant!"

The earthquake caused by this incident is so alarming. There are also countless people applauding. It should be done like this. Some large groups are too overbearing, and they are the best places to seize resources. They don’t leave any soup!

However, Su Yan’s arrogance shot, sweeping all the resources of the second channel, things are completely big!

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