Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 874: Nothing!

Su Yanba cracked his hand and broke the smashing of the former strongman who determined that he escaped the northern demon.

Originally, the strong teachers thought that Su Yan was shocked by the Northern Demon, but now it is different. Su Yan is recovering strongly and swaying the treasures of all ethnic groups. This kind of response makes the ancestral halls really crazy!

Su Yan’s action is too fast. Even if someone is going to inform the ancestors, the ancestors will not be able to give up the chaos of the chaos.

At present, the young hegemons of all roads are sprinting Chaoshan Mountain, and there is no way to deal with Su Yan!

"Su Yan, when it really became a climate, this peak of people and people to kill, the major forces are destined to pay a heavy price!"

"Yes, unless the Supreme Gods start to kill Su Yan, or else who can stop his invincible footsteps? In addition, in all major passages, the people of the ancestral halls are scattered sand, and it is impossible to gather together in a short time. ”

"Who can think that he will kill the Quartet, and Su Yan's action is too fast, even if it is really going to inform, afraid that people have not yet arrived, their treasure has been pushed horizontally!"

The strong people of all major groups are shocked, and this is too crazy. So **** means to break up their hands and overturn their resource treasures, which is completely endless.

But one person, to challenge the major peak groups, the consequences of doing so, Su Yan not worried about the real death without a place of burial? Still breaking the cans and breaking, I feel that I can't live any more, and I have to do something big before I die!

“Su Yan definitely has a special way to quickly penetrate the chaotic zone!”

Someone has noticed that he has already rushed into the first passage, but now the North Demon has just broken into the second passage, and even suffered a certain injury. People do not doubt the strength of the Northern Demon. They feel that Su Yan has some special means and can run through in a short time. Chaos zone!

"What? He went to the first channel!"


The northern demon fire was terrible, and it took a hard time to break into the second channel. After the inquiry, someone told him that Su Yan had already gone to the first channel!

Even before again, he opened the door to kill, smashed the treasures of all ethnic groups, and slaughtered a large piece!

This makes the North Demon mad, and the pupil is full of killings, this is a shame!

"On the Lord, you can't be rushed!"

The Northern Demon squad will quickly remind the past: "From the first passage here, the time spent is absolutely one or two days. This way, the time of delay is too long. Our goal is to chaos the mountain and kill a Suyan. What counts, it is not worth wasting too much time, and your Highness must think twice!"

These people's words awakened the Northern Demon, let it briefly extinguish the angry flames in the body, he is interested in chaos, want to lay down one!

If the road to kill Su Yan is really delayed for a long time, some people rushed to chaotic mountains before him, picking all kinds of creation, then everything is empty!

Moreover, the Northern Demon must break through in the Chaos Mountain to catch up. After all, their goal is to compete with the descendants of the Chaos and the descendants of the major life and the hegemonic group, not Su Yan!

Don't think that the Chaos Heaven on the Chaos Mountain is endless. In general, there are only a few strong people running through the Tianshen field, and in the process of running through, it is likely to open several small realms continuously!

The Northern Demon must also train a group of warriors, so he must lay down a chaotic mountain, and in the future he can lead the underworld and take a cosmic secret.

"Go back first, I am waiting for Su Yan in the third channel!"

The Northern Demon thinks that Su Yan should return. He is going to wait for three days in the third channel, and he directly said: "Let the outside world communicate with the past. I am waiting for him in the third channel to see if he has Without this courage, go back to the third channel!"

The Northern Demon can only return, sitting in the third channel, to prevent the creation of the first step!

The first channel, Su Yan has come.

However, he was disappointed that the first three channels did not cause changes in Xianyu.

"Chaotic Xianshan, it seems to be among the other seven channels!"

Su Yan sighed slightly, then whispered in his heart: "I want to speed up the progress, I hope that Chaoshan Xianshan is really one of the top ten chaotic mountains!"

Even if the top ten mountain is not a fairy mountain, then this chaotic fairy mountain is definitely near the channel. In short, it is only a matter of time to find the chaotic fairy mountain.

Su Yan was full of expectations, he was rushing for a while, he just came to the first passage, asked about people, and learned about a stronghold of the Kunming in the first passage!

Su Yan’s eyes flashed cold. Compared with the group of ancestral temples, Su Yan wanted to sweep the Kun family. Once a generation was smashed, the future Kun family did not have any hope!

"Kun, I am here!"

Su Yan’s movements are very fast, and the destination is infinitely close!


Su Yan frowned, overlooking the ancient land of vagrant chaotic light in front, the empty treasure land, even the personal shadow did not, let Su Yan face black, they are fleeing?

"This little bastard, he really went!"

"I don't want to get rid of this, I am very upset."

The Kun family was roaring in the outside world, and it was really not what they expected. Su Yan really went to the treasure land occupied by the Kun family. Thanks to the timely notification of their notification, there was no horizontal disaster.

After all, the Kun family is not a group of peaks. It’s not a matter of losing face. But if the people are buried in the hands of Su Yan, the loss is too heavy. The Kun of Kun’s family is dead, and they can’t afford to toss too much. .

Some groups are sneer, watching jokes here.

What about the strong family of chaotic ruins? There is a half-step in the family to be able to sit in the town. What can be done now? I dare not face Su Yan directly, and hide directly to avoid the disaster.

Some people find it ridiculous, even this is a signal!

what is this?

Without the youngest Supreme, it is impossible to compete with Su Yan!

He only killed one day and one night in the chaotic channel, and has already shaken the universe. You can imagine the position of Su-Crazy in their minds!

"I want to run, I asked if I didn't!"

Su Yan sneered, his gods rushed over, covering the entire ancient land, and feeling the life of the chaotic treasures!

Then Su Yan's Tianmu shines, he disappears into the human world, he and the vast territory are blending, with Qimen secret technique, watching all kinds of deserts, following the life of these chaotic treasures, began to search for the traces of the Kun family escaped monks .

Soon, Su Yan locked a target!

There was a hint of indifference in his eyes, locked in about a thousand miles from here, a low hill, and the life of the life began to disappear from here!


In the light of the moment, Su Yan's figure cut through the sky, because the speed is too fast, which led to the place where he passed, a terrible big crack emerged, running through thousands of miles, and shocked the monks who were surrounded by treasures!

Then, the destination, a big bang, the vast tremors of the vast territory, the turbulence of the infinite mountains and forests, like a peerless demon of the lower bound, let the four wild roar, the mountains and rivers undulating constantly.

"Who is that person?"

A lot of people are afraid, because Su Yan's power is too strong, they are extremely difficult to see the specific face of Su Yan.

"get out!"

He is talking, and carrying his hands, black hair shawl, such as a king who suppresses the world, overlooking the low hills.

Many people are confused, what are these situations?

Someone below the low mountain? The onlookers really didn't see it, but when some people approached and saw Su Yan's appearance, they were frightened. Isn't this a madman? How could he come to the first channel!

"get out!"

Another cold drink blew open, the sound wears a golden cracked stone, such as the Tiangu swaying, causing the neighbors to stunned, one by one, almost bloody, and the body is not controlled to shake, they are eclipsed, have retreated.


And the whole low hills were all divided, and even if the space guarding the space was large, there was a big collapse. Some people saw that there were hundreds of Kunjia monks hiding in the interior space!

It’s been sensational, how could this be?

The people of Kun's family hide directly and avoid the madman. Isn't that the family to replace the title of the funeral family?

"Budget, how did he find it here!"

Everyone who is entrenched outside the channel is embarrassed. This kind of shame can't be tolerated. They are roaring like a madman. At that time, Kunwang was able to escape and let the Kun family face his face. Now the Kun family is hiding, but directly Su Yan dug out, this shame makes the king of God self-proclaimed!


In the broken space, a group of people from the Kun family shivered, it is really difficult to look directly at Su Yan!

They are like breaking into the invincible field of Su Yan. The man is steaming all kinds of terrible gods. They are shivering, and their legs and feet are not heard. It is difficult to stand still!

"You are so strong, you shouldn't come against us. You should go to the North Demon!" There are people in Kunming who are low-lying and feel that Su Yan is bullying. They can't stop Su Yan. Powdered bones!

"A group of traitors, what qualifications are there to talk to me!"

Su Yan took his hands and looked down at a group of young people in Kun's family. He said indifference: "There is a reversal, and there is a face to target my family. Shame, how do you write these two words? Have you forgotten? The funny thing is that you The Kun family is still in front of my family!"

His words are sharp, shaking their souls and making a loud boulevard.

At this moment, Su Yan is like the Lord of the Kun family, in the judges their sins!

Su Yan’s words made many Kun’s family unable to bear it, holding their heads and swearing, and they didn’t want to bear this nickname. Why did they be judged at the beginning, why?

"If there is a person who knows how to return, he will sneak into the ancestral ancestral ancestors of my family, and you can leave safely!"

Su Yan's cold and secluded opening: "I can't kill, as for others, one can't live!"

"How are you!"

There are people in the Kun family who can't stand the screaming, violently get out of space, and run away!


Su Yan's eyes flashed a cold electricity, a cold, containing a kind of great force, let the space tremble, screaming, the heart cracked, coughing a large blood to the ground, the body is like mud, issued Desperate mourning!

The power of Su Yan makes them desperate!

"Why should I take it all!"

Some of the people of the Kun family stood up fiercely and screamed and screamed: "The sins of the ancestors should not be borne by me. I am not a traitor. I don't want to carry it all. From now on, I will withdraw from the Kun family. No longer a Kun family!"

The world is quiet...

The strength of the disk outside the channel, the face is stiff.

Someone saw the Kunming **** Kun Tianyu, fiercely coughing out a heart of blood, and issued a series of low-pitched buzz, like a wild beast!

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