Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 876: Big collision!

The Northern Demon is the four great heavens in the universe, the East Devil, the West Buddha, the South Emperor, and the Northern Demon!

These four strong men, any one of them is a famous existence, they are the strongest of the younger generation, and they have been named as the Supreme of the Heavens.

There is no doubt that they are all invincible existence, the same level of hegemony, in an invincible position!

This northern demon is now in the third channel, the majestic body blooms brilliantly, and his overall dense golden scales, such as a demon overlord, the mighty sun and moon!

The place where he is located is infinitely incomprehensible, and he was shocked by the northern demon swallowing and killing, but when he is close, the human body is splitting and it is extremely difficult to bear!

Many people are eclipsed. In the past, the northern demon was stable, tall and tall, and it was difficult to estimate the specific combat power. However, in the chaotic ruins, the northern demon, the murderous, the peerless peer, there is a kind of broken sky. Terrorism deterrent!

This kind of strength and dominance has caused people around the world to lose color. The Northern Demon is sitting here, absolutely waiting for Su Yan!

Everyone knows that Su Yan has broken the big plan of the Northern Demon, and the demon domain event will only end, so that the North Demon face will not exist. Now that Su Yan has surfaced, the North Demon’s heart is more and more blazing. Filled with shocking killing!

"It’s been a day, Su Yan still dare not come, the Lord is still going to Chaoshan Mountain..."

There are a group of warriors under the northern enchantment, and their hearts are also angry. But Su Yan can't show up late, they can't help, but now is the moment to chase the chaos of the mountain, the third channel can be more than just Su Yan, there are more than a dozen young A generation of top strong!

If the North Demon goes late, then the creation of the Chaos Mountain will inevitably be taken away by them, and they will suffer from them!

Only its words just fell, the chaotic zone trembled, a shadow emerged, blazing for the sky, and he said a word, so that the territory of the hustle and bustle began to tremble!

"Northern demon, come to lead to death!"

In a short sentence, revealing the domineering domineering, sensational audience, detonated the waves!

I don't know how many people are flustered and timid, and the goose bumps are all up. It’s too domineering, let the northern demon come to death, let the peak of a universe exist, come to death. !

"Too mad!"

"Maniac, this madman, too crazy, let the North Demon come to death!"

The crowds shuddered, they watched the battle here, and they wanted to see the big matchup. As a result, Su Yan just emerged, let the northern demon come to die, who can withstand this sentence, not to mention his debut in the northern demon, deserved the devil Strong!

"How strong is Su Yan in the end, dare to release this sentence!"

Many people also look to Su Yan, and there are many admirers of Su Yan who are fanatical and staring at the figure that has been rushed out of the chaotic zone. Since he has already arrived, he is ready to compete with the Northern Demon!

Su Yan's eyes are blazing, his eyes are shining, his head is full of black long hair shawls, his tall and straight body is like a giant sword tire that is straight into the sky, exudes the airflow of the gods and gods!

He has already rushed out of the chaotic zone and saw the northern demon in this area, a pair of sharp pupils, looking at the northern demon.

"You are arrogant!"

The northern demon was furious, and the sound of suffocating thunder emerged from the body, and the horror of the horror was leaked, and the earth was shaken. The self-exposed airflow of light has already made the mountains and rivers roar!

It is powerful and sultry, and the momentum is more prosperous. The impact of the distant battles of all sentient beings is tremulous, and they are tumbling. They are really worried about being hurt by the atmosphere of the Northern Demon.

For a time, this vast territory, enchanting, one hanging and then hanging, like a peerless demon god, blood rushing to the Han, the countless scales are also burning, like tens of thousands of small sun is shining!


The voids are all blasted, the world is blurred, and the terrible deterrent power sweeps across the land and rushes to Su Yan!

"Do you still need to be arrogant to kill you? I have already come to the North Demon, I am not coming yet!"

Su Yan stood between the heavens and the earth, carrying his hands, his momentum has also changed, the brilliance of the pores, like the light of the catastrophe flying out of purgatory, the vastness of the earth filled with Qiankun, the energy fluctuations are comparable to Wang Yang!

Two invisible momentums collided together, and the sturdy big stagnations were annihilated, and countless ancient trees were robbed!

Even a river is steamed by itself, and the sky and the stars of the sky are like a shudder!

"I can not stand it any more!"

Many people are afraid to scream, is this the strong?

The power of the leaking light, shaking the world, the two terrible domain fields intertwined, forming a tide of extinction, sweeping the eight wild, shaking the earth!

Their figures are all sturdy and flaming, although they are separated by tens of thousands of miles, but they seem to be hitting each other!

For a time, the mountains and seas are cracked, and the sun sinks!


The war came too suddenly, and it broke out at the beginning. Without a nonsense and words, I felt the power of each other, and they all expressed the belief in killing the enemy!

In an instant, the big cracks traverse thousands of miles away!

The picture of destroying the earth and destroying the earth, even expanding rapidly in all directions, is going to cross the territory of 100,000 miles to form a ruined avenue!

The two blazing and blazing shadows, but more and more blazing, pulled the super-field between each other, forming a ruinous wind, exuding the sound of the sky, hitting together with a terrible degree!

It is simply a big collision between two cosmic comets. The sounds are shaking, the sky is falling apart, the ten territories are sinking, and the whole world seems to be in ruin!


The strongest of the pieces flew out and brushed out. They felt that they were strong enough to watch the battle at close range. As a result, the energy ripples they hit and the square space, these people could not bear!


There were people screaming, and the flesh was cracked and fled with fear.


A hundred thousand miles of chaos, a large number of strong people fled, this is the peak of the killing, chaos, all kinds of ray of light, disrupting the tranquility of the world, suffocating the uncomfortable fate.

"Su Yan, give me life!"

The northern demon made a loud noise, the whole blood transpiration, the peak of the gods, he was even more horrible than the peak of the gods, the fist of the palm released the light of the sky, the demon spirit throughout the universe, overwhelming to Su Yan.

If the Northern Demon pushes a piece of the demon **** universe, it will play out a series of lore-killing techniques. Each kind of big technique has a demon **** shadow, revealing the power of the sky!

"The demon **** nine hits!"

The spectators in the distance are shocked. The war has just begun, and it has evolved to a feverish level!

The northern demon swallowed the stars, and there was a mentality of killing Su Yan. In an instant, the demon gods and nine snipers evolved. The nine great supernatural powers were hit by lightning, and the scorpio was collapsed. The universe has a moon falling down!

"The Northern Demon is too horrible, it is worthy of the Supreme of the Heavens, and the Nine Gates are instantly hit out. This kind of heritage can really be the same generation!"

The big men who watched the battle outside were moved, and the nine great gods came from the sky. They were called the sacred light of the nine deaths. They must wipe out the kings and kill the enemy of the world!


When everything is swept to Su Yan, the next moment is discolored and blurred!

The infinite chaos is extracted from the air, and then the Qiankun is steamed out, and is caught in the darkness and death!

The next moment, the world is at its best, and it is extremely difficult to open the eyes!


Su Yan Daxie, the meat shell is like the immortal fairy furnace, Haotian!

He punched out with a punch, and there was a round of sun behind the sun. The sun fist broke out, burning the mountains and boiling the sea, enough to steam the cosmic ocean of the world!

A fist out, Wan Yang Hengtian, what to say!

Two strong men, arrogant, arrogant world!

This is a peerless collision, the ten-party cloud blasts, the big field shakes, the light of various energy disasters, flies to the mountains and rivers, and collapses the mountains!

In the ever-changing world, the two shadows and the various ethnic groups radiated invincible beliefs and shocked the world.

Su Yan's tyrannical exceeds everyone's expectations, the demon **** nine hits, was beaten by the sun fist strong, is it a new heavenly supreme, has come out!

"Su Yan, fight with me, you still can't!"

The long-lost blood of the war began to be hot, and the northern demon of this moment was full of light, and the expression was cold and overbearing!

He was extremely conceited and squinted at Su Yan. A **** demon knife also fell into the hands of the Northern Demon. The world of knives and illuminates the image of the world. This is a picture of blood and light, and the scene of the **** sea has emerged. The sight is amazing!

"Today, Lao Tzu is to let you recognize the reality, don't look like an invincible world, I can't kill it!"

Su Yan’s eyes are shining, and a flaming celestial iron rod starts with a majestic appearance, like a giant mountain pressed here, revealing suffocating fluctuations!

"Su Yan, hahaha, you really don't see the coffin, no tears, do you think you have the ultimate fighting power?"

The northern demon laughed, the more cold, and the **** demon knife he was in charge of became more and more sturdy and sharp, and he could open the sky!


In the end, the blood of this demon road is boiling, the radiance of self-defense, the tears of a cosmic star, the splendid knives of the gods, and the whole audience, everything will follow. crack!

"This is... this is the demon **** knife!"

The big man who watched the outside world was eclipsed and shocked: "Does the northern demon become the invincible school, and it is impossible to kill the Su Yan sacrifice knife!"

"It is you who recognizes the reality, pick me up, you will be out!"

The **** demon knife passed by, and people felt that the sky and the moon are all cut off!

This knife is too scary, the universe is like being divided, and the **** knives of the sky are smashed, but the stars are smashed, and when they are hit, the sentient beings will die!

"You are a fart, I am blasting you today!"

Su Yan shouted coldly, he was like lightning, the momentum was horrible, one arm smashed the iron bar, this stick smashed out, murderously overwhelming, like the same hanging Wang Yang flew out from the field, flocking to the front!

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