Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 878: Big match

Su Yan’s heroic arrogance, full of blood-stained hair, and a powerful battle body release, exudes the power of the road.

At this moment, he raised his hands and lifted his feet to exude unpredictable power. It shaped like a vast field space, letting Wan Dao and Ming, the scene is like the sea, and various visions are everywhere!

Many people are eclipsed. What is this?

Su Yan actually took the initiative, falling from the sky, there is a peerless attitude to suppress the Northern Demon!

This kind of picture makes the demon domain strong and unbearable, and one big man who is entrenched in the outside world is angry. The northern demon can't even kill Su Yan, and it is also a loss for his own reputation.

After all, Su Yan came to the fore. In the era of Su Yan’s rise, the Northern Demons quickly entered the realm of the gods.

However, twenty years ago, Su Yan has already won the field of the gods, swallowing the world, this moment exudes the horrible domineering of who I am, to directly suppress the northern demon!

This kind of mentality makes the ancestral kings look gloomy, and Su Yan has a kind of mentality to suppress the supremeity of the heavens. This is a great deal. After all, it is very remarkable to be able to confront the heavens.

However, Su Yan now wants to suppress a heavenly supreme, this kind of timidity makes their hearts and minds ups and downs!


The whole world is blurred. People think that the Northern Demon will blow up this pattern and let Su Yan recognize the reality. After all, everyone is the Supreme of Heaven, and no one should arrogant who kills!

However, Su Yan’s own light of the glory of the world is vague and mysterious, as if the grand world was reorganized, and Su Yan evolved into the degree of retrograde logging!


In the face of such unpredictable field power, the Northern Demon revived the most prosperous force, the whole bathing light, all the scales are burning, and spewing out all kinds of sickles, to split the world.

The powerful desu of the Northern Demon is not underestimated. It is like a smashing king in the state of full prosperity.

It is a pity that the Northern Demon encountered Su Yan, and encountered Su Yan who developed the Wan Dao, rooted in chaotic maternality, and eventually transformed!

Nowadays, once Su Yan’s combat power is fully activated, the unpredictable light of the Wan Dao is overwhelming and overwhelming, suppressing all the energy materials that are in chaos, and wanting to suppress the Northern Demon!

"What is that avenue?"

Many spectators are amazed, as if they saw the grand prosperous reunification, the light of the thousand avenues is burning, hidden in a chaos, revealing all kinds of horror!

Wan Dao is attributed to the Chaos Sea Eye. The moments that appear are vague and mysterious. All kinds of fuzzy stars, catastrophes, sun and moon, mountains and mountains, natural things, are released in chaos.

The power of the initial war broke out, and the world returned to the far point, and the era of chaos was first opened. The light of the birth of Wan Dao, like the strongest avenue of the world, overwhelmed the audience!


Su Yan shouts, his majestic and stunning, moves hegemony, down the attack!

The strip was constantly shaking, the light of destruction was born, and the territory of the country was shattered, revealing a dense black and large crack.

It is very difficult for people to see the war zone. It is absolutely abnormal and brutal. There are blood spattering, and there is also the roar of the Northern Demon. This war reveals all kinds of killing power, even more amazing than the explosion of the oven!

"Bad, the North Demon is suppressed!"

"Su madman is terrible. Can he kill a heavenly supreme, the northern demon will be defeated, and there will be a reversal pattern!"

"Who knows, Su Yan's secret technique is quite evil, similar to a kind of **** king field, full of unpredictable pressure, even the secret of time and space can not penetrate the internal picture!"

"Su Yan, what road has it been built in the end? Why is it not clear!"

Even if the outsiders who are entrenched in the outside world are scared, how can this happen? The Northern Demon and Su Yan have already encountered, but now the process is telling them that the Northern Demon is suppressed and beaten to lift the head!

This scene made the demon strong anger, really did not expect Su Yan will be so strong, did not expect the North Demon will be suppressed, everything must be out of their control!


Suddenly, there was a roar of roar, shaking the chaos, and the sound waves penetrated the field!

Some pictures emerged, and shockingly, the North Demon was beaten all over the blood. In this unique field, Su Yan is still overbearing, and the four wilderness roars in one breath, and the heaven and earth gods can make up the loss!

"Give me a drive!"

The northern demon screamed, and the mad tyrants filled the audience. All the people saw that there was a huge murderer with a high heaven and earth behind him. This is a unicorn beast, a **** of martial arts, standing between the heavens and the earth, the demon **** Rich weather!

As the unicorn broke out with a whistling sound, it shook the stars, and all the big stars were shaken!

The heritage of these worlds has really shocked the world, the power of the gods, the northern demon is the northern demon, the means of extinction at the bottom of the pressure box, the sinister mystery recovery, inciting the stars, so that the Wandao domain field has cracked!

The Northern Demon was all blood, but its fierceness was even heavier. He did not expect to be trapped by Su Yan. The pupils were cruel and embarrassing.

Su Yan secretly thought, and battled with the North Demon, let him recognize his own defects!

If the Chaos is working freely, the Northern Demon can't get out of trouble. He is able to lift the North Demon to the suppression of the suppression.

"Practice, strange things can only cooperate, and then you need yourself. I still need to continue to practice in the practice of the gods. My way is still a long way from the gods!"

"It seems that **** battle is needed, so that we can develop a million roads. This chaotic channel is just right for me!"

Su Yan was embarrassed in his heart. He thought that the chaotic motherhood had raised 10,000 roads. As a result, he had a battle with the Northern Demon, and he recognized the defect, a very fatal flaw!

"Su Yan, fighting for so long, it is time to win the game!"

The northern demon is **** and mad. At this moment, he kills and swears, and the demon lord of a demon domain is infinitely erupted, and the unicorn behind it grows up!

"Kirin secret law!"

Many of the big names in the outside world were moved, the battlefield was covered by sound waves, and the Northern Demon broke out with the most invincible connotation. The unicorn secret technique evolved into a killing technique, crowded the audience, and the tens of thousands of accented waves swept away. Come, you can't control the boundaries of the hustle and bustle!

In the face of this peerless shatter, Su Yan’s nephews stood up, and the body murdered overwhelmingly, screaming and screaming, and the golden airflow that was thrown out was filled with the sky!


A huge mountain of gold iron bulls emerged from the back of Su Yan, making a burdock, the void is swaying in the trembling, the stars are shaken, and the power is clear!

Kirin on the gold iron bull!

It is like the strangling of the two former demon sects, the impact of the sound waves between the sound waves, the raging sky, the sky!

"Hurry and leave here, the war is getting more and more terrible. Once we come to us, we can't live!"

Some people vomit blood, the body's blood and blood rushing constantly, their eardrums have to be torn, they are hairy, the two young overlord's strongest foundation to play out with the sound wave contest, the scope of the spread is very wide!


In the end, the heavens and the earth are trembled, and the stars burst into a black and big crack. The world is heading for destruction. In the vague world, people see that Su Yan is still strong and hegemony. Standing in the heyday, there is no decline!

"Must kill him!"

The large group of ancestral temples, killing in the pupil!

The family of the funeral family has risen up against the rise of the sky and ranks among the heavenly supreme. This is the birth of the people in the peak field. If you do not remove this person, the future will be worth it!

"You give me life!"

The Northern Demon is completely irritated, and the demon gods holding the sword will smash the entire starry sky!

He sacrificed the strongest foundation, mana and sky, and promoted the demon gods, the snow is endless, straight to the sky, and swaying out, one after another, one heavy, the power of heaven!

This **** monster knife exudes a kind of magic, which makes people dare not look straight. Every time the momentum turns, the power of the monster knife will soar.

"Oh my God, the demon **** is nine!"

"Special killing of the secrets of the kings of the same generation, the demon **** nine knives, the need for massive power support, the power of the demon **** nine knives, do not know that the northern demon can kill a few knives!"

The big guys who watched the battle outside were standing up a lot, and they all showed their surprises!

The demon **** nine knives, once this secret surgery is completed, known as the invincible school under the king of God, this magical heritage is extremely old, no one thought that the northern demon is actually mastering the demon **** nine knife!


The northern demon screams, waving the demon gods knives, and the horrible knives that are overturned, hanging and hanging, like a **** star river!

The northern enchanting came out with a full eight knives, just like the eight **** dragons, the scorpions were shattered, the cosmic stars were shaking, the world began to be turbulent, and was stunned by this murderous murder!


The audience of the whole audience is boiling, the demon **** is nine knives, and the northern demon directly pulls out a full eight knives. The strength of this mana makes them desperate, and it is incredible!

"The demon **** knife, special killing the king of the same generation, my family north demon out of a full eight knives, Su Yan, you still do not leave your head on the head!"

The strongman of the Northern Demon family is low-lying, and the pupils are excited and excited. I feel that the overall situation has been fixed, and Su Yan can’t escape the eternal life of the demon!

Some people think that a **** knife, like a **** sickle, specifically kills the king of the same generation!

Everything is shattered. This is a picture of horror and boundlessness. The demon gods are all sacrificed. They don’t believe that Su Yan can survive. This is the secret magic weapon of the bottom of the North Demon, killing the kings of the same generation!

"Northern demon is invincible!"

The followers of the Northern Demon excitedly shouted and saw that the world was blurred, drowning Su Yan’s figure and about to get rid of his head!

Only when this is about to approach Su Yan, the brilliance to the ultimate brilliance in the blood is born. In the world covered by **** knives, the golden shadows are swept across the blood-covered land!

The one after another, the heavy force of the power of Futian, ignited the mountains and seas Qiming, the vast tremors of the vast territory, a supreme trend of locking the sky, began to fall out of the nest!


Su Yan waved the iron bars, and the universe was followed by ups and downs and roars!

The blood that covered the sky collapsed, and the starry sky was blown out of a big hole. People saw that they were a tyrant of the earth, blew the abyss, and once again waved the iron bars, as the days followed the suppression. Horror!

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